PRIDE Study Tools

Data has been refreshed as of: Jul 27 2024 01:35

SurveyQualtrics Variable IDDisplay LogicQuestionAnswers
SurveyQualtrics Variable IDDisplay LogicQuestionAnswers
2017AQThis section is meant to give us a sense of your general mental health by asking about specific diagnoses, conditions, symptoms, and behaviors. Many of these questions are standard questions routinely asked in national health surveys. Your honest answers will help us as we study LGBTQ health in The PRIDE Study in order to improve the health and well-being of our communities. Your answers will be kept confidential. Please do your best to answer every question, but you may skip questions that feel too uncomfortable to answer. This section should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.No Answers
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have depression?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQDEPAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had depression? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess. Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Bipolar Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQBPDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Bipolar Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have an anxiety disorder (any)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQANXAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had an anxiety disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Generalized Anxiety Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQGADAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Generalized Anxiety Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess. Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPTSDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had PTSD? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPANICAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQSOCPHOBAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPSYCHOTICAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQOCDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had OCD? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQTRICHOAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder)? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQSKINPICKAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQBDDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had BDD? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQADDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had ADD or ADHD? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have a personality disorder such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPERSONALITYAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had a personality disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQAUDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have a drug or Substance Use Disorder (other than nicotine or alcohol)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQSUDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had a drug or Substance Use Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have an eating disorder such as Anorexia or Bulimia?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQEATINGDOAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had an eating disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQASDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Insomnia or another sleep disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQSLEEPDOAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had insomnia or another sleep disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2017AQHas a mental health professional or physician EVER told you that you have Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHYPOCHONDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or physician that you had Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess. Text Entry (-)
2017AQProblems You May Have HadNo Answers
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had depression?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with pulling out your hair?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with picking at your skin to the point it caused damage?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2017AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems?I have never taken medication for these reasons (0)
I used to take medication for at least one of these reasons (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2017AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems?I have never taken medication for this reason (0)
I used to take medication for this reason (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2017AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems?I have never been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons (0)
I used to be in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2017AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems?I have never been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (0)
I used to be in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2017AQYour HealthNo Answers
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleepNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed - or being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQPHQ9We at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious, or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it's hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2017AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2017AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2017AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2017AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2017AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2017AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2017AQHave you ever experienced this kind of event?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQWe would like to ask you some questions about your emotional life, in particular, how you control (that is, regulate and manage) your emotions. The questions below involve two distinct aspects of your emotional life. One is your emotional experience, or what you feel like inside. The other is your emotional expression, or how you show your emotions in the way you talk, gesture, or behave. Although some of the following questions may seem similar to one another, they differ in important ways. For each item, please answer using the following scale: No Answers
2017AQScale for aq mhNo Answers
2017AQWhen I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I'm thinking about.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQI keep my emotions to myself.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQWhen I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I'm thinking about.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQWhen I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQWhen I'm faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQI control my emotions by not expressing them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQWhen I want to feel more positive emotion, I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQI control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I'm in.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQWhen I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQWhen I want to feel less negative emotion, I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2017AQYou will find a list of statements below. Please rate how true each statement is for you by selecting one option per question.No Answers
2017AQMy painful experiences and memories make it difficult for me to live a life that I would value.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQI'm afraid of my feelings.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQI worry about not being able to control my worries and feelings.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQMy painful memories prevent me from having a fulfilling life.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQEmotions cause problems in my life.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQIt seems like most people are handling their lives better than I am.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQWorries get in the way of my success.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2017AQHave you ever purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSELFHARMWhen was the last time you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself?More than 1 year ago (0)
More than a month ago but less than a year ago (1)
Within the past month (2)
2017AQHave you ever thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2017AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself in the past year?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2017AQHave you ever told someone that you were going to commit suicide, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2017AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2017AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
2017AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2017AQHave you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSMOKE_EVERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2017AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2017AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSMOKE_NOWHow long after waking do you smoke your first cigarette?Within 5 minutes (3)
5-30 minutes (2)
31-60 minutes (1)
After 60 minutes (0)
2017AQSMOKE_NOWDuring the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for 24 hours or more? (Do not count times when you weren't allowed to smoke, like if you were in a hospital or in jail.)Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSMOKE_NOWIn any previous quit attempts, which of the following methods/resources have you used to help you quit? (Check all that apply.)Quit cold turkey (1)
Gradually cut down (2)
Stop smoking class/program for a fee (3)
Stop smoking class/program (no fee) (4)
Advice or counseling from a doctor, nurse, psychologist, or other health professional (5)
Telephone hotline (6)
Hypnosis (7)
Acupuncture (8)
Nicotine gum (9)
Nicotine patch (10)
Nicotine spray (11)
Nicotine inhaler (12)
Nicotine lozenge (13)
Zyban, Wellbutrin, or bupropion for smoking cessation (14)
Chantix or varenicline (15)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) with nicotine (16)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) without nicotine (17)
Internet (please specify website) (18)
Internet (please specify website) (TEXT)
Never tried to quit (0)
Other (please specify) (19)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQSMOKE_NOWHow interested are you in quitting smoking in the near future?Not at all interested (0)
Somewhat interested (1)
Very interested (2)
Extremely interested (3)
2017AQIn the past month, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products OTHER THAN cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (9)
Snuff (10)
Snus (11)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (12)
Other tobacco product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco product (please specify) (TEXT)
No other tobacco product (0)
2017AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2017AQALC5In the past 30 days, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks on one occasion?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHow long has it been since you last had 4 or more drinks on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 4 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2017AQALC4In the past 30 days, on how many days have you had 4 or more drinks on one occasion?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the past year?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How many drinks did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the past year?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion in the past year?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2017AQAUDITC1How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2017AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2017AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2017AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used? (Check all that apply.)I have never used any substances (0)
Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQCAN_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQCAN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQCAN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQCOKE_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQCOKE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQCOKE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSTIM_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQSTIM_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQSTIM_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQMETH_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQMETH_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQMETH_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQINHALE_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQINHALE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQINHALE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)? No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQPOP_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQPOP_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQPOP_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQPOP_FREQDuring the past 3 months, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQSED_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSED_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSED_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQSED_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQSED_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQGHB_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQGHB_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQGHB_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHALL_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQHALL_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQHALL_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQHEROIN_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQNARC_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQNARC_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQNARC_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMDMA_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQMDMA_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQMDMA_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Text Entry (-)
In the past three months, how often have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
Was any of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often has your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2017AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Text Entry (-)
In the past three months, how often have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
Was any of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often has your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2017AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and well-being of sexual and gender minority people like you. For some people discussing their mental health can raise strong emotions or even thoughts of hurting yourself, and it may be helpful to talk about those feelings. We sincerely urge you to get help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our communities!No Answers
2017AQThis section is meant to give us a sense of your social health, or understanding how you are doing with your relationships to the people and communities around you. We ask questions about employment and housing, how you interact with various people who you meet or know, etc. Some of these questions are standard questions routinely asked in national surveys. Your honest answers will help us understand the overall health of our communities. Your answers will be kept confidential. Please do your best to answer every question, but you may skip questions that feel too uncomfortable to answer. This section should take about 10 minutes to complete.No Answers
2017AQEmploymentNo Answers
2017AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2017AQAre you currently a student?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPlease respond to each item by selecting one option.No Answers
2017AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2017AQThe next questions are about romantic or intimate relationships. Please think about how things are right now.No Answers
2017AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (0)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (1)
Other (2)
Other (TEXT)
2017AQRELATIONSHIPPlease select the gender(s) of your partner(s). (Check all that apply.)Genderqueer (0)
Man (1)
Transgender Man (2)
Transgender Woman (3)
Woman (4)
Another Gender Identity (5)
Another Gender Identity (TEXT)
2017AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2017AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
2017AQExperiences in Society The next questions are about experiences with violence, harassment, and discrimination that you may have had throughout your life. These questions will help us know more about LGBTQ people's experiences and challenges. You may be asked if some experiences were due to your sexual orientation (the gender of people you are attracted to), gender identity (the gender you identify as), gender expression (how you outwardly express your gender), or race/ethnicity. This may be hard to know for sure. Please make your best judgment. No Answers
2017AQHave you EVER experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVHARASSWas any of this harassment or name calling from strangers in public due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVHARASSIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRHARASSWas any of this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVATTACKWere any of these physical attacks or injuries due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVATTACKIn the PAST YEAR, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRATTACKWere any of these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER experienced physical violence from a romantic partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVDVWas any of this physical violence from a romantic partner due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVDVIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRDVWas any of this physical violence from a romantic partner that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVSAWas any of this unwanted sexual contact due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVSAHow old were you when this unwanted sexual contact occurred? (Check all that apply.)Child (0-12 years) (1)
Adolescent (12-17 years) (2)
Adult (18 years) (3)
2017AQEVSAIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRSAWas any of this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVJOBDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in employment due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVJOBDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRJOBDISCWas any of this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVHOUSDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in housing/eviction due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVHOUSDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRHOUSDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVSERVDISCWas any of the poorer service due to your… (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVSERVDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRSERVDISCWas any of this poorer service in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVSCHDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in educational settings due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVSCHDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRSCHDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVMEDWas any of this discrimination in a medical setting due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVMEDIn the PAST YEAR, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRMEDWas any of this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVMENTALWas any of this discrimination in a mental health setting due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVMENTALIn the PAST YEAR, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRMENTALWas any of this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQHave you EVER experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQEVPOLICEWas any of this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer due to … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQEVPOLICEIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer? Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYRPOLICEWas any of this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply)Sexual orientation (1)
Gender identity (2)
Gender expression (3)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
None of the above (0)
2017AQTo better customize the rest of your survey, we have 3 available versions of remaining questions. Each version has the same questions, but with customized language. Please choose the option that you think is best for you.No Answers
2017AQI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: transgender, genderqueer, questioning your gender identity, etc.) (0)
Sexual minority people (for example: lesbian, gay, bisexual, queer, questioning your sexual orientation, asexual, etc.) (1)
People who identify as both sexual and gender minority (2)
2017AQCYOAThe next questions are about your views about communities that you have lived in.No Answers
2017AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how safe for gender minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2017AQCYOAOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2017AQCYOATo what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?No Answers
2017AQCYOAI wish I weren't gay/lesbian/bisexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI feel that being gay/lesbian/bisexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from gay/lesbian/bisexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOATo what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?No Answers
2017AQCYOAI wish I weren't transgender or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely non-transgender, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI feel that being transgender or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my gender from transgender/gender minority to non-transgender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2017AQThe next questions are about your experiences with spiritual and/or religious groups.No Answers
2017AQWere you raised with spiritual or religious involvement?Yes (1)
No (2)
How accepting of sexual minority people was the religious community in which you were raised?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
How accepting of gender minority people was the religious community in which you were raised?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2017AQAre you currently spiritual or religious?Yes (1)
No (0)
How accepting of sexual minority people is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
How accepting of gender minority people is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2017AQRELIGIOUSWhat is your current religious or spiritual identity? (Check all that apply.)Agnostic (1)
Atheist (2)
Bahai (3)
Buddhist (4)
Christian (5)
Confucianist (6)
Druid (7)
Hindu (8)
Jain (9)
Jehovahs Witness (10)
Jewish - Conservative (11)
Jewish - Orthodox (12)
Jewish - Reform (13)
Muslim - Ahmadi (14)
Muslim - Shiite (15)
Muslim - Sufi (16)
Muslim - Sunni (17)
Native American Traditional Practitioner or Ceremonial (18)
Pagan (19)
Rastafarian (20)
Scientologist (21)
Secular Humanist (22)
Shinto (23)
Sikh (24)
Taoist (25)
Tenrikyo (26)
Wiccan (27)
Spiritual, but no religious affiliation (28)
No affiliation (0)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (29)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQRELIGIONPlease select your Christian affiliation.African Methodist Episcopal (1)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion (2)
Assembly of God (3)
Baptist (4)
Catholic/Roman Catholic (5)
Church of Christ (6)
Church of God in Christ (7)
Christian Orthodox (8)
Christian Methodist Episcopal (9)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC) (10)
Episcopalian (11)
Evangelical (12)
Greek Orthodox (13)
Lutheran (14)
Mennonite (15)
Moravian (16)
Nondenominational Christian (17)
Pentecostal (18)
Presbyterian (19)
Protestant (20)
Protestant Reformed Church (21)
Quaker (22)
Reformed Church of America (RCA) (23)
Russian Orthodox (24)
Seventh Day Adventist (25)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (26)
United Methodist (27)
Unitarian Universalist (28)
United Church of Christ (29)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (30)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQCYOAThe next questions about how your parent(s) reacted to learning about your identity.No Answers
2017AQCYOAWhen your parent(s) initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they? Mother or Parent 1Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my gender identity (88)
2017AQCYOAWhen your parent(s) initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they? Father or Parent 2Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my gender identity (88)
2017AQCYOAIn your most recent interactions with your parent(s), how accepting were they of your gender identity? Mother or Parent 1Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my gender identity (88)
2017AQCYOAIn your most recent interactions with your parent(s), how accepting were they of your gender identity? Father or Parent 2Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my gender identity (88)
2017AQCYOAWhen your parent(s) initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they? Mother or Parent 1Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my sexual orientation (88)
2017AQCYOAWhen your parent(s) initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they? Father or Parent 2Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my sexual orientation (88)
2017AQCYOAIn your most recent interactions with your parent(s), how accepting were they of your sexual orientation? Mother or Parent 1Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my sexual orientation (88)
2017AQCYOAIn your most recent interactions with your parent(s), how accepting were they of your sexual orientation? Father or Parent 2Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not/did not know about my sexual orientation (88)
2017AQThis section is meant to give us a sense of your physical health. We ask questions about your physical activity, sex life, health insurance, cancer screening, vaccinations, pregnancies, complementary and integrative health, and vitamins and minerals. Many of these questions are standard questions routinely asked in national health surveys. Your honest answers will help us as we study LGBTQ health in The PRIDE Study in order to improve the health and well-being of our communities. Your answers will be kept confidential. Please do your best to answer every question, but you may skip questions that feel too uncomfortable to answer. This section should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.No Answers
2017AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2017AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2017AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2017AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2017AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2017AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2017AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2017AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2017AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2017AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst pain imaginable (10)
2017AQPhysical ActivityNo Answers
2017AQHow many days per week do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2017AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHow many days per week do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2017AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHow many days per week do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2017AQHealthcare AccessNo Answers
2017AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to most often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2017AQDURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or provider in the past 12 months. (2)
2017AQDuring the past 12 months, have you seen or talked to any health care provider (general doctor, obstetrician/gynecologist, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or midwife) about your own health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQDo you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2017AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2017AQIn regard to your health insurance or health care coverage, how does it compare to a year ago? Is it better, worse, or about the same?Better (2)
Worse (0)
About the same (1)
I dont know (88)
2017AQIn the last 12 months, were you delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a doctor believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQDELAYCAREWhich of these best describes the main reason you were delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a doctor believed necessary?I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
I speak a different language (4)
I couldnt get time off work or school (5)
I dont know where to go to get care (6)
I was refused services (7)
I couldnt get child care (8)
I didnt have time or took too long (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2017AQIn the last 12 months, were you unable to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a doctor believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the main reason you were unable to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a doctor believed necessary?I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
I speak a different language (4)
I couldnt get time off work or school (5)
I dont know where to go to get care (6)
I was refused services (7)
I couldnt get child care (8)
I didnt have time or took too long (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2017AQThe next questions are about money that you have spent out of pocket on medical care.No Answers
2017AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
Less than 500 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2017AQOOPIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
Less than 500 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2017AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, are you under the care of any of the following specialists? (Check all that apply.)I do not see a specialist (0)
Allergist or immunologist (allergy doctor) (1)
Cardiologist (heart doctor) (2)
Dermatologist (skin doctor) (3)
Endocrinologist (hormone doctor) (4)
Gastroenterologist (digestive doctor) (5)
Hemataologist (blood doctor) (6)
Hepatologist (liver doctor) (7)
Oncologist (cancer doctor) (8)
Nephrologist (kidney doctor) (9)
Neurologist (brain and nerve doctor) (10)
Neurosurgeon (brain and spine surgeon) (11)
Gynecologist (reproductive and genital/urinary doctor) (12)
Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) (13)
Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) (14)
Plastic surgeon (repair, reconstruction, and physical replacement surgeon) (15)
Podiatrist (foot doctor) (16)
Psychiatric nurse practitioner (17)
Psychiatrist (mental health doctor) (18)
Psychologist, psychotherapist, or other mental health counselor (19)
Pulmonologist (lung doctor) (20)
Rheumatologist (joint and inflammation doctor) (21)
Speech/language therapist (22)
Urologist (genital/urinary health doctor) (23)
Someone not listed here (24)
Someone not listed here (TEXT)
2017AQCancer ScreeningNo Answers
2017AQCancer screening should be based on organs that people currently have. To appropriate ask you about cancer screening, which of the following organs do you have? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (0)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (1)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (2)
2017AQORGANSHave you EVER HAD a Pap smear or Pap test?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQORGANSHow long has it been since your last Pap smear or Pap test?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPAP_LASTWhat is the most important reason you have NOT had a Pap test in the LAST 5 YEARS?No reason/never thought about it (0)
Didnt need it/didnt know I needed this type of test (1)
Doctor didnt order it/didnt say I needed it (2)
Havent had any problems (3)
Put it off/didnt get around to it (4)
Too expensive/no insurance/cost (5)
Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing (6)
Had a hysterectomy (7)
Dont have a doctor (8)
2017AQPAP_EVERWhat is the most important reason you have NEVER had a Pap test?No reason/never thought about it (0)
Didnt need it/didnt know I needed this type of test (1)
Doctor didnt order it/didnt say I needed it (2)
Havent had any problems (3)
Put it off/didnt get around to it (4)
Too expensive/no insurance/cost (5)
Too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing (6)
Had a hysterectomy (7)
Dont have a doctor (8)
2017AQPAP_LASTHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the LAST 3 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQORGANSHave you ever heard of HPV? HPV stands for human papillomavirus.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHPV_HEARDDid you have HPV test with your most recent Pap?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHPV_HEARDHave you had a HPV test in the LAST 3 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQORGANSHave you EVER HAD a mammogram?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQMAMMO_EVERHow long has it been since your last mammogram?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
2017AQMAMMO_EVERHow many mammograms have you had in the LAST 6 YEARS?Text Entry (-)
2017AQMAMMO_6YRHave you had a mammogram in the LAST 6 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2017AQORGANSHave you EVER HAD a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPSA_EVERHow long has it been since your last PSA test?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPSA_EVERWho first suggested the PSA test?I did (0)
My doctor did (1)
Someone else (2)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPSA_EVERHow many PSA tests have you had in the LAST 5 years?Text Entry (-)
2017AQPSA_EVERDid a doctor EVER talk with you about the advantages of the PSA test?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you and your doctor or other health professional ever DISCUSSED getting a test to check for colon cancer?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQColon cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that causes diarrhea. Have you EVER HAD any of these tests for colon cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2017AQCOLON_TESTHow long has it been since your last blood stool test (FIT test)?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
2017AQCOLON_TESTHow long has it been since your last sigmoidoscopy?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
2017AQCOLON_TESTHow long has it been since your last colonoscopy?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
2017AQBlood DonationNo Answers
2017AQHave you donated blood in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSleepNo Answers
2017AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hour period? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQOral HealthNo Answers
2017AQAbout how long has it been since you last visited a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as, orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.6 months or less (0)
More than 6 months, but not more than 1 year ago (1)
More than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago (2)
More than 2 years, but not more than 3 years ago (3)
More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years ago (4)
More than 5 years ago (5)
Never have been to dentist (6)
2017AQDENT_VISITWhat was the main reason you last visited the dentist?I went in on my own for check-up, examination, or cleaning (0)
I was called in by the dentist for check-up, examination, or cleaning (1)
Something was wrong, bothering, or hurting me (2)
I went for treatment of a condition that dentist discovered at earlier check-up or examination (3)
Other (4)
Other (TEXT)
2017AQDENT_VISITDuring the past 12 months, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2017AQHow often during the last year have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2017AQThe next questions will ask about the condition of your teeth and some factors related to gum health. Gum disease is a common problem with the mouth. People with gum disease might have swollen gums, receding gums, sore or infected gums or loose teeth.No Answers
2017AQDo you think you might have gum disease?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQOverall, how would you rate the health of your teeth and gums? Would you say…?Excellent (4)
Very good (3)
Good (2)
Fair (1)
Poor (0)
2017AQHow many times you brush your teeth in one day?Text Entry (-)
2017AQHave you ever had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSexual Behavior The next set of questions mentions body organs. The organs mentioned refer to the organs you currently have. We are asking these questions to get a comprehensive look at your health. We know that people refer to their organs differently, and we have tried to use the medical terms as well as commonly used non-medical terms. We know that this will not accurately reflect the diversity of our communities, but we hope it gets us closer to some critical health understanding. No Answers
2017AQDo you have a vagina or front hole?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQDo you have a penis or phallus? (This refers to your anatomy, not a sex toy.)Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHave you ever engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had receptive vaginal / front hole sex? This means a penis/phallus in your vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had insertive vaginal / front hole sex? This means putting your penis/phallus in someone's vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had vagina/front hole sex where your vagina/front hole is touching another person's vagina/front hole?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever performed oral sex? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis / phallus (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina / front hole (2)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had anal sex? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex) (2)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever performed oral-anal sex (also called rimming)? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever performed digital penetration (also called fingering)? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina/front hole or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina/front hole (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2017AQSEX_EVERHave you ever used sex toys (such as dildos) with a sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEXTOYDid you insert the sex toy into someone's body or did you receive the sex toy into your body or both?Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (0)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (1)
Yes, both (2)
2017AQSEX_EVERPlease tell us about other kinds of sex that you have.Text Entry (-)
2017AQSEX_EVERHow old were you the first time you had any kind of sex including vaginal/front hole, oral, and anal?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSEX_EVERIn your lifetime, with how many people have you had any kind of sex?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSEX_EVERIn the past 12 months, with how many people have you had any kind of sex?Text Entry (-)
In the past 12 months, about how many times have you had vaginal/front hole sex?Text Entry (-)
2017AQVAGSEX_YEARIn the past 12 months, about how often have you had vaginal/front hole sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2017AQVAGSEX_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had vaginal/front hole sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSEX_EVERIn the past 12 months, about how many times have you had receptive anal sex? (This means contact between a penis/phallus and your anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQANALSEX_YEARIn the past 12 months, about how often have you had receptive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus and your anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2017AQANALSEX_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had receptive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus and your anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQSEX_EVERIn the past 12 months, about how many times have you had receptive anal sex (that is, you were the bottom)? This means contact between someone's penis/phallus and your anus or butt.Text Entry (-)
2017AQBOTTOM_YEARIn the past 12 months, about how often have you had receptive anal sex (that is, you were the bottom) without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2017AQBOTTOM_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had receptive anal sex (that is, you were the bottom) without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2017AQSEX_EVERIn the past 12 months, about how many times have you had insertive anal sex (that is, you were the top)? This means contact between your penis/phallus and someone's anus or butt.Text Entry (-)
2017AQTOP_YEARIn the past 12 months, about how often have you had insertive anal sex (that is, you were the top) without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2017AQTOP_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had insertive anal sex (that is, you were the top) without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2017AQVAGINASexual Satisfaction / DysfunctionNo Answers
2017AQ These questions ask about your sexual feelings and responses during the past 4 weeks. Please answer the following questions as honestly and clearly as possible. Your responses will be kept completely confidential. In answering these questions the following definitions apply: Sexual activity can include caressing, foreplay, masturbation and vaginal intercourse. Sexual stimulation includes situations like foreplay with a partner, self-stimulation (masturbation), or sexual fantasy. Sexual desire or interest is a feeling that includes wanting to have a sexual experience, feeling receptive to a partner's sexual initiation, and thinking or fantasizing about having sex. No Answers
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel sexual desire or interest?Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level (degree) of sexual desire or interest?Very high (5)
High (4)
Moderate (3)
Low (2)
Very low or none at all (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel sexually aroused ("turned on") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level of sexual arousal ("turn on") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Very high (5)
High (4)
Moderate (3)
Low (2)
Very low or none at all (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how confident were you about becoming sexually aroused during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Very high confidence (5)
High confidence (4)
Moderate confidence (3)
Low confidence (2)
Very low or no confidence (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often have you been satisfied with your arousal (excitement) during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, when you had sexual stimulation, how often did you reach orgasm (climax)?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, when you had sexual stimulation, how difficult was it for you to reach orgasm (climax)?No sexual activity (0)
Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied were you with your ability to reach orgasm (climax) during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with the amount of emotional closeness during sexual activity between you and your partner?No sexual activity (0)
Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship with your partner?Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with your overall sexual life?Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience discomfort or pain during vaginal or front hole penetration?Did not attempt penetration (0)
Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience discomfort or pain following vaginal or front hole penetration?Did not attempt penetration (0)
Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2017AQVAGINAOver the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level (degree) of discomfort or pain during or following vaginal or front hole penetration?Did not attempt penetration (0)
Very high (1)
High (2)
Moderate (3)
Low (4)
Very low or none at all (5)
2017AQPENISThe following questions concern various aspects of your ability to have sex. In answering these questions, please think about all aspects of the sexual activity you have had with your main partner, with other partners, or masturbating. By sexual activity, we mean any type of sex you may have had, including intercourse, oral sex or other sexual activities that could lead to ejaculation. Some of these questions might be difficult to answer. Please answer as many as possible, and be as honest as you can when answering them. Please remember that all of your answers are confidential. The first questions concern your erections, which some people refer to as “hard-ons".No Answers
2017AQPENISIn the last month, have you taken Viagra or any similar drugs for problems with your erection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, without using drugs like Viagra, how often have you been able to get an erection when you wanted to? (Check only one)All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time (1)
Used Viagra or similar drug with every sexual encounter (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, if you were able to get an erection without using drugs like Viagra, how often were you able to stay hard as long as you wanted to? (Check only one)All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time (1)
Used Viagra or similar drug with every sexual encounter (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, if you were able to get an erection, without using drugs like Viagra, how would you rate the hardness of your erection? (Check only one)Completely hard (5)
Almost completely hard (4)
Mostly hard, but can be slightly bent (3)
A little hard, but bends easily (2)
Not at all hard (1)
Used Viagra or similar drug with every sexual encounter (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, if you have had difficulty getting hard or staying hard without using drugs like Viagra, have you been bothered by this problem?… (Check only one)Not at all bothered/Did not have a problem with erection (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2017AQPENISThe next section deals with ejaculation and the pleasure you have with ejaculation. Ejaculation or “cumming” is the release of semen or “cum” during sexual climax. These questions concern all of your ejaculations when having sexual activity. These could include ejaculations you have had with your main partner, as well as with other partners, or ejaculations you have had when masturbating.No Answers
2017AQPENISIn the last month, how often have you been able to ejaculate when having sexual activity? (Check only one)All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time/Could not ejaculate (1)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, when having sexual activity, how often did you feel that you took too long to ejaculate or “cum”? (Check only one)None of the time (5)
Less than half of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Most of the time (2)
All of the time (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, when having sexual activity, how often have you felt like you were ejaculating (“cumming”), but no fluid came out? None of the time (5)
Less than half of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Most of the time (2)
All of the time (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, how would you rate the strength or force of your ejaculation? As strong as it always was (5)
A little less strong than it used to be (4)
Somewhat less strong than it used to be (3)
Much less strong than it used to be (2)
Very much less strong than it used to be (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, how would you rate the amount or volume of semen when you ejaculate? As much as it always was (5)
A little less than it used to be (4)
Somewhat less than it used to be (3)
Much less than it used to be (2)
Very much less than it used to be (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2017AQPENISCompared to ONE month ago, would you say the physical pleasure you feel when you ejaculate has…Increased a lot (5)
Increased moderately (4)
Neither increased nor decreased (3)
Decreased moderately (2)
Decreased a lot (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, have you experienced any physical pain or discomfort when you ejaculated? Would you say you have…No pain at all (5)
Slight amount of pain or discomfort (4)
Moderate amount of pain or discomfort (3)
Strong amount of pain or discomfort (2)
Extreme amount of pain or discomfort (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, if you have had any ejaculation difficulties or have been unable to ejaculate, have you been bothered by this? Not at all bothered (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2017AQPENISDo you have a “main partner”?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPENISThese next few questions ask about your relationship with your main partner over the last month. Some of these questions concern your sexual relationship, while others are about your overall relationship. No Answers
2017AQPENISGenerally, how satisfied are you with the overall sexual relationship you have with your main partner? (Check only one) relationship. Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2017AQPENISGenerally, how satisfied are you with the quality of the sex life you have with your main partner? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2017AQPENISGenerally, how satisfied are you with the number of times you and your main partner have sex? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2017AQPENISGenerally, how satisfied are you with the way you and your main partner show affection during sex? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2017AQPENISGenerally, how satisfied are you with the way you and your main partner communicate about sex? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2017AQPENISAside from your sexual relationship, how satisfied are you with all other aspects of the relationship you have with your main partner? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2017AQPENISThe next set of questions concern the sexual activity you have had in the last month. In answering these questions, we want to know about all of the sexual activity you have had with your main partner, with other partners, or masturbating. By sexual activity, we mean any type of sex you may have had, including intercourse, oral sex, or any other sexual activities that could lead to ejaculation.No Answers
2017AQPENISIn the last month, how often have you had sexual activity, including masturbating, intercourse, oral sex, or any other type of sex? (Check only one) Daily or almost daily (5)
More than 6 times per month (4)
4-6 times per month (3)
1-3 times per month (2)
0 times per month (1)
2017AQPENISWhen was the last time you had sex? (Check only one)1-3 months ago (5)
4-6 months ago (4)
7-12 months ago (3)
13-24 months ago (2)
More than 24 months ago (1)
2017AQPENISWhat are the reasons you have not had sex in the last month?I could not have sex because I could not get an erection. (1)
I could not have sex because I could not ejaculate or cum. (2)
I had no partner. (3)
Other (please specify) (4)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQPENISCompared to ONE month ago, has the number of times you have had sexual activity increased or decreased? Increased a lot (5)
Increased moderately (4)
Neither increased nor decreased (3)
Decreased moderately (2)
Decreased a lot (1)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, have you been bothered by these changes in the number of times you have had sexual activity? Not at all bothered (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2017AQPENISThese next questions ask about your urge or desire to have sex with your main partner. Some people refer to this as “feeling horny”. These questions concern the sexual urges you have felt toward your main partner, and not whether you actually had sex. IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A MAIN PARTNER, PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITHOUT REFERENCE TO A "MAIN PARTNERNo Answers
2017AQPENISIn the last month, how often have you felt an urge or desire to have sex with your main partner? All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time/Could not ejaculate (1)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, how would you rate your urge or desire to have sex with your main partner? Very high (5)
High (4)
Moderate (3)
Low (2)
Very low or none at all (1)
2017AQPENISIn the last month, have you been bothered by your level of sexual desire? Have you been…Not at all bothered (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2017AQPENISCompared to ONE month ago, has your urge or desire for sex with your main partner increased or decreased? Increased a lot (5)
Increased moderately (4)
Neither increased nor decreased (3)
Decreased moderately (2)
Decreased a lot (1)
2017AQSexual Health and InfectionsNo Answers
2017AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHERPES_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had genital herpes in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQWARTS_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had genital warts in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHPV_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQGC_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea (also called GC or the clap) in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had chlamydia?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQCT_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had syphilis?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSYPHILIS_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had syphilis in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQExcept for tests that you may have had as part of blood donations, have you ever been tested for HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHIVTEST_EVERHave you been tested for HIV within the past year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHIVTEST_EVERWhat is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2017AQHIVSTATUSPrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Before today, have you ever heard of PrEP?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPREP_HEARDWould you be interested in learning more about PrEP?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPREP_HEARDHave you ever been on PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPREP_EVERAre you currently on PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQAre you currently on PrEP as part of a clinical study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPREP_NOWHow would you rate your ability to take your PrEP pills as prescribed?Very poor (0)
Poor (1)
Fair (2)
Good (3)
Very good (4)
2017AQPREP_NOWIn the past 7 days, how many days did you take your PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2017AQPREP_NOWWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I became infected with HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2017AQHIVSTATUSPEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications AFTER potentially being exposed to HIV in order to prevent HIV infection. Have you ever heard of PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPEP_HEARDHave you ever taken anti-HIV medications (PEP) AFTER potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQHIVSTATUSDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This may be the same provider as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
More than every 12 months (4)
2017AQHIVSTATUSHow frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
More than every 12 months (4)
2017AQHIVSTATUSAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (3)
2017AQHIVSTATUSWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
More than every 12 months (4)
2017AQHIVSTATUSIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (3)
2017AQVaccinationsNo Answers
2017AQDURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protects against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you EVER had a pneumonia shot? This shot is usually given only once or twice in a person's lifetime and is different from the flu shot. It is also called the pneumococcal vaccine.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you EVER received the hepatitis B vaccine? This is given in three separate doses and has been available since 1991. It is recommended for newborn infants, adolescents, and people such as health care workers, who may be exposed to the hepatitis B virus. Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQThe hepatitis A vaccine is given as a two-dose series routinely to some children starting at 1 year of age, and to some adults and people who travel outside the United States. Although it can be given as a combination vaccine with hepatitis B, it is different from the hepatitis B shot, and has only been available since 1995. Have you ever received the hepatitis A vaccine?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQShingles is an outbreak of a rash or blisters on the skin that may be associated with severe pain. The pain is generally on one side of the body or face. Shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus. A vaccine for shingles has been available since May 2006. Have you ever had the Zoster or Shingles vaccine, also called Zostavax®?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you received a tetanus shot in the past 10 years?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you ever received an HPV shot or vaccine? HPV stands for human papillomavirus. The vaccines are sometimes called CERVARIX® or GARDASIL®.Yes (1)
No (0)
Doctor refused when asked (2)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPregnancy and Family PlanningNo Answers
2017AQDid you ever have a uterus / womb?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERDo you currently have a uterus / womb?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERHave you ever had a menstrual period?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQMENSES_EVERHow old were you when your menstrual period started? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQMENSES_EVERHave you had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason that you have not had a period in the past 12 months? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones to stop my periods (5)
Other (6)
Other (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2017AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERThe next questions are about pregnancy planning and your pregnancy history, if applicable.No Answers
2017AQUTERUS_NOWAre you planning to be pregnant in the next 1 year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERHave you ever attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERHave you ever been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERHave you ever been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERHave you ever been pregnant? Please include any current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQPREG_EVERHow many times have you been pregnant? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_EVERDid any of your pregnancies result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_EVERHow many miscarriages have you had? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_EVERHow many tubal pregnancies have you had? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_EVERHow many abortions have you had? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQPREG_EVERHow old were you at the time of your first pregnancy? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQLIVE_BIRTHHow old were you at the time of your first live birth? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQUTERUS_EVERHave you ever breast/chest fed a child?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQBREASTFEDWere the children that you breast/chest fed born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
2017AQSex WorkNo Answers
2017AQHave you ever engaged in sex or sexual activity for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSEXWORKWhat type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you ever done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2017AQHave you engaged in sex or sexual activity for food?Yes, within the past year (2)
Yes, but more than a year ago (1)
No (0)
2017AQHave you engaged in sex or sexual activity for a place to sleep?Yes, within the past year (2)
Yes, but more than a year ago (1)
No (0)
2017AQHave you engaged in sex or sexual activity for drugs?Yes, within the past year (2)
Yes, but more than a year ago (1)
No (0)
2017AQComplementary and Integrative HealthNo Answers
2017AQThe next questions are about your use of various practices that some people use to manage physical and/or mental health conditions.No Answers
2017AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used acupuncture to manage physical and/or or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQACUWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use acupuncture to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQACUHow effective has acupuncture been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation to manage physical and/or or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQCHIROWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQCHIROHow effective has chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used energy healing to manage physical and/or or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQENERGYWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use energy healing to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQENERGYHow effective has energy healing been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used massage therapy to manage physical and/or or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMASSAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use massage therapy to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQMASSAGEHow effective has massage therapy been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of meditation regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMEDITATIONPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent meditating, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2017AQMEDITATIONWas your meditation practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMEDITATION_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use meditation to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQMEDITATION_MANAGEHow effective has meditation been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of yoga regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYOGAPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent practicing yoga, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2017AQYOGAWas your yoga practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQYOGA_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use yoga to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQYOGA_MANAGEHow effective has yoga been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQMedical MarijuanaNo Answers
2017AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and I have a physicians recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a physicians recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2017AQWhat problems or conditions do you use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage?Text Entry (-)
2017AQMEDMJHow effective has medical cannabis/marijuana been in managing this/these problem(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2017AQMEDMJWhat forms of medical cannabis/marijuana have you used in the past month? (Check all that apply.)Smoking cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form (1)
Vaporizing cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form or as an extract (2)
Dabbing cannabis/marijuana concentrates (e.g., wax, shatter) (3)
Eating cannabis/marijuana in capsules or food products (4)
Applying cannabis-containing balms, tinctures, or other products (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQVitamins and MineralsNo Answers
2017AQAre you taking any of the following supplements? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Multivitamin (1)
Fish Oil/Omega-3 Fatty Acids (2)
Glucosamine and/or chondroitin (3)
Probiotics/prebiotics (4)
Melatonin (5)
Coenzyme Q10 (6)
Echinacea (7)
Cranberry (pills, capsules) (8)
Garlic supplements (9)
Ginseng (10)
Ginkgo biloba (11)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (12)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (13)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (14)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
2017AQThis section asks additional questions about you and your identities, your use of social media, income, military service, and future research in The PRIDE Study. Your honest answers will help us understand the overall health of our communities. Your answers will be kept confidential. Please do your best to answer every question, but you may skip questions that feel too uncomfortable to answer. This section should take about 5 minutes to complete.No Answers
2017AQMore About MeNo Answers
2017AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct US Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2017AQIf a national survey company, like Gallup, asked you the following question: “We are asking only for statistical purposes: Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?” How would you answer? I would answer Yes. (1)
I would answer No. (0)
I would not answer the question. (2)
2017AQIn politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Democrat, an Independent, a Republican, or another party?Democrat (1)
Independent (2)
Republican (3)
Another party (4)
2017AQPOLPARTYAs of today, do you lean more toward the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?Democratic Party (1)
Republican Party (2)
Neither/Other (3)
2017AQHow would you describe your political views?Very conservative (1)
Conservative (2)
Moderate (3)
Liberal (4)
Very liberal (5)
2017AQDo you identity as intersex?Yes (1)
No (2)
2017AQINTERSEXWhat does intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
2017AQDo you consider yourself a member of any of the following communities? (Check all that apply.)None of these (1)
BDSM (2)
Kink (3)
Leather (4)
Puppy pack (5)
Faeries (6)
Bear (7)
Another community (please specify) (8)
Another community (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in 2016?Text Entry (-)
2017AQWhat is your current total student loan debt (in US dollars)?Text Entry (-)
2017AQDid you work for pay at any time in 2016?Yes (1)
No (2)
2017AQJOBHow many months in 2016 did you have at least one job or business?Text Entry (-)
2017AQWhat is your current relationship status?Partnered, living with 1 or more partners (1)
Partnered, not living with a partner (2)
Single (3)
Something else (4)
Something else (TEXT)
2017AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2017AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with a partner, spouse, or other person who pays for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please specify) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQWhat is your citizenship or immigration status in the U.S.? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. We have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).U.S. citizen by birth (1)
U.S. citizen by naturalization (2)
Permanent resident (Green card holder) (3)
A visa holder (such as F-1, J-1, H-1B, and U) (4)
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) (5)
DAPA (Deferred Action for Parental Accountability) (6)
Refugee status (7)
Undocumented resident (8)
Currently under a withholding of removal status (9)
Other documented status not mentioned above (10)
Id prefer not to disclose this (11)
2017AQMilitary ServiceNo Answers
2017AQHave you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. We have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2017AQMIL_EVERAre you still serving in the military including Reserves and National Guard?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMIL_EVERWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
2017AQMIL_NOWDid you separate from military service within the last 10 years?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2017AQMIL_EVERDid you ever get any type of health care through the VA?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQVACARE_EVERDo you currently get any type of health care through the VA?Yes (1)
No (0)
2017AQSocial MediaNo Answers
2017AQOn which social media sites, do you have a profile? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Facebook (1)
Google (2)
Instagram (3)
LinkedIn (4)
Pinterest (5)
Snapchat (6)
Twitter (7)
2017AQSOCMED_PROFILEPlease select up to two sites that you use the most?Facebook (1)
Google (2)
Instagram (3)
LinkedIn (4)
Pinterest (5)
Snapchat (6)
Twitter (7)
2017AQPlease indicate how true or not true the following statement is to you:I am very active in social networking sitesCompletely not true (1)
Mostly not true (2)
Neither not true or true (3)
Mostly true (4)
Completely true (5)
2017AQPlease indicate how true or not true the following statement is to you:I often comment on friends' posts or statusCompletely not true (1)
Mostly not true (2)
Neither not true or true (3)
Mostly true (4)
Completely true (5)
2017AQPlease indicate how true or not true the following statement is to you: I often browse social networking sites but don't post status updatesCompletely not true (1)
Mostly not true (2)
Neither not true or true (3)
Mostly true (4)
Completely true (5)
2017AQPlease indicate how true or not true the following statement is to you: I rarely interact with others on social networking sitesCompletely not true (1)
Mostly not true (2)
Neither not true or true (3)
Mostly true (4)
Completely true (5)
2017AQPlease indicate how true or not true the following statement is to you: I am relatively passive in social networking sitesCompletely not true (1)
Mostly not true (2)
Neither not true or true (3)
Mostly true (4)
Completely true (5)
2017AQFuture Research in The PRIDE StudyNo Answers
2017AQIn the future, The PRIDE Study may conduct optional research studies that involve taking certain measurements at home such as your heart rate or blood pressure. Additionally, The PRIDE Study may conduct optional research studies that include collection of biological specimens such as saliva, urine, hair samples, or blood.In order to determine if these are research studies that we should conduct, we are asking the next questions to find out which devices our participants own and what specimens they would be willing to give us for research purposes. No Answers
2017AQDo you own a scale that can measure your weight? It does not need to be a digital scale or a "smart" scale that is connected to the Internet.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQDo you own an automatic (digital) blood pressure cuff that goes around your upper arm (not your wrist)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQDo you own a glucometer (a device that checks your blood sugar level using a small drop of blood obtained by a fingerstick)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request you submit a saliva sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request you submit a urine sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request you submit a hair sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request you submit a blood sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request you submit a cheek scraping (where you gently scrape the inside of your cheek to get cells from inside your mouth)? This is also know as a buccal swab.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you ever done DNA genetic testing with the company 23andMe?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQ23ANDMEWould you be willing to share your 23andMe results with The PRIDE Study?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQHave you ever done DNA genetic testing with the company (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQANCESTRYWould you be willing to share your results with The PRIDE Study?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2017AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Genderqueer (1)
Man (2)
Transgender man (3)
Transgender woman (4)
Woman (5)
Another gender identity (please specify) (6)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQWhat was your sex assigned at birth, for example on your original birth certificate?Female (2)
Male (1)
2018AQDo you identify as intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQINTERSEXWhat does being intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight/Heterosexual (9)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (10)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct U.S. Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhat is your current weight in pounds (lbs)? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhat is your current height in feet and inches? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhich categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian or Alaska Native (For example: Aztec, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Navajo Nation, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) (1)
Asian (For example: Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) (2)
Black, African American or African (For example: African American, Ethiopian, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Somali, etc.) (3)
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish (For example: Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, etc.) (4)
Middle Eastern or North African (For example: Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, etc.) (5)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (For example: Chamorro, Fijian, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Tongan, etc.) (6)
White (For example: English, European, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.) (7)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (8)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQProblems You May Have HadNo Answers
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had depression?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with pulling out your hair?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with picking at your skin to the point it caused damage?I have never had this problem (0)
Yes, I have in the past, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2018AQHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (6)
2018AQHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (6)
2018AQHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (6)
2018AQHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (7)
2018AQHow satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the amount of body fat you have?Very dissatisfied (0)
Somewhat dissatisfied (1)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (2)
Somewhat satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2018AQBSAT_FATWould you prefer to have more body fat, or less body fat?More body fat (0)
Less body fat (1)
2018AQHow satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the amount of muscle mass you have?Very dissatisfied (0)
Somewhat dissatisfied (1)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (2)
Somewhat satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2018AQBSAT_MUSCWould you prefer to have more muscle mass, or less muscle mass?More muscle mass (0)
Less muscle mass (1)
2018AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems?I have never taken medication for these reasons (0)
I used to take medication for at least one of these reasons (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2018AQMED_MENTALWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems?All of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (0)
Some of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (1)
None of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (2)
2018AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems?I have never taken medication for this reason (0)
I used to take medication for this reason (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2018AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems?I have never been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons (0)
I used to be in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2018AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems?I have never been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (0)
I used to be in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too muchNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQPHQ9We at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it is hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQOver the last 2 weeks, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2018AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2018AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2018AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2018AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2018AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2018AQIn the past month, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2018AQSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you ever experienced this kind of event?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHow often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people say to you, even when they are speaking to you directly?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2018AQHow often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2018AQHow often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2018AQWhen you're in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing the sentences of the people you are talking to before they can finish them themselves?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2018AQHow often do you put things off until the last minute?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2018AQHow often do you depend on others to keep your life in order and attend to details?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2018AQWhen I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I'm thinking about.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQI keep my emotions to myself.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQWhen I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I'm thinking about.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQWhen I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQWhen I'm faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQI control my emotions by not expressing them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQWhen I want to feel more positive emotion, I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQI control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I'm in.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQWhen I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQWhen I want to feel less negative emotion, I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2018AQI tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQI have a hard time making it through stressful events.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQIt does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQIt is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQI usually come through difficult times with little trouble.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQI tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQYou will find a list of statements below. Please rate how true each statement is for you by selecting one option per question.No Answers
2018AQMy painful experiences and memories make it difficult for me to live a life that I would value.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQI'm afraid of my feelings.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQI worry about not being able to control my worries and feelings.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQMy painful memories prevent me from having a fulfilling life.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQEmotions cause problems in my life.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQIt seems like most people are handling their lives better than I am.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQWorries get in the way of my success.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2018AQHave you ever purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSELFHARMWhen was the last time you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself?More than 1 year ago (0)
More than a month ago but less than a year ago (1)
Within the past month (2)
2018AQHave you ever thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2018AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself in the past year?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2018AQHave you ever told someone that you were going to commit suicide, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2018AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2018AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
2018AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2018AQHave you ever tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSMOKE_EVERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2018AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2018AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2018AQSMOKE_NOWHow long after waking up do you smoke your first cigarette?Within 5 minutes (3)
5-30 minutes (2)
31-60 minutes (1)
After 60 minutes (0)
2018AQSMOKE_NOWDuring the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for 24 hours or more? (Do not count times when you weren't allowed to smoke, like if you were in a hospital or in jail.)Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSMOKE_NOWIn any previous quit attempts, which of the following methods/resources have you used to help you quit? (Check all that apply.)Never tried to quit (0)
Quit cold turkey (1)
Gradually cut down (2)
Stop smoking class/program for a fee (3)
Stop smoking class/program (no fee) (4)
Advice or counseling from a doctor, nurse, psychologist, or other health professional (5)
Telephone hotline (6)
Hypnosis (7)
Acupuncture (8)
Nicotine gum (9)
Nicotine patch (10)
Nicotine spray (11)
Nicotine inhaler (12)
Nicotine lozenge (13)
Zyban, Wellbutrin, or bupropion for smoking cessation (14)
Chantix or varenicline (15)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) with nicotine (16)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) without nicotine (17)
Internet (please specify website) (18)
Internet (please specify website) (TEXT)
Other (please specify) (19)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSMOKE_NOWHow interested are you in quitting smoking in the near future?Not at all interested (0)
Somewhat interested (1)
Very interested (2)
Extremely interested (3)
2018AQIn the past month, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products OTHER THAN cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (9)
Snuff (10)
Snus (11)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
No other tobacco product other than cigarettes (0)
I dont use any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products (14)
2018AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2018AQALC5In the past 30 days, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (1)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQHow long has it been since you last had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 4 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2018AQALC4In the past 30 days, on how many days have you had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the past year?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the past year?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How often during the last year have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How often during the last year have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How often during the last year have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How often during the last year have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2018AQAUDIT1How often during the last year have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2018AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2018AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2018AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
I have never used any substances (0)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQCAN_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQCAN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQCAN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQCOKE_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQCOKE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQCOKE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSTIM_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQSTIM_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQSTIM_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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24 (24)
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26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQMETH_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQMETH_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQMETH_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 ()
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQINHALE_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQINHALE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQINHALE_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (3)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (7)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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30 (30)
2018AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQPOP_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQPOP_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQPOP_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQPOP_FREQDuring the past 3 months, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQWARNING: Using inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra can kill you by causing a lethal drop in blood pressure with even one use. We are aware that this information may not be widely known among our communities. If you use inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, please contact a health care provider to get more information right away.No Answers
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQSED_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (2)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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26 (26)
27 (2)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQSED_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSED_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQSED_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQSED_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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25 (2)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQGHB_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQGHB_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQGHB_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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24 (2)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHALL_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQHALL_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQHALL_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQHEROIN_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQNARC_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQNARC_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQNARC_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?0 (0)
1 (2)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (2)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2018AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the past three months, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQMDMA_FREQIn the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQMDMA_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQMDMA_FREQDuring the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (290)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
In the past three months, how often have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
Was any of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often has your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2018AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the past 30 days, on how many days have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
In the past three months, how often have you used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
Was any of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the past 3 months, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often has your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
During the past 3 months, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHas a friend or relative or anyone else ever expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQDRUGS_LIFETIMEHave you ever used ${q://QID136/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2018AQYou have completed the Mental Health Block! This is one of 3 blocks! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQ people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. Thank you!No Answers
2018AQDo you identify as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQWhat condition(s) or problem(s) are related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Back or neck problem (2)
Benign tumors, cysts (3)
Birth defect (4)
Cancer (5)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (6)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (7)
Diabetes (8)
Epilepsy, seizures (9)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (10)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (11)
Hearing problem (12)
Heart problem (13)
Hernia (14)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (15)
Intellectual disability, also known as mental retardation (16)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (17)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (18)
Lung/breathing problem(for example, asthma and emphysema) (19)
Memory (20)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (21)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (22)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (23)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (24)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (25)
Other injury (26)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (27)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (28)
Polio(myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (29)
Stroke problem (30)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (31)
Ulcer (32)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (33)
Vision/problem seeing (34)
Weight problem (35)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
2018AQAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQThe next set of questions ask about employment.No Answers
2018AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQWORKAt how many paid jobs do you currently work?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
2018AQWhich of the following describes your current occupation? (Check all that apply.)Employed, working 40 or more hours per week (1)
Employed, working 1-39 hours per week (2)
Temporarily employed (3)
Self-employed (4)
Not employed, looking for work (5)
Not employed, not looking for work (6)
Homemaker (7)
Student (Full time) (8)
Student (Part time) (9)
Disabled, not able to work (10)
Retired (11)
2018AQWhich of the following describe(s) your current occupation(s)? (Check all that apply.)Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations (1)
Architecture and Engineering Occupations (2)
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations (3)
Business and Financial Operations Occupations (4)
Community and Social Service Occupations (5)
Computer and Mathematical Occupations (6)
Construction and Extraction Occupations (7)
Education, Training, and Library Occupations (8)
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations (9)
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations (10)
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations (11)
Healthcare Support Occupations (12)
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations (13)
Legal Occupations (14)
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (15)
Management Occupations (16)
Office and Administrative Support Occupations (17)
Personal Care and Service Occupations (18)
Production Occupations (19)
Protective Service Occupations (20)
Sales and Related Occupations (21)
Transportation and Materials Moving Occupations (22)
Other (please specify) (23)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQWhat is your job(s)? (Please be as specific as possible.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2018AQIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, have you been unable to work due to a disability?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other government disability assistance related to a disability status?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQWhat were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2017 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,000 - 20,000 (2)
20,000 - 30,000 (3)
30,000 - 40,000 (4)
40,000 - 50,000 (5)
50,000 - 60,000 (6)
60,000 - 70,000 (7)
70,000 - 80,000 (8)
80,000 - 90,000 (9)
90,000 - 100,000 (10)
100,000 (11)
2018AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your household earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2017 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,000 - 20,000 (2)
20,000 - 30,000 (3)
30,000 - 40,000 (4)
40,000 - 50,000 (5)
50,000 - 60,000 (6)
60,000 - 70,000 (7)
70,000 - 80,000 (8)
80,000 - 90,000 (9)
90,000 - 100,000 (10)
100,000 (11)
2018AQHow many individuals are dependent upon the household income you just described? Please enter 1 for yourself.Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhat is your current total student loan debt (in US dollars), if any?0 (I have no student loans.) (0)
1 - 50,000 (1)
50,000 - 100,000 (2)
100,000 - 150,000 (3)
150,000 - 200,000 (4)
200,000-250,000 (6)
250,000-300,000 (7)
300,000-350,000 (8)
350,000 (9)
2018AQWhat is your highest education level completed?No schooling (1)
Nursery school to high school, no diploma (2)
High school graduate or equivalent (e.g., GED) (3)
Trade/Technical/Vocational training (4)
Some college (5)
2-year college degree (6)
4-year college degree (7)
Masters degree (8)
Doctoral degree (9)
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D., M.B.A.) (10)
2018AQHave you EVER been held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQINCAR_EVERIn the PAST YEAR, at any time, were you held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHave you ever spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public space including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHMLS_EVIn the past year, have you spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHMLS_YRApproximately how many nights in the past year have you spent sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Text Entry (-)
2018AQHave you ever spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQUNSTB_EVIn the past year, have you spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQUNSTB_YRApproximately how many nights in the past year have you been living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Text Entry (-)
2018AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with a partner, spouse, or other person who pays for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (TEXT)
2018AQHow many people, including yourself, live in your household who are 18 years of age or older?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHow many people live in your household who are younger than 18 years of age?Text Entry (-)
2018AQAre you a parent?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQTo how many people are you/have you been a parent?This includes people who are now adults, are deceased, or are not biologically related to you.Text Entry (-)
2018AQWe are going to ask you a question about the different people that you parent/have parented. To help you remember which person we are asking a question about, please type in the person's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions.Text Entry (-)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/10}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/13}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1188/ChoiceTextEntryValue/14}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens naturally in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQNow we will ask about sources of emotional and social support. Please respond to each item that follows by selecting one option.No Answers
2018AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQASDAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or health care provider that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
2018AQDo you identify as "neurodivergent" or with any associated term that people sometimes use within the neurodiversity movement (aspie, autistic, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (0)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (1)
Other (please specify) (2)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQHow many people are you currently in a romantic relationship with?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
2018AQRELATIONSHIPPlease select the gender(s) of your romantic partner(s). (Check all that apply.)Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (0)
2018AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2018AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
2018AQDo you live with your partner(s)?Yes, I live with 1 partner (0)
Yes, I live with 2 or more partners (1)
No, I do not live with a partner (2)
Something else (please specify) (4)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2018AQWhat gender do YOU currently live as in your day-to-day life?Man (1)
Woman (2)
Sometimes man, sometimes woman (3)
Third gender or something other than man or woman (4)
2018AQHave you EVER experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVHARASSWas any of this harassment or name calling from strangers in public due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVHARASSIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRHARASSWas any of this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVATTACKWere any of these physical attacks or injuries due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVATTACKIn the PAST YEAR, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRATTACKWere any of these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER experienced physical violence from a romantic partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVDVWas any of this physical violence from a romantic partner due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVDVIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRDVWas any of this physical violence from a romantic partner that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVJOBDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in employment due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVJOBDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRJOBDISCWas any of this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVHOUSDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in housing/eviction due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVHOUSDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRHOUSDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVSERVDISCWas any of the poorer service due to your… (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVSERVDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRSERVDISCWas any of this poorer service in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVSCHDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in educational settings due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVSCHDISCIn the PAST YEAR, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRSCHDISCWas any of this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVMEDWas any of this discrimination in a medical setting due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVMEDIn the PAST YEAR, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRMEDWas any of this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQWas there a time in the PAST YEAR when you needed to see a health care provider but did not because you thought you would be disrespected or mistreated?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQANTMEDDISCWhen you put off seeing a health care provider because you thought you were going to be disrespected or mistreated, were you concerned you would be disrespected or mistreated because of your... (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVMENTALWas any of this discrimination in a mental health setting due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVMENTALIn the PAST YEAR, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRMENTALWas any of this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVPOLICEWas any of this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer due to … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVPOLICEIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer? Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRPOLICEWas any of this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQHave you EVER experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQEVSAWas any of this unwanted sexual contact due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (8)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVSAHow old were you when this unwanted sexual contact occurred? (Check all that apply.)Child (0-12 years) (1)
Adolescent (12-17 years) (2)
Adult (18 years) (3)
2018AQEVSAIn the PAST YEAR, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQYRSAWas any of this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST YEAR due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (6)
Age (5)
Body size, weight, or shape (9)
Gender expression (3)
Gender identity (2)
Race and/or ethnicity (4)
Sexual orientation (1)
Something else (please specify) (7)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQEVSAWe realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2018AQHow welcomed and accepted do you feel in LGBTQ spaces (including community groups, social clubs, bars, etc.)?Unaccepted/unwelcomed in all of these spaces (1)
Unaccepted/unwelcomed in most of these spaces (but accepted/welcomed in at least one) (2)
Accepted/welcomed in about half of these spaces (3)
Accepted/welcomed in most, but not all, of these spaces (4)
Accepted/welcomed in all of these spaces (5)
2018AQWELCOMEYou mentioned feeling unaccepted/unwelcomed in some or all LGBTQ spaces. People sometimes feel that these spaces are not welcoming towards them due to various aspects of their identities. Please select aspects of your identity that feel unwelcome in these spaces. (Check all that apply.)My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size, weight, or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
The language I speak or sign (6)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (7)
My political views (8)
My race and/or ethnicity (9)
My sexual orientation (10)
My skin color (11)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (12)
Another reason (please specify) (13)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2018AQOverall, how safe do you feel LGBTQ spaces are for you?Very unsafe (4)
Somewhat unsafe (3)
Neither safe nor unsafe (2)
Mostly safe (1)
Completely safe (0)
2018AQIs there at least one LGBTQ space (e.g., social club, group, bar, etc.) in which you feel safe?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQWe are asking the following question in the 2018 Annual Questionnaire so we can better customize this questionnaire for you.We have three available versions available:o A version for people who identify as a gender minority (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) that will ask about gender identity/expression.o A version for people who identify as a sexual minority (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) that will ask about sexual orientation.o A version or people who identify as both a gender and sexual minority that will ask about gender identity/expression and sexual orientation.Please choose the option that you think is best for you.No Answers
2018AQI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (0)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (1)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (2)
2018AQTo what extent do you think about your identity as a gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2018AQTo what extent do you think about your identity as a sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (6)
Many times a day (6)
2018AQCYOAThe next questions are about your views about communities that you have lived in.No Answers
2018AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, transgender, etc.) people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how safe for gender minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2018AQCYOAOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2018AQCYOAI wish I weren't gay/lesbian/bisexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
Not applicable because I am not attracted to people of my gender (11)
2018AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
If someone offered me the chance to be completely gay/lesbian, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI feel that being gay/lesbian/bisexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from gay/lesbian/bisexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI think my life is better because of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAWe are excited to know about people's positive experiences in relation to their sexual orientation! Please tell us what you most like about being or are most proud of being gay/lesbian/bisexual/or a sexual minority.Text Entry (-)
2018AQCYOAI wish I weren't genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI feel that being genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAI think my life is better because I am genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2018AQCYOAWe are excited to know about people's positive experiences in relation to their gender identity! Please tell us what you are most proud about being genderqueer/transgender/gender non-binary/or a gender minority.Text Entry (-)
2018AQHave you ever been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQHow old were you when you FIRST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHow old were you when you LAST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHave you ever been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQHow old were you when you FIRST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHow old were you when you LAST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)?Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself straight, gay, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what sexual orientation do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Heterosexual or Straight (4)
Lesbian (5)
Queer (6)
Another sexual orientation (7)
They cannot tell (8)
It varies (9)
I dont know what they think (88)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your gender identity (meaning they are aware of your gender or gender expression)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2018AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what gender do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Man (1)
Woman (2)
Transgender Man (3)
Transgender Woman (4)
Non-binary/Genderqueer (5)
They cannot tell (6)
It varies (7)
I dont know what they think (88)
2018AQWhat is your felt gender?Man or primarily masculine (1)
Woman or primarily feminine (2)
Both man/masculine and woman/feminine (3)
Neither man/masculine nor woman/feminine (4)
I dont know (88)
2018AQYou have completed the Social Health block! This is one of 3 blocks! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQ Health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQ health equity!No Answers
2018AQAcid reflux (heartburn)No Answers
2018AQAnemiaNo Answers
2018AQAngina pectoris (angina)No Answers
2018AQAnxietyNo Answers
2018AQAsthmaNo Answers
2018AQAtrial fibrillation (Afib)No Answers
2018AQBenign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate)No Answers
2018AQBipolar disorderNo Answers
2018AQCancerNo Answers
2018AQCataractsNo Answers
2018AQChronic kidney diseaseNo Answers
2018AQChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)No Answers
2018AQCoagulation (bleeding or clotting) problemNo Answers
2018AQCongestive heart failure (CHF)No Answers
2018AQCoronary artery diseaseNo Answers
2018AQDepressionNo Answers
2018AQDiabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes)No Answers
2018AQDiabetes mellitus (borderline)No Answers
2018AQErectile dysfunctionNo Answers
2018AQGlaucomaNo Answers
2018AQHeart attackNo Answers
2018AQHeart murmurNo Answers
2018AQHigh cholesterolNo Answers
2018AQHIVNo Answers
2018AQHypertension (high blood pressure)No Answers
2018AQInflammatory bowel disease (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis)No Answers
2018AQIrritable bowel syndrome (IBS)No Answers
2018AQKidney stone (nephrolithiasis)No Answers
2018AQLiver diseaseNo Answers
2018AQLupus (systemic lupus erhthematous, SLE)No Answers
2018AQMenopauseNo Answers
2018AQMigraine headacheNo Answers
2018AQObstructive sleep apnea (OSA)No Answers
2018AQPeripheral vascular disease (PVD)No Answers
2018AQPsoriasisNo Answers
2018AQPulmonary embolism (PE)No Answers
2018AQSeizure disorder (epilepsy)No Answers
2018AQStroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA)No Answers
2018AQThyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism)No Answers
2018AQUlcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal)No Answers
2018AQUterine fibroidsNo Answers
2018AQIs the list of medical conditions above correct?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHas a doctor or health care provider ever told you that you have the following conditions? (Check all that apply.)Although this list of conditions may seem to repeat what you may have filled out as part of "My Health," we want to make sure everything is as up-to-date as possible.Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
2018AQMEDHX1With what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with anal cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with breast cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with colon cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with kidney cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with lung cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with leukemia/lymphoma?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with ovarian cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with prostate cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with melanoma?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with cancer of the uterus?Text Entry (-)
2018AQCA_TYPEIn what year were you diagnosed with ${q://QID1250/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} cancer?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHow about any of these? Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you have the following conditions? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
2018AQMEDHX2In what year were you diagnosed with HIV?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHere's the last set! Has a doctor or other health care provider ever told you that you have the following conditions? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
2018AQPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have. (One condition per line.) If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2018AQDo you have any of the following symptoms? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis (joint pain) (1)
Bleeding between your periods (2)
Chronic low back pain (back pain lasting more than 3 months) (3)
Irregular, painful, or heavy menstrual periods (4)
Pelvic pain lasting more than 6 months (pain between the belly button and pubic bone) (5)
Urinary incontinence (leaking of urine) (6)
None of these (0)
2018AQCoronary stent placementNo Answers
2018AQCoronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery)No Answers
2018AQHeart valve replacementNo Answers
2018AQPacemaker implantationNo Answers
2018AQImplantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantationNo Answers
2018AQBone marrow transplantNo Answers
2018AQHeart transplantNo Answers
2018AQLung transplantNo Answers
2018AQLiver transplantNo Answers
2018AQPancreas transplantNo Answers
2018AQKidney transplantNo Answers
2018AQSmall intestine transplantNo Answers
2018AQGallbladder removal (cholecystectomy)No Answers
2018AQAppendix removal (appendectomy)No Answers
2018AQC section (cesarean section)No Answers
2018AQUterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy)No Answers
2018AQUterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy)No Answers
2018AQOvary removal (oophorectomy)No Answers
2018AQIs this list of general surgeries and procedures correct?(We will ask about gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries and procedures later.)Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHave you ever had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries and procedures are asked about later.)Although this list of procedures may seem to repeat what you may have entered in "My Health," getting the most up-to-date information will make sure that we can customize the survey for you.Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
None of these (18)
2018AQWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had (not including gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
2018AQHave you EVER used hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) have you EVER taken? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
None of the above (19)
2018AQOf the hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) that you ever took, please indicate the hormones or medications that you are CURRENTLY taking. (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID1289/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I am not currently taking any hormones for gender affirmation (18)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID1289/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID1289/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID1289/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQBrow liftNo Answers
2018AQChin augmentation (genioplasty)No Answers
2018AQForehead reconstruction/contouringNo Answers
2018AQJaw bone revision (mandible contouring)No Answers
2018AQLip liftNo Answers
2018AQNose reconstruction (rhinoplasty)No Answers
2018AQScalp advancementNo Answers
2018AQTracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty)No Answers
2018AQVocal cord/voice surgeryNo Answers
2018AQBreast augmentationNo Answers
2018AQBreast/chest reduction (total reduction mammoplasty)No Answers
2018AQTop surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (scars under the chest)No Answers
2018AQTop surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (keyhole, through the areola)No Answers
2018AQOvary removal (oophorectomy)No Answers
2018AQFallopian tube removal (salpingectomy)No Answers
2018AQUterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy)No Answers
2018AQUterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy)No Answers
2018AQRemoval of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy)No Answers
2018AQPhallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty)No Answers
2018AQPenile implant insertionNo Answers
2018AQCreation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty)No Answers
2018AQTesticular implant insertionNo Answers
2018AQRemoval of the testes (orchiectomy)No Answers
2018AQCreation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labioplasty)No Answers
2018AQCreation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft)No Answers
2018AQCreation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion)No Answers
2018AQFat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest)No Answers
2018AQSoft tissue filler injection (e.g., silicone)No Answers
2018AQIs this list of gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures correct?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures?Although this question and the ones that follow about procedures may seem to repeat what you may have entered in "My Health," getting the most up-to-date information will make sure that we can customize the survey for you.Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQGAS_AQHave you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (10)
2018AQGAS_AQHave you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (total reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (scars under the chest) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (keyhole, through the areola) (4)
None of these (5)
2018AQGAS_AQHave you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (1)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (2)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (3)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (4)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (9)
Testicular implant insertion (10)
Removal of the testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labioplasty) (12)
Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (13)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (14)
None of these (15)
2018AQGAS_AQLast set! Have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
Soft tissue filler injection (e.g., silicone) (3)
None of these (4)
2018AQGAS_PORTAL_CORRECTPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you had. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2018AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2018AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2018AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2018AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2018AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2018AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2018AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2018AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2018AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2018AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst imaginable pain (10)
2018AQPhysical ActivityNo Answers
2018AQHow many days per week do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2018AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHow many days per week do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2018AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2018AQHow many days per week do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2018AQHave you EVER used the following drugs/supplements for the purpose of enhancing appearance or performance? (Check all that apply.)Anabolic Steroids (1)
Protein supplements (such as whey protein, protein shakes, protein bars) (2)
Creatine supplements (including creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, and others) (3)
Synthetic muscle enhancers (such as testosterone replacement therapy, clenbuterol, human growth hormone) (4)
Diuretics/water pills (such as furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, and others) (5)
I have never used these drugs or supplements. (0)
2018AQI use/have used anabolic steroids primarily for:Performance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
2018AQIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, I have used anabolic steroids for approximately:Not used in the last 12 months (0)
1-2 months (1)
3-4 months (2)
5-6 months (3)
7-8 months (4)
9-10 months (5)
11-12 months (6)
2018AQHealthcare AccessNo Answers
2018AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
There is NO place (2)
There is MORE THAN ONE place (3)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to MOST often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2018AQDURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or health care provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or health care provider in the past 12 months. (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQDURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or talked to any of the following health care providers about your own health? (Check all that apply.)A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker (1)
An optometrist, ophthalmologist, or eye doctor (someone who prescribes eye glasses) (2)
A foot doctor (a podiatrist) (3)
A chiropractor (4)
A physical therapist, speech therapist, respiratory therapist, audiologist, or occupational therapist (5)
A nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or midwife (6)
A doctor who specializes in womens health (an obstetrician/gynecologist) (7)
A medical doctor who specializes in a particular medical disease or problem (other than obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist) (8)
A general doctor who treats a variety of illnesses (a doctor in general practice, family medicine, or internal medicine) (9)
I have not seen or talked to any of these providers. (0)
2018AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen any of the following specialists? (Check all that apply.)I did not see any specialists (0)
Addiction medicine specialist (1)
Allergist or immunologist (allergy doctor) (2)
Cardiologist (heart doctor) (3)
Dermatologist (skin doctor) (4)
Endocrinologist (hormone doctor) (5)
Gastroenterologist (digestive doctor) (6)
Hematologist (blood doctor) (7)
Hepatologist (liver doctor) (8)
Infectious disease specialist (9)
Oncologist (cancer doctor) (10)
Nephrologist (kidney doctor) (11)
Neurologist (brain and nerve doctor) (12)
Neurosurgeon (brain and spine surgeon) (13)
Gynecologist (reproductive and genital/urinary doctor) (14)
Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) (15)
Orthopedist (bone and joint doctor) (16)
Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) (17)
Pain management specialist (18)
Plastic surgeon (repair, reconstruction, and physical replacement surgeon) (19)
Podiatrist (foot doctor) (20)
Psychiatric nurse practitioner (21)
Psychiatrist (mental health doctor) (22)
Psychologist, psychotherapist, or other mental health counselor (23)
Pulmonologist (lung doctor) (24)
Rheumatologist (joint and inflammation doctor) (25)
Sleep specialist (26)
Speech/language therapist (27)
Urologist (genital/urinary health doctor) (28)
Someone not listed here (please specify) (29)
Someone not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I did not see any specialists (0)
2018AQA primary care provider is a health care provider who takes care of your overall general health and may coordinate your care with other medical specialists. Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHave you seen your primary care provider in the past 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you gone to a doctor, health care provider, or clinic for transgender-related health care (such as hormone treatment)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQTRANS_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your transgender-related health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you visited a doctor, health care provider, or clinic that focuses on sexual or reproductive health (such as sexually transmitted infections, PrEP, birth control, abortion, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSEX_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your sexual or reproductive health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2018AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2018AQIn regard to your current health insurance or health care coverage, how does it compare to a year ago? Is it better, worse, or about the same?Better (2)
Worse (0)
About the same (1)
I dont know (88)
2018AQIn the last 12 months, were you DELAYED in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQDELAYCAREWhich of these reasons describes why you were DELAYED in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Health care provider refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to health care providers office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (13)
I speak a different language (4)
I couldnt get time off work or school (5)
I dont know where to go to get care (6)
I was refused services (7)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (12)
I couldnt get child care (8)
I didnt have time or took too long (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQIn the last 12 months, were you UNABLE to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the main reason you were UNABLE to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary?I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (13)
I speak a different language (4)
I couldnt get time off work or school (5)
I dont know where to go to get care (6)
I was refused services (7)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (12)
I couldnt get child care (8)
I didnt have time or took too long (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. Note: People may have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy. Some people are not comfortable with the term ‘vagina' and may prefer the term ‘front hole.' The PRIDE Study chooses to include both the terms ‘vagina' and ‘front hole' for all relevant questions to honor the preferences and comfort of our participants. Later you will have an opportunity to tell us more about language you prefer that we use.Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) (3)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening/Front hole (7)
2018AQHave you ever had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening/Front hole (8)
2018AQThe PRIDE Study is exploring new ways to ask about body parts as we recognize that the names we provided above may not apply to everyone. Do you feel that the way we asked about body parts and organs works for you?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQPlease indicate which word(s) you use for the following body part(s).Text Entry (-)
2018AQCancer ScreeningNo Answers
2018AQORGANS_BORNHave you EVER had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina or front hole, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPAP_EVERHow long has it been since your last Pap smear or Pap test?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
What is the most important reason you have NOT had a Pap test in the LAST 5 YEARS?I do not have a reason or I never thought about it (0)
I did not know I needed this type of test (1)
My health care provider told me I did not need it (2)
I was told I could stop screening or I am over the age of 65 (12)
I have not had any problems (3)
I put it off or I did not get around to it (4)
It was too expensive or I have no insurance (5)
It was too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing (6)
I do not have a cervix or I have had a hysterectomy (7)
I do not have a provider (8)
I had an HPV vaccine (9)
I dont know (10)
2018AQPAP_EVERWhat is the most important reason you have NEVER had a Pap test?I do not have a reason or I never thought about it (0)
I did not know I needed this type of test (1)
My health care provider told me I did not need it (2)
I have not had any problems (3)
I put it off or I did not get around to it (4)
It was too expensive or I have no insurance (5)
It was too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing (6)
I do not have a cervix or I have had a hysterectomy (7)
I do not have a provider (8)
I had an HPV vaccine (9)
I am under the age of 21 (10)
I dont know (11)
2018AQPAP_LASTHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the LAST 3 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_NOWHave you ever heard of HPV? HPV stands for human papillomavirus. Some types of HPV increase risk for cervical or anal cancer while others do not.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHPV_HEARDAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Did you have an HPV test with your most recent Pap?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHPV_HEARDHave you had a cervical HPV test in the LAST 3 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_BREASTSHave you EVER HAD a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQMAMMO_EVERHow long has it been since your last mammogram?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
2018AQMAMMO_EVERHow many mammograms have you had in the LAST 6 YEARS?Text Entry (-)
2018AQMAMMO_6YRHave you had a mammogram in the LAST 6 YEARS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_BORNHave you EVER HAD a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPSA_EVERHow long has it been since your last PSA test?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPSA_EVERWho first suggested the PSA test?I did (0)
My health care provider did (1)
Someone else (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPSA_EVERHow many PSA tests have you had in the LAST 5 years?Text Entry (-)
2018AQPSA_EVERDid a doctor or health care provider EVER talk with you about the advantages of the PSA test?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQIN THE LAST YEAR, have you had a digital anal rectal examination performed by a doctor or health care provider? This is when the doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt).Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHave you EVER had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination with a health care providers finger) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus) (4)
I dont know (5)
None of these (6)
2018AQANORECTCA_SCREENWas your digital anal/rectal examination test ever abnormal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQANORECTCA_SCREENWas your anal HPV test ever abnormal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQANORECTCA_SCREENWas your anal Pap smear ever abnormal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQANORECTCA_SCREENWas your high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) ever abnormal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHave you and your doctor or other health care provider ever DISCUSSED getting a test to check for colon or rectal cancer?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that causes diarrhea. Have you EVER HAD any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2018AQCOLON_TESTHow long has it been since your last blood stool test (FIT test)?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
2018AQCOLON_TESTHave you EVER had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQCOLON_TESTHow long has it been since your last sigmoidoscopy?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
2018AQCOLON_TESTHave you EVER had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQCOLON_TESTHow long has it been since your last colonoscopy?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
2018AQCOLON_TESTHave you EVER had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSleepNo Answers
2018AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-hour period? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQOral HealthNo Answers
2018AQAbout how long has it been since you last visited a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.6 months or less (0)
More than 6 months, but not more than 1 year ago (1)
More than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago (2)
More than 2 years, but not more than 3 years ago (3)
More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years ago (4)
More than 5 years ago (5)
Never have been to dentist (6)
2018AQDuring the past 12 months, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (12)
Other (13)
Other (TEXT)
2018AQOverall, how would you rate the health of your teeth and gums? Would you say...?Excellent (4)
Very good (3)
Good (2)
Fair (1)
Poor (0)
2018AQSexual Health and Activities The next questions will ask you about your sexual activities including specific sexual behaviors and acts. If you wish to opt out of this survey because of this, please indicate below. I wish to answer this section. (1)
I wish to skip this section. (0)
2018AQHave you engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you EVER engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRThinking about all your sexual partner(s) from the LAST 12 MONTHS, what is the gender identity of your sexual partner(s)? (Check all that apply.) We use the term ‘cisgender' to describe someone whose current gender identity is consistent with their sex assigned at birth and ‘transgender' to describe someone whose current gender identity is different than their sex assigned at birth. I didnt have any sexual partners in the LAST 12 MONTHS (0)
Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (89)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRThinking about all your sexual partner(s) IN YOUR LIFE, what is the gender identity of your sexual partner(s)? (Check all that apply.) We use the term ‘cisgender' to describe someone whose current gender identity is consistent with their sex assigned at birth and ‘transgender' to describe someone whose current gender identity is different than their sex assigned at birth. Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (0)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive vaginal/front hole sex? This means a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) in your vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had receptive vaginal/front hole sex? This means a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) in your vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQVAGSEX_VAG_YRHow often do you have receptive vaginal/front hole sex? This means a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) in your vagina/front hole.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive vaginal/front hole sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) in someone's vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had insertive vaginal/front hole sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) in someone's vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQVAGSEX_PEN_YRHow often do you have insertive vaginal/front hole sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) in someone's vagina/front hole.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRIN THE LAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your vagina/front hole is touching another person's vagina/front hole?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had sex where your vagina/front hole is touching another person's vagina/front hole?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQVAG2VAG_YRHow often do you have sex where your vagina/front hole is touching another person's vagina/front hole?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the LAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (this is a part of another persons body, not a dildo) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina/front hole (2)
No (0)
Have you EVER performed oral sex? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (this is a part of another persons body, not a dildo) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina/front hole (2)
No (0)
2018AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYRHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYRHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a vagina/front hole?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you received oral sex in the LAST 12 MONTHS? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you EVER received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQORAL_GET_PASTYRHow often have you received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you ever had anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQANAL_VAG_YRHow often do you have anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you had anal sex in the LAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (this is a part of my body, not a dildo) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (this is a part of my body, not a dildo) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you EVER had anal sex? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (this is a part of my body, not a dildo) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (this is a part of my body, not a dildo) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2018AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between your penis/phallus (a part of your body, not a dildo) and someone's anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or "topping")? More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between someone's penis/phallus (a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or "bottoming")?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") in the LAST 12 MONTHS? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you EVER performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming")? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQRIM_PASTYRHow often do you perform oral-anal sex (also called "rimming")? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the LAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina/front hole or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina/front hole (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you EVER performed digital penetration (also called "fingering")? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina/front hole or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina/front hole (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2018AQFINGER_PASTYRHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's vagina/front hole?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQFINGER_PASTYRHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRHave you used sex toys (such as dildos) with a sexual partner in the LAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (1)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (2)
No (0)
2018AQSEX_EVERHave you EVER used sex toys (such as dildos) with a sexual partner?Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (1)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (2)
No (0)
2018AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you insert a sex toy into someone's body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you receive a sex toy into your body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSEX_EVERPlease tell us about other kinds of sex that you have.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSEX_EVERHow old were you the first time you had any kind of sex with another person including vaginal/front hole, oral, and anal? (Do not include masturbation.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSEX_EVERIn your lifetime, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSEX_PASTYRIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQVAGSEX_VAG_YRIn the past 12 months, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal/front hole sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) in your vagina/front hole.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQVAGSEX_YEAR_VAGIn the past 12 months, about how often have you had receptive vaginal/front hole sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2018AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had receptive vaginal/front hole sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2018AQVAGSEX_PEN_YRIn the past 12 months, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal/front hole sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) in someone's vagina/front hole.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQVAGSEX_YEAR_PENIn the past 12 months, about how often have you had insertive vaginal/front hole sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2018AQVAGSEX_INSERT_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you had insertive vaginal/front hole sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2018AQANAL_VAG_YRIn the past 12 months, with how many people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQANALSEX_YEARIn the past 12 months, about how often have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2018AQANALSEX_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (this is a part of another person's body, not a dildo) and your anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the past 12 months, with how many people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) and someone's anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQTOP_YEARIn the past 12 months, about how often have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) and someone's anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2018AQTOP_NOCONIn the past 12 months, with how many different people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (this is a part of your body, not a dildo) and someone's anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSexual Health and InfectionsNo Answers
2018AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital herpes?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHERPES_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had genital herpes in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had genital warts?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQWARTS_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had genital warts in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHPV_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had human papillomavirus or HPV in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had gonorrhea, sometimes called 'GC' or the 'clap'?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQGC_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had gonorrhea (also called 'GC' or the 'clap') in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had chlamydia?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQCT_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had chlamydia in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQHas a doctor or other health care professional ever told you that you had syphilis?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSYPHILIS_EVERHas a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had syphilis in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQExcept for tests that you may have had as part of blood donations, have you ever been tested for HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHIVTEST_EVERHave you been tested for HIV in the last 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQWhat is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2018AQPrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Regardless of your current HIV status, have you ever heard of PREP before today?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPREP_HEARDWould you be interested in learning more about PrEP for yourself or others?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQPREP_HEARDHave you EVER been on PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQPREP_EVERAre you CURRENTLY on PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQAre you currently on PrEP as part of a clinical or research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQPREP_NOWHow would you rate your ability to take your PrEP pills as prescribed?Very poor (0)
Poor (1)
Fair (2)
Good (3)
Very good (4)
2018AQPREP_NOWIn the past 7 days, how many days did you take your PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2018AQPREP_NOWWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I became infected with HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2018AQIf you are interested in learning more about PrEP, we encourage you to check out the following resources and talk with your medical provider. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: No Answers
2018AQAlthough PrEP is for individuals who are HIV negative, we want to share more information about PrEP with individuals who are living with HIV in case they wish to pass this along to other individuals close to them. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: No Answers
2018AQPEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications AFTER potentially being exposed to HIV in order to prevent HIV infection. Regardless of your HIV status, have you ever heard of PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQPEP_HEARDRegardless of your current HIV status, have you EVER taken anti-HIV medications (PEP) AFTER potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This person may be the same as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this health care provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
Less than every 12 months (4)
2018AQHow frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (1)
Every 1-3 months (2)
Every 4-6 months (3)
Every 7-12 months (4)
Less than every 12 months (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had these lab tests done (0)
2018AQAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (3)
2018AQWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Within the last month (1)
1-3 months ago (2)
4-6 months ago (3)
7-12 months ago (4)
More than 1 year ago (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had my HIV viral load checked (0)
2018AQIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (3)
2018AQVaccinationsNo Answers
2018AQDURING THE PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protect against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHave you EVER had a pneumonia shot? This shot is usually given only once or twice in a person's lifetime and is different from the flu shot. It is also called the pneumococcal vaccine.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHave you EVER received the hepatitis B vaccine? This is given in three separate doses and has been available since 1991. It is recommended for newborn infants, adolescents, and people such as health care workers, who may be exposed to the hepatitis B virus. Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQThe hepatitis A vaccine is given as a two-dose series routinely to some children starting at 1 year of age, and to some adults and people who travel outside the United States. Although it can be given as a combination vaccine with hepatitis B, it is different from the hepatitis B shot, and has only been available since 1995. Have you ever received the hepatitis A vaccine?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQShingles is an outbreak of a rash or blisters on the skin that may be associated with severe pain. The pain is generally on one side of the body or face. Shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus. A vaccine for shingles has been available since May 2006. Have you ever had the Zoster or Shingles vaccine, also called Zostavax®?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHave you ever received an HPV shot or vaccine? HPV stands for human papillomavirus. The vaccines are sometimes called CERVARIX® or GARDASIL®. The HPV vaccine is given as a three-dose series routinely to people from age 9-26. It was released in 2006.Yes (1)
No (0)
Doctor refused when asked (2)
I dont know (88)
2018AQHPVSHOTHow many HPV vaccine shots did you have?One (1)
Two (2)
Three (3)
I dont know (88)
2018AQReproductive HistoryNo Answers
2018AQORGANS_BORNHas your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) EVER resulted in a pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPREGNANT_SPERMHow many pregnancies? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQORGANS_BORNHave you ever had a menstrual period?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQMENSES_EVERHow old were you when your menstrual period started? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQMENSES_EVERHave you had at least one menstrual period in the past 12 months? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the past 12 months? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2018AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQORGANS_NOWAre you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_NOWHave you ever attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_NOWHave you ever been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_NOWHave you ever been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQORGANS_NOWHave you ever been pregnant? Please include any current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPREG_EVERHow many times have you been pregnant? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_EVERDid any of your pregnancies result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_EVERHow many miscarriages have you had? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_EVERHow many tubal pregnancies have you had? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_EVERHow many abortions have you had? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQPREG_EVERHow old were you when you became pregnant with your first pregnancy? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth.No Answers
2018AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth.No Answers
2018AQORGANS_BORNHave you ever breast/chest fed a child?Yes (1)
No (0)
Were the children that you breast/chest fed born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
2018AQHave you EVER used any type of method for birth control (prevention of pregnancy)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPlease select the method(s) of birth control you have EVER used. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena or Skyla -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (20)
2018AQHave you used any type of method for birth control (prevention of pregnancy) in the past 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQPlease select the method(s) of birth control you have used in the past 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena or Skyla -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (20)
2018AQMedical MarijuanaNo Answers
2018AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and/or I have a health care providers recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a health care providers recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2018AQWhat problems or conditions do you use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage? (One problem or condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQMEDMJHow effective has medical cannabis/marijuana been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQMEDMJWhat forms of medical cannabis/marijuana have you used in the past month? (Check all that apply.)Smoking cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form (1)
Vaporizing cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form or as an extract (2)
Dabbing cannabis/marijuana concentrates (e.g., wax, shatter) (3)
Eating cannabis/marijuana in capsules or food products (4)
Applying cannabis-containing balms, tinctures, or other products (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQYou have completed the Physical Health Block! This is one of 3 blocks! WOOHOO - another one done! Each block you will out helps us understand LGBTQ peoples' unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. You rock!No Answers
2018AQMore About MeNo Answers
2018AQIn what ZIP code did you spend most of your childhood (until age 18)? (If you do not remember or if it was not within the United States, please leave blank.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQIt looks like you did not fill in the ZIP code where you spent most of your childhood. Some people may have difficulty remembering this. Please provide the city and state (and country if outside the United States) where you spent most of your childhood (until age 18).Text Entry (-)
2018AQIf a national survey company, like Gallup, asked you the following question: “We are asking only for statistical purposes: Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?” How would you answer? I would answer Yes. (1)
I would answer No. (0)
I would not answer the question. (2)
2018AQDo you consider yourself a member of any of the following communities? (Check all that apply.)None of these (1)
BDSM (2)
Kink (3)
Leather (4)
Puppy pack (5)
Faeries (6)
Bear (7)
Furry (8)
Polyamorous (9)
Another community (please specify) (10)
Another community (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQMilitary ServiceNo Answers
2018AQHave you ever served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2018AQMIL_EVERAre you still serving in the military including Reserves and National Guard?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQMIL_EVERWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
2018AQMIL_EVERWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQMIL_NOWWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)No Answers
2018AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQMIL_EVERDid you ever get any type of health care through the VA?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQVACARE_EVERDo you currently get any type of health care through the VA?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2018AQYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2018 Annual Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Thank you again for completing the 2018 Annual Questionnaire. We deeply appreciate for your time, your interest in The PRIDE Study, and your investment in research that will help our communities understand how the experience of being LGBTQ is related to all aspects of health and life. TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO THE NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to DashboardNo Answers
2018AQSUPPWhich categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian or Alaska Native (For example: Aztec, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Navajo Nation, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) (1)
Asian (For example: Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) (2)
Black, African American or African (For example: African American, Ethiopian, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Somali, etc.) (3)
Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish (For example: Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, etc.) (4)
Middle Eastern or North African (For example: Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, etc.) (5)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (For example: Chamorro, Fijian, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Tongan, etc.) (6)
White (For example: English, European, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.) (7)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (8)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Dutch (1)
English (2)
European (3)
French (4)
German (5)
Irish (6)
Italian (7)
Norwegian (8)
Polish (9)
Scottish (10)
Spanish (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (12)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Colombian (1)
Cuban (2)
Dominican (3)
Ecuadorian (4)
Honduran (5)
Mexican or Mexican American (6)
Puerto Rican (7)
Salvadoran (8)
Spanish (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Asian Indian (1)
Cambodian (2)
Chinese (3)
Filipino (4)
Hmong (5)
Japanese (6)
Korean (7)
Pakistani (8)
Vietnamese (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)African American (1)
Barbadian (2)
Caribbean (3)
Ethiopian (4)
Ghanaian (5)
Haitian (6)
Jamaican (7)
Liberian (8)
Nigerian (9)
Somali (10)
South African (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (12)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian (1)
Alaska Native (2)
Central or South American Indian (3)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (4)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPPlease provide the name of the tribe(s) in which you are enrolled or affiliated or your tribal descent. (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) Please list tribes separated by commas.For example, one answer may be: "Navajo Nation, Pomo" Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Afghan (1)
Algerian (2)
Egyptian (3)
Iranian (4)
Iraqi (5)
Israeli (6)
Lebanese (7)
Moroccan (8)
Syrian (9)
Tunisian (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)Chamorro (1)
Chuukese (2)
Fijian (3)
Marshallese (4)
Native Hawaiian (5)
Palauan (6)
Samoan (7)
Tahitian (8)
Tongan (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWith which ethnic and/or cultural group(s) DO YOU IDENTIFY? (Please list all the ethnic and/or cultural groups with which you identify. Please list only one ethnic or cultural group per box.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1124/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2018AQSUPPAre you worried about how you look?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1ADo you think about your appearance problems a lot and wish you could think about them less?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BPlease list the areas of your body you don't like. Examples of disliked body areas include: your skin (for example, acne, scars, wrinkles, paleness, redness); hair; the shape or size of your nose, mouth, jaw, lips, stomach, hips, etc.; or defects of your hands, genitals, breasts, or any other body part.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BIs your main concern with how you look is that you aren't thin enough or that you might get too fat?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_2AIs your main concern with how you look that you aren't muscular enough?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BHas it often upset you a lot?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BHas it often gotten in the way of doing things with friends, dating, your relationships with people, or your social activities?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BHas it caused any problems with school, work, or other activities?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BAre there things you avoid because of how you look?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPBDDQ_1BOn an average day, how much time do you usually spend thinking about how you look? (Add up all the time you spend in total in a day then select one.)Less than 1 hour a day (1)
1-3 hours a day (2)
More than 3 hours a day (3)
2018AQSUPPI often notice small sounds when others do not.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPWhen I'm reading a story I find it difficult to work out the characters' intentions.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI find it easy to 'read between the lines' when someone is talking to me.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than the small details.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI find it easy to do more than one thing at once.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPIf there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, types of birds, types of trains, types of plants, etc.)Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPI find it difficult to work out people's intentions.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
2018AQSUPPThe next few items ask about how you feel in your environment relating to other people.No Answers
2018AQSUPPI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQSUPPI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQSUPPI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQSUPPI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2018AQSUPPThe following questions concern types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever had the following experience?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPSES1How many times has this happened in the past 12 months?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES1How many times has this happened since age 14?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES1How many times did this happen to you before age 14?0 (0)
1 (2)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever had the following experience?Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPSES2How many times has this happened in the past 12 months?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES2How many times has this happened since age 14?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES2How many times did this happen to you before age 14?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever had the following experience?Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina/front hole without my consent. Note: People may have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy. Some people are not comfortable with the term ‘vagina' and may prefer the term ‘front hole.' The PRIDE Study chooses to include both the terms ‘vagina' and ‘front hole' for all relevant questions to honor the preferences and comfort of our participants. Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPSES3How many times has this happened in the past 12 months?0 (1)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES3How many times has this happened since age 14?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES3How many times did this happen to you before age 14?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever had the following experience?Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina/front hole.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPSES4How many times has this happened in the past 12 months?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES4How many times has this happened since age 14?0 (1)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPSES4How many times did this happen to you before age 14?0 (1)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever been sexually assaulted and/or raped?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2018AQSUPPThe PRIDE Study is interested in giving voice to our communities' experiences with discrimination, violence, and harassment. If you would like to tell us more about any experiences that you have had along these lines, please do so here.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPWe are asking the following question in the 2018 Annual Questionnaire Supplement so we can better customize this questionnaire for you.We have three available versions available: o A version for people who identify as a gender minority (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) that will ask about gender identity/expression. o A version for people who identify as a sexual minority (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) that will ask about sexual orientation. o A version or people who identify as both a gender and sexual minority that will ask about gender identity/expression and sexual orientation. Please choose the option that you think is best for you.No Answers
2018AQSUPPI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (0)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (1)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (2)
2018AQSUPPThe next questions are about your experiences with spiritual and/or religious groups.No Answers
2018AQSUPPWere you raised with spiritual or religious involvement?Yes (1)
No (2)
How accepting of sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) was the religious community in which you were raised?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
How accepting of gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, transgender, etc.) was the religious community in which you were raised?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2018AQSUPPRAISED_RELIn which religion or spiritual tradition were you raised? (Check all that apply.)Agnostic (1)
Atheist (2)
Bahai (3)
Buddhist (4)
Christian (5)
Confucianist (6)
Druid (7)
Hindu (8)
Jain (9)
Jehovahs Witness (10)
Jewish (11)
Muslim (12)
Native American Traditional Practitioner or Ceremonial (13)
Pagan (14)
Rastafarian (15)
Scientologist (16)
Secular Humanist (17)
Shinto (18)
Sikh (19)
Taoist (20)
Tenrikyo (21)
Wiccan (22)
Spiritual, but no religious affiliation (23)
No affiliation (0)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (24)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPRELIGION_RAISEDIn which Christian affiliation were you raised?African Methodist Episcopal (1)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion (2)
Assembly of God (3)
Baptist (4)
Catholic/Roman Catholic (5)
Church of Christ (6)
Church of God in Christ (7)
Christian Orthodox (8)
Christian Methodist Episcopal (9)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC) (10)
Episcopalian (11)
Evangelical (12)
Greek Orthodox (13)
Lutheran (14)
Mennonite (15)
Moravian (16)
Nondenominational Christian (17)
Pentecostal (18)
Presbyterian (19)
Protestant (20)
Protestant Reformed Church (21)
Quaker (22)
Reformed Church of America (RCA) (23)
Russian Orthodox (24)
Seventh Day Adventist (25)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (26)
United Methodist (27)
Unitarian Universalist (28)
United Church of Christ (29)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (30)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPRELIGION_RAISEDIn which Jewish affiliation were you raised?Conservative (1)
Hasidic (2)
Humanist (3)
Orthodox (4)
Reconstructionist (5)
Reform (6)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (7)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPRELIGION_RAISEDIn which Muslim affiliation were you raised?Muslim (not specifically Sunni or Shia) (1)
Sunni (for example, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, or Hanbali) (2)
Shia (for example, Ithna Ashari/Twelver or Ismaili/Sevener) (3)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (4)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPAre you currently spiritual or religious?Yes (1)
No (0)
How accepting of sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not apply to me, I dont have a spiritual or religious community (5)
How accepting of gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, transgender, etc.) is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not apply to me, I dont have a spiritual or religious community (5)
2018AQSUPPRELIGIOUSWhat is your current religious or spiritual identity? (Check all that apply.)Agnostic (1)
Atheist (2)
Bahai (3)
Buddhist (4)
Christian (5)
Confucianist (6)
Druid (7)
Hindu (8)
Jain (9)
Jehovahs Witness (10)
Jewish (11)
Muslim (12)
Native American Traditional Practitioner or Ceremonial (13)
Pagan (14)
Rastafarian (15)
Scientologist (16)
Secular Humanist (17)
Shinto (18)
Sikh (19)
Taoist (20)
Tenrikyo (21)
Wiccan (22)
Spiritual, but no religious affiliation (23)
No affiliation (0)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (24)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPRELIGIONPlease select your Christian affiliation.African Methodist Episcopal (1)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion (2)
Assembly of God (3)
Baptist (4)
Catholic/Roman Catholic (5)
Church of Christ (6)
Church of God in Christ (7)
Christian Orthodox (8)
Christian Methodist Episcopal (9)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC) (10)
Episcopalian (11)
Evangelical (12)
Greek Orthodox (13)
Lutheran (14)
Mennonite (15)
Moravian (16)
Nondenominational Christian (17)
Pentecostal (18)
Presbyterian (19)
Protestant (20)
Protestant Reformed Church (21)
Quaker (22)
Reformed Church of America (RCA) (23)
Russian Orthodox (24)
Seventh Day Adventist (25)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (26)
United Methodist (27)
Unitarian Universalist (28)
United Church of Christ (29)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (30)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPRELIGIONPlease select your Jewish affiliation.Conservative (1)
Hasidic (2)
Humanist (3)
Orthodox (4)
Reconstructionist (5)
Reform (6)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (7)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPRELIGIONPlease select your Muslim affiliation.Muslim (not specifically Sunni or Shia) (1)
Sunni (for example, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, or Hanbali) (2)
Shia (for example, Ithna Ashari/Twelver or Ismaili/Sevener) (3)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (4)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPWe are going to ask you questions about up to four different people who raised you (for example, parents, family members, or parental figures). To help you remember which person we are asking a question about, please type in the person's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPHow is ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you?Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPHow is ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you?Mother (1)
Father (2)
Stepmother (3)
Stepfather (4)
Foster mother (5)
Foster father (6)
Aunt (7)
Uncle (8)
Grandmother (9)
Grandfather (10)
Cousin (11)
Sister (12)
Brother (13)
Another way (please specify) (14)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPHow is ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you?Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPHow is ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you?Mother (1)
Father (2)
Stepmother (3)
Stepfather (4)
Foster mother (5)
Foster father (6)
Aunt (7)
Uncle (8)
Grandmother (9)
Grandfather (10)
Cousin (11)
Sister (12)
Brother (13)
Another way (please specify) (14)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPCYOAThe next questions are about how ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} reacted to learning about your identity.No Answers
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation nand is now deceased or not in contact (87)
The next questions are about how ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} reacted to learning about your identity.No Answers
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
The next questions are about how ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} reacted to learning about your identity.No Answers
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
The next questions are about how ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} reacted to learning about your identity.No Answers
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my gender identity (88)
Did not know about my gender identity and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
When ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
In your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID932/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not know about my sexual orientation (88)
Did not know about my sexual orientation and is now deceased or not in contact (87)
2018AQSUPPSome in our community have people who they are emotionally close to and consider family even though they are not biologically or legally related. This is sometimes called a chosen family.Do you have a chosen family?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPCHOFAMPlease describe anything you would like to share about your chosen family and their role in your life.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPThe next questions are about money that you have spent out of pocket on medical care.No Answers
2018AQSUPPIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
Less than 500 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPOOPIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
Less than 500 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPVitamins and MineralsNo Answers
2018AQSUPPAre you taking any of the following supplements? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Biotin (1)
Calcium (2)
Coenzyme Q10 (3)
Cranberry (pills, capsules) (4)
Echinacea (5)
Fiber Supplement (6)
Fish Oil/Omega-3 Fatty Acids (7)
Folate/Folic Acid (B-9) (8)
Garlic supplements (9)
Ginkgo biloba (10)
Ginseng (11)
Glucosamine and/or chondroitin (12)
Iron (13)
Magnesium (14)
Melatonin (15)
Multivitamin - not prenatal vitamin (16)
Prenatal vitamins (17)
Probiotics/prebiotics (18)
Turmeric (19)
Vitamin B-12 (20)
Vitamin B Complex (21)
Vitamin C (22)
Vitamin D (23)
Zinc (24)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (25)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (26)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (27)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2018AQSUPPWe are asking the following question in the 2018 Annual Questionnaire Supplement so we can better customize this questionnaire for you.Note: People may have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy. Some people are not comfortable with the term ‘vagina' and may prefer the term ‘front hole.' The PRIDE Study chooses to include both the terms ‘vagina' and ‘front hole' for all relevant questions to honor the preferences and comfort of our participants.No Answers
2018AQSUPPHow often during the last year have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPComplementary and Integrative HealthNo Answers
2018AQSUPPIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used any of the following to manage physical and/or mental health conditions? (Check all that apply.)Acupuncture (1)
Chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (2)
Energy healing (3)
Massage therapy (4)
None of these (0)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use acupuncture to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRHow effective has acupuncture been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRHow effective has chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use energy healing to manage?Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRHow effective has energy healing been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use massage therapy to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPCIH_PASTYRHow effective has massage therapy been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQSUPPIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of meditation regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPMEDITATIONPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent meditating, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPMEDITATIONWas your meditation practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPMEDITATION_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use meditation to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPMEDITATION_MANAGEHow effective has meditation been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQSUPPIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of yoga regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPYOGAPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent practicing yoga, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPYOGAWas your yoga practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPYOGA_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use yoga to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPYOGA_MANAGEHow effective has yoga been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2018AQSUPPWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/phallus (a part of your body, not a dildo) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening/Front hole (8)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSUPPHow often do you masturbate?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2018AQSUPPDo you ever masturbate in the presence of an intimate or romantic partner?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWSexual Satisfaction / DysfunctionNo Answers
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel sexual desire or interest?Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2018AQSUPPHave you had any sexual activity in the last 4 weeks? Recall that sexual activity can be any kind of sex with a partner(s) or self-stimulation (masturbation).Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level (degree) of sexual desire or interest?Very high (5)
High (4)
Moderate (3)
Low (2)
Very low or none at all (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you feel sexually aroused ("turned on") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level of sexual arousal ("turn on") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Very high (5)
High (4)
Moderate (3)
Low (2)
Very low or none at all (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how confident were you about becoming sexually aroused during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Very high confidence (5)
High confidence (4)
Moderate confidence (3)
Low confidence (2)
Very low or no confidence (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often have you been satisfied with your arousal (excitement) during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, when you had sexual stimulation, how often did you reach orgasm (climax)?No sexual activity (0)
Almost always or always (5)
Most times (more than half the time) (4)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (2)
Almost never or never (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, when you had sexual stimulation, how difficult was it for you to reach orgasm (climax)?No sexual activity (0)
Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied were you with your ability to reach orgasm (climax) during sexual activity?No sexual activity (0)
Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with the amount of emotional closeness during sexual activity between you and your partner?No sexual activity (0)
Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
Not applicable. I dont have a partner(s) (88)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship with your partner?Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
Not applicable, I dont have a partner(s) (88)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how satisfied have you been with your overall sexual life?Very satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
About equally satisfied and dissatisfied (3)
Moderately dissatisfied (2)
Very dissatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience discomfort or pain during vaginal or front hole penetration?Did not attempt or do not engage in vaginal/front hole penetration (0)
Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how often did you experience discomfort or pain following vaginal or front hole penetration?Did not attempt or do not engage in vaginal/front hole penetration (0)
Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWOver the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level (degree) of discomfort or pain during or following vaginal or front hole penetration?Did not attempt or do not engage in vaginal/front hole penetration (0)
Very high (1)
High (2)
Moderate (3)
Low (4)
Very low or none at all (5)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, have you taken Viagra or any similar drugs for problems with your erection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, without using drugs like Viagra, how often have you been able to get an erection when you wanted to? (Check only one)All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time (1)
Used Viagra or similar drug with every sexual encounter (0)
Not applicable. I did not want to get an erection (7)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, if you were able to get an erection without using drugs like Viagra, how often were you able to stay hard as long as you wanted to? (Check only one)All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time (1)
Used Viagra or similar drug with every sexual encounter (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, if you were able to get an erection, without using drugs like Viagra, how would you rate the hardness of your erection? (Check only one)Completely hard (5)
Almost completely hard (4)
Mostly hard, but can be slightly bent (3)
A little hard, but bends easily (2)
Not at all hard (1)
Used Viagra or similar drug with every sexual encounter (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, if you have had difficulty getting hard or staying hard without using drugs like Viagra, have you been bothered by this problem?… (Check only one)Not at all bothered/Did not have a problem with erection (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2018AQSUPPWe know that some people who have a penis or phallus have never had the capacity to ejaculate or "cum." Have you ever had the capacity to ejaculate or "cum?Yes (1)
No (2)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, how often have you been able to ejaculate when having sexual activity? (Check only one)All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time/Could not ejaculate (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, when having sexual activity, how often did you feel that you took too long to ejaculate or “cum”? (Check only one)None of the time (5)
Less than half of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Most of the time (2)
All of the time (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, when having sexual activity, how often have you felt like you were ejaculating (“cumming”), but no fluid came out? None of the time (5)
Less than half of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Most of the time (2)
All of the time (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, how would you rate the strength or force of your ejaculation? As strong as it always was (5)
A little less strong than it used to be (4)
Somewhat less strong than it used to be (3)
Much less strong than it used to be (2)
Very much less strong than it used to be (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, how would you rate the amount or volume of semen when you ejaculate? As much as it always was (5)
A little less than it used to be (4)
Somewhat less than it used to be (3)
Much less than it used to be (2)
Very much less than it used to be (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWCompared to ONE month ago, would you say the physical pleasure you feel when you ejaculate has…Increased a lot (5)
Increased moderately (4)
Neither increased nor decreased (3)
Decreased moderately (2)
Decreased a lot (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, have you experienced any physical pain or discomfort when you ejaculated? Would you say you have…No pain at all (5)
Slight amount of pain or discomfort (4)
Moderate amount of pain or discomfort (3)
Strong amount of pain or discomfort (2)
Extreme amount of pain or discomfort (1)
Could not ejaculate (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, if you have had any ejaculation difficulties or have been unable to ejaculate, have you been bothered by this? Not at all bothered (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
Not applicable because I dont have any ejaculation difficulties (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWDo you have a “main partner”?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWGenerally, how satisfied are you with the overall sexual relationship you have with your main partner? (Check only one.) Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWGenerally, how satisfied are you with the quality of the sex life you have with your main partner? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWGenerally, how satisfied are you with the number of times you and your main partner have sex? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWGenerally, how satisfied are you with the way you and your main partner show affection during sex? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWGenerally, how satisfied are you with the way you and your main partner communicate about sex? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWAside from your sexual relationship, how satisfied are you with all other aspects of the relationship you have with your main partner? Extremely satisfied (5)
Moderately satisfied (4)
Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied (3)
Moderately unsatisfied (2)
Extremely unsatisfied (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, how often have you had sexual activity, including masturbating, intercourse, oral sex, or any other type of sex? (Check only one) Daily or almost daily (5)
More than 6 times per month (4)
4-6 times per month (3)
1-3 times per month (2)
0 times per month (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWWhen was the last time you had sex? (Check only one)1-3 months ago (5)
4-6 months ago (4)
7-12 months ago (3)
13-24 months ago (2)
More than 24 months ago (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWWhat are the reasons you have not had sex in the last month? (Check all that apply.)I could not have sex because I could not get an erection. (1)
I could not have sex because I could not ejaculate or cum. (4)
I did not want to have sex in the last month. (7)
I had no partner. (3)
Other (please specify) (4)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWCompared to ONE month ago, has the number of times you have had sexual activity increased or decreased? Increased a lot (5)
Increased moderately (4)
Neither increased nor decreased (3)
Decreased moderately (2)
Decreased a lot (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, have you been bothered by these changes in the number of times you have had sexual activity? Not at all bothered (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, how often have you felt an urge or desire to have sex with your main partner? All of the time (5)
Most of the time (4)
About half of the time (3)
Less than half of the time (2)
None of the time (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, how would you rate your urge or desire to have sex with your main partner? Very high (5)
High (4)
Moderate (3)
Low (2)
Very low or none at all (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWIn the last month, have you been bothered by your level of sexual desire? Have you been…Not at all bothered (5)
A little bit bothered (4)
Moderately bothered (3)
Very bothered (2)
Extremely bothered (1)
2018AQSUPPORGANS_NOWCompared to ONE month ago, has your urge or desire for sex with your main partner increased or decreased? Increased a lot (5)
Increased moderately (4)
Neither increased nor decreased (3)
Decreased moderately (2)
Decreased a lot (1)
2018AQSUPPDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you masturbate?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
2018AQSUPPDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have vaginal/front hole sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2018AQSUPPDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have anal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2018AQSUPPSex WorkNo Answers
2018AQSUPPHave you ever engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPSEXWORKWhat type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you ever done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2018AQSUPPHave you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes, within the past year (2)
Yes, but more than a year ago (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPHave you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes, within the past year (2)
Yes, but more than a year ago (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPHave you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes, within the past year (2)
Yes, but more than a year ago (1)
No (0)
2018AQSUPPPlease select up to 3 of the following dating sites/apps that you use the most.I dont use any dating sites/apps (0)
Adam4Adam (1)
BBRT (2)
Blendr (3)
Bumble (4)
Chappy (5)
Coffee Meets Bagel (6)
Compatible Partners (7)
Craigslist (8)
Feeld (9)
FetLife (10)
FWB (Friends With Benefits) (11)
Grindr (12)
Growlr (13)
Happn (14)
Hinge (15)
Her (16)
Hornet (17)
Jackd (18)
Manhunt (19) (20)
MR X (21)
OKCupid (22)
Plenty of Fish (POF) (23)
Recon (24)
Seeking Arrangement (25)
Scissr (26)
Scruff (27)
Surge (28)
The League (29)
Thrust (30)
Tinder (31)
Zoe (32)
Other (please specify) (33)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPOn average, which best describes the amount of time you spend on dating sites/apps?Less than 1 hour a week (1)
1-6 hours per week (2)
1 hour per day (3)
2 hours per day (4)
3 or more hours per day (5)
2018AQSUPPHow often do you meet up with someone from a dating site/app?Almost never (1)
About once per month (2)
A couple of times per month (3)
About once per week (4)
Several times per week (5)
Daily (6)
2018AQSUPPSome people report experiencing discrimination or harassment on dating sites/apps due to their personal characteristics. Have you ever experienced discrimination or harassment on a dating site/app due to any of the following? (Check all the apply.)I have never experienced discrimination/harassment on dating sites/apps (0)
My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
My HIV status (6)
The language I speak or sign (7)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (8)
My political views (9)
My preferred safer sex practices (e.g., PrEP, condoms) (10)
My race and/or ethnicity (11)
My sexual orientation (12)
My skin color (13)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (14)
Another reason (please specify) (15)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2018AQSUPPIf you would like to, please tell us more about your experiences (positive and/or negative) using dating sites/apps.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPMore About MeNo Answers
2018AQSUPPIn politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Democrat, an Independent, a Republican, or another party?Democrat (1)
Independent (2)
Republican (3)
Another party (please specify) (4)
Another party (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not identify with any political party. (5)
2018AQSUPPPOLPARTYAs of today, do you lean more toward the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?Democratic Party (1)
Republican Party (2)
Neither/Other (3)
2018AQSUPPDid you vote in the 2016 election year?Yes (1)
No (2)
I do not remember (3)
I am not eligible to vote (4)
2018AQSUPPDid you intend to vote, or have you already voted, in the 2018 election year?Yes (1)
No (2)
I do not remember if I voted (3)
I have not yet decided (4)
I am not eligible to vote (5)
2018AQSUPPHow would you describe your political views?Very conservative (1)
Conservative (2)
Moderate (3)
Liberal (4)
Very liberal (5)
2018AQSUPPWhat is your citizenship or immigration status in the U.S.? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).U.S. citizen by birth (1)
U.S. citizen by naturalization (2)
Permanent resident (Green card holder) (3)
A visa holder (such as F-1, J-1, H-1B, and U) (4)
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) (5)
Refugee status (6)
Undocumented resident (7)
Currently under a withholding of removal status (8)
Other documented status not mentioned above (9)
Id prefer not to disclose this (10)
2018AQSUPPFuture Research in The PRIDE StudyNo Answers
2018AQSUPPIn the future, The PRIDE Study may conduct optional research studies that involve taking certain measurements at home such as your heart rate or blood pressure. Additionally, The PRIDE Study may conduct optional research studies that include collection of biological specimens such as saliva, urine, hair samples, or blood.In order to determine if these are research studies that we should conduct, we are asking the next questions to find out which devices our participants own and what specimens they would be willing to give us for research purposes. No Answers
2018AQSUPPDo you own a scale that can measure your weight? It does not need to be a digital scale or a "smart" scale that is connected to the Internet.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPDo you own an automatic (digital) blood pressure cuff that goes around your upper arm (not your wrist)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPDo you own a glucometer (a device that checks your blood sugar level using a small drop of blood obtained by a fingerstick)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a saliva (spit) sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a urine (pee) sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a hair sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a blood sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a cheek scraping (where you gently scrape the inside of your cheek to get cells from inside your mouth)? This is also known as a buccal swab.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPIf you have any specific ideas or concerns that you would like to share with us about giving biological samples to The PRIDE Study, please describe them here.Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPHave you ever done DNA genetic testing with any of the following companies? (Check all that apply.)23andMe (1)
AncestryDNA (2)
CRI Genetics (3)
FamilyTree DNA (4)
HomeDNA (5)
Living DNA (6)
MyHeritage DNA (7)
National Geographic Genographic Project (8)
Another company (please specify) (9)
Another company (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2018AQSUPPDNAWould you be willing to share your DNA genetic testing results with The PRIDE Study?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2018AQSUPPWe at The PRIDE Study are interested in what makes people thrive. Therefore, can you tell us a bit about what brings you joy?Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2018AQSUPPYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2018 Annual Questionnaire Supplement and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through the Gay and Lesbian Medical Association: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to DashboardNo Answers
2019AQWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Agender (1)
Cisgender man (2)
Cisgender woman (3)
Genderqueer (4)
Man (5)
Non-binary (6)
Questioning (7)
Transgender man (8)
Transgender woman (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Woman (11)
Another gender identity (please specify) (12)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQWhat was the sex assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate?Female (2)
Male (1)
2019AQWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Another sexual orientation (11)
Another sexual orientation (TEXT)
2019AQWhat is your current height in feet and inches? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2019AQWhat is your current weight in pounds (lbs)? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2019AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct U.S. Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (1)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (2)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (3)
2019AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current gender identity?("Cisgender" here means identifying with the sex assigned to you at birth. For example, a cisgender woman identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth.)Cisgender man (1)
Cisgender woman (2)
Non-binary (3)
Transgender man (4)
Transgender woman (5)
Another gender identity (6)
2019AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current sexual orientation?Asexual/Demisexual/Gray-Ace (1)
Bisexual/Pansexual (2)
Gay/Lesbian (3)
Queer (4)
Straight/Heterosexual (5)
Another sexual orientation (6)
2019AQWe would like to know more about your current romantic feelings toward other people. Please select all of the people you have romantic feelings for: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not romantically attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQWe would like to know more about your current sexual attractions to other people. Please select all of the people you are attracted to: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not sexually attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPeople are often referred to by pronouns instead of their names, such as they/theirs, she/hers, he/his, ze/hir. Which pronouns do you want people to use to refer to you? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (7)
Pronouns not listed above (TEXT)
2019AQWhat percentage of time do people use the pronouns you selected above (considering all situations)?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQPeople often have a chosen name that is different than the name they were given at birth. Do you have a name like that?Yes (1)
No (2)
2019AQCHONAMEWhat percentage of time do people use your chosen name?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (0)
2019AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (0)
2019AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (0)
2019AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (0)
2019AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (6)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (7)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (8)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (9)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (10)
Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (11)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (12)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (13)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (14)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (15)
Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (16)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (17)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (18)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (19)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (20)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (21)
2019AQProblems You May Have HadNo Answers
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had depression?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2019AQMED_MENTALWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?All of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (0)
Some of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (1)
None of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (2)
2019AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2019AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2019AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2019AQHave you EVER tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSMOKERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2019AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2019AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (9)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (10)
Snuff (11)
Snus (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
I have never used any tobacco product other than cigarettes (14)
I have never used any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products (0)
2019AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2019AQALC5In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (1)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQHow long has it been since you last had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 4 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2019AQALC4In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the PAST YEAR?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the PAST YEAR?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2019AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2019AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2019AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2019AQHave you thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2019AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2019AQHave you told someone that you were going to commit suicide, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2019AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2019AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
We at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2019AQI tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2019AQI have a hard time making it through stressful events.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2019AQIt does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2019AQIt is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2019AQI usually come through difficult times with little trouble.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2019AQI tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2019AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2019AQSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you experienced this kind of event in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes, in the PAST 12 MONTHS (2)
Yes, more than 12 months ago (1)
No (0)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too muchNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQPHQ9We at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it is hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2019AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used - either prescribed or not prescribed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
I have never used any substances (0)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQCAN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQCOKE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSTIM_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQMETH_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQINHALE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQPOP_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQPOP_PDE5INHIBWARNING: Using inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra can kill you by causing a lethal drop in blood pressure with even one use. We are aware that this information may not be widely known among our communities. If you use inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, please contact a health care provider to get more information right away.No Answers
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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24 (24)
25 (25)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSED_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGHB_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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24 (24)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQHALL_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQHEROIN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQNARC_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQMDMA_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQHave you EVER used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQOTDRUG1_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQOTDRUG1_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2019AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQOTDRUG2_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQOTDRUG2_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2019AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2019AQYou have completed the Mental Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQ people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. Thank you!No Answers
2019AQDo you currently identify as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDIS_SELFIDWhat condition(s) or problem(s) are related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Autism (2)
Back or neck problem (3)
Benign tumors, cysts (4)
Birth defect (5)
Cancer (6)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (7)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (8)
Diabetes (9)
Epilepsy, seizures (10)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (11)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (12)
Hearing problem (13)
Heart problem (14)
Hernia (15)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (16)
Intellectual/developmental disability (17)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (18)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (19)
Lung/breathing problem (for example, asthma and emphysema) (20)
Memory (21)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (22)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (23)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (24)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (25)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (26)
Other injury (27)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (28)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (29)
Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (30)
Stroke problem (31)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (32)
Ulcer (33)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (34)
Vision/problem seeing (35)
Weight problem (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (38)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been unable to work due to a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other government disability assistance related to a disability status?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Standing for long periods such as 30 minutes? None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Taking care of your household responsibilities?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Learning a new task, for example, learning how to get to a new place?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much of a problem did you have joining in community activities (for example, festivities, religious or other activities) as fully as someone who doesn't experience your health conditions?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much have you been emotionally affected by your health problems?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Walking a long distance such as a kilometer [or approximately 0.6 miles]?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Washing your whole body?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Getting dressed?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Dealing with people you do not know?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Maintaining a friendship?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have with: Your day-to-day work?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2019AQOverall, in the PAST 30 DAYS, how many days were these difficulties present? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, for how many days were you totally unable to carry out your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, not counting the days that you were totally unable, for how many days did you cut back or reduce your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2019AQThe next set of questions ask about employment.No Answers
2019AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQWORKWhat is the main reason you do not currently work?Taking care of house or family (1)
Going to school (2)
Retired (3)
On a planned vacation from work (4)
On family or parental leave (5)
Temporarily unable to work for health reasons (6)
Have job or contract and off-season (7)
On layoff (8)
Disabled (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2019AQWORKWhich of the following describes your current occupation? (Check all that apply.)Employed, working 40 or more hours per week (1)
Employed, working 1-39 hours per week (2)
Temporarily employed (3)
Self-employed (4)
Not employed, looking for work (5)
Not employed, not looking for work (6)
Homemaker (7)
Student (Full time) (8)
Student (Part time) (9)
Disabled, not able to work (10)
Retired (11)
2019AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2019AQWhat were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2018 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,000 - 20,000 (2)
20,000 - 30,000 (3)
30,000 - 40,000 (4)
40,000 - 50,000 (5)
50,000 - 60,000 (6)
60,000 - 70,000 (7)
70,000 - 80,000 (8)
80,000 - 90,000 (9)
90,000 - 100,000 (10)
100,000 (11)
2019AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your household earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2018 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,000 - 20,000 (2)
20,000 - 30,000 (3)
30,000 - 40,000 (4)
40,000 - 50,000 (5)
50,000 - 60,000 (6)
60,000 - 70,000 (7)
70,000 - 80,000 (8)
80,000 - 90,000 (9)
90,000 - 100,000 (10)
100,000 (11)
2019AQHow many individuals are dependent upon the household income you just described? Please enter 1 for yourself.Text Entry (-)
2019AQWhat is your highest education level completed?No schooling (1)
Nursery school to high school, no diploma (2)
High school graduate or equivalent (e.g., GED) (3)
Trade/Technical/Vocational training (4)
Some college (5)
2-year college degree (6)
4-year college degree (7)
Masters degree (8)
Doctoral degree (9)
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D., M.B.A.) (10)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, at any time, were you held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQHMLS_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you spent sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Text Entry (-)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQUNSTB_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Text Entry (-)
2019AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with a partner, spouse, or other person who pays for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (TEXT)
2019AQHow many people, including yourself, live in your household who are 18 years of age or older?Text Entry (-)
2019AQHow many people live in your household who are younger than 18 years of age?Text Entry (-)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRHARASSDo you think you were targeted for this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRATTACKDo you think you were targeted for these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRDVDo you think you were targeted for this physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not worked and have not applied for jobs in the past 12 months (99)
2019AQYRJOBDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRHOUSDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRSERVDISCDo you think you were targeted for this poorer service in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not been in an educational setting in the past 12 months (99)
2019AQYRSCHDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive medical care in the past 12 months (99)
2019AQYRMEDDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQWas there a time in the PAST 12 MONTHS when you needed to see a health care provider but did not because you thought you would be disrespected or mistreated?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQANTMEDDISCWhen you put off seeing a health care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS because you thought you were going to be disrespected or mistreated, were you concerned you would be disrespected or mistreated because of your... (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive mental health care in the past 12 months (99)
2019AQYRMENTALDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRPOLICEDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQYRSADo you think you were targeted for this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQYRSAThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2019AQNow we will ask about sources of emotional and social support. Please respond to each item that follows by selecting one option.No Answers
2019AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)?Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2019AQThe following questions concern types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
2019AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2019AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2019AQNote: People may have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy. Some people are not comfortable with the term ‘vagina' and may prefer the term ‘frontal genital opening.' The PRIDE Study chooses to include both the terms ‘vagina' and ‘frontal genital opening' for all relevant questions to honor the preferences and comfort of our participants. How many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina/frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2019AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina/frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2019AQHave you been sexually assaulted and/or raped in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSES1_YRWe realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2019AQCYOAI wish I weren't genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI feel that being genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to have a gender that conforms with my sex assigned at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI think my life is better because I am genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2019AQCYOAI wish I weren't lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
Not applicable because I am not attracted to people of my gender (0)
2019AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
If someone offered me the chance to be completely gay/lesbian, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI feel that being lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOAI think my life is better because of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2019AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2019AQDid you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQPARENTTo how many children did you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Text Entry (-)
2019AQWe are going to ask you a question about the children who you became a parent to in the PAST 12 MONTHS. To help you remember which child we are asking a question about, please type in the child's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions. Text Entry (-)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGICONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSOCONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2019AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2019AQHow welcomed and accepted do you feel in LGBTQ spaces (including community groups, social clubs, bars, etc.)?Unaccepted/unwelcomed in all of these spaces (1)
Unaccepted/unwelcomed in most of these spaces (but accepted/welcomed in at least one) (2)
Accepted/welcomed in about half of these spaces (3)
Accepted/welcomed in most, but not all, of these spaces (4)
Accepted/welcomed in all of these spaces (5)
2019AQWELCOMEYou mentioned feeling unaccepted/unwelcomed in some or all LGBTQ spaces. People sometimes feel that these spaces are not welcoming towards them due to various aspects of their identities. Please select aspects of your identity that feel unwelcome in these spaces. (Check all that apply.)My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size, weight, or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
The language I speak or sign (6)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (7)
My political views (8)
My race and/or ethnicity (9)
My sexual orientation (10)
My skin color (11)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (12)
Another reason (please specify) (13)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIs there at least one LGBTQ space (e.g., social club, group, bar, etc.) in which you feel safe?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQOverall, how safe do you feel LGBTQ spaces are for you?Very unsafe (4)
Somewhat unsafe (3)
Neither safe nor unsafe (2)
Mostly safe (1)
Completely safe (0)
2019AQOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2019AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2019AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (1)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (2)
Other (please specify) (3)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQREL_TYPEHow many people are you currently in romantic relationships with?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
2019AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2019AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
2019AQDo you live with your partner(s)?Yes, I live with 1 partner (0)
Yes, I live with 2 or more partners (1)
No, I do not live with a partner (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2019AQWhat gender do you currently live in on a day-to-day basis?Man (1)
Woman (2)
Genderqueer/Non-binary/neither man nor woman (3)
Part time one gender/part time another gender (4)
2019AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what gender do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Man (1)
Non-binary/Genderqueer (2)
Transgender Man (3)
Transgender Woman (4)
Two-spirit (5)
Woman (6)
Another gender (7)
It varies (8)
They cannot tell (9)
I dont know what they think (88)
2019AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a gender minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your gender? (Check all that apply.)Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Used your preferred name even if it was not your legal name (2)
Used your correct pronouns (such as he/she/they) (3)
Provided financial support to help with any part of your gender transition (4)
Helped you change your name and/or gender on your identity documents (ID), like your drivers license (such as doing things like filling out papers or going with you to court) (5)
Did research to learn how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (6)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (7)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what sexual orientation do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Heterosexual or Straight (4)
Lesbian (5)
Queer (6)
They cannot tell (7)
Two-spirit (8)
It varies (9)
Another sexual orientation (10)
I dont know what they think (88)
2019AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a sexual minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.) Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Positively acknowledged your relationship to your partner(s) (2)
Positively acknowledged your sexual and/or romantic orientation (3)
Welcomed your partner(s) to a family event (4)
Provided financial support related to your relationship(s) (e.g., first date, family building, moving in together) (5)
Attended an event that you hosted with a partner(s) (6)
Researched how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (7)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (9)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a mental health professional or health care provider told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQDo you identify as "neurodivergent" or with any associated term that people sometimes use within the neurodiversity movement (aspie, autistic, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQComing out about one's sexual orientation or gender is a process. People do not always come out to everyone at the same time. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you come out to any of the people who raised you? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I came out about my sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) to someone who raised me (1)
Yes, I came out about my gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) to someone who raised me (2)
No, I did not come out in the past 12 months to anyone who raised me (0)
2019AQCOMEOUT_PSTYRWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) in the past 12 months to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use these names in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) in the past 12 months to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use these names in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2019AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2019AQPlease choose the response that best applies to you.No Answers
2019AQCYOAThe decision to hide or reveal my sexual orientation to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQBecause of my sexual orientation, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling him/her my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI feel confused or conflicted by my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI feel comfortable revealing my sexual attractions and/or behavior.Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2019AQThe decision to hide or reveal my gender identity or that I am a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQBecause of my gender identity, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI feel confused or conflicted by my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI feel comfortable revealing my gender identity and/or expression and/or status as a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.). Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2019AQPeople treat me unfairly because of my race, ethnicity, sexual, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQAt times, I feel I stick out because of my race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQStereotypes about racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority people hurt my self-esteem or the way I see myself.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQI believe the world is a dangerous place to be a racial, ethnic, sexual, and/or gender minority person.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2019AQYou have completed the Social Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQ health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQ health equity!No Answers
2019AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.) Although this list of conditions may seem to repeat what you may have filled out as part of "My Health," we want to make sure everything is as up-to-date as possible.Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
2019AQMEDHX1With what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQHow about any of these? Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
2019AQHere's the last set! Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
2019AQPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have. (One condition per line.) If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2019AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cataracts (9)
Chronic kidney disease (10)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (11)
Anal cancer (12)
Breast cancer (13)
Colon cancer (14)
Kidney cancer (15)
Lung cancer (16)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (17)
Ovarian cancer (18)
Pancreatic cancer (19)
Prostate cancer (20)
Skin cancer (melanoma) (21)
Skin cancer (non-melanoma) (22)
Uterine cancer (23)
q://QID901/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ cancer (24)
Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (25)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (26)
Coronary artery disease (27)
Depression (28)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (29)
Diabetes (borderline) (30)
Erectile dysfunction (31)
Glaucoma (32)
Heart attack (33)
Heart murmur (34)
High cholesterol (35)
HIV (36)
Hypertension (high blood pressure) (37)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (38)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (39)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (40)
Liver disease (41)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (42)
Menopause (43)
Migraine headache (44)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (45)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (46)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (47)
Psoriasis (48)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (49)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (50)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (51)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (52)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (53)
Uterine fibroids (54)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǗ (55)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǘ (56)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǙ (57)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǚ (58)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǛ (59)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries and procedures are asked about later.)Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
None of these (0)
2019AQSURGHXWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following procedures for any reason (including gender affirmation or transition)? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
None of these (3)
2019AQPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS (not including gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
2019AQHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (0)
2019AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (scars under the chest, double incision) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (keyhole, through the areola, periareolar) (4)
None of these (0)
2019AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (1)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (2)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labiaplasty) (3)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (4)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (9)
Removal of penis (penectomy) (10)
Removal of testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (12)
Testicular implant insertion (13)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (14)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (15)
None of these (0)
2019AQGAS_AQPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2019AQAre you CURRENTLY taking hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) are you CURRENTLY taking? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2019AQWere any of the following hormones or medications that you used in the PAST 12 MONTHS for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) prescribed by a doctor or health care provider?Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the ${q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you start or stop taking any hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I started taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I stopped taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (0)
No, I did not start or stop taking hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
2019AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you START in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you STOP in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy (not all of which are listed here). Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have/had this if you were assigned female sex at birth) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (3)
Prostate (you likely have/had this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (7)
2019AQHave you EVER had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (8)
2019AQORGANS_NOWYou have indicated that you currently have a vagina/frontal genital opening. In order to customize the rest of this questionnaire, please select the term you would like us to use to describe your vagina/frontal genital opening.Please use the term vagina. (1)
Please use the term frontal genital opening. (2)
2019AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2019AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2019AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2019AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2019AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2019AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2019AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2019AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2019AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2019AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst imaginable pain (10)
2019AQCancer ScreeningNo Answers
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the frontal genital opening, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPAP_YR_VHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPAP_YR_VAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Did you have an HPV test with a Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQHPV_RECENTPAPHave you had a cervical HPV test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQORGANS_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast/chest tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast/chest tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQMAMMO_YRHave you had a mammogram in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPSA_YRHave you had a PSA test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that causes diarrhea. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2019AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination where a doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt)) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus) (4)
I dont know (88)
None of these (0)
2019AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a digital anal/rectal examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal HPV examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal Pap smear where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPhysical ActivityNo Answers
2019AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2019AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2019AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2019AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2019AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2019AQHealthcare AccessNo Answers
2019AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protect against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
There is NO place (2)
There is MORE THAN ONE place (3)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to MOST often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2019AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or health care provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or health care provider in the past 12 months. (2)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or talked to any of the following health care providers about your own health? (Check all that apply.)A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker (1)
An optometrist, ophthalmologist, or eye doctor (someone who prescribes eye glasses) (2)
A foot doctor (a podiatrist) (3)
A chiropractor (4)
A physical therapist, speech therapist, respiratory therapist, audiologist, or occupational therapist (5)
A nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or midwife (6)
A doctor who specializes in reproductive, genital, and sexual health (an obstetrician/gynecologist) (7)
A medical doctor who specializes in a particular medical disease or problem (other than obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist) (8)
A general doctor who treats a variety of illnesses (a doctor in general practice, family medicine, or internal medicine) (9)
I have not seen or talked to any of these providers. (0)
2019AQA primary care provider is a health care provider who takes care of your overall general health and may coordinate your care with other medical specialists. Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPCPHave you seen your primary care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen any of the following specialists? (Check all that apply.)I did not see any specialists (0)
Addiction medicine specialist (1)
Allergist or immunologist (allergy doctor) (2)
Cardiologist (heart doctor) (3)
Dermatologist (skin doctor) (4)
Endocrinologist (hormone doctor) (5)
Gastroenterologist (digestive doctor) (6)
Gynecologist (reproductive and genital/urinary doctor) (7)
Hematologist (blood doctor) (8)
Hepatologist (liver doctor) (9)
Infectious disease specialist (10)
Oncologist (cancer doctor) (11)
Nephrologist (kidney doctor) (12)
Neurologist (brain and nerve doctor) (13)
Neurosurgeon (brain and spine surgeon) (14)
Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) (15)
Orthopedist (bone and joint doctor) (16)
Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) (17)
Pain management specialist (18)
Plastic surgeon (repair, reconstruction, and physical replacement surgeon) (19)
Podiatrist (foot doctor) (20)
Psychiatric nurse practitioner (21)
Psychiatrist (mental health doctor) (22)
Psychologist, psychotherapist, or other mental health counselor (23)
Pulmonologist (lung doctor) (24)
Rheumatologist (joint and inflammation doctor) (25)
Sleep specialist (26)
Speech/language therapist (27)
Urologist (genital/urinary health doctor) (28)
Someone not listed here (please specify) (29)
Someone not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I did not see any specialists (0)
2019AQCYOAIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you gone to a doctor, health care provider, or clinic for transgender-related health care (such as hormone treatment)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQTRANS_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your transgender-related health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you visited a doctor, health care provider, or clinic that focuses on sexual or reproductive health (such as sexually transmitted infections, PrEP, birth control, abortion, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQSEX_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your sexual or reproductive health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2019AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDELAYCAREWhich of these reasons describes why you were delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Health care provider refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to health care providers office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you unable to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the main reason you were unable to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQThe next questions are about money that you have spent out of pocket on health care.No Answers
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
Less than 500 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
Less than 500 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSex WorkNo Answers
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSEXWORKIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQNow we will ask you about your oral health and symptoms.No Answers
2019AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you able to visit a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (12)
Other (13)
Other (TEXT)
2019AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQHow often during the PAST 12 MONTHS have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2019AQSleepNo Answers
2019AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-HOUR PERIOD? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
2019AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble falling asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2019AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble staying asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2019AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you take medication to help you fall asleep or stay asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2019AQIn the PAST WEEK, on how many days did you wake up feeling well rested?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2019AQI worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more. Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQThe food that I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQI couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUSDA_AD1How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (88)
I dont know (89)
2019AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, were you every hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUSDA_AD1In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQUSDA_AD5How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (88)
I dont know (89)
2019AQORGANS_BORNReproductive HistoryNo Answers
2019AQSAABIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) resulted in a pregnancyYes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPREGNANT_SPERMHow many pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS resulted from your sperm? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQORGANS_BORNHave you had at least one menstrual period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2019AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
Are you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQORGANS_BORNHave you been trying to personally become pregnant over the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQORGANS_BORNHave you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQPREG_YRHow many times have you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_TIMESDid any of your pregnancies the PAST 12 MONTHS result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_DELHow many frontal genital opening deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_YRHow many miscarriages have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_YRHow many tubal pregnancies have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQPREG_YRHow many abortions have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQORGANS_NOWHave you breast/chest fed a child in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQBREASTFEDWere the children that you breast/chest fed in the PAST 12 MONTHS born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any type of birth control method for the prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQBIRTHCONTROL_YRPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for the prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, or Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2019AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any birth control method(s) for ANY reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONWhat are the reasons that you have used birth control (OTHER THAN pregnancy prevention) in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)To affirm my gender (1)
To avoid getting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) from someone else (2)
To avoid spreading a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that I have (3)
To avoid symptoms associated with my period like: chest tenderness, bloating, acne, pain from cramping, heavy bleeding (sometimes referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS) (4)
To stop having a period/reduce the amount of bleeding (5)
Prevent hair growth (hirsutism) (6)
To reduce chronic pelvic pain (including endometriosis) (7)
To treat another medical condition (8)
Not listed (please specify) (9)
Not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2019AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for any reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how interested have you been in sexual activity?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you felt like you wanted to have sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, did you have any type of sexual activity? (This means ANY kind of sexual activity including masturbation.)No (0)
Yes (1)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my vagina (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my frontal genital opening (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
2019AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your clitoris (clit)? None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2019AQSFSCR202There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Difficulties with my erections (penis not hard or is painful) (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often were you able to get an erection (get hard) during sexual activity?Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, when you had erections with sexual stimulation how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2019AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, during sexual intercourse how often were you able to maintain your erection (stay hard) after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you been able to have an orgasm/climax when you wanted to?Have not tried to have an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfying have your orgasms or climaxes been?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure have your orgasms or climaxes given you?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had discomfort in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had pain in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had dryness in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how dry has your mouth been?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2019AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sex life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2019AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure has your sex life given you?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2019AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you thought that your sex life is wonderful?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2019AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship(s)? Have not had a sexual relationship with another person in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2019AQSexual Health and Activities The next questions will ask you about your sexual activities including specific sexual behaviors and acts. If you wish to opt out of this section because of this, please indicate below. I wish to answer this section. (1)
I wish to skip this section. (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQMASTURBATE_YRHow often do you masturbate?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQMASTURBATE_YRDo you ever masturbate in the presence of an intimate or romantic partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQHave you engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what are the gender identities of the people that you had any sexual activity with? (Check all that apply.)Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (99)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VHow often do you have receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VHow often do you have insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOHow often do you have insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQVAG2VAG_YR_VHow often do you have sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina (2)
No (0)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a frontal genital opening (2)
No (0)
2019AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you received oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQORAL_GET_PASTYRHow often have you received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQRIM_PASTYRHow often do you perform oral-anal sex (also called "rimming")? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones frontal genital opening (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2019AQFINGER_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQFINGER_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQFINGER_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you used sex toys (such as dildos) with a sexual partner in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (1)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (2)
No (0)
2019AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you insert a sex toy into someone's body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you receive a sex toy into your body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQANAL_VAG_YRHow often do you have anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRHave you had anal sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2019AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or "topping")? More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between someone's penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or "bottoming")?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2019AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2019AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_FIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2019AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQANALSEX_NOCONIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2019AQTOP_NOCONIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2019AQMASTURBATE_YRDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you masturbate?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have vaginal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2019AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGODo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have frontal genital opening sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2019AQDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have anal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these of types of sex that we haven't already asked about? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
BDSM (1)
Chemsex / Party and Play (PNP) (2)
Electrical stimulation (e-stim) (3)
Erotic asphyxiation (i.e., restricting breathing) (4)
Fisting (e.g., hand/fist inserted into a person) (5)
Latex/rubber play (6)
Phone/video sex (7)
Rubbing through clothing (8)
Rubbing with clothing off (9)
Sex toys (e.g., dildos, butt plugs) (10)
Sounding (i.e., inserting something into urethra/pee hole) (11)
Urine play (e.g., golden showers, watersports) (12)
Voyeurism (13)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (14)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQPlease tell us about other kinds of sex that you have.Text Entry (-)
2019AQDo you consider yourself a member of any of the following communities? (Check all that apply.)None of these (1)
BDSM (2)
Celibate (3)
Kink (4)
Leather (5)
Puppy pack (6)
Faeries (7)
Bear (8)
Furry (9)
Polyamorous (10)
Another community (please specify) (11)
Another community (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQSexual Health and InfectionsNo Answers
2019AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Chlamydia (1)
Genital herpes (2)
Genital warts (3)
Gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap (4)
Human papillomavirus or HPV (5)
Syphilis (6)
None of these (0)
2019AQRegardless of your current HIV status, in the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken anti-HIV medications (post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP”) after potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQMEDHX2Have you been tested for HIV in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQMEDHX2What is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2019AQHIVSTATUSDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This person may be the same as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this health care provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
Less than every 12 months (4)
2019AQMEDHX2How frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (1)
Every 1-3 months (2)
Every 4-6 months (3)
Every 7-12 months (4)
Less than every 12 months (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had these lab tests done (0)
2019AQHIVSTATUSAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQHIVSTATUSWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Within the last month (1)
1-3 months ago (2)
4-6 months ago (3)
7-12 months ago (4)
More than 1 year ago (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had my HIV viral load checked (0)
2019AQHIVSTATUSIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2019AQHIVSTATUSPrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Are you CURRENTLY on PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQPREP_NOWIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how many days did you take your daily PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2019AQPREP_NOWAre you currently on PrEP as part of a clinical or research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQPREP_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you previously on PrEP, but had to stop taking it?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQPREP_STOP_YRWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I became infected with HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2019AQHIVSTATUSIf you are interested in learning more about PrEP, we encourage you to check out the following resources and talk with your medical provider. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: No Answers
2019AQHIVSTATUSAlthough PrEP is for individuals who are HIV negative, we want to share more information about PrEP with individuals who are living with HIV in case they wish to pass this along to other individuals close to them. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: Answers
2019AQHave you donated blood in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQDONATEWe are trying to learn more about blood donation in our communities. Can you tell us more about why you donated blood?Text Entry (-)
2019AQDONATEWe are trying to learn more about blood donation in our communities. Can you tell us more about why you did not donate blood?Text Entry (-)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “binding”? (Binding refers to flattening your chest using materials such as bandages, cloth strips, layering of shirts, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQBINDINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by binding. (Check all that apply) Pain (abdominal, back, chest, breast, shoulder) (1)
Headache (2)
Breast tenderness (3)
Bad Posture (4)
Rib or spine changes (5)
Bone or joint issues (popping joints, rib fractures) (6)
Fatigue and Weakness (7)
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy (8)
Numbness (9)
Chest/Breast changes (muscle wasting, scarring, swelling) (10)
Digestive issues or heartburn (11)
Respiratory Issues (cough, shortness of breath, respiratory infections, collapsed lung/pneumothorax) (12)
Skin Changes (itch, rash, acne, infections) (13)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (14)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from binding (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “packing”? (Packing refers to placing an object in one's underwear to resemble the appearance of a penis/phallus.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQPACKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by packing. (Check all that apply) Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from packing (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stuffing”? (Stuffing refers to changing the appearance of your chest/breasts using materials such as push-up bras, gel pads, cloth strips, cotton gauze, tape, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “tucking”? (Tucking refers to concealing one's genitals by placing them between and behind one's legs, and/or by pushing them inside your groin/abdomen.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQTUCKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by tucking. (Check all that apply)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Itching (4)
Urinary tract or bladder infection(s) (5)
Problems ejaculating (6)
Problems urinating (7)
Pain in penis (8)
Pain in testicles (9)
Numbness in the penis or testicles (10)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (11)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from tucking (0)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you injected a substance (fillers) to fill out your face or make your figure more curvy (for example, silicone)? Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSILICONEPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by the injections. (Check all that apply)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, scars, swelling etc.) (3)
Whole body infections (e.g., blood bacterial infection, HIV, Hepatitis C) (4)
Breathing problems (5)
Pain in the areas of injection (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (7)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from silicone/other substance injections (0)
2019AQSILICONEWhere did you get your injections? (Check all that apply.)Injections from a licensed medical provider (1)
Injections during a group session (e.g., pumping party) (2)
Individual injections from someone who is not a medical provider (3)
Another place (please describe) (4)
Another place (please describe) (TEXT)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stand-to-pee” or STP device to stand up to pee?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQSTPPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by using a “stand-to-pee” (STP) device. (Check all that apply)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from using an STP device (0)
2019AQMedical MarijuanaNo Answers
2019AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and/or I have a health care providers recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a health care providers recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2019AQYou have completed the Physical Health Block! This is one of 4 blocks! WOOHOO - another one done! Each block you will out helps us understand LGBTQ people's unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people.No Answers
2019AQMore About MeNo Answers
2019AQOn average, which best describes the amount of time you spend on dating sites/apps?Zero. I do not visit or use dating sites/apps. (0)
Less than 1 hour a week (1)
1-6 hours per week (2)
1 hour per day (3)
2 hours per day (4)
3 or more hours per day (5)
2019AQAPPTIMEHow often do you meet up with someone from a dating site/app?Never (0)
Almost never (1)
About once per month (2)
A couple of times per month (3)
About once per week (4)
Several times per week (5)
Daily (6)
2019AQMilitary ServiceNo Answers
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you served at any time in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2019AQMIL_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you join or leave the military?Yes, I joined the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I left the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
No, I left the military before the PAST 12 MONTHS. (3)
No, I am currently still serving in the military. (0)
2019AQWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
2019AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2019AQMIL_NOWWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQMIL_NOWWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2018 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2020 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2018 (7)
February 2019 (8)
February 2020 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2018 (12)
March 2019 (13)
March 2020 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2018 (17)
April 2019 (18)
April 2020 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2018 (22)
May 2019 (23)
May 2020 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2018 (27)
June 2019 (28)
June 2020 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2018 (32)
July 2019 (33)
July 2020 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2018 (37)
August 2019 (38)
August 2020 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2018 (42)
September 2019 (43)
September 2020 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2018 (47)
October 2019 (48)
October 2020 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2018 (52)
November 2019 (53)
November 2020 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2018 (57)
December 2019 (58)
December 2020 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2018 (62)
I dont know/remember 2019 (63)
I dont know/remember 2020 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2019AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you get any type of health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2019AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2019AQYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2019 Annual Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Thank you again for completing the 2019 Annual Questionnaire. We deeply appreciate for your time, your interest in The PRIDE Study, and your investment in research that will help our communities understand how the experience of being LGBTQ is related to all aspects of health and life. TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO THE NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to DashboardNo Answers
2020AQWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Agender (1)
Cisgender man (2)
Cisgender woman (3)
Genderqueer (4)
Man (5)
Non-binary (6)
Questioning (7)
Transgender man (8)
Transgender woman (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Woman (11)
Another gender identity (please specify) (12)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQWhat was the sex assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate?Female (2)
Male (1)
2020AQDo you identify as intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQINTERSEXWhat does being intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
2020AQWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight/Heterosexual (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (11)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy (not all of which are listed here). Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have/had this if you were assigned female sex at birth) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (3)
Prostate (you likely have/had this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (7)
2020AQHave you EVER had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (8)
2020AQORGANS_NOWYou have indicated that you currently have a vagina/frontal genital opening. In order to customize the rest of this questionnaire, please select the term you would like us to use to describe your vagina/frontal genital opening.Please use the term vagina. (1)
Please use the term frontal genital opening. (2)
2020AQWhat is your current height in feet and inches? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2020AQWhat is your current weight in pounds (lbs)? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2020AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct U.S. Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (1)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (2)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (3)
2020AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current gender identity?("Cisgender" here means identifying with the sex assigned to you at birth. For example, a cisgender woman identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth.)Cisgender man (1)
Cisgender woman (2)
Non-binary (3)
Transgender man (4)
Transgender woman (5)
Another gender identity (6)
2020AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current sexual orientation?Asexual/Demisexual/Gray-Ace (1)
Bisexual/Pansexual (2)
Gay/Lesbian (3)
Queer (4)
Straight/Heterosexual (5)
Another sexual orientation (6)
2020AQWe would like to know more about your current romantic feelings toward other people. Please select all of the people you have romantic feelings for: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not romantically attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQWe would like to know more about your current sexual attractions to other people. Please select all of the people you are attracted to: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not sexually attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPeople are often referred to by pronouns instead of their names, such as they/theirs, she/hers, he/his, ze/hirs. Which pronouns do you want people to use to refer to you? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQWhat percentage of time do people use the pronouns you selected above (considering all situations)?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQPeople often have a chosen name that is different than the name they were given at birth. Do you have a name like that?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQCHONAMEWhat percentage of time do people use your chosen name?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQHave you EVER changed how your name is listed on any IDs or records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQNAME_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQCHONAMEThink about how your name is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (0)
2020AQNAME_CORRECTPlease select which IDs and records show your chosen name. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2020AQHave you EVER changed how your gender is listed on any IDs or records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQMARKER_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQThink about how your gender is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: For the purposes of this question, your accurate gender is the gender that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (0)
2020AQMARKER_ACCURATEPlease select which IDs and records show your accurate gender. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your accurate gender is the gender that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2020AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (0)
2020AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (0)
2020AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (0)
2020AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (0)
2020AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (6)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (7)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (8)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (9)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (10)
Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (11)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (12)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (13)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (14)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (15)
Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (16)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (17)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (18)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (19)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (20)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (21)
2020AQProblems You May Have HadNo Answers
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had depression?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2020AQMED_MENTALWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?All of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (0)
Some of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (1)
None of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (2)
2020AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2020AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2020AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2020AQHave you EVER tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSMOKERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2020AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2020AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (9)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (10)
Snuff (11)
Snus (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
I have not used any tobacco product other than cigarettes in the past month (14)
I have not used any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products in the past month (0)
2020AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2020AQALC5In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQHow long has it been since you last had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 4 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2020AQALC4In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 4 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the PAST YEAR?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the PAST YEAR?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2020AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2020AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2020AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2020AQHave you thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2020AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2020AQHave you told someone that you were going to commit suicide, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2020AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2020AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
We at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. You can connect to a Crisis Text Line counselor by texting HOME to 741741. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2020AQI tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2020AQI have a hard time making it through stressful events.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2020AQIt does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2020AQIt is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2020AQI usually come through difficult times with little trouble.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2020AQI tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2020AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2020AQSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you experienced this kind of event?Yes, in the PAST 12 MONTHS (2)
Yes, more than 12 months ago (1)
No (0)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too muchNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQPHQ9We at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it is hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2020AQHow satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the amount of body fat you have?Very dissatisfied (1)
Somewhat dissatisfied (2)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3)
Somewhat satisfied (4)
Very satisfied (5)
2020AQBSAT_FATWould you prefer to have more body fat, or less body fat?More body fat (1)
Less body fat (2)
2020AQHow satisfied or dissatisfied are you with the amount of muscle mass you have?Very dissatisfied (1)
Somewhat dissatisfied (2)
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied (3)
Somewhat satisfied (4)
Very satisfied (5)
2020AQBSAT_MUSCWould you prefer to have more muscle mass, or less muscle mass?More muscle mass (1)
Less muscle mass (2)
2020AQAre you worried about how you look?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_1ADo you think about your appearance problems a lot and wish you could think about them less?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_1BPlease list the areas of your body you don't like. Examples of disliked body areas include: your skin (for example, acne, scars, wrinkles, paleness, redness); hair; the shape or size of your nose, mouth, jaw, lips, stomach, hips, etc.; or defects of your hands, genitals, breasts, or any other body part.Text Entry (-)
2020AQBDDQ_1AIs your main concern with how you look is that you aren't thin enough or that you might get too fat?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_1AIs your main concern with how you look that you aren't muscular enough?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_1AHas it often upset you a lot?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_1AHas it often gotten in the way of doing things with friends, dating, your relationships with people, or your social activities?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_3BPlease describe how.Text Entry (-)
2020AQBDDQ_1AHas it caused you any problems with school, work, or other activities?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_3CWhat are they?Text Entry (-)
2020AQBDDQ_1AAre there things you avoid because of how you look?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBDDQ_3CWhat are they?Text Entry (-)
2020AQBDDQ_1AOn an average day, how much time do you usually spend thinking about how you look? (Add up all the time you spend in total in a day then select one.)Less than 1 hour a day (1)
1-3 hours a day (2)
More than 3 hours a day (3)
2020AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used - either prescribed or not prescribed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
I have never used any substances (0)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQCAN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQCOKE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSTIM_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQMETH_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQINHALE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
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21 (21)
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23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQPOP_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSWARNING: Using inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra can kill you by causing a lethal drop in blood pressure with even one use. We are aware that this information may not be widely known among our communities. If you use inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, please contact a health care provider to get more information right away.No Answers
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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15 (15)
16 (16)
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18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSED_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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15 (15)
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19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGHB_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQHALL_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQHEROIN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQNARC_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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21 (21)
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23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQMDMA_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQHave you EVER used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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21 (21)
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23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQOTDRUG1_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQOTDRUG1_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2020AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
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14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
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19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQOTDRUG2_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQOTDRUG2_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2020AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2020AQWhich of the following substances did you use during sexual activity with another person within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቧ (13)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ (14)
I did not use any of these substances during sexual activity with another person. (15)
2020AQYou have completed the Mental Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQ people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. Thank you!No Answers
2020AQDo you currently identify as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQDIS_SELFIDWhat condition(s) or problem(s) are related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Autism (2)
Back or neck problem (3)
Benign tumors, cysts (4)
Birth defect (5)
Cancer (6)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (7)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (8)
Diabetes (9)
Epilepsy, seizures (10)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (11)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (12)
Hearing problem (13)
Heart problem (14)
Hernia (15)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (16)
Intellectual/developmental disability (17)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (18)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (19)
Lung/breathing problem (for example, asthma and emphysema) (20)
Memory (21)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (22)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (23)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (24)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (25)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (26)
Other injury (27)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (28)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (29)
Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (30)
Stroke problem (31)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (32)
Ulcer (33)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (34)
Vision/problem seeing (35)
Weight problem (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (38)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been unable to work due to a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other government disability assistance related to a disability status?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Standing for long periods such as 30 minutes? None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Taking care of your household responsibilities?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Learning a new task, for example, learning how to get to a new place?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much of a problem did you have joining in community activities (for example, festivities, religious or other activities) as fully as someone who doesn't experience your health conditions?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much have you been emotionally affected by your health problems?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Walking a long distance such as a kilometer [or approximately 0.6 miles]?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Washing your whole body?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Getting dressed?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Dealing with people you do not know?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Maintaining a friendship?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have with: Your day-to-day work?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2020AQWHODAS_S1Overall, in the PAST 30 DAYS, how many days were these difficulties present? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, for how many days were you totally unable to carry out your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, not counting the days that you were totally unable, for how many days did you cut back or reduce your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2020AQDid you live with anyone who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQDid you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQDid you live with anyone who used illegal street drugs or who abused prescription medications?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQDid you live with anyone who served time or was sentenced to serve time in a prison, jail, or other correctional facility?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQWere your parents separated or divorced?Yes (1)
No (0)
Parents not married or together (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHow often did your parents or adults in your home ever slap, hit, kick, punch or beat each other up?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQBefore age 18, how often did a parent or adult in your home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way? Do not include spanking. Would you say—Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHow often did a parent or adult in your home ever swear at you, insult you, or put you down?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, ever touch you sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, try to make you touch them sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, force you to have sex?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQACES9Thank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2020AQHow do you think novel coronavirus is impacting or has impacted your life? (Check all that apply.)I became sick (1)
I believe I may have had the virus (2)
It was medically confirmed that I had the virus (3)
I experienced financial hardship (4)
A close friend or family member may have had the virus (5)
It was medically confirmed that a close friend or family member had the virus (6)
An acquaintance may have had the virus (7)
It was medically confirmed that an acquaintance had the virus (8)
I was a caregiver for someone that may have had the virus (9)
I was a caregiver for someone that was medically confirmed to have the virus (10)
I heard about the virus on the news (11)
My work changed my working conditions (such as working from home, reducing my hours) (12)
My business or employer closed (13)
My school was completely cancelled (14)
My school moved to an online format (15)
A close friend or family member died from the virus (16)
An acquaintance died from the virus (17)
Childcare for my child was canceled or disrupted (18)
The industry that I work in has suffered (19)
My other existing health conditions worsened (20)
I or a member of my household experienced physical violence from my romantic or sexual partner for the first time (21)
I or a member or my household experience increased physical violence from my romantic or sexual partner (22)
I experienced a change in relationship status (loss or start of a relationship) (23)
I was impacted in some other way (please specify) (24)
I was impacted in some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
It has not impacted my life (0)
2020AQHow has the novel coronavirus impacted your finances? (Check all that apply.)I dont have enough money for food and basic supplies (1)
I am unable to pay my rent (2)
I am unable to pay my mortgage (3)
I am unable to pay ongoing bills (for example, cell phone, power, water) (4)
I am making less money from my job (5)
I am no longer making any money from my job (6)
I lost my job (7)
I have lost money due to the stock market (8)
My business is making less money (9)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (10)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (TEXT)
Some other way (please specify) (11)
Some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
My finances have not been impacted (0)
2020AQWhich changes have you made since hearing about the novel coronavirus? (Check all that apply.)Looked at a website for information about the novel coronavirus (1)
Watched or read the news for information about the novel coronavirus (2)
I got a flu shot (3)
I purchased extra supplies for my home (4)
I began washing my hands more regularly (5)
I began wearing a mask (6)
I stopped leaving the house completely (7)
I reduced the number of times I leave the house (8)
I stopped gathering in crowds (9)
I reduced the number of times I gather in crowds (10)
I stopped eating at restaurants (11)
I reduced how much I eat at restaurants (12)
I began taking vitamins or supplements (13)
I reduced the number of trips to the store (14)
I stopped going to the store (15)
I changed a plan for travel (16)
I avoided people who sneeze or cough (17)
I avoided hospitals or healthcare facilities (18)
I kept my children home from school (19)
I wipe surfaces more regularly (20)
I began using tissues (21)
I reduced the number of times I touch my face (22)
I began talking to family more frequently (23)
I started saving more money (24)
I avoided public transit (25)
I went to my health care provider (26)
I contacted my health care provider (27)
I changed or cancelled plans to see friends (28)
I changed or cancelled plans to see family (29)
I made a different change (please specify) (30)
I made a different change (please specify) (TEXT)
I didnt make any changes (0)
2020AQWhich of the following describes your current occupation or employment status? (Check all that apply.)Employed, working 40 or more hours per week (1)
Employed, working 1-39 hours per week (2)
Temporarily employed (3)
Self-employed (4)
Not employed, looking for work (5)
Not employed, not looking for work (6)
Homemaker (7)
Student (Full time) (8)
Student (Part time) (9)
Disabled, not able to work (10)
Retired (11)
2020AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2020AQWORKWhat is the main reason you do not currently work?Taking care of house or family (1)
Going to school (2)
Retired (3)
On a planned vacation from work (4)
On family or parental leave (5)
Temporarily unable to work for health reasons (6)
Have job or contract and off-season (7)
On layoff (8)
Disabled (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSEXWORKIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQWhat were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2019 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2020AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your household earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2019 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2020AQHow many individuals are dependent upon the household income you just described? Please enter 1 for yourself.Text Entry (-)
2020AQWhat is your highest education level completed?No schooling (1)
Nursery school to high school, no diploma (2)
High school graduate or equivalent (e.g., GED) (3)
Trade/Technical/Vocational training (4)
Some college (5)
2-year college degree (6)
4-year college degree (7)
Masters degree (8)
Doctoral degree (9)
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D., M.B.A.) (10)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, at any time, were you held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQHMLS_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you spent sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Text Entry (-)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQUNSTB_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Text Entry (-)
2020AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with a partner, spouse, or other person who pays for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (TEXT)
2020AQHow many people, including yourself, live in your household who are 18 years of age or older?Text Entry (-)
2020AQHow many people live in your household who are younger than 18 years of age?Text Entry (-)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRHARASSDo you think you were targeted for this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRATTACKDo you think you were targeted for these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRDVDo you think you were targeted for this physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not worked and have not applied for jobs in the past 12 months (99)
2020AQYRJOBDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRHOUSDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRSERVDISCDo you think you were targeted for this poorer service in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not been in an educational setting in the past 12 months (99)
2020AQYRSCHDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive medical care in the past 12 months (99)
2020AQYRMEDDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQWas there a time in the PAST 12 MONTHS when you needed to see a health care provider but did not because you thought you would be disrespected or mistreated?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQANTMEDDISCWhen you put off seeing a health care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS because you thought you were going to be disrespected or mistreated, were you concerned you would be disrespected or mistreated because of your... (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive mental health care in the past 12 months (99)
2020AQYRMENTALDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRPOLICEDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQYRSADo you think you were targeted for this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that answering questions about sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2020AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)?Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2020AQThe following questions concern types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
2020AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2020AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2020AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2020AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2020AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2020AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2020AQHave you been sexually assaulted and/or raped in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSES1_YRThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2020AQCYOAI wish I weren't genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI feel that being genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to have a gender that conforms with my sex assigned at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI think my life is better because I am genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2020AQCYOAI wish I weren't lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
Not applicable because I am not attracted to people of my gender (0)
2020AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
If someone offered me the chance to be completely gay/lesbian, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI feel that being lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOAI think my life is better because of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2020AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2020AQDid you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPARENTTo how many children did you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Text Entry (-)
2020AQWe are going to ask you a question about the children who you became a parent to in the PAST 12 MONTHS. To help you remember which child we are asking a question about, please type in the child's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions. Text Entry (-)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGICONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSOCONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2020AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2020AQHow welcomed and accepted do you feel in LGBTQ spaces (including community groups, social clubs, bars, etc.)?Unaccepted/unwelcomed in all of these spaces (1)
Unaccepted/unwelcomed in most of these spaces (but accepted/welcomed in at least one) (2)
Accepted/welcomed in about half of these spaces (3)
Accepted/welcomed in most, but not all, of these spaces (4)
Accepted/welcomed in all of these spaces (5)
2020AQWELCOMEYou mentioned feeling unaccepted/unwelcomed in some or all LGBTQ spaces. People sometimes feel that these spaces are not welcoming towards them due to various aspects of their identities. Please select aspects of your identity that feel unwelcome in these spaces. (Check all that apply.)My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size, weight, or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
The language I speak or sign (6)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (7)
My political views (8)
My race and/or ethnicity (9)
My sexual orientation (10)
My skin color (11)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (12)
Another reason (please specify) (13)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIs there at least one LGBTQ space (e.g., social club, group, bar, etc.) in which you feel safe?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQOverall, how safe do you feel LGBTQ spaces are for you?Very unsafe (4)
Somewhat unsafe (3)
Neither safe nor unsafe (2)
Mostly safe (1)
Completely safe (0)
2020AQOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2020AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2020AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (1)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (2)
Other (please specify) (3)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQREL_TYPEHow many people are you currently in romantic relationships with?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
2020AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2020AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
My romantic partner(s) and I do not engage in sexual activity (5)
2020AQDo you live with your partner(s)?Yes, I live with 1 partner (0)
Yes, I live with 2 or more partners (1)
No, I do not live with a partner (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2020AQWhat gender do you currently live in on a day-to-day basis?Man (1)
Woman (2)
Genderqueer/Non-binary/neither man nor woman (3)
Part time one gender/part time another gender (4)
2020AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what gender do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Man (1)
Non-binary/Genderqueer (2)
Transgender Man (3)
Transgender Woman (4)
Two-spirit (5)
Woman (6)
Another gender (7)
It varies (8)
They cannot tell (9)
I dont know what they think (88)
2020AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a gender minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your gender? (Check all that apply.)Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Used your preferred name even if it was not your legal name (2)
Used your correct pronouns (such as he/she/they) (3)
Provided financial support to help with any part of your gender transition (4)
Helped you change your name and/or gender on your identity documents (ID), like your drivers license (such as doing things like filling out papers or going with you to court) (5)
Did research to learn how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (6)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (7)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what sexual orientation do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Same-gender loving (7)
Straight/Heterosexual (8)
Two-spirit (9)
They cannot tell (10)
It varies (11)
Another sexual orientation (12)
I dont know what they think (88)
2020AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a sexual minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.) Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Positively acknowledged your relationship to your partner(s) (2)
Positively acknowledged your sexual and/or romantic orientation (3)
Welcomed your partner(s) to a family event (4)
Provided financial support related to your relationship(s) (e.g., first date, family building, moving in together) (5)
Attended an event that you hosted with a partner(s) (6)
Researched how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (7)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (9)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a mental health professional or health care provider told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQDo you identify as "neurodivergent" or with any associated term that people sometimes use within the neurodiversity movement (aspie, autistic, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQComing out about one's sexual orientation or gender is a process. People do not always come out to everyone at the same time. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you come out to any of the people who raised you? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I came out about my sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) to someone who raised me (1)
Yes, I came out about my gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) to someone who raised me (2)
No, I did not come out in the past 12 months to anyone who raised me (0)
2020AQCOMEOUT_PSTYRWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use these names in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use these names in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2020AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2020AQPlease choose the response that best applies to you.No Answers
2020AQCYOAThe decision to hide or reveal my sexual orientation to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQBecause of my sexual orientation, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI feel confused or conflicted by my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI feel comfortable revealing my sexual attractions and/or behavior.Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2020AQThe decision to hide or reveal my gender identity or that I am a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQBecause of my gender identity, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI feel confused or conflicted by my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI feel comfortable revealing my gender identity and/or expression and/or status as a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.). Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2020AQPeople treat me unfairly because of my race, ethnicity, sexual, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQAt times, I feel I stick out because of my race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQStereotypes about racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority people hurt my self-esteem or the way I see myself.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQI believe the world is a dangerous place to be a racial, ethnic, sexual, and/or gender minority person.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2020AQYou have completed the Social Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQ health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQ health equity!No Answers
2020AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (13)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
2020AQMEDHX1With what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQHow about any of these? Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (13)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (14)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
2020AQHere's the last set! Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Osteoporosis (19)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
2020AQPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have. (One condition per line.) If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2020AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (60)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cataracts (9)
Chronic kidney disease (10)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (11)
Anal cancer (12)
Breast cancer (13)
Colon cancer (14)
Kidney cancer (15)
Lung cancer (16)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (17)
Ovarian cancer (18)
Pancreatic cancer (19)
Prostate cancer (20)
Skin cancer (melanoma) (21)
Skin cancer (non-melanoma) (22)
Uterine cancer (23)
q://QID901/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ cancer (24)
Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (25)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (26)
Coronary artery disease (27)
Depression (28)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (29)
Diabetes (borderline) (30)
Erectile dysfunction (31)
Glaucoma (32)
Heart attack (33)
Heart murmur (34)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (61)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (62)
High cholesterol (35)
HIV (36)
Hypertension (high blood pressure) (37)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (38)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (39)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (40)
Liver disease (41)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (42)
Menopause (43)
Migraine headache (44)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (45)
Osteoporosis (63)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (46)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (47)
Psoriasis (48)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (49)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (50)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (51)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (52)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (53)
Uterine fibroids (54)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǗ (55)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǘ (56)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǙ (57)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǚ (58)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǛ (59)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries and procedures are asked about later.)Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
None of these (0)
2020AQSURGHXWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following procedures for any reason (including gender affirmation or transition)? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
None of these (3)
2020AQPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS (not including gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
2020AQHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (0)
2020AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (scars under the chest, double incision) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (keyhole, through the areola, periareolar) (4)
None of these (0)
2020AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (1)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (2)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labiaplasty) (3)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (4)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (9)
Removal of penis (penectomy) (10)
Removal of testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (12)
Testicular implant insertion (13)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (14)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (15)
None of these (0)
2020AQGAS_AQPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2020AQHave you EVER taken a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPUB_SUPP_EV20How old were you when you first took a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
2020AQAre you CURRENTLY taking hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) are you CURRENTLY taking? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2020AQWere any of the following hormones or medications that you used in the PAST 12 MONTHS for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) prescribed by a doctor or health care provider?Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
None of these were prescribed by a doctor or health care provider. (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the ${q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you start or stop taking any hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I started taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I stopped taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (0)
No, I did not start or stop taking hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
2020AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you START in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you STOP in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQHave you experienced any respiratory (lung, breathing) illness since January 1, 2020? (If you had more than one illness, please think about the most recent respiratory illness you had since January 1, 2020.) These symptoms include: Cough (either a dry cough or with phlegm/crud) Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing Stuffy or runny nose Sinus pain/pressure Sore throat These symptoms do not include seasonal allergies. Yes (1)
No (2)
2020AQILLNESSYou indicated you have had a respiratory illness since January 1, 2020. The PRIDE Study is tracking respiratory illnesses among LGBTQ people. Please take the time to complete the Recent Respiratory Illness Survey if it is on your dashboard after you complete this Annual Questionnaire.No Answers
2020AQWere you tested for the novel coronavirus (officially called SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 disease with the swab test in your nose? We are asking this question to everyone even if they did not have symptoms.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQSARSCOV2_TESTWhat was the result of your testing (with a swab) for the novel coronavirus (officially called SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 disease?Negative (0)
Positive (1)
I dont know (88)
2020AQSARSCOV2_TESTWere you refused testing for the novel coronavirus when you asked your doctor or health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
I did not try to get tested for the novel coronavirus (2)
2020AQSARSCOV2_TEST_REFUSEWhat reason(s) were you given for not being tested for the novel coronavirus? (Check all that apply.)I did not meet testing criteria (1)
I had not traveled to a foreign country (2)
No tests were available (3)
I did not have the symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (4)
I was not in a high-risk group (5)
Something else (please specify) (6)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQDid you have antibody testing (using a blood sample) for the novel coronavirus (officially called SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 disease?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQANTIBODY_TESTWhat was the result of your antibody testing for the novel coronavirus (officially called SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19 disease?Negative (0)
Positive (1)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2020AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2020AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2020AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2020AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2020AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2020AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2020AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2020AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2020AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst imaginable pain (10)
2020AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2020AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your ability to concentrate?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2020AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your day to day activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2020AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of recreational activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2020AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with doing your tasks away from home (e.g., getting groceries, running errands)?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2020AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how often did pain keep you from socializing with others?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQOn the images below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have ANY chronic pain anywhere in your body, please select "No Chronic Pain" and advance to the next screen.No Chronic Pain (1)
2020AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Face (1)
Right jaw (2)
Left jaw (3)
Right chest/breast (4)
Left chest/breast (5)
Abdomen (6)
Pelvis (7)
Right groin (8)
Left groin (9)
Genitals (10)
Right upper arm (11)
Right elbow (12)
Right lower arm (13)
Right wrist/hand (14)
Left upper arm (15)
Left elbow (16)
Left lower arm (17)
Left wrist/hand (18)
Right upper leg (19)
Right knee (20)
Right lower leg (21)
Right ankle/foot (22)
Left upper leg (23)
Left knee (24)
Left lower leg (25)
Left ankle/foot (26)
2020AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Head (1)
Neck (2)
Left shoulder (3)
Right shoulder (4)
Upper back (5)
Lower back (6)
Left hip (7)
Right hip (8)
Left buttocks (9)
Right buttocks (10)
Anus (11)
2020AQCancer ScreeningNo Answers
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the frontal genital opening, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPAP_YR_VHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPAP_YR_VAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Did you have an HPV test with a Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHPV_RECENTPAPHave you had a cervical HPV test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQORGANS_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast/chest tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast/chest tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQMAMMO_YRHave you had a mammogram in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPSA_YRHave you had a PSA test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that causes diarrhea. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2020AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination where a doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt)) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus) (4)
I dont know (88)
None of these (0)
2020AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a digital anal/rectal examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal HPV examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal Pap smear where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPhysical ActivityNo Answers
2020AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2020AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2020AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2020AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2020AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2020AQHealthcare AccessNo Answers
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protect against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
There is NO place (2)
There is MORE THAN ONE place (3)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to MOST often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or health care provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or health care provider in the past 12 months. (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or talked to any of the following health care providers about your own health? (Check all that apply.)A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker (1)
An optometrist, ophthalmologist, or eye doctor (someone who prescribes eye glasses) (2)
A foot doctor (a podiatrist) (3)
A chiropractor (4)
A physical therapist, speech therapist, respiratory therapist, audiologist, or occupational therapist (5)
A nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or midwife (6)
A doctor who specializes in reproductive, genital, and sexual health (an obstetrician/gynecologist) (7)
A medical doctor who specializes in a particular medical disease or problem (other than obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist) (8)
A general doctor who treats a variety of illnesses (a doctor in general practice, family medicine, or internal medicine) (9)
I have not seen or talked to any of these providers. (0)
2020AQA primary care provider is a health care provider who takes care of your overall general health and may coordinate your care with other medical specialists. Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPCPHave you seen your primary care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQCYOAIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you gone to a doctor, health care provider, or clinic for transgender-related health care (such as hormone treatment)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQTRANS_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your transgender-related health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you visited a doctor, health care provider, or clinic that focuses on sexual or reproductive health (such as sexually transmitted infections, PrEP, birth control, abortion, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQSEX_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your sexual or reproductive health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times have you gone to a hospital emergency room about your health? (If you are not sure exactly how many times, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQERFor what reason(s) did you go the emergency room?Text Entry (-)
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been hospitalized overnight?Yes (1)
No (2)
2020AQHOSPHow many different times in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been hospitalized overnight?Text Entry (-)
2020AQHOSPFor what reason(s) were you hospitalized (e.g., shortness of breath, heart attack, chest pain, depression)?Text Entry (-)
2020AQHOSPHow many days total were you hospitalized in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (If you are not sure exactly how many days, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2020AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2020AQIn regard to your current health insurance or health care coverage, how does it compare to a year ago? Is it better, worse, or about the same?Better (1)
Worse (2)
About the same (3)
I dont know (4)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQDELAYCAREWhich of these reasons describes why you were delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Health care provider refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to health care providers office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you unable to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the reason(s) you were unable to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQThe next questions are about money that you have spent out of pocket on health care.No Answers
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQNow we will ask you about your oral health and symptoms.No Answers
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you able to visit a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (12)
Other (13)
Other (TEXT)
2020AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQHow often during the PAST 12 MONTHS have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2020AQSleepNo Answers
2020AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-HOUR PERIOD? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
2020AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble falling asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2020AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble staying asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2020AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you take medication to help you fall asleep or stay asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2020AQIn the PAST WEEK, on how many days did you wake up feeling well rested?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2020AQI worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more. Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQThe food that I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQI couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUSDA_AD1How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (88)
I dont know (89)
2020AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, were you every hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUSDA_AD1In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQUSDA_AD5How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (2)
I dont know (88)
2020AQSAABIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) resulted in a pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPREGNANT_SPERMHow many pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS resulted from your sperm? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQORGANS_BORNHave you had at least one menstrual period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2020AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
Are you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQORGANS_BORNHave you been trying to personally become pregnant over the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQORGANS_BORNHave you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQPREG_YRHow many times have you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_TIMESDid any of your pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_DELHow many frontal genital opening deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_YRHow many miscarriages have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_YRHow many tubal pregnancies have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQPREG_YRHow many abortions have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using any of the following: medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQORGANS_NOWHave you breast/chest fed a child in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBREASTFEDWere the children that you breast/chest fed in the PAST 12 MONTHS born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any type of birth control method for the prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQBIRTHCONTROL_YRPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for the prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, or Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2020AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any birth control method(s) for ANY reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONWhat are the reasons that you have used birth control (OTHER THAN pregnancy prevention) in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)To affirm my gender (1)
To avoid getting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) from someone else (2)
To avoid spreading a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that I have (3)
To avoid symptoms associated with my period like: chest tenderness, bloating, acne, pain from cramping, heavy bleeding (sometimes referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS) (4)
To stop having a period/reduce the amount of bleeding (5)
Prevent hair growth (hirsutism) (6)
To reduce chronic pelvic pain (including endometriosis) (7)
To treat another medical condition (8)
Not listed (please specify) (9)
Not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2020AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for any reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how interested have you been in sexual activity?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you felt like you wanted to have sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, did you have any type of sexual activity? (This means ANY kind of sexual activity including masturbation.)No (0)
Yes (1)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my vagina (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my frontal genital opening (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2020AQSFSCR202There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Difficulties with my erections (penis not hard or is painful) (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often were you able to get an erection (get hard) during sexual activity?Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, when you had erections with sexual stimulation how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2020AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, during sexual intercourse how often were you able to maintain your erection (stay hard) after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you been able to have an orgasm/climax when you wanted to?Have not tried to have an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfying have your orgasms or climaxes been?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure have your orgasms or climaxes given you?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had discomfort in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had pain in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had dryness in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how dry has your mouth been?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2020AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sex life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2020AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure has your sex life given you?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2020AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you thought that your sex life is wonderful?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2020AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship(s)? Have not had a sexual relationship with another person in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2020AQSexual Health and Activities The next questions will ask you about your sexual activities including specific sexual behaviors and acts. If you wish to opt out of this section because of this, please indicate below. I wish to answer this section. (1)
I wish to skip this section. (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQMASTURBATE_YRHow often do you masturbate?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQMASTURBATE_YRHave you masturbated in the presence of an intimate or romantic partner in PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQHave you engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what are the gender identities of the people that you had any sexual activity with? (Check all that apply.)Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (99)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VHow often do you have receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VHow often do you have insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOHow often do you have insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQVAG2VAG_YR_VHow often do you have sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina (2)
No (0)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a frontal genital opening (2)
No (0)
2020AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you received oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQORAL_GET_PASTYRHow often have you received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQRIM_PASTYRHow often do you perform oral-anal sex (also called "rimming")? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones frontal genital opening (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2020AQFINGER_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQFINGER_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQFINGER_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you used sex toys (such as dildos) with a sexual partner in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (1)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (2)
No (0)
2020AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you insert a sex toy into someone's body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you receive a sex toy into your body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQANAL_VAG_YRHow often do you have anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRHave you had anal sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2020AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or "topping")? More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between someone's penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or "bottoming")?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2020AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2020AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_FIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2020AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQANALSEX_NOCONIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2020AQTOP_NOCONIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2020AQMASTURBATE_YRDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you masturbate?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
2020AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have vaginal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
Do you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have frontal genital opening sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2020AQDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have anal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these of types of sex that we haven't already asked about? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
BDSM (1)
Chemsex / Party and Play (PNP) (2)
Electrical stimulation (e-stim) (3)
Erotic asphyxiation (i.e., restricting breathing) (4)
Fisting (e.g., hand/fist inserted into a person) (5)
Latex/rubber play (6)
Phone/video sex (7)
Rubbing through clothing (8)
Rubbing with clothing off (9)
Sex toys (e.g., dildos, butt plugs) (10)
Sounding (i.e., inserting something into urethra/pee hole) (11)
Urine play (e.g., golden showers, watersports) (12)
Voyeurism (13)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (14)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQPlease tell us about other kinds of sex that you have.Text Entry (-)
2020AQSexual Health and InfectionsNo Answers
2020AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Chlamydia (1)
Genital herpes (2)
Genital warts (3)
Gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap (4)
Human papillomavirus or HPV (5)
Syphilis (6)
None of these (0)
2020AQRegardless of your current HIV status, in the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken anti-HIV medications (post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP”) after potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQMEDHX2Have you been tested for HIV in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQMEDHX2What is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2020AQHIVSTATUSDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This person may be the same as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this health care provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
Less than every 12 months (4)
2020AQMEDHX2How frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (1)
Every 1-3 months (2)
Every 4-6 months (3)
Every 7-12 months (4)
Less than every 12 months (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had these lab tests done (0)
2020AQHIVSTATUSAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2020AQHIVSTATUSWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Within the last month (1)
1-3 months ago (2)
4-6 months ago (3)
7-12 months ago (4)
More than 1 year ago (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had my HIV viral load checked (0)
2020AQHIVSTATUSIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada or Descovy) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Are you USING PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPREP_NOWWhich PrEP regimen do you currently use?I take PrEP daily. (1)
I take PrEP on demand. This is two pills 24 hours before sex, one pill 24 hours later, and another one pill 24 hours after that. (2)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (4)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not use a specific PrEP regimen. (3)
2020AQPREP_REGIMENIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how many days did you take your daily PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2020AQPREP_NOWAre you using PrEP as part of a clinical or research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPREP_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you previously on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV, but had to stop taking it?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPREP_STOP_YRWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I acquired HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2020AQHIVSTATUSIf you are interested in learning more about PrEP, we encourage you to check out the following resources and talk with your medical provider. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: No Answers
2020AQHIVSTATUSAlthough PrEP is for individuals who are HIV negative, we want to share more information about PrEP with individuals who are living with HIV in case they wish to pass this along to other individuals close to them. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada or Descovy) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: Answers
2020AQHave you donated blood in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “binding”? (Binding refers to flattening your chest using materials such as bandages, cloth strips, layering of shirts, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQBINDINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by binding. (Check all that apply.) Pain (abdominal, back, chest, breast, shoulder) (1)
Headache (2)
Breast tenderness (3)
Bad Posture (4)
Rib or spine changes (5)
Bone or joint issues (popping joints, rib fractures) (6)
Fatigue and Weakness (7)
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy (8)
Numbness (9)
Chest/Breast changes (muscle wasting, scarring, swelling) (10)
Digestive issues or heartburn (11)
Respiratory Issues (cough, shortness of breath, respiratory infections, collapsed lung/pneumothorax) (12)
Skin Changes (itch, rash, acne, infections) (13)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (14)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from binding (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “packing”? (Packing refers to placing an object in one's underwear to resemble the appearance of a penis/phallus.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQPACKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by packing. (Check all that apply.) Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from packing (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stuffing”? (Stuffing refers to changing the appearance of your chest/breasts using materials such as push-up bras, gel pads, cloth strips, cotton gauze, tape, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “tucking”? (Tucking refers to concealing one's genitals by placing them between and behind one's legs, and/or by pushing them inside your groin/abdomen.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQTUCKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by tucking. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Itching (4)
Urinary tract or bladder infection(s) (5)
Problems ejaculating (6)
Problems urinating (7)
Pain in penis (8)
Pain in testicles (9)
Numbness in the penis or testicles (10)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (11)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from tucking (0)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you injected a substance (fillers) to fill out your face or make your figure more curvy (for example, silicone)? Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSILICONEPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by the injections. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, scars, swelling etc.) (3)
Whole body infections (e.g., blood bacterial infection, HIV, Hepatitis C) (4)
Breathing problems (5)
Pain in the areas of injection (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (7)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from silicone/other substance injections (0)
2020AQSILICONEWhere did you get your injections? (Check all that apply.)Injections from a licensed medical provider (1)
Injections during a group session (e.g., pumping party) (2)
Individual injections from someone who is not a medical provider (3)
Another place (please describe) (4)
Another place (please describe) (TEXT)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stand-to-pee” or STP device to stand up to pee?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQSTPPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by using a “stand-to-pee” (STP) device. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from using an STP device (0)
2020AQMedical MarijuanaNo Answers
2020AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and/or I have a health care providers recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a health care providers recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2020AQYou have completed the Physical Health Block! This is one of 4 blocks! WOOHOO - another one done! Each block you complete helps us understand LGBTQ people's unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people.No Answers
2020AQMore About MeNo Answers
2020AQIf a national survey company, like Gallup, asked you the following question: "We are asking only for statistical purposes: Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?" How would you answer?I would answer Yes. (1)
I would answer No. (0)
I would not answer the question. (2)
2020AQHow would you describe your political views?Very conservative (1)
Conservative (2)
Moderate (3)
Liberal (4)
Very liberal (5)
2020AQIn politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Democrat, an Independent, a Republican, or another party?Democrat (1)
Independent (2)
Republican (3)
Another party (please specify) (4)
Another party (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not identify with any political party. (5)
2020AQPOLPARTYAs of today, do you lean more toward the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?Democratic Party (1)
Republican Party (2)
Neither/Other (3)
2020AQDid you vote in the 2018 election year?Yes (1)
No (2)
I do not remember (3)
I am not eligible to vote (4)
2020AQDid you intend to vote, or have you already voted, in the 2020 election year?Yes (1)
No (2)
I do not remember if I voted (3)
I have not yet decided (4)
I am not eligible to vote (5)
2020AQOn average, which best describes the amount of time you spend on dating sites/apps?Zero. I do not visit or use dating sites/apps. (0)
Less than 1 hour a week (1)
1-6 hours per week (2)
1 hour per day (3)
2 hours per day (4)
3 or more hours per day (5)
2020AQAPPTIMEHow often do you meet up with someone from a dating site/app?Never (0)
Almost never (1)
About once per month (2)
A couple of times per month (3)
About once per week (4)
Several times per week (5)
Daily (6)
2020AQMilitary ServiceNo Answers
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you served at any time in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2020AQMIL_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you join or leave the military?Yes, I joined the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I left the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
No, I left the military before the PAST 12 MONTHS. (3)
No, I am currently still serving in the military. (0)
2020AQWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
2020AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2020AQMIL_NOWWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQMIL_NOWWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2019 (2)
January 2020 (3)
January 2021 (4)
January I dont know/remember (5)
February (6)
February 2019 (7)
February 2020 (8)
February 2021 (9)
February I dont know/remember (10)
March (11)
March 2019 (12)
March 2020 (13)
March 2021 (14)
March I dont know/remember (15)
April (16)
April 2019 (17)
April 2020 (18)
April 2021 (19)
April I dont know/remember (20)
May (21)
May 2019 (22)
May 2020 (23)
May 2021 (24)
May I dont know/remember (25)
June (26)
June 2019 (27)
June 2020 (28)
June 2021 (29)
June I dont know/remember (30)
July (31)
July 2019 (32)
July 2020 (33)
July 2021 (34)
July I dont know/remember (35)
August (36)
August 2019 (37)
August 2020 (38)
August 2021 (39)
August I dont know/remember (40)
September (41)
September 2019 (42)
September 2020 (43)
September 2021 (44)
September I dont know/remember (45)
October (46)
October 2019 (47)
October 2020 (48)
October 2021 (49)
October I dont know/remember (50)
November (51)
November 2019 (52)
November 2020 (53)
November 2021 (54)
November I dont know/remember (55)
December (56)
December 2019 (57)
December 2020 (58)
December 2021 (59)
December I dont know/remember (60)
I dont know/remember (61)
I dont know/remember 2019 (62)
I dont know/remember 2020 (63)
I dont know/remember 2021 (64)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (65)
2020AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you get any type of health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2020AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2020AQILLNESSYou indicated you have had a respiratory illness since January 1, 2020. The PRIDE Study is tracking respiratory illnesses among LGBTQ people. Please take the time to complete the Recent Respiratory Illness Survey if it is on your dashboard after you complete this Annual Questionnaire.No Answers
2020AQYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2020 Annual Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! If you have questions or concerns about this survey, please send an email to or call The PRIDE Study hotline at (855)-421-9991 In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 Thank you again for completing the 2020 Annual Questionnaire. We deeply appreciate for your time, your interest in The PRIDE Study, and your investment in research that will help our communities understand how the experience of being LGBTQ is related to all aspects of health and life. TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO THE NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to DashboardNo Answers
2021AQWhich categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian or Alaska Native (For example: Aztec, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Navajo Nation, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) (1)
Asian (For example: Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) (2)
Black, African American or African (For example: African American, Ethiopian, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Somali, etc.) (3)
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish (For example: Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, etc.) (4)
Middle Eastern or North African (For example: Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, etc.) (5)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (For example: Chamorro, Fijian, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Tongan, etc.) (6)
White (For example: English, European, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.) (7)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (8)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian (1)
Alaska Native (2)
Central or South American Indian (3)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (4)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNPlease provide the name of the tribe(s) in which you are enrolled or affiliated or your tribal descent. (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) Please list tribes separated by commas.For example, one answer may be: "Navajo Nation, Pomo" Text Entry (-)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Asian Indian (1)
Cambodian (2)
Chinese (3)
Filipino (4)
Hmong (5)
Japanese (6)
Korean (7)
Pakistani (8)
Vietnamese (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)African American (1)
Barbadian (2)
Caribbean (3)
Ethiopian (4)
Ghanaian (5)
Haitian (6)
Jamaican (7)
Liberian (8)
Nigerian (9)
Somali (10)
South African (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (12)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Colombian (1)
Cuban (2)
Dominican (3)
Ecuadorian (4)
Honduran (5)
Mexican or Mexican American (6)
Puerto Rican (7)
Salvadoran (8)
Spanish (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Afghan (1)
Algerian (2)
Egyptian (3)
Iranian (4)
Iraqi (5)
Israeli (6)
Lebanese (7)
Moroccan (8)
Syrian (9)
Tunisian (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)Chamorro (1)
Chuukese (2)
Fijian (3)
Marshallese (4)
Native Hawaiian (5)
Palauan (6)
Samoan (7)
Tahitian (8)
Tongan (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)English (1)
European (2)
French (3)
German (4)
Irish (5)
Italian (6)
Polish (7)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (8)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNYou selected the category Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish. With which of the following terms related to Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish ethnicity do you identify? (Check all that apply.)Chicana (1)
Chicano (2)
Hispanic (3)
Hispano (4)
Latina (5)
Latine (6)
Latino (7)
Latinx (8)
Spanish (9)
Another term not listed (please specify) (10)
Another term not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQRACE_ETHNWhich term do you think best describes you related to your Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish ethnicity? (Please select only one.)Chicana (1)
Chicano (2)
Hispanic (3)
Hispano (4)
Latina (5)
Latine (6)
Latino (7)
Latinx (8)
Spanish (9)
Another term not listed (please specify) (10)
Another term not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQHL_WHICH_MEYou said ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} describes you best. If you wish, please tell us more about why you identify most with ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} and not the other terms listed.Text Entry (-)
2021AQHL_WHICH_MEYou said ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry} describes you best. If you wish, please tell us more about why you identify most with ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry} and not the other terms listed.Text Entry (-)
2021AQWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Agender (1)
Cisgender man (2)
Cisgender woman (3)
Genderqueer (4)
Man (5)
Non-binary (6)
Questioning (7)
Transgender man (8)
Transgender woman (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Woman (11)
Another gender identity (please specify) (12)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQWhat was the sex assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate?Female (2)
Male (1)
2021AQDo you identify as intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQINTERSEXWhat does being intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
2021AQWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight/Heterosexual (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (11)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy (not all of which are listed here). Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have/had this if you were assigned female sex at birth) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (3)
Prostate (you likely have/had this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (7)
2021AQHave you EVER had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (8)
2021AQORGANS_NOWYou have indicated that you currently have a vagina/frontal genital opening. In order to customize the rest of this questionnaire, please select the term you would like us to use to describe your vagina/frontal genital opening.Please use the term vagina. (1)
Please use the term frontal genital opening. (2)
2021AQWhat is your current height in feet and inches? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2021AQWhat is your current weight in pounds (lbs)? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2021AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct U.S. Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (1)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (2)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (3)
2021AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current gender identity?("Cisgender" here means identifying with the sex assigned to you at birth. For example, a cisgender woman identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth.)Cisgender man (1)
Cisgender woman (2)
Non-binary (3)
Transgender man (4)
Transgender woman (5)
Another gender identity (6)
2021AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current sexual orientation?Asexual/Demisexual/Gray-Ace (1)
Bisexual/Pansexual (2)
Gay/Lesbian (3)
Queer (4)
Straight/Heterosexual (5)
Another sexual orientation (6)
2021AQWe would like to know more about your current romantic feelings toward other people. Please select all of the people you have romantic feelings for: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not romantically attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQWe would like to know more about your current sexual attractions to other people. Please select all of the people you are attracted to: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not sexually attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPeople are often referred to by pronouns instead of their names, such as they/theirs, she/hers, he/his, ze/hirs. Which pronouns do you want people to use to refer to you? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQWhat percentage of time do people use the pronouns you selected above (considering all situations)?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQPeople often have a chosen name that is different than the name they were given at birth. Do you have a name like that?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQCHONAMEWhat percentage of time do people use your chosen name?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQHave you EVER changed how your name is listed on any IDs or records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQNAME_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQCHONAMEThink about how your name is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (0)
2021AQNAME_CORRECTPlease select which IDs and records show your chosen name. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2021AQHave you EVER changed how your gender is listed on any IDs or records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMARKER_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQThink about how your gender is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: For the purposes of this question, your accurate gender is the gender that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (0)
2021AQMARKER_ACCURATEPlease select which IDs and records show your accurate gender. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your accurate gender is the gender that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2021AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (0)
2021AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (0)
2021AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (0)
2021AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (0)
2021AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (6)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (7)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (8)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (9)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (10)
Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (11)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (12)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (13)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (14)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (15)
Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (16)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (17)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (18)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (19)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (20)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (21)
2021AQProblems You May Have HadNo Answers
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had depression?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2021AQMED_MENTALWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?All of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (0)
Some of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (1)
None of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (2)
2021AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2021AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2021AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2021AQHave you EVER tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSMOKERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2021AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2021AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (9)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (10)
Snuff (11)
Snus (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
I have not used any tobacco product other than cigarettes in the past month (14)
I have not used any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products in the past month (0)
2021AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2021AQALC5In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQOn average, how many days a week do you have an alcoholic beverage?Text Entry (-)
2021AQOn a typical drinking day, how many drinks do you have?Text Entry (-)
2021AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the PAST YEAR?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the PAST YEAR?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2021AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2021AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2021AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2021AQHave you thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2021AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2021AQHave you told someone that you were going to commit suicide, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2021AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2021AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
2021AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; they offer a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline, to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2021AQIf you would like resources about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline emailed to you, please enter your email address here:Text Entry (-)
2021AQI tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2021AQI have a hard time making it through stressful events.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2021AQIt does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2021AQIt is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2021AQI usually come through difficult times with little trouble.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2021AQI tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2021AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2021AQSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you experienced this kind of event?Yes, in the PAST 12 MONTHS (2)
Yes, more than 12 months ago (1)
No (0)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too muchNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; they offer a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline, to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2021AQIf you would like resources about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline emailed to you, please enter your email address here:Text Entry (-)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it is hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2021AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used - either prescribed or not prescribed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
I have never used any substances (0)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQCAN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQCOKE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
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2021AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSTIM_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQMETH_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
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2021AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQINHALE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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30 (30)
2021AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQPOP_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSWARNING: Using inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra can kill you by causing a lethal drop in blood pressure with even one use. We are aware that this information may not be widely known among our communities. If you use inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, please contact a health care provider to get more information right away.No Answers
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
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30 (30)
2021AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSED_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGHB_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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30 (30)
2021AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQHALL_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQHEROIN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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30 (30)
2021AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQNARC_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMDMA_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQHave you EVER used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQOTDRUG1_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQOTDRUG1_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2021AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQOTDRUG2_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQOTDRUG2_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2021AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2021AQWhich of the following substances did you use during sexual activity with another person within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቧ (13)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ (14)
I did not use any of these substances during sexual activity with another person. (15)
2021AQYou have completed the Mental Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQ people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. Thank you!No Answers
2021AQDo you currently identify as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQDIS_SELFIDWhat condition(s) or problem(s) are related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (39)
Autism (2)
Back or neck problem (3)
Benign tumors, cysts (4)
Birth defect (5)
Cancer (6)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (7)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (8)
Diabetes (9)
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) (40)
Epilepsy, seizures (10)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (11)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (12)
Hearing problem (13)
Heart problem (14)
Hernia (15)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (16)
Intellectual/developmental disability (17)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (18)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (19)
Lung/breathing problem (for example, asthma and emphysema) (20)
Memory (21)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (22)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (23)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (24)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (25)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (26)
Other injury (27)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (28)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (29)
Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (30)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (41)
Stroke problem (31)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (32)
Ulcer (33)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (34)
Vision/problem seeing (35)
Weight problem (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (38)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been unable to work due to a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other government disability assistance related to a disability status?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Standing for long periods such as 30 minutes? None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Taking care of your household responsibilities?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Learning a new task, for example, learning how to get to a new place?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much of a problem did you have joining in community activities (for example, festivities, religious or other activities) as fully as someone who doesn't experience your health conditions?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much have you been emotionally affected by your health problems?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Walking a long distance such as a kilometer [or approximately 0.6 miles]?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Washing your whole body?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Getting dressed?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Dealing with people you do not know?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Maintaining a friendship?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have with: Your day-to-day work?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2021AQWHODAS_S1Overall, in the PAST 30 DAYS, how many days were these difficulties present? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, for how many days were you totally unable to carry out your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, not counting the days that you were totally unable, for how many days did you cut back or reduce your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2021AQDid you live with anyone who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQDid you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQDid you live with anyone who used illegal street drugs or who abused prescription medications?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQDid you live with anyone who served time or was sentenced to serve time in a prison, jail, or other correctional facility?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQWere your parents separated or divorced?Yes (1)
No (0)
Parents not married or together (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHow often did your parents or adults in your home ever slap, hit, kick, punch or beat each other up?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQBefore age 18, how often did a parent or adult in your home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way? Do not include spanking. Would you say—Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHow often did a parent or adult in your home ever swear at you, insult you, or put you down?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, ever touch you sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, try to make you touch them sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, force you to have sex?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQACES9Thank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2021AQHow do you think novel coronavirus is impacting or has impacted your life? (Check all that apply.)I became sick (1)
I believe I may have had the virus (2)
It was medically confirmed that I had the virus (3)
I experienced financial hardship (4)
A close friend or family member may have had the virus (5)
It was medically confirmed that a close friend or family member had the virus (6)
An acquaintance may have had the virus (7)
It was medically confirmed that an acquaintance had the virus (8)
I was a caregiver for someone that may have had the virus (9)
I was a caregiver for someone that was medically confirmed to have the virus (10)
I heard about the virus on the news (11)
My work changed my working conditions (such as working from home, reducing my hours) (12)
My business or employer closed (13)
My school was completely cancelled (14)
My school moved to an online format (15)
A close friend or family member died from the virus (16)
An acquaintance died from the virus (17)
Childcare for my child was canceled or disrupted (18)
The industry that I work in has suffered (19)
My other existing health conditions worsened (20)
I or a member of my household experienced physical violence from my romantic or sexual partner for the first time (21)
I or a member of my household experienced increased physical violence from my romantic or sexual partner (22)
I experienced a change in relationship status (loss or start of a relationship) (23)
I was impacted in some other way (please specify) (24)
I was impacted in some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
It has not impacted my life (0)
2021AQHow has the novel coronavirus impacted your finances? (Check all that apply.)I dont have enough money for food and basic supplies (1)
I am unable to pay my rent (2)
I am unable to pay my mortgage (3)
I am unable to pay ongoing bills (for example, cell phone, power, water) (4)
I am making less money from my job (5)
I am no longer making any money from my job (6)
I lost my job (7)
I have lost money due to the stock market (8)
My business is making less money (9)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (10)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (TEXT)
Some other way (please specify) (11)
Some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
My finances have not been impacted (0)
2021AQWhich changes have you made since hearing about the novel coronavirus? (Check all that apply.)Looked at a website for information about the novel coronavirus (1)
Watched or read the news for information about the novel coronavirus (2)
I got a flu shot (3)
I purchased extra supplies for my home (4)
I began washing my hands more regularly (5)
I began wearing a mask (6)
I stopped leaving the house completely (7)
I reduced the number of times I leave the house (8)
I stopped gathering in crowds (9)
I reduced the number of times I gather in crowds (10)
I stopped eating at restaurants (11)
I reduced how much I eat at restaurants (12)
I began taking vitamins or supplements (13)
I reduced the number of trips to the store (14)
I stopped going to the store (15)
I changed a plan for travel (16)
I avoided people who sneeze or cough (17)
I avoided hospitals or healthcare facilities (18)
I kept my children home from school (19)
I wipe surfaces more regularly (20)
I began using tissues (21)
I reduced the number of times I touch my face (22)
I began talking to family more frequently (23)
I started saving more money (24)
I avoided public transit (25)
I went to my health care provider (26)
I contacted my health care provider (27)
I changed or cancelled plans to see friends (28)
I changed or cancelled plans to see family (29)
I made a different change (please specify) (30)
I made a different change (please specify) (TEXT)
I didnt make any changes (0)
2021AQHow has COVID impacted your health care? (Check all that apply).I did not go to the doctor for routine health care (for example, an annual visit) (1)
I did not get treatment for a chronic illness or disease (2)
I was not able to access medications that I needed (3)
I made the decision to postpone health care procedures (4)
I was not allowed to access health care procedures (5)
I lost my health insurance (6)
I was not able to access medical equipment that I needed (7)
COVID impacted my health care in some other way (please specify) (8)
COVID impacted my health care in some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
COVID did not impact my health care at all (0)
2021AQCOVIDIMPACT_HEALTHYou said that health care appointments or procedures were postponed due to COVID. What types of healthcare appointments or procedures were postponed? (Check all that apply.)Visits with your primary care provider (1)
Visits with a specialist (2)
Visits related to reproductive health care (3)
Laboratory tests (4)
HIV testing (5)
Abortion services (6)
Sexually-transmitted infection (STI) testing (7)
Gender-affirming hormone visits (8)
Gender-affirming surgeries (for example, top surgery, bottom surgery) (9)
Other gender-affirming procedures (for example, laser hair removal) (10)
Other gender-affirming appointments (for example, voice therapy) (11)
Mental health care visits (for example, with therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist) (12)
Something else (please specify) (13)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQWhich of the following describes your current occupation or employment status? (Check all that apply.)Employed, working 40 or more hours per week (1)
Employed, working 1-39 hours per week (2)
Temporarily employed (3)
Self-employed (4)
Not employed, looking for work (5)
Not employed, not looking for work (6)
Homemaker (7)
Student (Full time) (8)
Student (Part time) (9)
Disabled, not able to work (10)
Retired (11)
2021AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2021AQWORKWhat is the main reason you do not currently work?Taking care of house or family (1)
Going to school (2)
Retired (3)
On a planned vacation from work (4)
On family or parental leave (5)
Temporarily unable to work for health reasons (6)
Have job or contract and off-season (7)
On layoff (8)
Disabled (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSEXWORKIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQWhat were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2020 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2021AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your household earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2020 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2021AQHow many individuals are dependent upon the household income you just described? Please enter 1 for yourself.Text Entry (-)
2021AQWhat is your highest education level completed?No schooling (1)
Nursery school to high school, no diploma (2)
High school graduate or equivalent (e.g., GED) (3)
Trade/Technical/Vocational training (4)
Some college (5)
2-year college degree (6)
4-year college degree (7)
Masters degree (8)
Doctoral degree (9)
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D., M.B.A.) (10)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, at any time, were you held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQHMLS_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you spent sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Text Entry (-)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQUNSTB_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Text Entry (-)
2021AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with a partner, spouse, or other person who pays for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (TEXT)
2021AQHow many people, including yourself, live in your household who are 18 years of age or older?Text Entry (-)
2021AQHow many people live in your household who are younger than 18 years of age?Text Entry (-)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRHARASSDo you think you were targeted for this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRATTACKDo you think you were targeted for these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRDVDo you think you were targeted for this physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not worked and have not applied for jobs in the past 12 months (99)
2021AQYRJOBDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRHOUSDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRSERVDISCDo you think you were targeted for this poorer service in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not been in an educational setting in the past 12 months (99)
2021AQYRSCHDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive medical care in the past 12 months (99)
2021AQYRMEDDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQWas there a time in the PAST 12 MONTHS when you needed to see a health care provider but did not because you thought you would be disrespected or mistreated?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQANTMEDDISCWhen you put off seeing a health care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS because you thought you were going to be disrespected or mistreated, were you concerned you would be disrespected or mistreated because of your... (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive mental health care in the past 12 months (99)
2021AQYRMENTALDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRPOLICEDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYRSADo you think you were targeted for this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): physically hurt you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
2021AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): insult you or talk down to you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
2021AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): threaten you with harm?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
2021AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): scream or curse at you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
2021AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): force you to have sexual activities?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
2021AQThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that answering questions about sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2021AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)?Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2021AQThe following questions concern types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
2021AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2021AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2021AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2021AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2021AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2021AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2021AQHave you been sexually assaulted and/or raped in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSES1_YRThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2021AQCYOAI wish I weren't genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI feel that being genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to have a gender that conforms with my sex assigned at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI think my life is better because I am genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2021AQCYOAI wish I weren't lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
Not applicable because I am not attracted to people of my gender (0)
2021AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
If someone offered me the chance to be completely gay/lesbian, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI feel that being lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOAI think my life is better because of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2021AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2021AQDid you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPARENTTo how many children did you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Text Entry (-)
2021AQWe are going to ask you a question about the children who you became a parent to in the PAST 12 MONTHS. To help you remember which child we are asking a question about, please type in the child's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions. Text Entry (-)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGICONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSOCONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2021AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2021AQHow welcomed and accepted do you feel in LGBTQ spaces (including community groups, social clubs, bars, etc.)?Unaccepted/unwelcomed in all of these spaces (1)
Unaccepted/unwelcomed in most of these spaces (but accepted/welcomed in at least one) (2)
Accepted/welcomed in about half of these spaces (3)
Accepted/welcomed in most, but not all, of these spaces (4)
Accepted/welcomed in all of these spaces (5)
2021AQWELCOMEYou mentioned feeling unaccepted/unwelcomed in some or all LGBTQ spaces. People sometimes feel that these spaces are not welcoming towards them due to various aspects of their identities. Please select aspects of your identity that feel unwelcome in these spaces. (Check all that apply.)My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size, weight, or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
The language I speak or sign (6)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (7)
My political views (8)
My race and/or ethnicity (9)
My sexual orientation (10)
My skin color (11)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (12)
People dont perceive me as LGBTQ (14)
Another reason (please specify) (13)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIs there at least one LGBTQ space (e.g., social club, group, bar, etc.) in which you feel safe?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQOverall, how safe do you feel LGBTQ spaces are for you?Very unsafe (4)
Somewhat unsafe (3)
Neither safe nor unsafe (2)
Mostly safe (1)
Completely safe (0)
2021AQOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2021AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2021AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (1)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (2)
Other (please specify) (3)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQREL_TYPEHow many people are you currently in romantic relationships with?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
2021AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2021AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
My romantic partner(s) and I do not engage in sexual activity (5)
2021AQDo you live with your partner(s)?Yes, I live with 1 partner (0)
Yes, I live with 2 or more partners (1)
No, I do not live with a partner (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2021AQWhat gender do you currently live in on a day-to-day basis?Man (1)
Woman (2)
Genderqueer/Non-binary/neither man nor woman (3)
Part time one gender/part time another gender (4)
2021AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what gender do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Man (1)
Non-binary/Genderqueer (2)
Transgender Man (3)
Transgender Woman (4)
Two-spirit (5)
Woman (6)
Another gender (7)
It varies (8)
They cannot tell (9)
I dont know what they think (88)
2021AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a gender minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your gender? (Check all that apply.)Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Used your preferred name even if it was not your legal name (2)
Used your correct pronouns (such as he/she/they) (3)
Supported my gender-affirming health care (other than financially) (9)
Provided financial support to help with any part of your gender transition (4)
Helped you change your name and/or gender on your identity documents (ID), like your drivers license (such as doing things like filling out papers or going with you to court) (5)
Did research to learn how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (6)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (7)
Listened to me when I had difficulties (10)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what sexual orientation do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Same-gender loving (7)
Straight/Heterosexual (8)
Two-spirit (9)
They cannot tell (10)
It varies (11)
Another sexual orientation (12)
I dont know what they think (88)
2021AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a sexual minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.) Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Positively acknowledged your relationship to your partner(s) (2)
Positively acknowledged your sexual and/or romantic orientation (3)
Welcomed your partner(s) to a family event (4)
Provided financial support related to your relationship(s) (e.g., first date, family building, moving in together) (5)
Attended an event that you hosted with a partner(s) (6)
Researched how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (7)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (8)
Listened to me when I had difficulties (10)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (9)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a mental health professional or health care provider told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQDo you identify as "neurodivergent" or with any associated term that people sometimes use within the neurodiversity movement (aspie, autistic, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQComing out" about one's sexual orientation or gender is a process. People do not always come out to everyone at the same time. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you come out to any of the people who raised you? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I came out about my sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) to someone who raised me (1)
Yes, I came out about my gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) to someone who raised me (2)
No, I did not come out in the past 12 months to anyone who raised me (0)
2021AQCOMEOUT_PSTYRWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use these names in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use these names in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2021AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2021AQPlease choose the response that best applies to you.No Answers
2021AQCYOAThe decision to hide or reveal my sexual orientation to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQBecause of my sexual orientation, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI feel confused or conflicted by my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI feel comfortable revealing my sexual attractions and/or behavior.Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2021AQThe decision to hide or reveal my gender identity or that I am a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQBecause of my gender identity, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI feel confused or conflicted by my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI feel comfortable revealing my gender identity and/or expression and/or status as a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.). Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2021AQPeople treat me unfairly because of my race, ethnicity, sexual, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQAt times, I feel I stick out because of my race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQStereotypes about racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority people hurt my self-esteem or the way I see myself.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQI believe the world is a dangerous place to be a racial, ethnic, sexual, and/or gender minority person.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2021AQYou have completed the Social Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQ health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQ health equity!No Answers
2021AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (13)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
2021AQMEDHX1With what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQHow about any of these? Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (13)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (14)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
2021AQHere's the last set! Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Osteoporosis (19)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
2021AQPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have. (One condition per line.) If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2021AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (60)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cataracts (9)
Chronic kidney disease (10)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (11)
Anal cancer (12)
Breast cancer (13)
Colon cancer (14)
Kidney cancer (15)
Lung cancer (16)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (17)
Ovarian cancer (18)
Pancreatic cancer (19)
Prostate cancer (20)
Skin cancer (melanoma) (21)
Skin cancer (non-melanoma) (22)
Uterine cancer (23)
q://QID901/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ cancer (24)
Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (25)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (26)
Coronary artery disease (27)
Depression (28)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (29)
Diabetes (borderline) (30)
Erectile dysfunction (31)
Glaucoma (32)
Heart attack (33)
Heart murmur (34)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (61)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (62)
High cholesterol (35)
HIV (36)
Hypertension (high blood pressure) (37)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (38)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (39)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (40)
Liver disease (41)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (42)
Menopause (43)
Migraine headache (44)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (45)
Osteoporosis (63)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (46)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (47)
Psoriasis (48)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (49)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (50)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (51)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (52)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (53)
Uterine fibroids (54)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǗ (55)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǘ (56)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǙ (57)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǚ (58)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǛ (59)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries and procedures are asked about later.)Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
None of these (0)
2021AQSURGHXWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following procedures for any reason (including gender affirmation or transition)? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
None of these (3)
2021AQPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS (not including gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
2021AQHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (0)
2021AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (scars under the chest, double incision) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (keyhole, through the areola, periareolar) (4)
None of these (0)
2021AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (1)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (2)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labiaplasty) (3)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (4)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (9)
Removal of penis (penectomy) (10)
Removal of testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (12)
Testicular implant insertion (13)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (14)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (15)
None of these (0)
2021AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any hair removal procedures for gender-affirming or transition-related reasons?Yes, hair transplant (1)
Yes, facial hair removal (2)
Yes, forearm hair removal (3)
Yes, chest hair removal (4)
Yes, leg hair removal (5)
Yes, hair removal in another body region (please specify location) (6)
Yes, hair removal in another body region (please specify location) (TEXT)
Yes, something else (please specify) (7)
Yes, something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2021AQGAS_AQPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2021AQHave you EVER taken a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPUB_SUPP_EV20How old were you when you first took a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
2021AQAre you CURRENTLY taking hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) are you CURRENTLY taking? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2021AQWere any of the following hormones or medications that you used in the PAST 12 MONTHS for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) prescribed by a doctor or health care provider?Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
None of these were prescribed by a doctor or health care provider. (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the ${q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you start or stop taking any hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I started taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I stopped taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (0)
No, I did not start or stop taking hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
2021AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you START in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you STOP in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQWere you tested for the COVID-19 (officially called SARS-CoV-2) with the swab test in your nose? We are asking this question to everyone even if they did not have symptoms.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQSARSCOV2_TESTWhat was the result of your testing (with a swab) for COVID-19 (officially called SARS-CoV-2)?My test said that I did not have COVID-19. (0)
My test said that I had COVID-19. (1)
I dont know (88)
2021AQSARSCOV2_TESTWere you refused testing for COVID-19 when you asked your doctor or health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
I did not try to get tested for COVID-19 (2)
2021AQSARSCOV2_TEST_REFUSEWhat reason(s) were you given for not being tested for COVID-19? (Check all that apply.)I did not meet testing criteria (1)
I had not traveled to a foreign country (2)
No tests were available (3)
I did not have the symptoms of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) (4)
I was not in a high-risk group (5)
Something else (please specify) (6)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQAre you or have you been a part of any research study that has tested a COVID vaccine?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQCOVID_TRIALWhich company's COVID vaccine was being studied in the research study?AstraZeneca (1)
Johnson & Johnson (2)
Moderna (3)
Novavax (4)
Pfizer/BioNTech (5)
Another company (6)
Another company (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2021AQCOVID_TRIALDid you get confirmation that you received an actual COVID vaccine (and not a placebo) as part of the research study?Yes, I got the COVID vaccine (1)
No, I got the placebo (0)
I dont know if I got the COVID vaccine or the placebo (88)
2021AQTRIAL_UNBLINDHow many doses or injections of the COVID vaccine did you receive?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
I dont know (88)
2021AQTRIAL_UNBLINDHow many injections did you receive?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
I dont know (88)
2021AQTRIAL_UNBLINDAre/were you allowed to get the COVID vaccine (when available to you) outside of the research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQCOVID_TRIALWhich best describes you?I dont want to get the COVID vaccine ever (1)
I want to wait to get the COVID vaccine (2)
I want to get the COVID vaccine as soon as possible (3)
I already received one or more doses COVID vaccine (4)
2021AQVACCINATION_STATUSIf you wanted to get the COVID vaccine today, could you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQVACCINE_ACCESSYou said that you could not get the COVID vaccine today if you wanted to. Which best describes why you could NOT get the COVID vaccine today? (Check all that apply.)I am concerned I dont have health insurance to pay for it. (1)
It is not available to me. (2)
Because of my health conditions, it is recommended that I do not get the vaccine. (3)
Another reason (4)
Another reason (TEXT)
2021AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhat are your reasons for NOT wanting to get the COVID vaccine? (Check all that apply.)I have a health condition that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (1)
I dont think that the COVID vaccine is safe. (2)
I dont trust the development of the COVID vaccines. (3)
I dont believe in any vaccines. (4)
I have a fear of needles. (5)
I believe I will get COVID from the vaccine. (6)
I dont believe the COVID vaccine will protect me from getting COVID. (7)
I dont think the COVID vaccine was tested on people like me. (8)
I think I already had COVID and am protected from getting it again. (9)
I am allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate. (10)
I am concerned about the side effects. (11)
I dont want to get the vaccine due to my religious or spiritual beliefs. (12)
Something else (please specify) (13)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhat are your reasons for wanting to wait to get the COVID vaccine? (Check all that apply.)I am not yet eligible to receive the vaccine. (1)
I have a health condition that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (2)
I dont think that the COVID vaccine is safe. (3)
I dont trust the development of the COVID vaccine. (4)
I dont believe in any vaccines. (5)
I have a fear of needles. (6)
I believe I will get COVID from the vaccine. (7)
I dont believe the COVID vaccine will protect me from getting COVID. (8)
I dont think the COVID vaccine was tested on people like me. (9)
I think other people should get the COVID vaccine before me. (10)
I want to see if the COVID vaccine is safe. (11)
I think I already had COVID and am protected from getting it again. (12)
I received convalescent plasma or monoclonal antibodies to treat COVID. (13)
I currently have or just recently had COVID. (14)
I was told by my doctor or health care professional to wait. (15)
I received a vaccine (not for COVID) in the past 14 days. (16)
Something else (please specify) (17)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQVACCINE_NEVERPlease list the health condition(s) you have that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (One condition per box, please)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhich company made the COVID vaccine that you received?AstraZeneca (1)
Johnson & Johnson (2)
Moderna (3)
Novavax (4)
Pfizer/BioNTech (5)
Another company (please specify) (6)
Another company (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2021AQVACCINATION_STATUSHow many doses of the COVID vaccine did you receive?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 or more (3)
I dont know (88)
2021AQVACCINE_DOSESOn what date did you receive your FIRST dose of the COVID vaccine? Please check your vaccination card. If you don't have your vaccination card, please estimate. (MM/DD/YYYY format, please)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVACCINE_DOSESOn what date did you receive your SECOND dose of the COVID vaccine? Please check your vaccination card. If you don't have your vaccination card, please estimate. (MM/DD/YYYY format, please)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVACCINE_DOSESDo you plan to get your SECOND dose of the COVID vaccine?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQVACCINE_PLANDOSE2Why don't you plan to get your SECOND dose of the COVID vaccine?The vaccine I received only had one dose. (1)
I had unpleasant symptoms after the first dose. (2)
I had dangerous symptoms/reaction after the first dose. (3)
There are not enough doses available. (4)
I believe I have a high level of protection from the first dose and I dont think I need the second dose. (5)
I am concerned that I will have symptoms/reaction from the second dose. (6)
Another reason (please specify) (7)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQVACCINE_PLANDOSE2On what date do you plan to get your SECOND dose of the COVID vaccine? (MM/DD/YYYY format, please)Text Entry (-)
2021AQTRIAL_DOSESDid you experience any of the following side effects after receiving your COVID vaccine (any dose)? (Check all that apply.)I did not experience any side effects. (0)
Pain at the injection site (1)
Redness at the injection site (2)
Swelling at the injection site (3)
Fatigue / Tiredness (4)
Chills (5)
Fever (6)
New or worsening muscle pain/ache (myalgia) (7)
New or worsening joint pain/ache (arthralgia) (8)
Itching (9)
Full-body rash (10)
Hives (urticaria) (11)
Headache (12)
Nausea (13)
Vomiting (14)
Diarrhea (15)
Wheezing (16)
Cough (17)
Voice hoarseness (18)
Tongue swelling (19)
Swollen lips (20)
Difficulty breathing (21)
Anaphylaxis (22)
Allergic reaction (23)
Bells Palsy (24)
Another side effect(s) (please list all additional side effects) (25)
Another side effect(s) (please list all additional side effects) (TEXT)
2021AQHave you ever had an allergic reaction to any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Vaccines other than the COVID vaccine (1)
Eggs (2)
Injectable medications (3)
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate (4)
None of these (0)
2021AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2021AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2021AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2021AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2021AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2021AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2021AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2021AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2021AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2021AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst imaginable pain (10)
2021AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2021AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your ability to concentrate?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2021AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your day to day activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2021AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of recreational activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2021AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with doing your tasks away from home (e.g., getting groceries, running errands)?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2021AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how often did pain keep you from socializing with others?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQOn the images below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have ANY chronic pain anywhere in your body, please select "No Chronic Pain" and advance to the next screen.No Chronic Pain (1)
2021AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Face (1)
Right jaw (2)
Left jaw (3)
Right chest/breast (4)
Left chest/breast (5)
Abdomen (6)
Pelvis (7)
Right groin (8)
Left groin (9)
Genitals (10)
Right upper arm (11)
Right elbow (12)
Right lower arm (13)
Right wrist/hand (14)
Left upper arm (15)
Left elbow (16)
Left lower arm (17)
Left wrist/hand (18)
Right upper leg (19)
Right knee (20)
Right lower leg (21)
Right ankle/foot (22)
Left upper leg (23)
Left knee (24)
Left lower leg (25)
Left ankle/foot (26)
2021AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Head (1)
Neck (2)
Left shoulder (3)
Right shoulder (4)
Upper back (5)
Lower back (6)
Left hip (7)
Right hip (8)
Left buttocks (9)
Right buttocks (10)
Anus (11)
2021AQCancer ScreeningNo Answers
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the frontal genital opening, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPAP_YR_VHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPAP_YR_VAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Did you have an HPV test with a Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHPV_RECENTPAPHave you had a cervical HPV test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQORGANS_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast/chest tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast/chest tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQMAMMO_YRHave you had a mammogram in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPSA_YRHave you had a PSA test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that intentionally causes diarrhea. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2021AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination where a doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt)) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus) (4)
I dont know (88)
None of these (0)
2021AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a digital anal/rectal examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal HPV examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal Pap smear where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPhysical ActivityNo Answers
2021AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2021AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2021AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2021AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2021AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2021AQHealthcare AccessNo Answers
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protect against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
There is NO place (2)
There is MORE THAN ONE place (3)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to MOST often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or health care provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or health care provider in the past 12 months. (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or talked to any of the following health care providers about your own health? (Check all that apply.)A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker (1)
An optometrist, ophthalmologist, or eye doctor (someone who prescribes eye glasses) (2)
A foot doctor (a podiatrist) (3)
A chiropractor (4)
A physical therapist, speech therapist, respiratory therapist, audiologist, or occupational therapist (5)
A nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or midwife (6)
A doctor who specializes in reproductive, genital, and sexual health (an obstetrician/gynecologist) (7)
A medical doctor who specializes in a particular medical disease or problem (other than obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist) (8)
A general doctor who treats a variety of illnesses (a doctor in general practice, family medicine, or internal medicine) (9)
I have not seen or talked to any of these providers. (0)
2021AQA primary care provider is a health care provider who takes care of your overall general health and may coordinate your care with other medical specialists. Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPCPHave you seen your primary care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQCYOAIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you gone to a doctor, health care provider, or clinic for transgender-related health care (such as hormone treatment)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQTRANS_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your transgender-related health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you visited a doctor, health care provider, or clinic that focuses on sexual or reproductive health (such as sexually transmitted infections, PrEP, birth control, abortion, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQSEX_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your sexual or reproductive health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times have you gone to a hospital emergency room about your health? (If you are not sure exactly how many times, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQERFor what reason(s) did you go the emergency room?Text Entry (-)
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been hospitalized overnight?Yes (1)
No (2)
2021AQHOSPHow many different times in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been hospitalized overnight?Text Entry (-)
2021AQHOSPFor what reason(s) were you hospitalized (e.g., shortness of breath, heart attack, chest pain, depression)?Text Entry (-)
2021AQHOSPHow many days total were you hospitalized in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (If you are not sure exactly how many days, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2021AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2021AQIn regard to your current health insurance or health care coverage, how does it compare to a year ago? Is it better, worse, or about the same?Better (1)
Worse (2)
About the same (3)
I dont know (4)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQDELAYCAREWhich of these reasons describes why you were delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Health care provider refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to health care providers office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you unable to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the reason(s) you were unable to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQThe next questions are about money that you have spent out of pocket on health care.No Answers
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQNow we will ask you about your oral health and symptoms.No Answers
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you able to visit a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (12)
I did not have dental insurance (14)
Other (13)
Other (TEXT)
2021AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQHow often during the PAST 12 MONTHS have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2021AQSleepNo Answers
2021AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-HOUR PERIOD? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
2021AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble falling asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2021AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble staying asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2021AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you take medication to help you fall asleep or stay asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2021AQIn the PAST WEEK, on how many days did you wake up feeling well rested?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2021AQI worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more. Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQThe food that I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQI couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUSDA_AD1How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (88)
I dont know (89)
2021AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUSDA_AD1In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQUSDA_AD5How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (2)
I dont know (88)
2021AQSAABIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) resulted in a pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPREGNANT_SPERMHow many pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS resulted from your sperm? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQORGANS_BORNHave you had at least one menstrual period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2021AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
Are you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQORGANS_BORNHave you been trying to personally become pregnant over the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQORGANS_BORNHave you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQPREG_YRHow many times have you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_TIMESDid any of your pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_DELHow many frontal genital opening deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_YRHow many miscarriages have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_YRHow many tubal pregnancies have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQPREG_YRHow many abortions have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using any of the following: medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQORGANS_NOWHave you breast/chest fed a child in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQBREASTFEDWere the children that you breast/chest fed in the PAST 12 MONTHS born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any type of birth control method for the prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQBIRTHCONTROL_YRPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for the prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, or Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2021AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any birth control method(s) for ANY reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONWhat are the reasons that you have used birth control (OTHER THAN pregnancy prevention) in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)To affirm my gender (1)
To avoid getting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) from someone else (2)
To avoid spreading a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that I have (3)
To avoid symptoms associated with my period like: chest tenderness, bloating, acne, pain from cramping, heavy bleeding (sometimes referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS) (4)
To stop having a period/reduce the amount of bleeding (5)
Prevent hair growth (hirsutism) (6)
To reduce chronic pelvic pain (including endometriosis) (7)
To treat another medical condition (8)
Not listed (please specify) (9)
Not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2021AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for any reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how interested have you been in sexual activity?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you felt like you wanted to have sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, did you have any type of sexual activity? (This means ANY kind of sexual activity including masturbation.)No (0)
Yes (1)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my vagina (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my frontal genital opening (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2021AQSFSCR202There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Difficulties with my erections (penis not hard or is painful) (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often were you able to get an erection (get hard) during sexual activity?Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, when you had erections with sexual stimulation how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2021AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, during sexual intercourse how often were you able to maintain your erection (stay hard) after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you been able to have an orgasm/climax when you wanted to?Have not tried to have an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfying have your orgasms or climaxes been?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure have your orgasms or climaxes given you?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had discomfort in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had pain in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had dryness in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how dry has your mouth been?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2021AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sex life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2021AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure has your sex life given you?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2021AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you thought that your sex life is wonderful?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2021AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship(s)? Have not had a sexual relationship with another person in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2021AQSexual Health and Activities The next questions will ask you about your sexual activities including specific sexual behaviors and acts. If you wish to opt out of this section because of this, please indicate below. I wish to answer this section. (1)
I wish to skip this section. (0)
2021AQThinking about your own life, when someone asks you about “having sex,” what does that mean to you? Everywhere we mention penis, we mean penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic). (Check all that apply.)anus touching any other part of someones body (1)
hand-to-anus contact (2)
hand-to-penis contact (3)
hand-to-vagina contact (4)
hand touching another part of someones body (5)
kissing (mouth-to-mouth contact) (6)
mouth-to-anus contact (7)
mouth-to-penis contact (8)
mouth-to-vagina contact (9)
mouth-touching another part of someones body (10)
penis-to-anus contact (11)
penis-to-penis contact (12)
penis-to-vagina contact (13)
penis touching another part of someones body (14)
vagina-to-anus contact (15)
vagina-to-penis contact (16)
vagina-to-vagina contact (17)
vagina touching another part of someones body (18)
any activity with clear intention to give myself sexual pleasure (19)
any activity with clear intention to give someone else sexual pleasure (20)
any other activity(ies) (please specify) (21)
any other activity(ies) (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQSome people engage in sexual activities using object(s) not made of human skin that are shaped like a cylinder or penis. Do you have that kind of sex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPROSTHESIS_SEX_HAVEHow do you use this object? (Check all that apply.)I insert the object into someones body (1)
I receive the object into my body (4)
I use this object in another way (please describe) (5)
I use this object in another way (please describe) (TEXT)
2021AQPROSTHESIS_SEX_HAVEWhat do you call that object or object(s)?Text Entry (-)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMASTURBATE_YRHow often do you masturbate?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQMASTURBATE_YRHave you masturbated in the presence of an intimate or romantic partner in PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQHave you engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what are the gender identities of the people that you had any sexual activity with? (Check all that apply.)Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (99)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VHow often do you have receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VHow often do you have insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOHow often do you have insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQVAG2VAG_YR_VHow often do you have sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina (2)
No (0)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a frontal genital opening (2)
No (0)
2021AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a penis/phallus (not a prosthetic)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you received oral sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQORAL_GET_PASTYRHow often have you received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQRIM_PASTYRHow often do you perform oral-anal sex (also called "rimming")? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? This means putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones frontal genital opening (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2021AQFINGER_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQFINGER_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQFINGER_PASTYR_VHow often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you used sex toys (such as dildos) with a sexual partner in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (1)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (2)
No (0)
2021AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you insert a sex toy into someone's body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEXTOY_PASTYRHow often do you receive a sex toy into your body?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQANAL_VAG_YRHow often do you have anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRHave you had anal sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2021AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or "topping")? More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between someone's penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or "bottoming")?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2021AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex? (This means you put your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_PEN_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex? (This means someone put their penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQVAGSEX_VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2021AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_FIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2021AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQANALSEX_NOCONIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without using a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.)Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2021AQTOP_NOCONIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without a condom? (This means contact between your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someone's anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQMASTURBATE_YRDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you masturbate?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
Do you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have vaginal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
Do you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have frontal genital opening sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2021AQDo you use lubrication (also called "lube") when you have anal sex?Always (3)
Sometimes (2)
Never (1)
I do not engage in this type of sex (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these of types of sex that we haven't already asked about? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
BDSM (1)
Chemsex / Party and Play (PNP) (2)
Electrical stimulation (e-stim) (3)
Erotic asphyxiation (i.e., restricting breathing) (4)
Fisting (e.g., hand/fist inserted into a person) (5)
Latex/rubber play (6)
Phone/video sex (7)
Rubbing through clothing (8)
Rubbing with clothing off (9)
Sex toys (e.g., dildos, butt plugs) (10)
Sounding (i.e., inserting something into urethra/pee hole) (11)
Urine play (e.g., golden showers, watersports) (12)
Voyeurism (13)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (14)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQIf you have other kinds of sex that we haven't already asked about, please describe that below.Text Entry (-)
2021AQSexual Health and InfectionsNo Answers
2021AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Chlamydia (1)
Genital herpes (2)
Genital warts (3)
Gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap (4)
Human papillomavirus or HPV (5)
Syphilis (6)
None of these (0)
2021AQRegardless of your current HIV status, in the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken anti-HIV medications (post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP”) after potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMEDHX2Have you been tested for HIV in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQMEDHX2What is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2021AQHIVSTATUSDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This person may be the same as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this health care provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
Less than every 12 months (4)
2021AQMEDHX2How frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (1)
Every 1-3 months (2)
Every 4-6 months (3)
Every 7-12 months (4)
Less than every 12 months (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had these lab tests done (0)
2021AQHIVSTATUSAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2021AQHIVSTATUSWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Within the last month (1)
1-3 months ago (2)
4-6 months ago (3)
7-12 months ago (4)
More than 1 year ago (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had my HIV viral load checked (0)
2021AQHIVSTATUSIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada or Descovy) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Are you USING PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPREP_NOWWhich PrEP regimen do you currently use?I take PrEP daily. (1)
I take PrEP on demand. This is two pills 24 hours before sex, one pill 24 hours later, and another one pill 24 hours after that. (2)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (4)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not use a specific PrEP regimen. (3)
2021AQPREP_REGIMENIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how many days did you take your daily PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2021AQPREP_NOWAre you using PrEP as part of a clinical or research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPREP_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you previously on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV, but had to stop taking it?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPREP_STOP_YRWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I acquired HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2021AQHIVSTATUSIf you are interested in learning more about PrEP, we encourage you to check out the following resources and talk with your medical provider. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: No Answers
2021AQHIVSTATUSAlthough PrEP is for individuals who are HIV negative, we want to share more information about PrEP with individuals who are living with HIV in case they wish to pass this along to other individuals close to them. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada or Descovy) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: Answers
2021AQHave you donated blood in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “binding”? (Binding refers to flattening your chest using materials such as bandages, cloth strips, layering of shirts, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQBINDINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by binding. (Check all that apply.) Pain (for example, abdominal, back, chest, breast, shoulder) (1)
Headache (2)
Breast tenderness (3)
Bad Posture (4)
Rib or spine changes (5)
Bone or joint issues (for example, popping joints, rib fractures) (6)
Fatigue and Weakness (7)
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy (8)
Numbness (9)
Chest/Breast changes (for example, muscle wasting, scarring, swelling) (10)
Digestive issues or heartburn (11)
Respiratory Issues (for example, cough, shortness of breath, respiratory infections, collapsed lung/pneumothorax) (12)
Skin Changes (for example, itch, rash, acne, infections) (13)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (14)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from binding (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “packing”? (Packing refers to placing an object in one's underwear to resemble the appearance of a penis/phallus.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQPACKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by packing. (Check all that apply.) Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from packing (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stuffing”? (Stuffing refers to changing the appearance of your chest/breasts using materials such as push-up bras, gel pads, cloth strips, cotton gauze, tape, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “tucking”? (Tucking refers to concealing one's genitals by placing them between and behind one's legs, and/or by pushing them inside your groin/abdomen.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQTUCKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by tucking. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Itching (4)
Urinary tract or bladder infection(s) (5)
Problems ejaculating (6)
Problems urinating (7)
Pain in penis (8)
Pain in testicles (9)
Numbness in the penis or testicles (10)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (11)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from tucking (0)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you injected a substance (fillers) to fill out your face or make your figure more curvy (for example, silicone)? Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSILICONEPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by the injections. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, scars, swelling etc.) (3)
Whole body infections (for example, blood bacterial infection, HIV, Hepatitis C) (4)
Breathing problems (5)
Pain in the areas of injection (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (7)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from silicone/other substance injections (0)
2021AQSILICONEWhere did you get your injections? (Check all that apply.)Injections from a licensed medical provider (1)
Injections during a group session (for example, pumping party) (2)
Individual injections from someone who is not a medical provider (3)
Another place (please describe) (4)
Another place (please describe) (TEXT)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stand-to-pee” or STP device to stand up to pee?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQSTPPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by using a “stand-to-pee” (STP) device. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from using an STP device (0)
2021AQMedical MarijuanaNo Answers
2021AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and/or I have a health care providers recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a health care providers recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2021AQComplementary and Integrative HealthNo Answers
2021AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used any of the following to manage physical and/or mental health conditions? (Check all that apply.)Acupuncture (1)
Chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (2)
Energy healing (3)
Massage therapy (4)
None of these (0)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use acupuncture to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has acupuncture been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use energy healing to manage?Text Entry (-)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has energy healing been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use massage therapy to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has massage therapy been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2021AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of meditation regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMEDITATIONPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent meditating, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2021AQMEDITATIONWas your meditation practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQMEDITATION_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use meditation to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQMEDITATION_MANAGEHow effective has meditation been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2021AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of yoga regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYOGAPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent practicing yoga, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2021AQYOGAWas your yoga practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQYOGA_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use yoga to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2021AQYOGA_MANAGEHow effective has yoga been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2021AQYou have completed the Physical Health Block! This is one of 4 blocks! WOOHOO - another one done! Each block you complete helps us understand LGBTQ people's unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people.No Answers
2021AQMore About MeNo Answers
2021AQIf a national survey company, like Gallup, asked you the following question: "We are asking only for statistical purposes: Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?" How would you answer?I would answer Yes. (1)
I would answer No. (0)
I would not answer the question. (2)
2021AQOn average, which best describes the amount of time you spend on dating sites/apps?Zero. I do not visit or use dating sites/apps. (0)
Less than 1 hour a week (1)
1-6 hours per week (2)
1 hour per day (3)
2 hours per day (4)
3 or more hours per day (5)
2021AQAPPTIMEHow often do you meet up with someone from a dating site/app?Never (0)
Almost never (1)
About once per month (2)
A couple of times per month (3)
About once per week (4)
Several times per week (5)
Daily (6)
2021AQSome people report experiencing discrimination or harassment on dating sites/apps due to their personal characteristics. Have you ever experienced discrimination or harassment on a dating site/app due to any of the following? (Check all the apply.)I have never experienced discrimination/harassment on dating sites/apps (0)
My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender/gender identity (5)
My HIV status (6)
The language I speak or sign (7)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (8)
My political views (9)
My preferred safer sex practices (e.g., PrEP, condoms) (10)
My race and/or ethnicity (11)
My sexual orientation (12)
My skin color (13)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (14)
Another reason (please specify) (15)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQMilitary ServiceNo Answers
2021AQAt any time in the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you served at any time in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2021AQMIL_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you join or leave the military?Yes, I joined the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I left the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
No, I left the military before the PAST 12 MONTHS. (3)
No, I am currently still serving in the military. (0)
2021AQWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
2021AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2021AQMIL_NOWWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQMIL_NOWWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2021 (2)
January 2022 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2021 (6)
February 2022 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2021 (10)
March 2022 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2021 (14)
April 2022 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2021 (18)
May 2022 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2020 (22)
June 2021 (23)
June 2022 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2020 (27)
July 2021 (28)
July 2022 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2020 (32)
August 2021 (33)
August 2022 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2020 (37)
September 2021 (38)
September 2022 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2020 (42)
October 2021 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2020 (46)
November 2021 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2020 (50)
December 2021 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2020 (54)
I dont know/remember 2021 (55)
I dont know/remember 2022 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2021AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you receive any type of health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2021AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2021AQYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2021 Annual Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! If you have questions or concerns about this survey, please send an email to or call The PRIDE Study hotline at (855) 421-9991 In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or the LGBT National Hotline at 1-888-843-4564 ( to talk with someone. - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 Thank you again for completing the 2021 Annual Questionnaire. We deeply appreciate for your time, your interest in The PRIDE Study, and your investment in research that will help our communities understand how the experience of being LGBTQ is related to all aspects of health and life. TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO THE NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to Dashboard" No Answers
2022AQWhich categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian or Alaska Native (For example: Aztec, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Navajo Nation, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) (1)
Asian (For example: Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) (2)
Black, African American or African (For example: African American, Ethiopian, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Somali, etc.) (3)
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish (For example: Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, etc.) (4)
Middle Eastern or North African (For example: Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, etc.) (5)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (For example: Chamorro, Fijian, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Tongan, etc.) (6)
White (For example: English, European, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.) (7)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (8)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian (1)
Alaska Native (2)
Central or South American Indian (3)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (4)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNPlease provide the name of the tribe(s) in which you are enrolled or affiliated or your tribal descent. (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) Please list tribes separated by commas.For example, one answer may be: "Navajo Nation, Pomo" Text Entry (-)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Asian Indian (1)
Cambodian (2)
Chinese (3)
Filipino (4)
Hmong (5)
Japanese (6)
Korean (7)
Pakistani (8)
Vietnamese (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)African American (1)
Barbadian (2)
Caribbean (3)
Ethiopian (4)
Ghanaian (5)
Haitian (6)
Jamaican (7)
Liberian (8)
Nigerian (9)
Somali (10)
South African (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (12)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Colombian (1)
Cuban (2)
Dominican (3)
Ecuadorian (4)
Honduran (5)
Mexican or Mexican American (6)
Puerto Rican (7)
Salvadoran (8)
Spanish (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Afghan (1)
Algerian (2)
Egyptian (3)
Emirati (12)
Iranian (4)
Iraqi (5)
Israeli (6)
Jordanian (13)
Lebanese (7)
Libyan (14)
Moroccan (8)
Omani (15)
Palestinian (16)
Qatari (17)
Saudi Arabian (18)
Syrian (9)
Tunisian (10)
Yemeni (19)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)Chamorro (1)
Chuukese (2)
Fijian (3)
Marshallese (4)
Native Hawaiian (5)
Palauan (6)
Samoan (7)
Tahitian (8)
Tongan (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)English (1)
European (2)
French (3)
German (4)
Irish (5)
Italian (6)
Polish (7)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (8)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNYou selected the category Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish. With which of the following terms related to Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish ethnicity do you identify? (Check all that apply.)Chicana (1)
Chicano (2)
Hispanic (3)
Hispano (4)
Latina (5)
Latine (6)
Latino (7)
Latinx (8)
Spanish (9)
Another term not listed (please specify) (10)
Another term not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQRACE_ETHNWhich term do you think best describes you related to your Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish ethnicity? (Please select only one.)Chicana (1)
Chicano (2)
Hispanic (3)
Hispano (4)
Latina (5)
Latine (6)
Latino (7)
Latinx (8)
Spanish (9)
Another term not listed (please specify) (10)
Another term not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQHL_WHICH_MEYou said ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} describes you best. If you wish, please tell us more about why you identify most with ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices} and not the other terms listed.Text Entry (-)
2022AQHL_WHICH_MEYou said ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry} describes you best. If you wish, please tell us more about why you identify most with ${q://QID2553/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoicesTextEntry} and not the other terms listed.Text Entry (-)
2022AQWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Agender (1)
Cisgender man (2)
Cisgender woman (3)
Genderqueer (4)
Man (5)
Non-binary (6)
Questioning (7)
Transgender man (8)
Transgender woman (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Woman (11)
Another gender identity (please specify) (12)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQWhat was the sex assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate?Female (2)
Male (1)
2022AQDo you identify as intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQINTERSEXWhat does being intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
2022AQWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight/Heterosexual (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (11)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy (not all of which are listed here). Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have/had this if you were assigned female sex at birth) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) (3)
Prostate (you likely have/had this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (7)
2022AQHave you EVER had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (8)
2022AQPlease indicate which word(s) you use for the following body part(s).Text Entry (-)
2022AQORGANS_NOWYou have indicated that you currently have a vagina/frontal genital opening. In order to customize the rest of this questionnaire, please select the term you would like us to use to describe your vagina/frontal genital opening.Please use the term vagina. (1)
Please use the term frontal genital opening. (2)
2022AQWhat is your current height in feet and inches? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2022AQWhat is your current weight in pounds (lbs)? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2022AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct U.S. Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQWe are asking the following question so we can better customize this questionnaire for you. We have three versions available. A version for people who identify as a gender minority (for example, genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) that will ask about gender identity/expression. A version for people who identify as a sexual minority (for example, asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) that will ask about sexual orientation. A version or people who identify as both a gender and sexual minority that will ask about gender identity/expression and sexual orientation. Please choose the option that you think is best for you.Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (1)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (2)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (3)
2022AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current gender identity?("Cisgender" here means identifying with the sex assigned to you at birth. For example, a cisgender woman identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth.)Cisgender man (1)
Cisgender woman (2)
Non-binary (3)
Transgender man (4)
Transgender woman (5)
Another gender identity (6)
2022AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current sexual orientation?Asexual/Demisexual/Gray-Ace (1)
Bisexual/Pansexual (2)
Gay/Lesbian (3)
Queer (4)
Straight/Heterosexual (5)
Another sexual orientation (6)
2022AQWe would like to know more about your current romantic feelings toward other people. Please select all of the people you have romantic feelings for: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not romantically attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQWe would like to know more about your current sexual attractions to other people. Please select all of the people you are attracted to: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not sexually attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPeople are often referred to by pronouns instead of their names, such as they/theirs, she/hers, he/his, ze/hirs. Which pronouns do you want people to use to refer to you? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQWhat percentage of the time do people use the pronouns you want them to use for you?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQWhich pronouns do you want your health care providers to use? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQHave your health care providers EVER asked you which pronouns you use?Yes, ALL of my health care providers have asked (1)
Yes, SOME of my health care providers have asked (2)
No, NONE of my health care providers have asked (3)
2022AQWhich pronouns do your health care providers actually use ? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQHave you EVER changed how your name is listed on any IDs or records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQNAME_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQThink about how your name is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (0)
2022AQNAME_CORRECTPlease select which IDs and records show your chosen name. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2022AQHave you EVER changed how your gender is listed on any IDs or records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMARKER_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQThink about how your gender is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: We recognize that people may have multiple genders, but current systems may only allow us to check/select one option; so, for the purposes of this question, please select a gender that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (0)
2022AQMARKER_ACCURATEPlease select which IDs and records show your accurate gender. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your accurate gender is the gender that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2022AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (0)
2022AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (0)
2022AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (0)
2022AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (0)
2022AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (6)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (7)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (8)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (9)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (10)
Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (11)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (12)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (13)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (14)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (15)
Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (16)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (17)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (18)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (19)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (20)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (21)
2022AQProblems You May Have HadNo Answers
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had depression?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you thought that you had a problem with pulling out your hair?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you thought that you had a problem with picking at your skin to the point it caused damage?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2022AQMED_MENTALWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?All of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (0)
Some of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (1)
None of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (2)
2022AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2022AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2022AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2022AQHave you EVER tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSMOKERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2022AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2022AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2022AQSMOKE_NOWHow long after waking up do you smoke your first cigarette?Within 5 minutes (3)
5-30 minutes (2)
31-60 minutes (1)
After 60 minutes (0)
2022AQSMOKE_NOWDuring the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for 24 hours or more? (Do not count times when you weren't allowed to smoke, like if you were in a hospital or in jail.)Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSMOKE_NOWIn any previous quit attempts, which of the following methods/resources have you used to help you quit? (Check all that apply.)Never tried to quit (0)
Quit cold turkey (1)
Gradually cut down (2)
Stop smoking class/program for a fee (3)
Stop smoking class/program (no fee) (4)
Advice or counseling from a doctor, nurse, psychologist, or other health professional (5)
Telephone hotline (6)
Hypnosis (7)
Acupuncture (8)
Nicotine gum (9)
Nicotine patch (10)
Nicotine spray (11)
Nicotine inhaler (12)
Nicotine lozenge (13)
Zyban, Wellbutrin, or bupropion for smoking cessation (14)
Chantix or varenicline (15)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) with nicotine (16)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) without nicotine (17)
Internet (please specify website) (18)
Internet (please specify website) (TEXT)
Other (please specify) (19)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQSMOKE_NOWHow interested are you in quitting smoking in the near future?Not at all interested (0)
Somewhat interested (1)
Very interested (2)
Extremely interested (3)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (9)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (10)
Snuff (11)
Snus (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
I have not used any tobacco product other than cigarettes in the past month (14)
I have not used any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products in the past month (0)
2022AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2022AQALC5In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQOn average, how many days a week do you have an alcoholic beverage?Text Entry (-)
2022AQOn a typical drinking day, how many drinks do you have?Text Entry (-)
2022AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the PAST YEAR?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the PAST YEAR?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2022AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2022AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2022AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2022AQHave you thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2022AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2022AQHave you told someone that you were going to kill yourself, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2022AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2022AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
2022AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; they offer a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline, to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2022AQIf you would like resources about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline emailed to you, please enter your email address here:Text Entry (-)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2022AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2022AQSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you experienced this kind of event?Yes, in the PAST 12 MONTHS (2)
Yes, more than 12 months ago (1)
No (0)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too muchNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; they offer a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline, to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2022AQIf you would like resources about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline emailed to you, please enter your email address here:Text Entry (-)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it is hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2022AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used - either prescribed or not prescribed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
I have never used any substances (0)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQCAN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQCOKE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSTIM_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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24 (24)
25 (25)
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27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQMETH_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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30 (30)
2022AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQINHALE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQPOP_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSWARNING: Using inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra can kill you by causing a lethal drop in blood pressure with even one use. We are aware that this information may not be widely known among our communities. If you use inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, please contact a health care provider to get more information right away.No Answers
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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30 (30)
2022AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSED_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGHB_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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30 (30)
2022AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQHALL_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQHEROIN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQNARC_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMDMA_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQHave you EVER used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQOTDRUG1_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQOTDRUG1_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2022AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQOTDRUG2_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQOTDRUG2_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2022AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2022AQWhich of the following substances did you use during sexual activity with another person within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቧ (13)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ (14)
I did not use any of these substances during sexual activity with another person. (15)
2022AQWhen I want to feel more positive emotion (such as joy or amusement), I change what I'm thinking about.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQI keep my emotions to myself.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQWhen I want to feel less negative emotion (such as sadness or anger), I change what I'm thinking about.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQWhen I am feeling positive emotions, I am careful not to express them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQWhen I'm faced with a stressful situation, I make myself think about it in a way that helps me stay calm.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQI control my emotions by not expressing them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQWhen I want to feel more positive emotion, I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQI control my emotions by changing the way I think about the situation I'm in.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQWhen I am feeling negative emotions, I make sure not to express them.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQWhen I want to feel less negative emotion, I change the way I'm thinking about the situation.1 Strongly Disagree (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 Neutral (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 Strongly Agree (7)
2022AQHow often do you have difficulty concentrating on what people say to you, even when they are speaking to you directly?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2022AQHow often do you leave your seat in meetings or other situations in which you are expected to remain seated?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2022AQHow often do you have difficulty unwinding and relaxing when you have time to yourself?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2022AQWhen you're in a conversation, how often do you find yourself finishing the sentences of the people you are talking to before they can finish them themselves?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2022AQHow often do you put things off until the last minute?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2022AQHow often do you depend on others to keep your life in order and attend to details?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Very Often (5)
2022AQMy painful experiences and memories make it difficult for me to live a life that I would value.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQI'm afraid of my feelings.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQI worry about not being able to control my worries and feelings.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQMy painful memories prevent me from having a fulfilling life.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQEmotions cause problems in my life.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQIt seems like most people are handling their lives better than I am.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQWorries get in the way of my success.Never true (1)
Very seldom true (2)
Seldom true (3)
Sometimes true (4)
Frequently true (5)
Almost always true (6)
Always true (7)
2022AQI tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2022AQI have a hard time making it through stressful events.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2022AQIt does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2022AQIt is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2022AQI usually come through difficult times with little trouble.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2022AQI tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2022AQYou have completed the Mental Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQ people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. Thank you!No Answers
2022AQDo you identify as "neurodivergent" or with any associated term that people sometimes use within the neurodiversity movement (aspie, autistic, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a mental health professional or health care provider told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQDo you currently identify as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDIS_SELFIDWhat condition(s) or problem(s) are related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (39)
Autism (2)
Back or neck problem (3)
Benign tumors, cysts (4)
Birth defect (5)
Cancer (6)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (7)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (8)
Diabetes (9)
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) (40)
Epilepsy, seizures (10)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (11)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (12)
Hearing problem (13)
Heart problem (14)
Hernia (15)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (16)
Intellectual/developmental disability (17)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (18)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (19)
Lung/breathing problem (for example, asthma and emphysema) (20)
Memory (21)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (22)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (23)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (24)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (25)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (26)
Other injury (27)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (28)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (29)
Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (30)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (41)
Stroke problem (31)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (32)
Ulcer (33)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (34)
Vision/problem seeing (35)
Weight problem (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (38)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been unable to work due to a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other government disability assistance related to a disability status?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Standing for long periods such as 30 minutes? None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Taking care of your household responsibilities?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Learning a new task, for example, learning how to get to a new place?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much of a problem did you have joining in community activities (for example, festivities, religious or other activities) as fully as someone who doesn't experience your health conditions?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much have you been emotionally affected by your health problems?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Walking a long distance such as a kilometer [or approximately 0.6 miles]?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Washing your whole body?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Getting dressed?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Dealing with people you do not know?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Maintaining a friendship?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have with: Your day-to-day work?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2022AQWHODAS_S1Overall, in the PAST 30 DAYS, how many days were these difficulties present? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, for how many days were you totally unable to carry out your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, not counting the days that you were totally unable, for how many days did you cut back or reduce your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2022AQDid you live with anyone who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQDid you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQDid you live with anyone who used illegal street drugs or who abused prescription medications?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQDid you live with anyone who served time or was sentenced to serve time in a prison, jail, or other correctional facility?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQWere your parents separated or divorced?Yes (1)
No (0)
Parents not married or together (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHow often did your parents or adults in your home ever slap, hit, kick, punch or beat each other up?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQBefore age 18, how often did a parent or adult in your home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHow often did a parent or adult in your home ever swear at you, insult you, or put you down?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, ever touch you sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, try to make you touch them sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, force you to have sex?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQACES9Thank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2022AQHow has the COVID impacted your finances? (Check all that apply.)I dont have enough money for food and basic supplies (1)
I am unable to pay my rent (2)
I am unable to pay my mortgage (3)
I am unable to pay ongoing bills (for example, cell phone, power, water) (4)
I am making less money from my job (5)
I am no longer making any money from my job (6)
I lost my job (7)
I have lost money due to the stock market (8)
My business is making less money (9)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (10)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (TEXT)
Some other way (please specify) (11)
Some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
My finances have not been impacted (0)
2022AQHow has COVID impacted your health care in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply).I did not go to the doctor for routine health care (for example, an annual visit) (1)
I did not get treatment for a chronic illness or disease (2)
I was not able to access medications that I needed (3)
I made the decision to postpone health care procedures (4)
I was not allowed to access health care procedures (5)
I lost my health insurance (6)
I was not able to access medical equipment that I needed (7)
COVID impacted my health care in some other way (please specify) (8)
COVID impacted my health care in some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
COVID did not impact my health care at all (0)
2022AQCOVIDIMPACT_HC22You said that health care appointments or procedures were postponed due to COVID in the PAST 12 MONTHS. What types of healthcare appointments or procedures were postponed? (Check all that apply.)Visits with your primary care provider (1)
Visits with a specialist (2)
Visits related to reproductive health care (3)
Laboratory tests (4)
HIV testing (5)
Abortion services (6)
Sexually-transmitted infection (STI) testing (7)
Gender-affirming hormone visits (8)
Gender-affirming surgeries (for example, top surgery, bottom surgery) (9)
Other gender-affirming procedures (for example, laser hair removal) (10)
Other gender-affirming appointments (for example, voice therapy) (11)
Mental health care visits (for example, with therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist) (12)
Something else (please specify) (13)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQWhich of the following describes your current occupation or employment status? (Check all that apply.)Employed, working 40 or more hours per week (1)
Employed, working 1-39 hours per week (2)
Temporarily employed (3)
Self-employed (4)
Not employed, looking for work (5)
Not employed, not looking for work (6)
Homemaker (7)
Student (Full time) (8)
Student (Part time) (9)
Disabled, not able to work (10)
Retired (11)
2022AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQWORKAt how many paid jobs do you currently work?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
2022AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2022AQWORKWhich of the following describe(s) your current occupation(s)? (Check all that apply.)Arts, Design, Entertainment, Sports, and Media Occupations (1)
Architecture and Engineering Occupations (2)
Building and Grounds Cleaning and Maintenance Occupations (3)
Business and Financial Operations Occupations (4)
Community and Social Service Occupations (5)
Computer and Mathematical Occupations (6)
Construction and Extraction Occupations (7)
Education, Training, and Library Occupations (8)
Farming, Fishing, and Forestry Occupations (9)
Food Preparation and Serving Related Occupations (10)
Healthcare Practitioners and Technical Occupations (11)
Healthcare Support Occupations (12)
Installation, Maintenance, and Repair Occupations (13)
Legal Occupations (14)
Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations (15)
Management Occupations (16)
Office and Administrative Support Occupations (17)
Personal Care and Service Occupations (18)
Production Occupations (19)
Protective Service Occupations (20)
Sales and Related Occupations (21)
Transportation and Materials Moving Occupations (22)
Other (please specify) (23)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQWORKWhat is your job(s)? (Please be as specific as possible.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQWORKWhat is the main reason you do not currently work?Taking care of house or family (1)
Going to school (2)
Retired (3)
On a planned vacation from work (4)
On family or parental leave (5)
Temporarily unable to work for health reasons (6)
Have job or contract and off-season (7)
On layoff (8)
Disabled (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSEXWORKIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQWhat were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2021 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2022AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your household earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2021 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2022AQHow many individuals are dependent upon the household income you just described? Please enter 1 for yourself.Text Entry (-)
2022AQWhat is your highest education level completed?No schooling (1)
Nursery school to high school, no diploma (2)
High school graduate or equivalent (e.g., GED) (3)
Trade/Technical/Vocational training (4)
Some college (5)
2-year college degree (6)
4-year college degree (7)
Masters degree (8)
Doctoral degree (9)
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D., M.B.A.) (10)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, at any time, were you held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQHMLS_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you spent sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Text Entry (-)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQUNSTB_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Text Entry (-)
2022AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with a partner, spouse, or other person who pays for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (TEXT)
2022AQHow many people, including yourself, live in your household who are 18 years of age or older?Text Entry (-)
2022AQHow many people live in your household who are younger than 18 years of age?Text Entry (-)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRHARASSDo you think you were targeted for this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRATTACKDo you think you were targeted for these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRDVDo you think you were targeted for this physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not worked and have not applied for jobs in the past 12 months (99)
2022AQYRJOBDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRHOUSDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRSERVDISCDo you think you were targeted for this poorer service in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not been in an educational setting in the past 12 months (99)
2022AQYRSCHDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive medical care in the past 12 months (99)
2022AQYRMEDDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQWas there a time in the PAST 12 MONTHS when you needed to see a health care provider but did not because you thought you would be disrespected or mistreated?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQANTMEDDISCWhen you put off seeing a health care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS because you thought you were going to be disrespected or mistreated, were you concerned you would be disrespected or mistreated because of your... (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive mental health care in the past 12 months (99)
2022AQYRMENTALDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRPOLICEDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYRSADo you think you were targeted for this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): physically hurt you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2022AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): insult you or talk down to you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2022AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): threaten you with harm?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2022AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): scream or curse at you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2022AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): force you to have sexual activities?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2022AQThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that answering questions about sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2022AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)?Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2022AQThe following questions concern types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
2022AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2022AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2022AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2022AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2022AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2022AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2022AQHave you been sexually assaulted and/or raped in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSES1_YRThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQ people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2022AQCYOAI wish I weren't genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI feel that being genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to have a gender that conforms with my sex assigned at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI think my life is better because I am genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2022AQCYOAI wish I weren't lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
Not applicable because I am not attracted to people of my gender (0)
2022AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
If someone offered me the chance to be completely gay/lesbian, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI feel that being lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOAI think my life is better because of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2022AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2022AQDid you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPARENTTo how many children did you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Text Entry (-)
2022AQWe are going to ask you a question about the children who you became a parent to in the PAST 12 MONTHS. To help you remember which child we are asking a question about, please type in the child's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions. Text Entry (-)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGICONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSOCONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2022AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2022AQOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2022AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2022AQHow welcomed and accepted do you feel in LGBTQ spaces (including community groups, social clubs, bars, etc.)?Unaccepted/unwelcomed in all of these spaces (1)
Unaccepted/unwelcomed in most of these spaces (but accepted/welcomed in at least one) (2)
Accepted/welcomed in about half of these spaces (3)
Accepted/welcomed in most, but not all, of these spaces (4)
Accepted/welcomed in all of these spaces (5)
2022AQWELCOMEYou mentioned feeling unaccepted/unwelcomed in some or all LGBTQ spaces. People sometimes feel that these spaces are not welcoming towards them due to various aspects of their identities. Please select aspects of your identity that feel unwelcome in these spaces. (Check all that apply.)My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size, weight, or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
The language I speak or sign (6)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (7)
My political views (8)
My race and/or ethnicity (9)
My sexual orientation (10)
My skin color (11)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (12)
People dont perceive me as LGBTQ (14)
Another reason (please specify) (13)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQIs there at least one LGBTQ space (e.g., social club, group, bar, etc.) in which you feel safe?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQOverall, how safe do you feel LGBTQ spaces are for you?Very unsafe (4)
Somewhat unsafe (3)
Neither safe nor unsafe (2)
Mostly safe (1)
Completely safe (0)
2022AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (1)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (2)
Other (please specify) (3)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQREL_TYPEHow many people are you currently in romantic relationships with?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
2022AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2022AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
My romantic partner(s) and I do not engage in sexual activity (5)
2022AQDo you live with your partner(s)?Yes, I live with 1 partner (0)
Yes, I live with 2 or more partners (1)
No, I do not live with a partner (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2022AQWhat gender do you currently live in on a day-to-day basis?Man (1)
Woman (2)
Genderqueer/Non-binary/neither man nor woman (3)
Part time one gender/part time another gender (4)
2022AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what gender do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Man (1)
Non-binary/Genderqueer (2)
Transgender Man (3)
Transgender Woman (4)
Two-spirit (5)
Woman (6)
Another gender (7)
It varies (8)
They cannot tell (9)
I dont know what they think (88)
2022AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a gender minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your gender? (Check all that apply.)Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Used your preferred name even if it was not your legal name (2)
Used your correct pronouns (such as he/she/they) (3)
Supported my gender-affirming health care (other than financially) (9)
Provided financial support to help with any part of your gender transition (4)
Helped you change your name and/or gender on your identity documents (ID), like your drivers license (such as doing things like filling out papers or going with you to court) (5)
Did research to learn how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (6)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (7)
Listened to me when I had difficulties (10)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what sexual orientation do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Same-gender loving (7)
Straight/Heterosexual (8)
Two-spirit (9)
They cannot tell (10)
It varies (11)
Another sexual orientation (12)
I dont know what they think (88)
2022AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a sexual minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.) Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Positively acknowledged your relationship to your partner(s) (2)
Positively acknowledged your sexual and/or romantic orientation (3)
Welcomed your partner(s) to a family event (4)
Provided financial support related to your relationship(s) (e.g., first date, family building, moving in together) (5)
Attended an event that you hosted with a partner(s) (6)
Researched how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (7)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (8)
Listened to me when I had difficulties (10)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (9)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2022AQComing out" about one's sexual orientation or gender is a process. People do not always come out to everyone at the same time. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you come out to any of the people who raised you? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I came out about my sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) to someone who raised me (1)
Yes, I came out about my gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) to someone who raised me (2)
No, I did not come out in the past 12 months to anyone who raised me (0)
2022AQCOMEOUT_PSTYRWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use the name(s) in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use the name(s) in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2022AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2022AQCYOAThe decision to hide or reveal my sexual orientation to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQBecause of my sexual orientation, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI feel confused or conflicted by my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI feel comfortable revealing my sexual attractions and/or behavior.Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2022AQThe decision to hide or reveal my gender identity or that I am a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQBecause of my gender identity, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI feel confused or conflicted by my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI feel comfortable revealing my gender identity and/or expression and/or status as a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.). Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2022AQPeople treat me unfairly because of my race, ethnicity, sexual, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQAt times, I feel I stick out because of my race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQStereotypes about racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority people hurt my self-esteem or the way I see myself.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQI believe the world is a dangerous place to be a racial, ethnic, sexual, and/or gender minority person.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2022AQThe PRIDE Study is interested in giving voice to our communities' experiences with discrimination, violence, and harassment. If you would like to tell us more about any experiences that you have had along these lines, please do so here.Text Entry (-)
2022AQYou have completed the Social Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQ health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQ health equity!No Answers
2022AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (13)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
2022AQMEDHX1With what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQHow about any of these? Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (13)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (14)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
2022AQHere's the last set! Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Osteoporosis (19)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
2022AQPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have. (One condition per line.) If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2022AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (60)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cataracts (9)
Chronic kidney disease (10)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (11)
Anal cancer (12)
Breast cancer (13)
Colon cancer (14)
Kidney cancer (15)
Lung cancer (16)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (17)
Ovarian cancer (18)
Pancreatic cancer (19)
Prostate cancer (20)
Skin cancer (melanoma) (21)
Skin cancer (non-melanoma) (22)
Uterine cancer (23)
q://QID901/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ cancer (24)
Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (25)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (26)
Coronary artery disease (27)
Depression (28)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (29)
Diabetes (borderline) (30)
Erectile dysfunction (31)
Glaucoma (32)
Heart attack (33)
Heart murmur (34)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (61)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (62)
High cholesterol (35)
HIV (36)
Hypertension (high blood pressure) (37)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (38)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (39)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (40)
Liver disease (41)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (42)
Menopause (43)
Migraine headache (44)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (45)
Osteoporosis (63)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (46)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (47)
Psoriasis (48)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (49)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (50)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (51)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (52)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (53)
Uterine fibroids (54)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǗ (55)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǘ (56)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǙ (57)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǚ (58)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǛ (59)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Surgeries and procedures that are exclusively and/or primarily for gender affirmation or transition are asked about in greater depth later.)Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
None of these (0)
2022AQSURGHXWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following procedures for any reason (including gender affirmation or transition)? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
None of these (3)
2022AQPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS (not including surgeries or procedures that are exclusively and/or primarily for gender affirmation or transition, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
2022AQHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation/contouring (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (0)
2022AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (also called reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (for example with scars under the chest, double incision with nipple removal and WITHOUT re-attachment) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (for example with scars under the chest, double incision with nipple removal and WITH re-attachment) (5)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (for example keyhole through the areola, periareolar with no re-positioning of the nipple) (4)
None of these (0)
2022AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (1)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (2)
Creation of a new vagina using peritoneal tissue (vaginoplasty, peritoneal pull-through) (16)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labiaplasty) (3)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (4)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (9)
Removal of penis (penectomy) (10)
Removal of testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (12)
Testicular implant insertion (13)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (14)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (15)
None of these (0)
2022AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any hair-related procedures for gender-affirming or transition-related reasons?Yes, hair transplant (1)
Yes, facial hair removal (2)
Yes, forearm hair removal (3)
Yes, chest hair removal (4)
Yes, leg hair removal (5)
Yes, pubic hair removal (8)
Yes, hair removal in another body region (please specify location) (6)
Yes, hair removal in another body region (please specify location) (TEXT)
Yes, something else (please specify) (7)
Yes, something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2022AQGAS_AQPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2022AQHave you EVER taken a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPUB_SUPP_EV20How old were you when you first took a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
2022AQAre you CURRENTLY taking hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) are you CURRENTLY taking? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2022AQWere any of the following hormones or medications that you used in the PAST 12 MONTHS for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) prescribed by a doctor or health care provider?Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
None of these were prescribed by a doctor or health care provider. (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the ${q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you start or stop taking any hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I started taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I stopped taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (0)
No, I did not start or stop taking hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
2022AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you START in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you STOP in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQHave you had COVID?Yes, confirmed by a positive test at home or with a health care provider (1)
Yes, I think I had COVID but did not have a positive test (2)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQCOVID_DXHow many times have you had COVID?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 or more (5)
2022AQCOVID_DXDid you receive any medical care for COVID at any time? (Check all that apply.)No, I recovered on my own (1)
Yes, I went to the emergency room (2)
Yes, I saw a health care provider in a clinic (including urgent care) (3)
Yes, I was hospitalized (4)
2022AQCOVID_MEDICALCAREWere you on a ventilator for COVID?Yes (1)
No (2)
2022AQCOVID_DXWhich treatments did you receive for COVID? (Check all that apply.)I did not receive any treatments for COVID (6)
Paxlovid (also called nirmatrelvir with ritonavir) (1)
Veklury (also called remdesivir) (2)
Bebtelovimab (3)
Molnupiravir (also called Legevrio) (4)
Something else (please specify) (5)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQCOVID_DXDo you have any of the following long COVID or post-COVID symptoms? (Check all that apply.)No, I dont have any long COVID or post-COVID symptoms (1)
Tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life (2)
Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort (also known as post-exertional malaise) (20)
Fever (21)
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (5)
Cough (22)
Chest pain (23)
Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations) (24)
Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as brain fog) (9)
Headache (25)
Sleep problems (26)
Dizziness when you stand up (lightheadedness) (27)
Pins-and-needles feelings (28)
Change in smell or taste (29)
Depression or anxiety (30)
Diarrhea (16)
Stomach pain (34)
Joint or muscle pain (18)
Rash (35)
Changes in menstrual cycles (36)
Something else (please specify, separate multiple symptoms with commas) (32)
Something else (please specify, separate multiple symptoms with commas) (TEXT)
2022AQWhich best describes you?I dont want to get the COVID vaccine ever (1)
I want to wait to get the COVID vaccine (2)
I want to get the COVID vaccine as soon as possible (3)
I already received one or more doses COVID vaccine (4)
2022AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhat are your reasons for NOT wanting to get the COVID vaccine? (Check all that apply.)I have a health condition that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (1)
I dont think that the COVID vaccine is safe. (2)
I dont trust the development of the COVID vaccines. (3)
I dont believe in any vaccines. (4)
I have a fear of needles. (5)
I believe I will get COVID from the vaccine. (6)
I dont believe the COVID vaccine will protect me from getting COVID. (7)
I dont think the COVID vaccine was tested on people like me. (8)
I think I already had COVID and am protected from getting it again. (9)
I am allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate. (10)
I am concerned about the side effects. (11)
I dont want to get the vaccine due to my religious or spiritual beliefs. (12)
Something else (please specify) (13)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhat are your reasons for wanting to wait to get the COVID vaccine? (Check all that apply.)I am not yet eligible to receive the vaccine. (1)
I have a health condition that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (2)
I dont think that the COVID vaccine is safe. (3)
I dont trust the development of the COVID vaccine. (4)
I dont believe in any vaccines. (5)
I have a fear of needles. (6)
I believe I will get COVID from the vaccine. (7)
I dont believe the COVID vaccine will protect me from getting COVID. (8)
I dont think the COVID vaccine was tested on people like me. (9)
I think other people should get the COVID vaccine before me. (10)
I want to see if the COVID vaccine is safe. (11)
I think I already had COVID and am protected from getting it again. (12)
I received convalescent plasma or monoclonal antibodies to treat COVID. (13)
I currently have or just recently had COVID. (14)
I was told by my doctor or health care professional to wait. (15)
I received a vaccine (not for COVID) in the past 14 days. (16)
Something else (please specify) (17)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQVACCINE_NEVERPlease list the health condition(s) you have that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (One condition per box, please)Text Entry (-)
2022AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhich company/companies made the COVID vaccine doses (including boosters) that you received? (Check all that apply.)AstraZeneca (1)
Johnson & Johnson (2)
Moderna (3)
Novavax (4)
Pfizer/BioNTech (5)
Another company (please specify) (6)
Another company (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2022AQVACCINATION_STATUSHow many doses of the COVID vaccine (including boosters) did you receive?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (89)
5 (90)
6 or more (91)
I dont know (88)
2022AQVACCINE_DOSESDid you experience any of the following side effects after receiving your COVID vaccine (any dose)? (Check all that apply.)I did not experience any side effects. (0)
Pain at the injection site (1)
Redness at the injection site (2)
Swelling at the injection site (3)
Fatigue / Tiredness (4)
Chills (5)
Fever (6)
New or worsening muscle pain/ache (myalgia) (7)
New or worsening joint pain/ache (arthralgia) (8)
Itching (9)
Full-body rash (10)
Hives (urticaria) (11)
Headache (12)
Nausea (13)
Vomiting (14)
Diarrhea (15)
Wheezing (16)
Cough (17)
Voice hoarseness (18)
Tongue swelling (19)
Swollen lips (20)
Difficulty breathing (21)
Anaphylaxis (22)
Allergic reaction (23)
Bells Palsy (24)
Another side effect(s) (please list all additional side effects) (25)
Another side effect(s) (please list all additional side effects) (TEXT)
2022AQHave you ever had an allergic reaction to any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Vaccines other than the COVID vaccine (1)
Eggs (2)
Injectable medications (3)
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate (4)
None of these (0)
2022AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2022AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2022AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2022AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2022AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2022AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2022AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2022AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2022AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2022AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst imaginable pain (10)
2022AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2022AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your ability to concentrate?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2022AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your day to day activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2022AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of recreational activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2022AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with doing your tasks away from home (e.g., getting groceries, running errands)?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2022AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how often did pain keep you from socializing with others?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQOn the images below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have ANY chronic pain anywhere in your body, please select "No Chronic Pain" and advance to the next screen.No Chronic Pain (1)
2022AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Face (1)
Right jaw (2)
Left jaw (3)
Right chest/breast (4)
Left chest/breast (5)
Abdomen (6)
Pelvis (7)
Right groin (8)
Left groin (9)
Genitals (10)
Right upper arm (11)
Right elbow (12)
Right lower arm (13)
Right wrist/hand (14)
Left upper arm (15)
Left elbow (16)
Left lower arm (17)
Left wrist/hand (18)
Right upper leg (19)
Right knee (20)
Right lower leg (21)
Right ankle/foot (22)
Left upper leg (23)
Left knee (24)
Left lower leg (25)
Left ankle/foot (26)
2022AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Head (1)
Neck (2)
Left shoulder (3)
Right shoulder (4)
Upper back (5)
Lower back (6)
Left hip (7)
Right hip (8)
Left buttocks (9)
Right buttocks (10)
Anus (11)
2022AQCancer ScreeningNo Answers
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the frontal genital opening, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPAP_YR_VHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPAP_YR_VAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Did you have an HPV test with a Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHPV_RECENTPAPHave you had a cervical HPV test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQORGANS_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast/chest tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast/chest tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQMAMMO_YRHave you had a mammogram in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPSA_YRHave you had a PSA test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that intentionally causes diarrhea. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2022AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination where a doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt)) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus) (4)
I dont know (88)
None of these (0)
2022AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a digital anal/rectal examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal HPV examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal Pap smear where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPhysical ActivityNo Answers
2022AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2022AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2022AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2022AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2022AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2022AQHave you EVER used the following drugs/supplements for the purpose of enhancing appearance or performance? (Check all that apply.)Anabolic Steroids (1)
Protein supplements (such as whey protein, protein shakes, protein bars) (2)
Creatine supplements (including creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, and others) (3)
Synthetic muscle enhancers (such as testosterone replacement therapy, clenbuterol, human growth hormone) (4)
Diuretics/water pills (such as furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, and others) (5)
I have never used these drugs or supplements. (0)
2022AQSUPPI use/have used anabolic steroids primarily for:Performance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
2022AQSUPPIN THE PAST 12 MONTHS, I have used anabolic steroids for approximately:Not used in the last 12 months (0)
1-2 months (1)
3-4 months (2)
5-6 months (3)
7-8 months (4)
9-10 months (5)
11-12 months (6)
2022AQHealthcare AccessNo Answers
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protect against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
There is NO place (2)
There is MORE THAN ONE place (3)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to MOST often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or health care provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or health care provider in the past 12 months. (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or talked to any of the following health care providers about your own health? (Check all that apply.)A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker (1)
An optometrist, ophthalmologist, or eye doctor (someone who prescribes eye glasses) (2)
A foot doctor (a podiatrist) (3)
A chiropractor (4)
A physical therapist, speech therapist, respiratory therapist, audiologist, or occupational therapist (5)
A nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or midwife (6)
A doctor who specializes in reproductive, genital, and sexual health (an obstetrician/gynecologist) (7)
A medical doctor who specializes in a particular medical disease or problem (other than obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist) (8)
A general doctor who treats a variety of illnesses (a doctor in general practice, family medicine, or internal medicine) (9)
I have not seen or talked to any of these providers. (0)
2022AQA primary care provider is a health care provider who takes care of your overall general health and may coordinate your care with other medical specialists. Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPCPHave you seen your primary care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQCYOAIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you gone to a doctor, health care provider, or clinic for transgender-related health care (such as hormone treatment)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQTRANS_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your transgender-related health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you visited a doctor, health care provider, or clinic that focuses on sexual or reproductive health (such as sexually transmitted infections, PrEP, birth control, abortion, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQSEX_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your sexual or reproductive health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times have you gone to a hospital emergency room about your health? (If you are not sure exactly how many times, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQERFor what reason(s) did you go the emergency room?Text Entry (-)
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been hospitalized overnight?Yes (1)
No (2)
2022AQHOSPHow many different times in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been hospitalized overnight?Text Entry (-)
2022AQHOSPFor what reason(s) were you hospitalized (e.g., shortness of breath, heart attack, chest pain, depression)?Text Entry (-)
2022AQHOSPHow many days total were you hospitalized in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (If you are not sure exactly how many days, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2022AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2022AQIn regard to your current health insurance or health care coverage, how does it compare to a year ago? Is it better, worse, or about the same?Better (1)
Worse (2)
About the same (3)
I dont know (4)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDELAYCAREWhich of these reasons describes why you were delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Health care provider refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to health care providers office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you unable to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the reason(s) you were unable to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you able to visit a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (12)
I did not have dental insurance (14)
Other (13)
Other (TEXT)
2022AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQHow often during the PAST 12 MONTHS have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2022AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-HOUR PERIOD? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
2022AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble falling asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2022AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble staying asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2022AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you take medication to help you fall asleep or stay asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2022AQIn the PAST WEEK, on how many days did you wake up feeling well rested?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2022AQI worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more. Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQThe food that I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQI couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUSDA_AD1How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (88)
I dont know (89)
2022AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUSDA_AD1In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQUSDA_AD5How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (2)
I dont know (88)
2022AQSAABIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) resulted in a pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPREGNANT_SPERMHow many pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS resulted from your sperm? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQORGANS_BORNHave you had at least one menstrual period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2022AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
Are you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQORGANS_BORNHave you been trying to personally become pregnant over the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQORGANS_BORNHave you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQPREG_YRHow many times have you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_TIMESDid any of your pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_DELHow many frontal genital opening deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_YRHow many miscarriages have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_YRHow many tubal pregnancies have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQPREG_YRHow many abortions have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using any of the following: medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQORGANS_NOWHave you breast/chest fed a child in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQBREASTFEDWere the children that you breast/chest fed in the PAST 12 MONTHS born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any type of birth control method for the prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQBIRTHCONTROL_YRPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for the prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)No sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, or Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2022AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any birth control method(s) for ANY reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONWhat are the reasons that you have used birth control (OTHER THAN pregnancy prevention) in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)To affirm my gender (1)
To avoid getting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) from someone else (2)
To avoid spreading a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that I have (3)
To avoid symptoms associated with my period like: chest tenderness, bloating, acne, pain from cramping, heavy bleeding (sometimes referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS) (4)
To stop having a period/reduce the amount of bleeding (5)
Prevent hair growth (hirsutism) (6)
To reduce chronic pelvic pain (including endometriosis) (7)
To treat another medical condition (8)
Not listed (please specify) (9)
Not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2022AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for any reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how interested have you been in sexual activity?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you felt like you wanted to have sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, did you have any type of sexual activity? (This means ANY kind of sexual activity including masturbation.)No (0)
Yes (1)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my vagina (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my frontal genital opening (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2022AQSFSCR202There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Difficulties with my erections (penis/phallus not hard or is painful) (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often were you able to get an erection (get hard) during sexual activity?Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, when you had erections with sexual stimulation how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2022AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, during sexual intercourse how often were you able to maintain your erection (stay hard) after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you been able to have an orgasm/climax when you wanted to?Have not tried to have an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfying have your orgasms or climaxes been?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure have your orgasms or climaxes given you?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had discomfort in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had pain in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had dryness in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how dry has your mouth been?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2022AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sex life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2022AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure has your sex life given you?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2022AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you thought that your sex life is wonderful?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2022AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship(s)? Have not had a sexual relationship with another person in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2022AQSexual Health and Activities The next questions will ask you about your sexual activities including specific sexual behaviors and acts. If you wish to opt out of this section because of this, please indicate below. I wish to answer this section. (1)
I wish to skip this section. (0)
2022AQSome people engage in sexual activities with another person(s) using object(s) not made of human skin that are shaped like a cylinder or penis/phallus. Do you have that kind of sex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_SEX_HAVEWhat do you call that object or object(s)?Text Entry (-)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_SEX_HAVEHow do you use this object? (Check all that apply.)I insert the object into someones body (1)
I receive the object into my body (2)
I use this object in another way (please describe) (3)
I use this object in another way (please describe) (TEXT)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_HOW_USEHow do you use this object when you insert the object into someone else's body? (Check all that apply.)I insert the object into someones mouth (1)
I insert the object into someones vagina/frontal genital opening. (2)
I insert the object into someones anus (3)
I insert the object into another part of someones body (please specify) (4)
I insert the object into another part of someones body (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_INSERTHow often do you insert that object into the mouth of a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_INSERTHow often do you insert that object into the vagina/frontal genital opening of a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_INSERTHow often do you insert that object into the anus of a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_HOW_USEHow do you use this object when inserted into your body? (Check all that apply.)I receive the object into my mouth (1)
I receive the object into my vagina/frontal genital opening. (2)
I receive the object into my anus (3)
I receive the object into another part of my body (please specify) (4)
I receive the object into another part of my body (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_RECHow often do you have the object inserted into your mouth by a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_RECHow often do you have the object inserted into your vagina/frontal genital opening by a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQPROSTHESIS_RECHow often do you have the object inserted into your anus by a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMASTURBATE_YRHow often do you masturbate?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQMASTURBATE_YRHave you masturbated in the presence of an intimate or romantic partner in PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQHave you engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what are the gender identities of the people that you had any sexual activity with? (Check all that apply.)Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (99)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive vaginal sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_VHow often do you have receptive vaginal sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_FGOHow often do you have receptive frontal genital opening sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive vaginal sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_VHow often do you have insertive vaginal sex where you put penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's vagina.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_FGOHow often do you have insertive frontal genital opening sex where you put penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's frontal genital opening.More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQVAG2VAG_YR_VHow often do you have sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex where you put your mouth on another person's genitals in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to their body) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina (2)
No (0)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex where you put your mouth on another person's genitals in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to their body) (1)
Yes, on a person with a frontal genital opening (2)
No (0)
2022AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR22_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR22_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you received oral sex where someone put their mouth on your genitals in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQORAL_GET_PASTYR_22How often have you received oral sex where someone put their mouth on your genitals?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") where there was contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQRIM_PASTYR_22How often do you perform oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") where there is contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") where you put your fingers into someone's vagina or someone's anus or butt in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed digital penetration (also called "fingering") where you put your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening or someone's anus or butt in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones frontal genital opening (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
2022AQFINGER_PASTYR_V_22How often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQFINGER_PASTYR_FGO_22How often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQFINGER_PASTYR_V_22How often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had anal sex where there is contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQANAL_VAG_22How often do you have anal sex where there is contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and your anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRHave you had anal sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someones body) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2022AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or "topping")? More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between someone's penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or "bottoming")?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2022AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's frontal genital opening.Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex where someone put their penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in your vagina?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex where someone put their penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in your frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2022AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_FIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2022AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex where there was contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without using a condom where there was contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQANALSEX_NOCON_22In the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without a condom where there was contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt?Text Entry (-)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex where there was contact between your penis/phallus penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt?Text Entry (-)
2022AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without using a condom where there was contact between your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2022AQTOP_NOCON_22In the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without a condom where there was contact between your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these of types of sex that we haven't already asked about? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
BDSM (1)
Chemsex / Party and Play (PNP) (2)
Electrical stimulation (e-stim) (3)
Erotic asphyxiation (i.e., restricting breathing) (4)
Fisting (e.g., hand/fist inserted into a person) (5)
Latex/rubber play (6)
Phone/video sex (7)
Rubbing through clothing (8)
Rubbing with clothing off (9)
Sex toys (e.g., dildos, butt plugs) (10)
Sounding (i.e., inserting something into urethra/pee hole) (11)
Urine play (e.g., golden showers, watersports) (12)
Voyeurism (13)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (14)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQAt The PRIDE Study, we know that we may not know or understand everything about every kind of sexual interaction or activity. If you have other kinds of sex that we haven't already asked about, please describe that below.Text Entry (-)
2022AQSexual Health and InfectionsNo Answers
2022AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Chlamydia (1)
Genital herpes (2)
Genital warts (3)
Gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap (4)
Human papillomavirus or HPV (5)
Syphilis (6)
None of these (0)
2022AQRegardless of your current HIV status, in the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken anti-HIV medications (post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP”) after potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMEDHX2Have you been tested for HIV in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQMEDHX2What is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2022AQHIVSTATUSDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This person may be the same as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this health care provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
Less than every 12 months (4)
2022AQMEDHX2How frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (1)
Every 1-3 months (2)
Every 4-6 months (3)
Every 7-12 months (4)
Less than every 12 months (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had these lab tests done (0)
2022AQHIVSTATUSAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2022AQHIVSTATUSWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Within the last month (1)
1-3 months ago (2)
4-6 months ago (3)
7-12 months ago (4)
More than 1 year ago (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had my HIV viral load checked (0)
2022AQHIVSTATUSIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada or Descovy) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Are you USING PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPREP_NOWWhich PrEP medication are you currently using?Apretude injections (long-acting cabotegravir) (1)
Descovy (emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide) FTC/TAF (2)
Truvada (emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) FTC/TDF, including generic forms (4)
Another medication (please specify) (3)
Another medication (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQPREP_NOWWhich PrEP regimen do you currently use?I take PrEP daily. (1)
I take PrEP on demand. This is two pills 24 hours before sex, one pill 24 hours later, and another one pill 24 hours after that. (2)
I take PrEP via an injection every 2 months. (5)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (4)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not use a specific PrEP regimen. (3)
2022AQPREP_REGIMENIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how many days did you take your daily PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2022AQPREP_NOWAre you using PrEP as part of a clinical or research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPREP_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you previously on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention but stopped taking it?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPREP_STOP_YRWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I acquired HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2022AQHIVSTATUSIf you are interested in learning more about PrEP, we encourage you to check out the following resources and talk with your medical provider. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: No Answers
2022AQHIVSTATUSAlthough PrEP is for individuals who are HIV negative, we want to share more information about PrEP with individuals who are living with HIV in case they wish to pass this along to other individuals close to them. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada, Descovy, or Apretude) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: For information on programs to help pay for PrEP, please visit: Answers
2022AQHave you donated blood in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “binding”? (Binding refers to flattening your chest using materials such as bandages, cloth strips, layering of shirts, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQBINDINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by binding. (Check all that apply.) Pain (for example, abdominal, back, chest, breast, shoulder) (1)
Headache (2)
Breast tenderness (3)
Bad Posture (4)
Rib or spine changes (5)
Bone or joint issues (for example, popping joints, rib fractures) (6)
Fatigue and Weakness (7)
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy (8)
Numbness (9)
Chest/Breast changes (for example, muscle wasting, scarring, swelling) (10)
Digestive issues or heartburn (11)
Respiratory Issues (for example, cough, shortness of breath, respiratory infections, collapsed lung/pneumothorax) (12)
Skin Changes (for example, itch, rash, acne, infections) (13)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (14)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from binding (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “packing”? (Packing refers to placing an object in one's underwear to resemble the appearance of a penis/phallus.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQPACKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by packing. (Check all that apply.) Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from packing (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stuffing”? (Stuffing refers to changing the appearance of your chest/breasts using materials such as push-up bras, gel pads, cloth strips, cotton gauze, tape, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “tucking”? (Tucking refers to concealing one's genitals by placing them between and behind one's legs, and/or by pushing them inside your groin/abdomen.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQTUCKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by tucking. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Itching (4)
Urinary tract or bladder infection(s) (5)
Problems ejaculating (6)
Problems urinating (7)
Pain in penis (8)
Pain in testicles (9)
Numbness in the penis or testicles (10)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (11)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from tucking (0)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you injected a substance (fillers) to fill out your face or make your figure more curvy (for example, silicone)? Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSILICONEPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by the injections. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, scars, swelling etc.) (3)
Whole body infections (for example, blood bacterial infection, HIV, Hepatitis C) (4)
Breathing problems (5)
Pain in the areas of injection (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (7)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from silicone/other substance injections (0)
2022AQSILICONEWhere did you get your injections? (Check all that apply.)Injections from a licensed medical provider (1)
Injections during a group session (for example, pumping party) (2)
Individual injections from someone who is not a medical provider (3)
Another place (please describe) (4)
Another place (please describe) (TEXT)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stand-to-pee” or STP device to stand up to pee?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQSTPPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by using a “stand-to-pee” (STP) device. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from using an STP device (0)
2022AQMedical MarijuanaNo Answers
2022AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and/or I have a health care providers recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a health care providers recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2022AQMEDMJWhat problems or conditions do you use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage? (One problem or condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQMEDMJHow effective has medical cannabis/marijuana been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQMEDMJWhat forms of medical cannabis/marijuana have you used in the past month? (Check all that apply.)Smoking cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form (1)
Vaporizing cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form or as an extract (2)
Dabbing cannabis/marijuana concentrates (e.g., wax, shatter) (3)
Eating cannabis/marijuana in capsules or food products (4)
Applying cannabis-containing balms, tinctures, or other products (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQComplementary and Integrative HealthNo Answers
2022AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you used any of the following to manage physical and/or mental health conditions? (Check all that apply.)Acupuncture (1)
Chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation (2)
Energy healing (3)
Massage therapy (4)
None of these (0)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use acupuncture to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has acupuncture been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has chiropractic or osteopathic manipulation been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use energy healing to manage?Text Entry (-)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has energy healing been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use massage therapy to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQCIH_PASTYRHow effective has massage therapy been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of meditation regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMEDITATIONPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent meditating, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2022AQMEDITATIONWas your meditation practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQMEDITATION_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use meditation to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQMEDITATION_MANAGEHow effective has meditation been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQIN THE PAST YEAR, have you practiced any form of yoga regularly?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYOGAPlease estimate how many minutes per week you spent practicing yoga, on average, over the past year.Text Entry (-)
2022AQYOGAWas your yoga practice intended to manage physical and/or mental health conditions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQYOGA_MANAGEWhat problem(s) or condition(s) do you use yoga to manage? (One condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2022AQYOGA_MANAGEHow effective has yoga been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2022AQYou have completed the Physical Health Block! This is one of 4 blocks! WOOHOO - another one done! Each block you complete helps us understand LGBTQ people's unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people.No Answers
2022AQMore About MeNo Answers
2022AQIf a national survey company, like Gallup, asked you the following question: "We are asking only for statistical purposes: Do you personally identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender?" How would you answer?I would answer Yes. (1)
I would answer No. (0)
I would not answer the question. (2)
2022AQHow would you describe your political views?Very conservative (1)
Conservative (2)
Moderate (3)
Liberal (4)
Very liberal (5)
2022AQIn politics, as of today, do you consider yourself a Democrat, an Independent, a Republican, or another party?Democrat (1)
Independent (2)
Republican (3)
Another party (please specify) (4)
Another party (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not identify with any political party. (5)
2022AQPOLPARTYAs of today, do you lean more toward the Democratic Party or the Republican Party?Democratic Party (1)
Republican Party (2)
Neither/Other (3)
2022AQDid you vote in the 2020 election year?Yes (1)
No (2)
I do not remember (3)
I am not eligible to vote (4)
2022AQDid you intend to vote, or have you already voted, in the 2022 election year?Yes (1)
No (2)
I do not remember if I voted (3)
I have not yet decided (4)
I am not eligible to vote (5)
2022AQAs far as you know, without searching the internet or asking anyone, does the state where you currently live have a state-level law or policy that prohibits discrimination against a person because of their sexual orientation in any of the following areas? (Check all that apply.)Adoption/fostering (1)
Education (4)
Employment (5)
Health care (6)
Housing (7)
Public accommodations/public places (8)
I dont know (9)
None of these (10)
2022AQAs far as you know, without searching the internet or asking anyone, does the state where you currently live have a state-level law or policy that prohibits discrimination against a person because of their gender identity in any of the following areas? (Check all that apply.)Adoption/fostering (1)
Education (4)
Employment (5)
Health care (6)
Housing (7)
Public accommodations/public places (8)
I dont know (9)
None of these (10)
2022AQWithout searching the internet or asking anyone, please tell us about the specific types of laws or policies in your state that impact LGBTQ people, and please tell us how these have impacted your life.Text Entry (-)
2022AQPlease select up to 3 of the following dating sites/apps that you use the most.I dont use any dating sites/apps (0)
Adam4Adam (1)
BBRT (2)
Blendr (3)
Bumble (4)
Chappy (5)
Coffee Meets Bagel (6)
Compatible Partners (7)
Craigslist (8)
Feeld (9)
FetLife (10)
FWB (Friends With Benefits) (11)
Grindr (12)
Growlr (13)
Happn (14)
Hinge (15)
Her (16)
Hornet (17)
Jackd (18)
Manhunt (19) (20)
MR X (21)
OKCupid (22)
Plenty of Fish (POF) (23)
Recon (24)
Seeking Arrangement (25)
Scissr (26)
Scruff (27)
Surge (28)
The League (29)
Thrust (30)
Tinder (31)
Zoe (32)
Other (please specify) (33)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQAPPUSEOn average, which best describes the amount of time you spend on dating sites/apps?Zero. I do not visit or use dating sites/apps. (0)
Less than 1 hour a week (1)
1-6 hours per week (2)
1 hour per day (3)
2 hours per day (4)
3 or more hours per day (5)
2022AQSome people report experiencing discrimination or harassment on dating sites/apps due to their personal characteristics. Have you ever experienced discrimination or harassment on a dating site/app due to any of the following? (Check all the apply.)I do not use dating apps (16)
I have never experienced discrimination/harassment on dating sites/apps (0)
My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender/gender identity (5)
My HIV status (6)
The language I speak or sign (7)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (8)
My political views (9)
My preferred safer sex practices (e.g., PrEP, condoms) (10)
My race and/or ethnicity (11)
My sexual orientation (12)
My skin color (13)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (14)
Another reason (please specify) (15)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQDo you consider yourself a member of any of the following communities? (Check all that apply.)None of these (1)
BDSM (2)
Kink (3)
Leather (4)
Puppy pack (5)
Faeries (6)
Bear (7)
Furry (8)
Polyamorous (9)
Another community (please specify) (10)
Another community (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQMilitary ServiceNo Answers
2022AQAt any time in the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you served at any time in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2022AQMIL_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you join or leave the military?Yes, I joined the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I left the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
No, I left the military before the PAST 12 MONTHS. (3)
No, I am currently still serving in the military. (0)
2022AQWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
Space Force (13)
2022AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2022AQMIL_NOWWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQMIL_NOWWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2022 (2)
January 2023 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2022 (6)
February 2023 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2022 (10)
March 2023 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2022 (14)
April 2023 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May I dont know/remember (20)
June (21)
June 2021 (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June I dont know/remember (25)
July (26)
July 2021 (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July I dont know/remember (30)
August (31)
August 2021 (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August I dont know/remember (35)
September (36)
September 2021 (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September I dont know/remember (40)
October (41)
October 2021 (42)
October 2022 (43)
October I dont know/remember (44)
November (45)
November 2021 (46)
November 2022 (47)
November I dont know/remember (48)
December (49)
December 2021 (50)
December 2022 (51)
December I dont know/remember (52)
I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember 2021 (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (57)
2022AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you receive any type of health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2022AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2022AQYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2022 Annual Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! If you have questions or concerns about this survey, please send an email to or call The PRIDE Study hotline at (855) 421-9991 In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or the LGBT National Hotline at 1-888-843-4564 ( to talk with someone. - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 Thank you again for completing the 2022 Annual Questionnaire. We deeply appreciate for your time, your interest in The PRIDE Study, and your investment in research that will help our communities understand how the experience of being LGBTQ is related to all aspects of health and life. TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO THE NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to Dashboard" No Answers
2023AQWhich categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian or Alaska Native (For example: Aztec, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Navajo Nation, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) (1)
Asian (For example: Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) (2)
Black, African American or African (For example: African American, Ethiopian, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Somali, etc.) (3)
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish (For example: Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, etc.) (4)
Middle Eastern or North African (For example: Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, etc.) (5)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (For example: Chamorro, Fijian, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Tongan, etc.) (6)
White (For example: English, European, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.) (7)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (8)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian (1)
Alaska Native (2)
Central or South American Indian (3)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (4)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNPlease provide the name of the tribe(s) in which you are enrolled or affiliated or your tribal descent. (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) Please list tribes separated by commas.For example, one answer may be: "Navajo Nation, Pomo" Text Entry (-)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Asian Indian (1)
Cambodian (2)
Chinese (3)
Filipino (4)
Hmong (5)
Japanese (6)
Korean (7)
Pakistani (8)
Vietnamese (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)African American (1)
Barbadian (2)
Caribbean (3)
Ethiopian (4)
Ghanaian (5)
Haitian (6)
Jamaican (7)
Liberian (8)
Nigerian (9)
Somali (10)
South African (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (12)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Colombian (1)
Cuban (2)
Dominican (3)
Ecuadorian (4)
Honduran (5)
Mexican or Mexican American (6)
Puerto Rican (7)
Salvadoran (8)
Spanish (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Afghan (1)
Algerian (2)
Egyptian (3)
Emirati (12)
Iranian (4)
Iraqi (5)
Israeli (6)
Jordanian (13)
Lebanese (7)
Libyan (14)
Moroccan (8)
Omani (15)
Palestinian (16)
Qatari (17)
Saudi Arabian (18)
Syrian (9)
Tunisian (10)
Yemeni (19)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)Chamorro (1)
Chuukese (2)
Fijian (3)
Marshallese (4)
Native Hawaiian (5)
Palauan (6)
Samoan (7)
Tahitian (8)
Tongan (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQRACE_ETHNWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)English (1)
European (2)
French (3)
German (4)
Irish (5)
Italian (6)
Polish (7)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (8)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
2023AQWith which ethnic and/or cultural group(s) DO YOU IDENTIFY? (Please list all the ethnic and/or cultural groups with which you identify. Please list only one ethnic or cultural group per box.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQCULTUREI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID2685/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly Agree (5)
2023AQAre you currently spiritual or religious?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQRELIGIOUSWhat is your current religious or spiritual identity? (Check all that apply.)Agnostic (1)
Atheist (2)
Bahai (3)
Buddhist (4)
Christian (5)
Confucianist (6)
Druid (7)
Hindu (8)
Jain (9)
Jehovahs Witness (10)
Jewish (11)
Muslim (12)
Native American Traditional Practitioner or Ceremonial (13)
Pagan (14)
Rastafarian (15)
Scientologist (16)
Secular Humanist (17)
Shinto (18)
Sikh (19)
Taoist (20)
Tenrikyo (21)
Wiccan (22)
Spiritual, but no religious affiliation (23)
No affiliation (0)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (24)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQRELIGIONPlease select your Christian affiliation.African Methodist Episcopal (1)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion (2)
Assembly of God (3)
Baptist (4)
Catholic/Roman Catholic (5)
Church of Christ (6)
Church of God in Christ (7)
Christian Orthodox (8)
Christian Methodist Episcopal (9)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC) (10)
Episcopalian (11)
Evangelical (12)
Greek Orthodox (13)
Lutheran (14)
Mennonite (15)
Moravian (16)
Nondenominational Christian (17)
Pentecostal (18)
Presbyterian (19)
Protestant (20)
Protestant Reformed Church (21)
Quaker (22)
Reformed Church of America (RCA) (23)
Russian Orthodox (24)
Seventh Day Adventist (25)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (26)
United Methodist (27)
Unitarian Universalist (28)
United Church of Christ (29)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (30)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQRELIGIONPlease select your Jewish affiliation(s). (Check all that apply.)Conservative (1)
Hasidic (2)
Humanist (3)
Orthodox (4)
Reconstructionist (5)
Reform (6)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (7)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQRELIGIONPlease select your Muslim affiliation(s). (Check all that apply.)Sunni (for example, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, or Hanbali) (1)
Shia (for example, Ithna Ashari/Twelver or Ismaili/Sevener) (2)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (3)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHow accepting of gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, transgender, etc.) is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not apply to me, I dont have a spiritual or religious community (5)
2023AQHow accepting of sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not apply to me, I dont have a spiritual or religious community (5)
2023AQWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Agender (1)
Cisgender man (2)
Cisgender woman (3)
Genderqueer (4)
Man (5)
Non-binary (6)
Questioning (7)
Transgender man (8)
Transgender woman (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Woman (11)
Another gender identity (please specify) (12)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQWhat was the sex assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate? Why are we asking this The PRIDE Study asks for sex assigned at birth (on original birth certificate) because this information is needed for us to understand better the health risks of specific LGBTQIA communities, for example people who are cisgender, transgender, non-binary, or another gender. This lets us better understand the health of specific LGBTQIA communities. Female (2)
Male (1)
2023AQDoes the sex that was assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate, read Intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIf you would like, please provide your opinion about being asked your sex assigned at birth.Text Entry (-)
2023AQDo you identify as intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQINTERSEXWhat does being intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
2023AQWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight/Heterosexual (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (11)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy (not all of which are listed here). Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have/had this if you were assigned female sex at birth) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) (3)
Prostate (you likely have/had this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (7)
2023AQHave you EVER had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (8)
2023AQORGANS_NOWYou have indicated that you currently have a vagina/frontal genital opening. In order to customize the rest of this questionnaire, please select the term you would like us to use to describe your vagina/frontal genital opening.Please use the term vagina. (1)
Please use the term frontal genital opening. (2)
2023AQWhat is your current height in feet and inches? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2023AQWhat is your current weight in pounds (lbs)? If you don't know, please give your best estimate.Text Entry (-)
2023AQWhat is your ZIP code? (This is the 5-digit code that helps direct U.S. Mail to you.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQWe are asking the following question so we can better customize this questionnaire for you. We have three versions available. A version for people who identify as a gender minority person (for example, genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) that will ask about gender identity/expression. A version for people who identify as a sexual minority person (for example, asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) that will ask about sexual orientation. A version for people who identify as both a gender and sexual minority person that will ask about gender identity/expression and sexual orientation. Please choose the option that you think is best for you. A version for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (1)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (2)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority person (3)
2023AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current gender identity?("Cisgender" here means identifying with the sex assigned to you at birth. For example, a cisgender woman identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth.)Cisgender man (1)
Cisgender woman (2)
Non-binary (3)
Transgender man (4)
Transgender woman (5)
Another gender identity (6)
2023AQIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current sexual orientation?Asexual/Demisexual/Gray-Ace (1)
Bisexual/Pansexual (2)
Gay/Lesbian (3)
Queer (4)
Straight/Heterosexual (5)
Another sexual orientation (6)
2023AQWe would like to know more about your current romantic feelings toward other people. Please select all of the people you have romantic feelings for: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men or individuals who identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth (1)
Cisgender women or individuals who identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men or individuals who identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth (2)
Transgender women or individuals who identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth (4)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not romantically attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQWe would like to know more about your current sexual attractions to other people. Please select all of the people you are attracted to: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men or individuals who identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth (1)
Cisgender women or individuals who identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth (3)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men or individuals who identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth (2)
Transgender women or individuals who identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth (4)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not sexually attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPeople are often referred to by pronouns instead of their names, such as they/theirs, she/hers, he/his, ze/hirs. Which pronouns do you want people to use to refer to you? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQWhat percentage of the time do people use the pronouns you want them to use for you?0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQWhich pronouns do you want your health care providers to use? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHave your health care providers EVER asked you which pronouns you use?Yes, ALL of my health care providers have asked (1)
Yes, SOME of my health care providers have asked (2)
No, NONE of my health care providers have asked (3)
2023AQWhich pronouns do your health care providers actually use ? (Check all that apply.)He, him, his (1)
She, her, hers (2)
They, them, theirs (3)
Ze, hir, hirs (4)
No pronouns. I want people to only use my name. (5)
Any pronouns are fine. I dont have a preference. (6)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (7)
Pronouns not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHave you EVER changed how your name is listed on any IDs or records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQNAME_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQThink about how your name is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your name, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my chosen name. (0)
2023AQNAME_CORRECTPlease select which IDs and records show your chosen name. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your chosen name is the name that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2023AQHave you EVER changed how your gender is listed on any IDs or records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, insurance cards, passport, tribal ID, etc.?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQMARKER_CHG_EV20Did you make any of these changes in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQThink about how your gender is listed on all of your IDs and records that list your gender, such as your birth certificate, driver's license, passport, tribal ID, etc. Which of the statements below is most true? Note: We recognize that people may have multiple genders, but current systems may only allow us to check/select one option; so, for the purposes of this question, please select a gender that is most affirming to you.All of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (2)
Some of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (1)
None of my IDs and records list my accurate gender. (0)
2023AQMARKER_ACCURATEPlease select which IDs and records show your accurate gender. (Check all that apply.) Note: For the purposes of this question, your accurate gender is the gender that is most affirming to you.Birth certificate (1)
Drivers license (2)
Health insurance card (3)
Passport (4)
School/work identification card (6)
State identification card (7)
Tribal identification card (8)
Another record/card/document (9)
Another record/card/document (TEXT)
2023AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (0)
2023AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (0)
2023AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (0)
2023AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (0)
2023AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (6)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (7)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (8)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (9)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (10)
Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (11)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (12)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (13)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (14)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (15)
Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (16)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (17)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (18)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (19)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (20)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (21)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had depression?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, do you think that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem in the past 12 months (0)
Yes, I have at some time in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
Yes, and I think I still have this problem (2)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for at least one of these reasons (2)
2023AQMED_MENTALWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?All of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (0)
Some of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (1)
None of the medications I took for stress or mental health problems were prescribed to me (2)
2023AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not taken medication for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I took medication for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I currently take medication for this reason (2)
2023AQWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for at least one of these reasons (2)
2023AQPROB_SUBSTWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems in the PAST 12 MONTHS?I have not been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months (0)
I was in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason in the past 12 months, but not now (1)
I am currently in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (2)
2023AQHave you EVER tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSMOKE_EVERHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in YOUR ENTIRE LIFE?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSMOKERDo you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2023AQSMOKE_EVERWhen was the last time you smoked a cigarette, even one or two puffs?Within the past 24 hours (8)
Within the past 7 days (7)
Within the past 30 days (6)
Within the past 3 months (5)
Within the past 6 months (4)
Within the past 1 year (3)
Within the past 5 years (2)
Within the past 15 years (1)
More than 15 years ago (0)
2023AQSMOKE_NOWOn average, about how many cigarettes a day do you now smoke?Text Entry (-)
2023AQSMOKE_NOWHow long after waking up do you smoke your first cigarette?Within 5 minutes (3)
5-30 minutes (2)
31-60 minutes (1)
After 60 minutes (0)
2023AQSMOKE_NOWDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you stopped smoking for 24 hours or more? (Do not count times when you weren't allowed to smoke, like if you were in a hospital or in jail.)Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSMOKE_NOWIn any previous quit attempts, which of the following methods/resources have you used to help you quit? (Check all that apply.)Never tried to quit (0)
Quit cold turkey (1)
Gradually cut down (2)
Stop smoking class/program for a fee (3)
Stop smoking class/program (no fee) (4)
Advice or counseling from a doctor, nurse, psychologist, or other health professional (5)
Telephone hotline (6)
Hypnosis (7)
Acupuncture (8)
Nicotine gum (9)
Nicotine patch (10)
Nicotine spray (11)
Nicotine inhaler (12)
Nicotine lozenge (13)
Zyban, Wellbutrin, or bupropion for smoking cessation (14)
Chantix or varenicline (15)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) with nicotine (16)
E-cigarette (e.g., vaping, hookah pen) without nicotine (17)
Internet (please specify website) (18)
Internet (please specify website) (TEXT)
Other (please specify) (19)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQSMOKE_NOWHow interested are you in quitting smoking in the near future?Not at all interested (0)
Somewhat interested (1)
Very interested (2)
Extremely interested (3)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, have you used any tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (9)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (10)
Snuff (11)
Snus (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
I have not used any tobacco product other than cigarettes in the past month (14)
I have not used any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products in the past month (0)
2023AQHave you EVER used e-cigarettes or other electronic vaping devices?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQVAPERWhat did you vape? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (1)
Nicotine (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQDo you now use e-cigarettes or other electronic vaping products every day, some days, or not at all?Every day (2)
Some days (1)
Not at all (0)
2023AQVAPE_NOWWhat do you vape now? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (1)
Nicotine (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHow long has it been since you last had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?Within the past 30 days (3)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (2)
More than 12 months ago (1)
Never had 5 or more drinks on one occasion (0)
2023AQALC5In the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you had 5 or more drinks containing alcohol on one occasion?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQOn average, how many days a week do you have an alcoholic beverage?Text Entry (-)
2023AQOn a typical drinking day, how many drinks do you have?Text Entry (-)
2023AQHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the PAST YEAR?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the PAST YEAR?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you found that you were not able to stop drinking once you had started?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you failed to do what was normally expected from you because of drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you needed a first drink in the morning to get yourself going after a heavy drinking session?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you had a feeling of guilt or remorse after drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2023AQAUDIT1How often during the LAST YEAR have you been unable to remember what happened the night before because you had been drinking?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
2023AQHave you or someone else been injured as a result of your drinking?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2023AQHas a relative or friend or a doctor or another health worker been concerned about your drinking or suggested you cut down?No (0)
Yes, but not in the last year (2)
Yes, during the last year (4)
2023AQHave you thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
2023AQSBQ1How often have you thought about killing yourself?Never (0)
Rarely (1 time) (1)
Sometimes (2 times) (2)
Often (3-4 times) (3)
Very often (5 or more times) (4)
2023AQHave you told someone that you were going to kill yourself, or that you might do it?No. (0)
Yes, at one time, but did not really want to die. (1)
Yes, at one time, and really wanted to die. (2)
Yes, more than once, but did not want to do it. (3)
Yes, more than once, and really wanted to do it. (4)
2023AQSBQ1When was the last time you attempted to kill yourself?Within the past year (2)
1-5 years ago (1)
More than 5 years ago (0)
2023AQHow likely is it that you will attempt suicide someday?Never (0)
No chance at all (1)
Rather unlikely (2)
Unlikely (3)
Likely (4)
Rather likely (5)
Very likely (6)
2023AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help if you are in distress, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; they offer a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline, to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2023AQIf you would like resources about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline emailed to you, please enter your email address here:Text Entry (-)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2023AQIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
2023AQSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you experienced this kind of event?Yes, in the PAST 12 MONTHS (2)
Yes, more than 12 months ago (1)
No (0)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble falling or staying asleep, or sleeping too muchNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling tired or having little energyNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Poor appetite or overeatingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling bad about yourself - or that you are a failure or have let yourself or your family downNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble concentrating on things, such as reading the newspaper or watching televisionNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Moving or speaking so slowly that other people could have noticed? Or the opposite - being so fidgety or restless that you have been moving around a lot more than usualNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Thoughts that you would be better off dead or of hurting yourself in some wayNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQWe at The PRIDE Study value the health and mental health of sexual and gender minority people like you. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help if you are in distress, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; they offer a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline, to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
2023AQIf you would like resources about the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline emailed to you, please enter your email address here:Text Entry (-)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Worrying too much about different thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Trouble relaxingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Being so restless that it is hard to sit stillNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Becoming easily annoyed or irritableNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling afraid as if something awful might happenNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
2023AQIn your LIFETIME, which of the following substances have you ever used - either prescribed or not prescribed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (13)
Other 1 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (14)
Other 2 (please list only 1 drug) (TEXT)
I have never used any substances (0)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQCAN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQCAN_FREQWas any of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQCAN_ANYMDWas all of your cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQCAN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQCAN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQCOKE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQCOKE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQCOKE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using cocaine (coke, crack, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQSTIM_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQSTIM_FREQWas any of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSTIM_ANYMDWas all of your prescription stimulant (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSTIM_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQSTIM_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQMETH_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQMETH_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQMETH_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
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18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQINHALE_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQINHALE_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal, or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQINHALE_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQPOP_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQPOP_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQPOP_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, during what activities have you used inhaled nitrates (poppers)? (Check all that apply.)Sexual activity with yourself (for example, masturbation) (0)
Sexual activity with another person (1)
Dancing or clubbing (2)
Other activities (3)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using inhaled nitrates (poppers)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used inhaled nitrates (poppers) in the 24 hours after you took a medication intended to give people stronger erections (for example, Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSWARNING: Using inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra can kill you by causing a lethal drop in blood pressure with even one use. We are aware that this information may not be widely known among our communities. If you use inhaled nitrates (poppers) in combination with medications that help with sexual activity like Viagra, Cialis, or Levitra, please contact a health care provider to get more information right away.No Answers
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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21 (21)
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23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
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27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQSED_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQSED_FREQWas any of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSED_ANYMDWas all of your sedative or sleeping pill (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSED_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQSED_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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21 (21)
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24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQGHB_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQGHB_FREQWas any of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGHB_ANYMDWas all of your GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGHB_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQGHB_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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30 (30)
2023AQHALL_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQHALL_FREQWas any of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional? Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQHALL_ANYMDWas all of your hallucinogen (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQHALL_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQHALL_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, Special K, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQHEROIN_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQHEROIN_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQHEROIN_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)? Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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30 (30)
2023AQNARC_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQNARC_FREQWas any of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQNARC_ANYMDWas all of your prescription opioid (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQNARC_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQNARC_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone [OxyContin, Percocet], hydrocodone [Vicodin], methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQMDMA_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQMDMA_FREQWas any of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQMDMA_ANYMDWas all of your MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQMDMA_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQMDMA_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using MDMA (Molly or ecstasy)?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQHave you EVER used MDMA (Molly or ecstasy) by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQOTDRUG1_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQOTDRUG1_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQOTDRUG1_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQOTDRUG1_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQOTDRUG1_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHow long has it been since you last used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Within the past 30 days (0)
More than 30 days ago but within the past 12 months (1)
More than 12 months ago (2)
2023AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 30 DAYS, on how many days have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
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21 (21)
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23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQOTDRUG2_LASTUSEIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQOTDRUG2_FREQWas any of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months recommended or prescribed by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQOTDRUG2_ANYMDWas all of your ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} use in the past three months used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care professional?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQOTDRUG2_FREQIn the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you had a strong desire or urge to use ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often has your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} led to health, social, legal or financial problems?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQOTDRUG2_FREQDuring the PAST 3 MONTHS, how often have you failed to do what was normally expected of you because of your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?Never (0)
Once or Twice (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or Almost Daily (4)
2023AQDRUGSHas a friend or relative or anyone else EVER expressed concern about your use of ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER tried and failed to control, cut down, or stop using ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQDRUGSHave you EVER used ${q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} by injection?No, never (0)
Yes, but not in the past 3 months (1)
Yes, in the past 3 months (2)
2023AQWhich of the following substances did you use during sexual activity with another person within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cannabis (marijuana, pot, grass, hash, etc.) (1)
Cocaine (coke, crack, etc.) (2)
Prescription stimulants (Ritalin, Concerta, Dexedrine, Adderall, diet pills, etc.) (3)
Methamphetamine (speed, crystal meth, tina, ice, etc.) (4)
Inhalants (nitrous oxide, glue, gas, paint thinner, etc.) not including inhaled nitrates (poppers) (5)
Inhaled nitrates (poppers) (6)
Sedatives or sleeping pills (Valium, Serepax, Ativan, Xanax, Librium, Rohypnol, etc.) (7)
GHB (G, gamma-hydroxybutyric acid) (8)
Hallucinogens (LSD, acid, mushrooms, PCP, ketamine, etc.) (9)
Street opioids (heroin, opium, etc.) (10)
Prescription opioids (fentanyl, oxycodone OxyContin, Percocet, hydrocodone Vicodin, methadone, buprenorphine, etc.) (11)
MDMA (Ecstasy or Molly) (12)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቧ (13)
q://QID1903/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ (14)
I did not use any of these substances during sexual activity with another person. (15)
2023AQI tend to bounce back quickly after hard times.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2023AQI have a hard time making it through stressful events.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2023AQIt does not take me long to recover from a stressful event.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2023AQIt is hard for me to snap back when something bad happens.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2023AQI usually come through difficult times with little trouble.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2023AQI tend to take a long time to get over set-backs in my life.Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
2023AQYou have completed the Mental Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQIA people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQIA people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQIA people. Thank you!No Answers
2023AQDo you identify as "neurodivergent" or with any associated term that people sometimes use within the neurodiversity movement (aspie, autistic, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a mental health professional or health care provider told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDo you currently identify as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQDIS_SELFIDWhat condition(s) or problem(s) are related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) (39)
Autism (2)
Back or neck problem (3)
Benign tumors, cysts (4)
Birth defect (5)
Cancer (6)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (7)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (8)
Diabetes (9)
Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) (40)
Epilepsy, seizures (10)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (11)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (12)
Hearing problem (13)
Heart problem (14)
Hernia (15)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (16)
Intellectual/developmental disability (17)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (18)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (19)
Lung/breathing problem (for example, asthma and emphysema) (20)
Memory (21)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (22)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (23)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (24)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (25)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (26)
Other injury (27)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (28)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (29)
Polio (myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (30)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (41)
Stroke problem (31)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (32)
Ulcer (33)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (34)
Vision/problem seeing (35)
Weight problem (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (38)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been unable to work due to a disability?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or other government disability assistance related to a disability status?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Standing for long periods such as 30 minutes? None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Taking care of your household responsibilities?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Learning a new task, for example, learning how to get to a new place?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much of a problem did you have joining in community activities (for example, festivities, religious or other activities) as fully as someone who doesn't experience your health conditions?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much have you been emotionally affected by your health problems?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Concentrating on doing something for ten minutes?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Walking a long distance such as a kilometer [or approximately 0.6 miles]?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Washing your whole body?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Getting dressed?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Dealing with people you do not know?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have: Maintaining a friendship?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how much difficulty did you have with: Your day-to-day work?None (0)
Mild (1)
Moderate (2)
Severe (3)
Extreme or cannot do (4)
2023AQWHODAS_S1Overall, in the PAST 30 DAYS, how many days were these difficulties present? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, for how many days were you totally unable to carry out your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQ In the PAST 30 DAYS, not counting the days that you were totally unable, for how many days did you cut back or reduce your usual activities or work because of any health condition? 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
25 (25)
26 (26)
27 (27)
28 (28)
29 (29)
30 (30)
2023AQDid you live with anyone who was depressed, mentally ill, or suicidal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDid you live with anyone who was a problem drinker or alcoholic?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDid you live with anyone who used illegal street drugs or who abused prescription medications?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDid you live with anyone who served time or was sentenced to serve time in a prison, jail, or other correctional facility?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQWere your parents separated or divorced?Yes (1)
No (0)
Parents not married or together (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHow often did your parents or adults in your home ever slap, hit, kick, punch or beat each other up?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQBefore age 18, how often did a parent or adult in your home ever hit, beat, kick, or physically hurt you in any way?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHow often did a parent or adult in your home ever swear at you, insult you, or put you down?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, ever touch you sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, try to make you touch them sexually?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHow often did anyone at least 5 years older than you or an adult, force you to have sex?Never (0)
Once (1)
More than once (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQACES9Thank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQIA people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2023AQHow has COVID impacted your finances? (Check all that apply.)I dont have enough money for food and basic supplies (1)
I am unable to pay my rent (2)
I am unable to pay my mortgage (3)
I am unable to pay ongoing bills (for example, cell phone, power, water) (4)
I am making less money from my job (5)
I am no longer making any money from my job (6)
I lost my job (7)
I have lost money due to the stock market (8)
My business is making less money (9)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (10)
I have extra costs now (please specify) (TEXT)
Some other way (please specify) (11)
Some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
My finances have not been impacted (0)
2023AQHow has COVID impacted your health care in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply).I did not go to the doctor for routine health care (for example, an annual visit) (1)
I did not get treatment for a chronic illness or disease (2)
I was not able to access medications that I needed (3)
I made the decision to postpone health care procedures (4)
I was not allowed to access health care procedures (5)
I lost my health insurance (6)
I was not able to access medical equipment that I needed (7)
COVID impacted my health care in some other way (please specify) (8)
COVID impacted my health care in some other way (please specify) (TEXT)
COVID did not impact my health care at all (0)
2023AQCOVIDIMPACT_HC22You said that health care appointments or procedures were postponed due to COVID in the PAST 12 MONTHS. What types of healthcare appointments or procedures were postponed? (Check all that apply.)Visits with your primary care provider (1)
Visits with a specialist (2)
Visits related to reproductive health care (3)
Laboratory tests (4)
HIV testing (5)
Abortion services (6)
Sexually-transmitted infection (STI) testing (7)
Gender-affirming hormone visits (8)
Gender-affirming surgeries (for example, top surgery, bottom surgery) (9)
Other gender-affirming procedures (for example, laser hair removal) (10)
Other gender-affirming appointments (for example, voice therapy) (11)
Mental health care visits (for example, with therapist, counselor, psychologist, or psychiatrist) (12)
Something else (please specify) (13)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQWhich of the following describes your current occupation or employment status? (Check all that apply.)Employed, working 40 or more hours per week (1)
Employed, working 1-39 hours per week (2)
Temporarily employed (3)
Self-employed (4)
Not employed, looking for work (5)
Not employed, not looking for work (6)
Homemaker (7)
Student (Full time) (8)
Student (Part time) (9)
Disabled, not able to work (10)
Retired (11)
2023AQDo you currently work one or more paid jobs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQWORKIn a typical week, how many hours do you work at your paid job(s)?1-10 (0)
11-20 (1)
21-30 (2)
31-40 (3)
41-50 (4)
51-60 (5)
61 (6)
2023AQWORKWhat is your job title (e.g., registered nurse, janitor, cashier, auto mechanic, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2023AQWORKWhat kind of business or industry do you work in (e.g., hospital, elementary school, clothing manufacturing, restaurant, etc.)?Text Entry (-)
2023AQWORKWhat is the main reason you do not currently work?Taking care of house or family (1)
Going to school (2)
Retired (3)
On a planned vacation from work (4)
On family or parental leave (5)
Temporarily unable to work for health reasons (6)
Have job or contract and off-season (7)
On layoff (8)
Disabled (9)
Other (please specify) (10)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSEXWORKIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQCYOAPLEASE SKIP THIS QUESTION IF IT IS PRESENTED TO YOU What were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2021 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2023AQWhat were your individual earnings (in US Dollars) before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2022 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2023AQWhat is your best estimate (in US dollars) of your household earnings before taxes and deductions from ALL sources (including jobs, businesses, welfare, child support, disability, social security, etc.) in the 2022 tax year?0 (0)
1 - 10,000 (1)
10,001 - 20,000 (2)
20,001 - 30,000 (3)
30,001 - 40,000 (4)
40,001 - 50,000 (5)
50,001 - 60,000 (6)
60,001 - 70,000 (7)
70,001 - 80,000 (8)
80,001 - 90,000 (9)
90,001 - 100,000 (10)
100,001 - 110,000 (11)
110,001 - 120,000 (12)
120,001 - 130,000 (13)
130,001 - 140,000 (14)
140,001 - 150,000 (15)
150,001 - 175,000 (16)
175,001 - 200,000 (17)
200,001 (18)
2023AQHow many individuals are dependent upon the household income you just described? Please enter 1 for yourself.Text Entry (-)
2023AQHow much credit card debt do you have in your own name?Note: Please do not include a current balance that will be paid at the end of the billing cycle.0 (I have no credit card debt.) (0)
1 - 50,000 (1)
50,001 - 100,000 (2)
100,001 - 150,000 (3)
150,001 - 200,000 (4)
200,001-250,000 (5)
250,001-300,000 (6)
300,001-350,000 (7)
350,000 (please specify) (8)
350,000 (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHow much do you owe for educational or education-related expenses in your name?0 (I have no education-related debt.) (0)
1 - 50,000 (1)
50,001 - 100,000 (2)
100,001 - 150,000 (3)
150,001 - 200,000 (4)
200,001-250,000 (5)
250,001-300,000 (6)
300,001-350,000 (7)
350,000 (please specify): (8)
350,000 (please specify): (TEXT)
2023AQHow much do you owe for medical bills that you were unable to pay in full?0 (I have no medical debt.) (0)
1 - 50,000 (1)
50,001 - 100,000 (2)
100,001 - 150,000 (3)
150,001 - 200,000 (4)
200,001-250,000 (5)
250,001-300,000 (6)
300,001-350,000 (7)
350,000 (please specify): (8)
350,000 (please specify): (TEXT)
2023AQWhat is your highest education level completed?No schooling (1)
Nursery school to high school, no diploma (2)
High school graduate or equivalent (e.g., GED) (3)
Trade/Technical/Vocational training (4)
Some college (5)
2-year college degree (6)
4-year college degree (7)
Masters degree (8)
Doctoral degree (9)
Professional degree (e.g., M.D., J.D., M.B.A.) (10)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, at any time, were you held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQHMLS_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you spent sleeping in a shelter or public place including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Text Entry (-)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQUNSTB_YRApproximately how many nights in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address?Text Entry (-)
2023AQWhat are your current living arrangements?Living in house/apartment/condo I own alone or with others (with a mortgage or that you own free and clear) (1)
Living in house/apartment/condo I rent alone or with others (2)
Living with partner(s), spouse(s), or other person(s) who pay(s) for the housing (3)
Living with parents or family I grew up with (4)
Living in campus/university housing (5)
Living in military barracks (6)
Living in a foster group home or other foster care (7)
Living in a nursing home or other adult care facility (8)
Living in a hospital (9)
Living in a hotel or motel that I pay for myself (10)
Living in a hotel or motel with an emergency shelter voucher (11)
Living temporarily with friends or family because I cannot afford my own housing (12)
Living in transitional housing/halfway house (13)
Living on the street, in a car, in an abandoned building, in a park, or a place that is NOT a house, apartment, shelter, or other housing (14)
Living in a homeless shelter (15)
Living in a domestic violence shelter (16)
Living in a shelter that is not a homeless shelter or domestic violence shelter (17)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (18)
A living arrangement not listed above (please describe) (TEXT)
2023AQHow many people, including yourself, live in your household who are 18 years of age or older?Text Entry (-)
2023AQHow many people live in your household who are younger than 18 years of age?Text Entry (-)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRHARASSDo you think you were targeted for this harassment or name calling that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRATTACKDo you think you were targeted for these physical attacks or injuries that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRDVDo you think you were targeted for this physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not worked and have not applied for jobs in the past 12 months (99)
2023AQYRJOBDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment at work or while applying for jobs in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRHOUSDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in housing/eviction in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRSERVDISCDo you think you were targeted for this poorer service in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not been in an educational setting in the past 12 months (99)
2023AQYRSCHDISCDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in educational settings in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive medical care in the past 12 months (99)
2023AQYRMEDDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a medical setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQWas there a time in the PAST 12 MONTHS when you needed to see a health care provider but did not because you thought you would be disrespected or mistreated?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQANTMEDDISCWhen you put off seeing a health care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS because you thought you were going to be disrespected or mistreated, were you concerned you would be disrespected or mistreated because of your... (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable, I have not received or tried to receive mental health care in the past 12 months (99)
2023AQYRMENTALDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a mental health setting in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRPOLICEDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQYRSADo you think you were targeted for this unwanted sexual contact that occurred in the PAST 12 MONTHS due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender/Gender identity (5)
Money or income (9)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Religion and/or spirituality (10)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): physically hurt you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2023AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): insult you or talk down to you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2023AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): threaten you with harm?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2023AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): scream or curse at you?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2023AQOver the LAST 12 MONTHS, how often did your partner(s): force you to have sexual activities?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Fairly often (4)
Frequently (5)
No partner(s) in the last 12 months (0)
2023AQThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQIA people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that answering questions about sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2023AQI have someone who will listen to me when I need to talk.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI have someone to confide in or talk to about myself or my problems.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI have someone who makes me feel appreciated.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI have someone to talk with when I have a bad day.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI feel left out.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI feel that people barely know me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI feel isolated from others.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQI feel that people are around me but not with me.Never (0)
Rarely (1)
Sometimes (2)
Usually (3)
Always (4)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware that you are a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your gender or gender identity (e.g., not correcting people when they use a name or pronoun that is not accurate for you) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)?Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAWhat percent of the people in this group do you think are aware of your sexual orientation (meaning they are aware of whether you consider yourself bisexual, gay, straight, etc.)? Your health care providers0 (0)
10 (1)
20 (2)
30 (3)
40 (4)
50 (5)
60 (6)
70 (7)
80 (8)
90 (9)
100 (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your immediate family (for example, parents and siblings)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Members of your extended family (for example, aunts, uncles, grandparents, cousins)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People you socialize with (for example, friends and acquaintances)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? People at your work/school (for example, coworkers, supervisors, instructors, students)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
Not applicable. I do not work or go to school. (11)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Strangers (for example, someone you have a casual conversation with in line at the store)0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQCYOAHow often do you avoid talking about topics related to or otherwise indicating your sexual orientation (e.g., not talking about your significant other, changing your mannerisms) when interacting with members of this group? Your health care providers0 Never (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 Half the time (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Always (10)
2023AQThe following questions concern types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
2023AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2023AQHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2023AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2023AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2023AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2023AQVAGINA_BRANCHHow many times has this happened in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
2023AQHave you been sexually assaulted and/or raped in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSES1_YRThank you for answering these questions to better our understanding of LGBTQIA people's experiences with sexual violence. We realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
2023AQCYOAI wish I weren't genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAIn general, I have tried to stop identifying with a gender that differs from my assigned sex at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to have a gender that conformed with my sex assigned at birth, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI feel that being genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to have a gender that conforms with my sex assigned at birth.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI am proud of my gender.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI think my life is better because I am genderqueer, transgender, or gender minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAWe are excited to know about people's positive experiences in relation to their gender identity! Please tell us what you are most proud about being genderqueer/transgender/gender non-binary or a gender minority.Text Entry (-)
2023AQCYOAWe are excited to know about people's positive experiences in relation to their sexual orientation! Please tell us what you most like about being or are most proud of being gay/lesbian/bisexual or a sexual minority.Text Entry (-)
2023AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2023AQCYOAI wish I weren't lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI have tried to stop being attracted to people of the same gender in general.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
Not applicable because I am not attracted to people of my gender (0)
2023AQCYOAIf someone offered me the chance to be completely heterosexual, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
If someone offered me the chance to be completely gay/lesbian, I would accept the chance.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI feel that being lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority is a personal shortcoming for me.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI would like to get professional help in order to change my sexual orientation from lesbian/gay/bisexual/asexual/sexual minority to heterosexual.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI am proud of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOAI think my life is better because of my sexual orientation.Disagree strongly (1)
Disagree somewhat (2)
Neither agree nor disagree (3)
Agree somewhat (4)
Agree strongly (5)
2023AQCYOATo what extent do you think about your identity as a sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation) person? (Choose one.) Almost never (0)
Several times a year (1)
Once a month (2)
Once a week (3)
A few times a week (4)
Once a day (5)
Many times a day (6)
2023AQDid you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPARENTTo how many children did you become a parent in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Text Entry (-)
2023AQWe are going to ask you a question about the children who you became a parent to in the PAST 12 MONTHS. To help you remember which child we are asking a question about, please type in the child's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions. Text Entry (-)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCHILD_NAMESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID491/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGICONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSOCONVTXWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2023AQCYOAOverall, how accepting of sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
2023AQOverall, how safe for gender minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2023AQCYOAOverall, how safe for sexual minority people is the community in which you currently live?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
2023AQHow welcomed and accepted do you feel in LGBTQIA spaces (including community groups, social clubs, bars, etc.)?Unaccepted/unwelcomed in all of these spaces (1)
Unaccepted/unwelcomed in most of these spaces (but accepted/welcomed in at least one) (2)
Accepted/welcomed in about half of these spaces (3)
Accepted/welcomed in most, but not all, of these spaces (4)
Accepted/welcomed in all of these spaces (5)
2023AQWELCOMEYou mentioned feeling unaccepted/unwelcomed in some or all LGBTQIA spaces. People sometimes feel that these spaces are not welcoming towards them due to various aspects of their identities. Please select aspects of your identity that feel unwelcome in these spaces. (Check all that apply.)My ability/disability status (1)
My age (2)
My body size, weight, or shape (3)
My gender expression (4)
My gender identity (5)
The language I speak or sign (6)
My participation in BDSM, kink, or other sexual activities (7)
My political views (8)
My race and/or ethnicity (9)
My sexual orientation (10)
My skin color (11)
My spiritual/religious affiliation (12)
People dont perceive me as LGBTQIA (14)
Another reason (please specify) (13)
Another reason (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQIs there at least one LGBTQIA space (e.g., social club, group, bar, etc.) in which you feel safe?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQOverall, how safe do you feel LGBTQIA spaces are for you?Very unsafe (4)
Somewhat unsafe (3)
Neither safe nor unsafe (2)
Mostly safe (1)
Completely safe (0)
2023AQAre you currently in a relationship?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following best describes your current romantic relationship(s)?I am in a romantic relationship with one person (1)
I am in a romantic relationship with two or more people (polyamorous) (2)
Other (please specify) (3)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQREL_TYPEHow many people are you currently in romantic relationships with?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
2023AQRELATIONSHIPIn general, how satisfied are you with your current romantic relationship(s)?Very dissatisfied (0)
Dissatisfied (1)
Neutral (2)
Satisfied (3)
Very satisfied (4)
2023AQRELATIONSHIPWhich of the following scenarios best describes the current agreement that you have with your romantic partner(s)?We cannot have any sex with an outside partner (0)
We can have sex with outside partners but with some restrictions (1)
We can have sex with outside partners without any restrictions (2)
We do not have an agreement (3)
I have different agreements with different partners (4)
My romantic partner(s) and I do not engage in sexual activity (5)
2023AQDo you live with your partner(s)?Yes, I live with 1 partner (0)
Yes, I live with 2 or more partners (1)
No, I do not live with a partner (2)
Something else (please specify) (3)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQWhat is your current legal marital status?Married (1)
Legally recognized civil union (2)
Registered domestic partnership (3)
Widowed (4)
Divorced (5)
Separated (6)
Single, never married (7)
2023AQWhat gender do you currently live in on a day-to-day basis?Man (1)
Woman (2)
Genderqueer/Non-binary/neither man nor woman (3)
Part time one gender/part time another gender (4)
2023AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what gender do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Man (1)
Non-binary/Genderqueer (2)
Transgender Man (3)
Transgender Woman (4)
Two-spirit (5)
Woman (6)
Another gender (7)
It varies (8)
They cannot tell (9)
I dont know what they think (88)
2023AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a gender minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your gender? (Check all that apply.)Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Used your preferred name even if it was not your legal name (2)
Used your correct pronouns (such as he/she/they) (3)
Supported your gender-affirming health care (other than financially) (9)
Provided financial support to help with any part of your gender transition (4)
Helped you change your name and/or gender on your identity documents (ID), like your drivers license (such as doing things like filling out papers or going with you to court) (5)
Did research to learn how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (6)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (7)
Listened to you when you had difficulties (10)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (8)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQFor people in your life who do not know you, what sexual orientation do they USUALLY think you are? (Choose one.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Same-gender loving (7)
Straight/Heterosexual (8)
Two-spirit (9)
They cannot tell (10)
It varies (11)
Another sexual orientation (12)
I dont know what they think (88)
2023AQCYOAThere are many ways people can feel supported and affirmed as a sexual minority person. Did any of your immediate family members who you grew up with (parents, siblings, grandparents, people who raised you, etc.) do any of these things to support you about your sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.) Told you that they respect and/or support you (1)
Positively acknowledged your relationship to your partner(s) (2)
Positively acknowledged your sexual and/or romantic orientation (3)
Welcomed your partner(s) to a family event (4)
Provided financial support related to your relationship(s) (e.g., first date, family building, moving in together) (5)
Attended an event that you hosted with a partner(s) (6)
Researched how to best support you (such as reading books, using online information, or attending a conference) (7)
Stood up for you with family, friends, or others (8)
Listened to you when you had difficulties (10)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (9)
Supported you in another way not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
2023AQComing out" about one's sexual orientation or gender is a process. People do not always come out to everyone at the same time. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you come out to any of the people who raised you? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I came out about my sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) to someone who raised me (1)
Yes, I came out about my gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) to someone who raised me (2)
No, I did not come out in the past 12 months to anyone who raised me (0)
2023AQCOMEOUT_PSTYRWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your sexual orientation (e.g., asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning one's sexual orientation, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use the name(s) in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow is ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESWhen ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTSO_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID622/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQWe are going to ask you follow-up questions about coming out about your gender identity (e.g., genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) in the PAST 12 MONTHS to someone who raised you. To help you remember who we are asking about, please list the first names, initials, or nicknames of the person/people you came out to. We will use the name(s) in questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow is ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESWhen ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} initially learned about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESIn your most recent interactions with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}, how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
2023AQCOMEOUTGI_NAMESHow did your communication with ${q://QID2154/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better (5)
It got somewhat better (4)
It did not change (3)
It got somewhat worse (2)
It got a lot worse (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
2023AQCYOAThe decision to hide or reveal my sexual orientation to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQBecause of my sexual orientation, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI feel confused or conflicted by my sexual orientation.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI feel comfortable revealing my sexual attractions and/or behavior.Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2023AQThe decision to hide or reveal my gender identity or that I am a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) to others causes me significant distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQBecause of my gender identity, no one understands my pain or distress.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI was rejected by a family member or friend after telling them my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI feel confused or conflicted by my gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI feel comfortable revealing my gender identity and/or expression and/or status as a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.). Strongly Disagree (6)
Moderately Disagree (5)
Slightly Disagree (4)
Slightly Agree (3)
Moderately Agree (2)
Strongly Agree (1)
2023AQPeople treat me unfairly because of my race, ethnicity, sexual, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQAt times, I feel I stick out because of my race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and/or gender identity.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQStereotypes about racial, ethnic, sexual, and gender minority people hurt my self-esteem or the way I see myself.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQI believe the world is a dangerous place to be a racial, ethnic, sexual, and/or gender minority person.Strongly Disagree (1)
Moderately Disagree (2)
Slightly Disagree (3)
Slightly Agree (4)
Moderately Agree (5)
Strongly Agree (6)
2023AQYou have completed the Social Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQIA health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQIA health equity!No Answers
2023AQDo you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (13)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
2023AQMEDHX1With what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHow about any of these? Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (13)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (14)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
2023AQHere's the last set! Do you currently have any of the following conditions that have been diagnosed by a health care provider? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Osteoporosis (19)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
2023AQPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have. (One condition per line.) If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2023AQWere any of these conditions diagnosed within the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)None of these were diagnosed in the past 12 months. (0)
Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Arthritis (60)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cataracts (9)
Chronic kidney disease (10)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (11)
Anal cancer (12)
Breast cancer (13)
Colon cancer (14)
Kidney cancer (15)
Lung cancer (16)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (17)
Ovarian cancer (18)
Pancreatic cancer (19)
Prostate cancer (20)
Skin cancer (melanoma) (21)
Skin cancer (non-melanoma) (22)
Uterine cancer (23)
q://QID901/ChoiceTextEntryValueቨ cancer (24)
Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (25)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (26)
Coronary artery disease (27)
Depression (28)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (29)
Diabetes (borderline) (30)
Erectile dysfunction (31)
Glaucoma (32)
Heart attack (33)
Heart murmur (34)
Hepatitis B virus (HBV) (61)
Hepatitis C virus (HCV) (62)
High cholesterol (35)
HIV (36)
Hypertension (high blood pressure) (37)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (38)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (39)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (40)
Liver disease (41)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (42)
Menopause (43)
Migraine headache (44)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (45)
Osteoporosis (63)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (46)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (47)
Psoriasis (48)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (49)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (50)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (51)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (52)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (53)
Uterine fibroids (54)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǗ (55)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǘ (56)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǙ (57)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǚ (58)
q://QID895/ChoiceTextEntryValueǛ (59)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you experienced confusion or memory loss that is happening more often or is getting worse?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Surgeries and procedures that are exclusively and/or primarily for gender affirmation or transition are asked about in greater depth later.)Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
None of these (0)
2023AQSURGHXWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following procedures for any reason (including gender affirmation or transition)? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
None of these (3)
2023AQPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS (not including surgeries or procedures that are exclusively and/or primarily for gender affirmation or transition, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
2023AQHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation/contouring (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (0)
2023AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (also called reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (for example with scars under the chest, double incision with nipple removal and WITHOUT re-attachment) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (for example with scars under the chest, double incision with nipple removal and WITH re-attachment) (5)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (for example keyhole through the areola, periareolar with no re-positioning of the nipple) (4)
None of these (0)
2023AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (1)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (2)
Creation of a new vagina using peritoneal tissue (vaginoplasty, peritoneal pull-through) (16)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labiaplasty) (3)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (4)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (9)
Removal of penis (penectomy) (10)
Removal of testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (12)
Testicular implant insertion (13)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (14)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (15)
None of these (0)
2023AQGAS_AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any hair-related procedures for gender-affirming or transition-related reasons?Yes, hair transplant (1)
Yes, facial hair removal (2)
Yes, forearm hair removal (3)
Yes, chest hair removal (4)
Yes, leg hair removal (5)
Yes, pubic hair removal (8)
Yes, hair removal in another body region (please specify location) (6)
Yes, hair removal in another body region (please specify location) (TEXT)
Yes, something else (please specify) (7)
Yes, something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2023AQGAS_AQPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
2023AQHave you EVER taken a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPUB_SUPP_EV20How old were you when you first took a medication meant to stop or delay puberty?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
2023AQAre you CURRENTLY taking hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) are you CURRENTLY taking? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2023AQWere any of the following hormones or medications that you used in the PAST 12 MONTHS for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) prescribed by a doctor or health care provider?Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
None of these were prescribed by a doctor or health care provider. (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider? Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQGAHORMONE_ANYRXWas all of the ${q://QID2316/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} used in the PAST 12 MONTHS used exactly as prescribed or recommended by a doctor or other health care provider?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you start or stop taking any hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I started taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I stopped taking some hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (0)
No, I did not start or stop taking hormones/medications for gender affirmation in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
2023AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you START in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_START_YRPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_CHANGE_YRWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) did you STOP in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histrelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQGAHORMONE_STOP_YRBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID2317/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
For fertility and/or family building reasons (e.g., fertility preservation, pregnancy, IVF, chest/body feeding, etc.) (7)
My state restricted access to gender-affirming hormones and medication (8)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (9)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQHave you had COVID?Yes, confirmed by a positive test at home or with a health care provider (1)
Yes, I think I had COVID but did not have a positive test (2)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQCOVID_DXHow many times have you had COVID?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 or more (5)
2023AQCOVID_DXDid you receive any medical care for COVID at any time? (Check all that apply.)No, I recovered on my own (1)
Yes, I went to the emergency room (2)
Yes, I saw a health care provider in a clinic (including urgent care) (3)
Yes, I was hospitalized (4)
2023AQCOVID_MEDICALCAREWere you on a ventilator for COVID?Yes (1)
No (2)
2023AQCOVID_DXWhich treatments did you receive for COVID? (Check all that apply.)I did not receive any treatments for COVID (6)
Paxlovid (also called nirmatrelvir with ritonavir) (1)
Veklury (also called remdesivir) (2)
Bebtelovimab (3)
Molnupiravir (also called Legevrio) (4)
Something else (please specify) (5)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQCOVID_DXDo you have any of the following long COVID or post-COVID symptoms? (Check all that apply.)No, I dont have any long COVID or post-COVID symptoms (1)
Tiredness or fatigue that interferes with daily life (2)
Symptoms that get worse after physical or mental effort (also known as post-exertional malaise) (20)
Fever (21)
Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath (5)
Cough (22)
Chest pain (23)
Fast-beating or pounding heart (also known as heart palpitations) (24)
Difficulty thinking or concentrating (sometimes referred to as brain fog) (9)
Headache (25)
Sleep problems (26)
Dizziness when you stand up (lightheadedness) (27)
Pins-and-needles feelings (28)
Change in smell or taste (29)
Depression or anxiety (30)
Diarrhea (16)
Stomach pain (34)
Joint or muscle pain (18)
Rash (35)
Changes in menstrual cycles (36)
Something else (please specify, separate multiple symptoms with commas) (32)
Something else (please specify, separate multiple symptoms with commas) (TEXT)
2023AQWhich best describes you?I dont want to get the COVID vaccine ever (1)
I want to wait to get the COVID vaccine (2)
I want to get the COVID vaccine as soon as possible (3)
I already received one or more doses of the COVID vaccine (4)
2023AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhat are your reasons for NOT wanting to get the COVID vaccine? (Check all that apply.)I have a health condition that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (1)
I dont think that the COVID vaccine is safe. (2)
I dont trust the development of the COVID vaccines. (3)
I dont believe in any vaccines. (4)
I have a fear of needles. (5)
I believe I will get COVID from the vaccine. (6)
I dont believe the COVID vaccine will protect me from getting COVID. (7)
I dont think the COVID vaccine was tested on people like me. (8)
I think I already had COVID and am protected from getting it again. (9)
I am allergic to polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate. (10)
I am concerned about the side effects. (11)
I dont want to get the vaccine due to my religious or spiritual beliefs. (12)
Something else (please specify) (13)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhat are your reasons for wanting to wait to get the COVID vaccine? (Check all that apply.)I am not yet eligible to receive the vaccine. (1)
I have a health condition that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (2)
I dont think that the COVID vaccine is safe. (3)
I dont trust the development of the COVID vaccine. (4)
I dont believe in any vaccines. (5)
I have a fear of needles. (6)
I believe I will get COVID from the vaccine. (7)
I dont believe the COVID vaccine will protect me from getting COVID. (8)
I dont think the COVID vaccine was tested on people like me. (9)
I think other people should get the COVID vaccine before me. (10)
I want to see if the COVID vaccine is safe. (11)
I think I already had COVID and am protected from getting it again. (12)
I received convalescent plasma or monoclonal antibodies to treat COVID. (13)
I currently have or just recently had COVID. (14)
I was told by my doctor or health care professional to wait. (15)
I received a vaccine (not for COVID) in the past 14 days. (16)
Something else (please specify) (17)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQVACCINE_NEVERPlease list the health condition(s) you have that could be worsened by the COVID vaccine. (One condition per box, please)Text Entry (-)
2023AQVACCINATION_STATUSWhich company/companies made the COVID vaccine doses (including boosters) that you received? (Check all that apply.)AstraZeneca (1)
Johnson & Johnson (2)
Moderna (3)
Novavax (4)
Pfizer/BioNTech (5)
Another company (please specify) (6)
Another company (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2023AQVACCINATION_STATUSHow many doses of the COVID vaccine (including boosters) did you receive?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 or more (6)
I dont know (88)
2023AQVACCINE_DOSESDid you experience any of the following side effects after receiving your COVID vaccine (any dose)? (Check all that apply.)I did not experience any side effects. (0)
Pain at the injection site (1)
Redness at the injection site (2)
Swelling at the injection site (3)
Fatigue / Tiredness (4)
Chills (5)
Fever (6)
New or worsening muscle pain/ache (myalgia) (7)
New or worsening joint pain/ache (arthralgia) (8)
Itching (9)
Full-body rash (10)
Hives (urticaria) (11)
Headache (12)
Nausea (13)
Vomiting (14)
Diarrhea (15)
Wheezing (16)
Cough (17)
Voice hoarseness (18)
Tongue swelling (19)
Swollen lips (20)
Difficulty breathing (21)
Anaphylaxis (22)
Allergic reaction (23)
Bells Palsy (24)
Another side effect(s) (please list all additional side effects) (25)
Another side effect(s) (please list all additional side effects) (TEXT)
2023AQHave you ever had an allergic reaction to any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Vaccines other than the COVID vaccine (1)
Eggs (2)
Injectable medications (3)
Polyethylene glycol (PEG) or polysorbate (4)
None of these (0)
2023AQIn general, would you say your health is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2023AQIn general, would you say your quality of life is...Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2023AQIn general, how would you rate your physical health?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2023AQIn general, how would you rate your mental health, including your mood and your ability to think?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2023AQIn general, how would you rate your satisfaction with your social activities and relationships?Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2023AQIn general, please rate how well you carry out your usual social activities and roles. (This includes activities at home, at work and in your community, and responsibilities as a parent, child, spouse, employee, friend, etc.)Excellent (5)
Very good (4)
Good (3)
Fair (2)
Poor (1)
2023AQTo what extent are you able to carry out your everyday physical activities such as walking, climbing stairs, carrying groceries, or moving a chair?Completely (5)
Mostly (4)
Moderately (3)
A little (2)
Not at all (1)
2023AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how often have you been bothered by emotional problems, such as feeling anxious, depressed or irritable?Never (5)
Rarely (4)
Sometimes (3)
Often (2)
Always (1)
2023AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your fatigue on average?None (5)
Mild (4)
Moderate (3)
Severe (2)
Very severe (1)
2023AQIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how would you rate your pain on average?0 No pain (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 Worst imaginable pain (10)
2023AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2023AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your ability to concentrate?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2023AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your day to day activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2023AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with your enjoyment of recreational activities?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2023AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how much did pain interfere with doing your tasks away from home (e.g., getting groceries, running errands)?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2023AQPROMIS10In the PAST 7 DAYS, how often did pain keep you from socializing with others?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQOn the images below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have ANY chronic pain anywhere in your body, please select "No Chronic Pain" and advance to the next screen.No Chronic Pain (1)
2023AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Face (1)
Right jaw (2)
Left jaw (3)
Right chest/breast (4)
Left chest/breast (5)
Abdomen (6)
Pelvis (7)
Right groin (8)
Left groin (9)
Genitals (10)
Right upper arm (11)
Right elbow (12)
Right lower arm (13)
Right wrist/hand (14)
Left upper arm (15)
Left elbow (16)
Left lower arm (17)
Left wrist/hand (18)
Right upper leg (19)
Right knee (20)
Right lower leg (21)
Right ankle/foot (22)
Left upper leg (23)
Left knee (24)
Left lower leg (25)
Left ankle/foot (26)
2023AQCHRONIC_PAIN In the list below, CHECK ALL areas of your body where you have felt persistent or recurrent pain present for the last 3 months or longer (chronic pain). If you do not have chronic pain in any of these body areas, check the "No Chronic Pain" box.No chronic pain in this any of these body areas (0)
Head (1)
Neck (2)
Left shoulder (3)
Right shoulder (4)
Upper back (5)
Lower back (6)
Left hip (7)
Right hip (8)
Left buttocks (9)
Right buttocks (10)
Anus (11)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the frontal genital opening, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPAP_YR_VHave you had a Pap smear or Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPAP_YR_VAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Did you have an HPV test with a Pap test in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHPV_RECENTPAPHave you had a cervical HPV test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQORGANS_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast/chest tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast/chest tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQMAMMO_YRHave you had a mammogram in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPSA_YRHave you had a PSA test in the PAST 12 MONTHS where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that intentionally causes diarrhea. In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
2023AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQCOLON_TESTIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination where a doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt)) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus) (4)
I dont know (88)
None of these (0)
2023AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a digital anal/rectal examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal HPV examination where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an anal Pap smear where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQANORECTCA_SCREEN_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do LIGHT OR MODERATE leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause ONLY LIGHT sweating or a SLIGHT to MODERATE increase in breathing or heart rate? Examples include walking, golf, moving boxes, and gardening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2023AQMOD_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these light or moderate leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2023AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do VIGOROUS leisure-time physical activities for AT LEAST 10 MINUTES that cause HEAVY sweating or LARGE increases in breathing or heart rate? Examples include aerobics, tennis, bicycling up hills, and running.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2023AQVIG_DAYSAbout how long (in minutes) do you do these vigorous leisure-time physical activities each time?Text Entry (-)
2023AQHow many DAYS PER WEEK do you do leisure-time physical activities specifically designed to STRENGTHEN your muscles such as lifting weights or doing calisthenics?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had a flu vaccine - usually a shot in your arm or sprayed in your nose by a doctor or other health professional? These are usually given in the fall and protect against influenza for the flu season.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, how many doses of the Mpox (monkeypox) vaccine did you receive?Zero (0) (0)
One (1) (1)
Two (2) (2)
Three (3) or more (3)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have Mpox (monkeypox)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQMPOXWhen you had Mpox (monkeypox), did you receive treatment with TPOXX (also called tecovirimat or ST-246)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQHave you EVER had a pneumonia shot? This shot is usually given only once or twice in a person's lifetime and is different from the flu shot. It is also called the pneumococcal vaccine.Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHave you EVER received the hepatitis B vaccine? This is given in three separate doses and has been available since 1991. It is recommended for newborn infants, adolescents, and people such as health care workers, who may be exposed to the hepatitis B virus.Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQThe hepatitis A vaccine is given as a two-dose series routinely to some children starting at 1 year of age, and to some adults and people who travel outside the United States. Although it can be given as a combination vaccine with hepatitis B, it is different from the hepatitis B shot, and has only been available since 1995. Have you ever received the hepatitis A vaccine?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQShingles is an outbreak of a rash or blisters on the skin that may be associated with severe pain. The pain is generally on one side of the body or face. Shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus. A vaccine for shingles has been available since May 2006. Have you ever had the Zoster or Shingles vaccine, also called Zostavax®?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHave you ever received an HPV shot or vaccine? HPV stands for human papillomavirus. The vaccines are sometimes called CERVARIX® or GARDASIL®. The HPV vaccine is given as a three-dose series routinely to people from age 9-26. It was released in 2006.Yes (0)
No (1)
Doctor refused when asked (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHPVSHOTHow many HPV vaccine shots did you have?One (1)
Two (2)
Three (3)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIs there a place that you USUALLY go to when you are sick or need advice about your health?Yes (1)
There is NO place (2)
There is MORE THAN ONE place (3)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPLACESICKWhat kind of place do you go to MOST often – a clinic, doctor's office, emergency room, or some other place?Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPLACESICKIs that the same place you USUALLY go when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check up?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPLACEROUTINEWhat kind of place do you USUALLY go to when you need routine or preventive care, such as a physical examination or check-up?I dont get routine or preventative care anywhere (0)
Clinic or health center (1)
Doctors office or HMO (2)
Hospital emergency room (3)
Hospital outpatient department (4)
Some other place (5)
I dont go to one place most often (6)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you have any trouble finding a general doctor or health care provider who would see you?Yes (1)
No (0)
I havent tried to see a doctor or health care provider in the past 12 months. (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen or talked to any of the following health care providers about your own health? (Check all that apply.)A mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, psychologist, psychiatric nurse, or clinical social worker (1)
An optometrist, ophthalmologist, or eye doctor (someone who prescribes eye glasses) (2)
A foot doctor (a podiatrist) (3)
A chiropractor (4)
A physical therapist, speech therapist, respiratory therapist, audiologist, or occupational therapist (5)
A nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or midwife (6)
A doctor who specializes in reproductive, genital, and sexual health (an obstetrician/gynecologist) (7)
A medical doctor who specializes in a particular medical disease or problem (other than obstetrician/gynecologist, psychiatrist, or ophthalmologist) (8)
A general doctor who treats a variety of illnesses (a doctor in general practice, family medicine, or internal medicine) (9)
I have not seen or talked to any of these providers. (0)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an appointment with a doctor, nurse, or other health professional by video or by phone? (Check all that apply.)Yes, on the phone (1)
Yes, via video (2)
No (0)
2023AQTELEHEALTHWhat type of visit(s) have you had via telehealth in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Primary Care (1)
Specialist Care (please specify) (2)
Specialist Care (please specify) (TEXT)
Psychotherapy or therapy for mental health or well-being (3)
Gender-Affirming Care (4)
Something else (please specify) (5)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQA primary care provider is a health care provider who takes care of your overall general health and may coordinate your care with other medical specialists. Do you have a primary care provider (PCP)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPCPHave you seen your primary care provider in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you seen any of the following specialists? (Check all that apply.)I did not see any specialists (0)
Addiction medicine specialist (1)
Allergist or immunologist (allergy doctor) (2)
Cardiologist (heart doctor) (3)
Dermatologist (skin doctor) (4)
Endocrinologist (hormone doctor) (5)
Gastroenterologist (digestive doctor) (6)
Gynecologist (reproductive and genital/urinary doctor) (7)
Hematologist (blood doctor) (8)
Hepatologist (liver doctor) (9)
Infectious disease specialist (10)
Oncologist (cancer doctor) (11)
Nephrologist (kidney doctor) (12)
Neurologist (brain and nerve doctor) (13)
Neurosurgeon (brain and spine surgeon) (14)
Ophthalmologist (eye doctor) (15)
Orthopedist (bone and joint doctor) (16)
Otorhinolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat doctor) (17)
Pain management specialist (18)
Plastic surgeon (repair, reconstruction, and physical replacement surgeon) (19)
Podiatrist (foot doctor) (20)
Psychiatric nurse practitioner (21)
Psychiatrist (mental health doctor) (22)
Psychologist, psychotherapist, or other mental health counselor (23)
Pulmonologist (lung doctor) (24)
Rheumatologist (joint and inflammation doctor (25)
Sleep specialist (26)
Speech/language therapist (27)
Urologist (genital/urinary health doctor) (28)
Someone not listed here (please specify) (29)
Someone not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I did not see any specialist (0)
2023AQCYOAIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you gone to a doctor, health care provider, or clinic for transgender-related health care (such as hormone treatment)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQTRANS_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your transgender-related health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you visited a doctor, health care provider, or clinic that focuses on sexual or reproductive health (such as sexually transmitted infections, PrEP, birth control, abortion, etc.)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQSEX_DOCDoes the person or place who provides your sexual or reproductive health care also take care of your overall general health?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, how many times have you gone to a hospital emergency room about your health? (If you are not sure exactly how many times, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQERFor what reason(s) did you go the emergency room?Text Entry (-)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been hospitalized overnight?Yes (1)
No (2)
2023AQHOSPHow many different times in the PAST 12 MONTHS have you been hospitalized overnight?Text Entry (-)
2023AQHOSPFor what reason(s) were you hospitalized (e.g., shortness of breath, heart attack, chest pain, depression)?Text Entry (-)
2023AQHOSPHow many days total were you hospitalized in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (If you are not sure exactly how many days, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there any time when you did NOT have ANY health insurance or coverage? In other words, were you uninsured for any time during the previous 12 months?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUNINSURIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how many months were you without coverage?Less than one month (0)
1 month (1)
2 months (2)
3 months (3)
4 months (4)
5 months (5)
6 months (6)
7 months (7)
8 months (8)
9 months (9)
10 months (10)
11 months (11)
12 months (12)
2023AQAre you CURRENTLY covered by any health insurance or health coverage plan?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQINSURANCEAre you CURRENTLY covered by any of the following types of health insurance or health coverage plans? (If you have more than one insurance/coverage plans, please select your primary insurance/coverage plan.)Insurance through my current or former employer or union (1)
Insurance through someone elses current or former employer or union (2)
Insurance purchased through or another health insurance marketplace (sometimes called Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act) (3)
Insurance purchased directly from an insurance company (4)
Medicare (for people 65 and older or people with certain disabilities) (5)
Medicaid (government-assistance plan for those with low incomes or a disability) (6)
TRICARE or other military health care (7)
Veterans Affairs (VA) (8)
Indian Health Service (9)
Other (10)
Other (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQDELAYCAREWhich of these reasons describes why you were delayed in getting medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Health care provider refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to health care providers office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you unable to obtain medical care, tests, or treatments that you or a health care provider believed necessary?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQNOCAREWhich of these best describes the reason(s) you were unable to get medical care, tests, or treatments you or a health care provider believed necessary? (Check all that apply.)I couldnt afford care (0)
My insurance company wouldnt approve, cover, or pay for care (1)
Doctor refused to accept the insurance plan (2)
Problems getting to doctors office (3)
The health care provider could not schedule me in a timely fashion (4)
I speak a different language (5)
I couldnt get time off work or school (6)
I dont know where to go to get care (7)
I was refused services (8)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (11)
I couldnt get child care (12)
I didnt have time or took too long (13)
Other (please specify) (14)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend in total for medical care (including transgender care) and dental care? Please include copays, coinsurance, prescription medications, etc. Please do NOT include your monthly health insurance premiums, over-the-counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how much did you spend for prescription medications?Zero (0)
1 - 499 (1)
500 - 1,999 (2)
2,000 - 2,999 (3)
3,000 - 4,999 (4)
5,000 or more (5)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you borrow money to pay for health care? Please do NOT count health insurance premiums, over the counter drugs, or costs that you will be reimbursed for.Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQAre you taking any of the following supplements? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Biotin (1)
Calcium (2)
Coenzyme (3)
Cranberry (pills, capsules) (4)
Echinacea (5)
Fiber Supplement (6)
Fish Oil/Omega-3 Fatty Acids (7)
Folate/Folic Acid (B-9) (8)
Garlic supplements (9)
Ginkgo biloba (10)
Ginseng (11)
Glucosamine and/or chondroitin (12)
Iron (13)
Magnesium (14)
Melatonin (15)
Multivitamin - not prenatal vitamin (17)
Prenatal vitamins (18)
Probiotics/prebiotics (19)
Turmeric (20)
Vitamin B-12 (21)
Vitamin B Complex (22)
Vitamin C (23)
Vitamin D (24)
Zinc (25)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (26)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (27)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (28)
Other (please specify, enter 1 item only) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you able to visit a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, was there a time when you needed dental care but could not get it at that time?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQDENTCARE_NOWhat were the reasons that you could not get the dental care you needed? (Check all that apply.)I could not afford the cost (0)
I did not want to spend the money (1)
Insurance did not cover recommended procedures (2)
Dental office is too far away (3)
Dental office is not open at convenient times (4)
Another dentist recommended not doing it (5)
I was afraid or do not like dentists (6)
I was unable to take time off from work or school (7)
I was too busy (8)
I did not think anything serious was wrong/expected dental problems to go away (9)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my sexual orientation (10)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my gender identity (11)
I thought I would be mistreated or disrespected on the basis of my HIV status (12)
I did not have dental insurance (14)
Other (13)
Other (TEXT)
2023AQDuring the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had an exam for oral cancer in which the doctor or dentist pulls on your tongue, sometimes with gauze wrapped around it, and feels under the tongue and inside the cheeks?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQHow often during the PAST 12 MONTHS have you had painful aching anywhere in your mouth? Would you say…?Very often (4)
Fairly often (3)
Occasionally (2)
Hardly ever (1)
Never (0)
2023AQOn average, how many hours of sleep do you get in a 24-HOUR PERIOD? (Please round to the nearest whole hour.)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
10 (10)
11 (11)
12 (12)
13 (13)
14 (14)
15 (15)
16 (16)
17 (17)
18 (18)
19 (19)
20 (20)
21 (21)
22 (22)
23 (23)
24 (24)
2023AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble falling asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2023AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you have trouble staying asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2023AQIn the PAST WEEK, how many times did you take medication to help you fall asleep or stay asleep?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
More than 7 (8)
2023AQIn the PAST WEEK, on how many days did you wake up feeling well rested?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2023AQI worried whether my food would run out before I got money to buy more. Was that often true, sometimes true, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQThe food that I bought just didn't last, and I didn't have money to get more. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQI couldn't afford to eat balanced meals. Was that often, sometimes, or never true for you in the LAST 12 MONTHS?Often true (2)
Sometimes true (1)
Never true (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever cut the size of your meals or skip meals because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUSDA_AD1How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (88)
I dont know (89)
2023AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever eat less than you felt you should because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, were you ever hungry but didn't eat because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUSDA_HH2In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you lose weight because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUSDA_AD1In the LAST 12 MONTHS, did you ever not eat for a whole day because there wasn't enough money for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQUSDA_AD5How often did this happen—almost every month, some months but not every month, or in only 1 or 2 months?Almost every month (1)
Some months but not every month (0)
Only 1 or 2 months (2)
I dont know (88)
2023AQSAABIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) resulted in a pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
Not applicable. I dont produce sperm (99)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPREGNANT_SPERMHow many pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS resulted from your sperm? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQORGANS_BORNHave you had at least one menstrual period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQMENSES_YEARWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
2023AQMENSES_NOYEARAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
Are you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQORGANS_BORNHave you been trying to personally become pregnant over the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been to a doctor or other medical provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQORGANS_BORNHave you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
Are you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQPREG_YRHow many times have you been pregnant in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_TIMESDid any of your pregnancies in the PAST 12 MONTHS result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPREG_DELHow many vaginal deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_DELHow many frontal genital opening deliveries have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_DELHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_DELHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_YRHow many miscarriages have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_YRHow many tubal pregnancies have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQPREG_YRHow many abortions have you had in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using any of the following: medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQLIVE_BIRTHPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth in the PAST 12 MONTHS.January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQORGANS_NOWHave you breast/chest fed a child in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQBREASTFEDWere the children that you breast/chest fed in the PAST 12 MONTHS born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any type of birth control method for the prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQBIRTHCONTROL_YRPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for the prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)No sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, or Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2023AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used any birth control method(s) for ANY reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONWhat are the reasons that you have used birth control (OTHER THAN pregnancy prevention) in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)To affirm my gender (1)
To avoid getting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) from someone else (2)
To avoid spreading a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that I have (3)
To avoid symptoms associated with my period like: chest tenderness, bloating, acne, pain from cramping, heavy bleeding (sometimes referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS) (4)
To stop having a period/reduce the amount of bleeding (5)
Prevent hair growth (hirsutism) (6)
To reduce chronic pelvic pain (including endometriosis) (7)
To treat another medical condition (8)
Not listed (please specify) (9)
Not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2023AQBIRTHCTRL_YR_NONCONPlease select the birth control method(s) you have used for any reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal/frontal genital opening ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how interested have you been in sexual activity?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you felt like you wanted to have sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, did you have any type of sexual activity? (This means ANY kind of sexual activity including masturbation.)No (0)
Yes (1)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my vagina (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Dryness or pain in or around my frontal genital opening (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often did you become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Almost always or always (1)
Most times (more than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
A few times (less than half the time) (4)
Almost never or never (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to become lubricated ("wet") during sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how difficult was it to maintain your lubrication ("wetness") until completion of sexual activity? (Note here lubrication or wetness refers to spontaneous lubrication or wetness without the use of lubricants, gels, creams, oils, etc.)Extremely difficult or impossible (1)
Very difficult (2)
Difficult (3)
Slightly difficult (4)
Not difficult (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your vagina?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you felt inside your frontal genital opening?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the vagina)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your labia (lips around the opening of the frontal genital opening)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have labia (6)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in your clitoris (clit)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
Not applicable, I dont have a clitoris (6)
2023AQSFSCR202There are many reasons why people may not have had sexual activity during the month. What are the reasons why you did not have sexual activity in the past 30 days? Please read the list carefully and check every reason that applies to you, even if it happened only one time during the PAST 30 DAYS.Was not interested in having sexual activity (1)
Difficulties with my erections (penis/phallus not hard or is painful) (2)
Difficulties with orgasm/climax (3)
Dont enjoy sexual activity (4)
Health condition (5)
No partner(s) (6)
Partner(s) was away (7)
Partner(s) was not interested in sexual activity (8)
Health condition of my partner(s) (9)
Some other reason (please specify) (10)
Some other reason (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, how often were you able to get an erection (get hard) during sexual activity?Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, when you had erections with sexual stimulation how often were your erections hard enough for penetration?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2023AQIn the PAST 30 DAYS, during sexual intercourse how often were you able to maintain your erection (stay hard) after you had penetrated (entered) your partner?I was not attempting to penetrate a partner (0)
Almost never/never (1)
A few times (much less than half the time) (2)
Sometimes (about half the time) (3)
Most times (much more than half the time) (4)
Almost always/always (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you been able to have an orgasm/climax when you wanted to?Have not tried to have an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfying have your orgasms or climaxes been?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure have your orgasms or climaxes given you?Have not had an orgasm/climax in the past 30 days (0)
None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very much (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had discomfort in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had pain in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you had dryness in your mouth during sexual activity?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how dry has your mouth been?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much discomfort have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, when you have had sexual activity, how much pain have you had in or around your anus or rectum (butt)?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2023AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sex life?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2023AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how much pleasure has your sex life given you?None (1)
A little bit (2)
Some (3)
Quite a bit (4)
A lot (5)
2023AQSFSCR202 In the PAST 30 DAYS, how often have you thought that your sex life is wonderful?Never (1)
Rarely (2)
Sometimes (3)
Often (4)
Always (5)
2023AQSFSCR202In the PAST 30 DAYS, how satisfied have you been with your sexual relationship(s)? Have not had a sexual relationship with another person in the past 30 days (0)
Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Somewhat (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Very (5)
2023AQSexual Health and Activities The next questions will ask you about your sexual activities including specific sexual behaviors and acts. If you wish to opt out of this section because of this, please indicate below. I wish to answer this section. (1)
I wish to skip this section. (0)
2023AQSome people engage in sexual activities with another person(s) using object(s) not made of human skin that are shaped like a cylinder or penis/phallus. Do you have that kind of sex?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_SEX_HAVEWhat do you call that object or object(s)?Text Entry (-)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_SEX_HAVEHow do you use this object? (Check all that apply.)I insert the object into someones body (1)
I receive the object into my body (2)
I use this object in another way (please describe) (3)
I use this object in another way (please describe) (TEXT)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_HOW_USEHow do you use this object when you insert the object into someone else's body? (Check all that apply.)I insert the object into someones mouth (1)
I insert the object into someones vagina/frontal genital opening. (2)
I insert the object into someones anus (3)
I insert the object into another part of someones body (please specify) (4)
I insert the object into another part of someones body (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_INSERTHow often do you insert that object into the mouth of a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_INSERTHow often do you insert that object into the vagina/frontal genital opening of a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_INSERTHow often do you insert that object into the anus of a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_HOW_USEHow do you use this object when inserted into your body? (Check all that apply.)I receive the object into my mouth (1)
I receive the object into my vagina/frontal genital opening. (2)
I receive the object into my anus (3)
I receive the object into another part of my body (please specify) (4)
I receive the object into another part of my body (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_RECHow often do you have the object inserted into your mouth by a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_RECHow often do you have the object inserted into your vagina/frontal genital opening by a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQPROSTHESIS_RECHow often do you have the object inserted into your anus by a sexual partner(s)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQMASTURBATE_YRHow often do you masturbate?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQMASTURBATE_YRHave you masturbated in the presence of an intimate or romantic partner in PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQHave you engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, what are the gender identities of the people that you had any sexual activity with? (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men or individuals who identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth (1)
Cisgender women or individuals who identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth (2)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
Transgender men or individuals who identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth (3)
Transgender women or individuals who identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth (4)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
Person of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (99)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive vaginal sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_VHow often do you have receptive vaginal sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_FGOHow often do you have receptive frontal genital opening sex where a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) is put in your frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive vaginal sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_VHow often do you have insertive vaginal sex where you put penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_FGOHow often do you have insertive frontal genital opening sex where you put penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
In the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQVAG2VAG_YR_VHow often do you have sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOHow often do you have sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex where you put your mouth on another person's genitals in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to their body) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina (2)
No (0)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral sex where you put your mouth on another person's genitals in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to their body) (1)
Yes, on a person with a frontal genital opening (2)
No (0)
2023AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR22_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body)?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR22_VHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQORAL_GIVE_PASTYR_FGOHow often do you perform oral sex on a person with a frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you received oral sex where someone put their mouth on your genitals in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQORAL_GET_PASTYR_22How often have you received oral sex where someone put their mouth on your genitals?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") where there was contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQRIM_PASTYR_22How often do you perform oral-anal sex (also called "rimming") where there is contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed or received digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I performed digital penetration and had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina (1)
Yes, I performed digital penetration and had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
Yes, I received digital penetration and had contact between my vagina and someone elses fingers (3)
Yes, I received digital penetration and had contact between my anus or butt and someone elses fingers (4)
No (0)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you performed or received digital penetration (also called "fingering") in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I performed digital penetration and had contact between my finger(s) and someones frontal genital opening (1)
Yes, I performed digital penetration and had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
Yes, I received digital penetration and had contact between my frontal genital opening and someone elses fingers (3)
Yes, I received digital penetration and had contact between my anus or butt and someone elses fingers (4)
No (0)
2023AQFINGER_PASTYR_V_22How often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's vagina?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQFINGER_PASTYR_FGO_22How often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQFINGER_PASTYR_V_22How often do you perform digital penetration (also called "fingering") by putting your fingers into someone's anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had anal sex where there is contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQANAL_VAG_22How often do you have anal sex where there is contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and your anus or butt?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRHave you had anal sex in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someones body) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
2023AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or "topping")? More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRHow often do you have contact between someone's penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or "bottoming")?More than once a day (1)
Daily (2)
More than once a week (3)
Weekly (4)
Monthly (5)
Less than monthly (6)
2023AQSEX_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAG2VAG_YR_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your vagina touches another person's vagina without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQVAG2VAG_YR_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had sex where your frontal genital opening touches another person's frontal genital opening without protection from sexually transmitted infections like a dental dam, plastic wrap, latex gloves etc.? Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's vagina?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had insertive vaginal sex where you put your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in someone's frontal genital opening.Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_PEN_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQVAGSEX_INS_NOCON_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had insertive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex where someone put their penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in your vagina?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you had receptive vaginal sex where someone put their penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) in your frontal genital opening?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive vaginal sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQVAGSEX_VAG_22_FGOIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without using a condom?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_VIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive vaginal sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2023AQVAGSEX_RECEP_NOCON_FIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you had receptive frontal genital opening sex without a condom?Text Entry (-)
2023AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex where there was contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt? (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without using a condom where there was contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQANALSEX_NOCON_22In the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "bottomed" or had receptive anal sex without a condom where there was contact between a penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to someone's body) and your anus or butt?Text Entry (-)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex where there was contact between your penis/phallus penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt?Text Entry (-)
2023AQANAL_PEN_PASTYRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, about how often have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without using a condom where there was contact between your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt?Never (0)
Less than half of the time (1)
About half of the time (2)
Not always, but more than half of the time (3)
Always (4)
2023AQTOP_NOCON_22In the PAST 12 MONTHS, with how many different people have you "topped" or had insertive anal sex without a condom where there was contact between your penis/phallus (made of flesh and permanently connected to your body) and someone's anus or butt.) (If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you had any of these of types of sex that we haven't already asked about? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
BDSM (1)
Chemsex / Party and Play (PNP) (2)
Electrical stimulation (e-stim) (3)
Restricting breathing or erotic asphyxiation (4)
Fisting (that is, hand/fist inserted into a person) (5)
Group sex (6)
Latex/rubber play (7)
Phone/video sex (8)
Role play (9)
Rubbing through clothing (10)
Rubbing with clothing off (11)
Sexting (12)
Sex toys (for example, dildos, butt plugs) (13)
Sounding (that is, inserting something into urethra/pee hole) (14)
Urine play (for example, golden showers, watersports) (15)
Voyeurism (16)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (17)
Another type(s) of sex (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQAt The PRIDE Study, we know that we may not know or understand everything about every kind of sexual interaction or activity. If you have other kinds of sex that we haven't already asked about, please describe that below.Text Entry (-)
2023AQORGANS_BORNIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, has a doctor or other health care professional told you that you had any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Chlamydia (1)
Genital herpes (2)
Genital warts (3)
Gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap (4)
Human papillomavirus or HPV (5)
Syphilis (6)
Trichomonas, sometimes called Trich (7)
Bacterial vaginosis, sometimes called BV (8)
None of these (0)
2023AQRegardless of your current HIV status, in the LAST 12 MONTHS, have you taken anti-HIV medications (post-exposure prophylaxis or “PEP”) after potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQMEDHX2Have you been tested for HIV in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQMEDHX2What is your HIV status?Positive (I have HIV.) (1)
Negative (I do not have HIV.) (0)
I dont know (I dont know whether or not I have HIV.) (88)
2023AQHIVSTATUSDo you have a doctor or other health care provider who manages your HIV care? This person may be the same as your primary care provider or it may be another provider, such as a HIV specialist.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHIVDOCHow frequently do you see this health care provider?Monthly (0)
Every 1-3 months (1)
Every 4-6 months (2)
Every 7-12 months (3)
Less than every 12 months (4)
2023AQMEDHX2How frequently do you have HIV blood work (lab tests) done?Monthly (1)
Every 1-3 months (2)
Every 4-6 months (3)
Every 7-12 months (4)
Less than every 12 months (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had these lab tests done (0)
2023AQHIVSTATUSAre you on HIV medications, sometimes call anti-retrovirals (ARVs) or anti-retroviral therapy (ART)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
2023AQHIVSTATUSWhen was the last time that you had your HIV viral load checked? A viral load test is a lab test that measures the number of HIV virus particles in a milliliter of your blood. These particles are called “copies.”Within the last month (1)
1-3 months ago (2)
4-6 months ago (3)
7-12 months ago (4)
More than 1 year ago (5)
I dont know (88)
I have never had my HIV viral load checked (0)
2023AQHIVSTATUSIs your HIV viral load “suppressed” or “undetectable”? This means that the number of copies of the HIV virus in your blood is at a very low level or not detectable by modern medical tests. This does not mean that your HIV is cured.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada, Descovy, or Apretude) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Are you USING PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPREP_NOWWhich PrEP medication are you currently using?Apretude injections (long-acting cabotegravir) (1)
Descovy (emtricitabine/tenofovir alafenamide) FTC/TAF (2)
Truvada (emtricitabine/tenofovir disoproxil fumarate) FTC/TDF, including generic forms (4)
Another medication (please specify) (3)
Another medication (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQPREP_NOWWhich PrEP regimen do you currently use?I take PrEP daily. (1)
I take PrEP on demand. This is two pills 24 hours before sex, one pill 24 hours later, and another one pill 24 hours after that. (2)
I take PrEP via an injection every 2 months. (5)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (4)
I take PrEP a different way (please specify) (TEXT)
I do not use a specific PrEP regimen. (3)
2023AQPREP_REGIMENIn the PAST 7 DAYS, how many days did you take your daily PrEP pill?0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
2023AQPREP_NOWAre you using PrEP as part of a clinical or research study?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPREP_NOWIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, were you previously on pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV prevention but stopped taking it?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPREP_STOP_YRWhy are you no longer on PrEP? (Check all that apply.)My risk of getting HIV is now less because I am in a relationship and/or having less risky sexual activity. (1)
PrEP is too expensive. (2)
My insurance coverage has changed or I have lost insurance coverage. (3)
I forgot to take it most of the time so I decided to stop. (4)
It is too much of a hassle to get labs every 3 months. (5)
I was having side effects so I decided to stop. (6)
My doctor or health care provider said that I needed to stop the medication because of my lab results. (7)
I feel discriminated against or stigmatized because I am on PrEP. (8)
I acquired HIV. (9)
Something else (10)
Something else (TEXT)
2023AQHIVSTATUSIf you are interested in learning more about PrEP, we encourage you to check out the following resources and talk with your medical provider. For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: No Answers
2023AQHIVSTATUSAlthough PrEP is for individuals who are HIV negative, we want to share more information about PrEP with individuals who are living with HIV in case they wish to pass this along to other individuals close to them. PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada, Descovy, or Apretude) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection For information about PrEP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, please visit: To find a PrEP provider near you, please visit: pleaseprepme.orgNo Answers
2023AQSome people take doxycycline ("doxy") within 72 hours of having sex in order to prevent against bacterial sexually-transmitted infections (like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis). Some people take doxycycline ("doxy") daily in order to prevent against bacterial sexually-transmitted infections (like chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis). Are you USING doxycycline to prevent sexually-transmitted infections?Yes, I take doxycycline after having sex (sometimes called DoxyPEP) to prevent STIs. (1)
Yes, I take doxycycline daily (sometimes called DoxyPrEP) to prevent STIs. (2)
No, I am not taking doxycycline for this purpose (0)
2023AQHave you donated blood in the PAST 12 MONTHS?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “binding”? (Binding refers to flattening your chest using materials such as bandages, cloth strips, layering of shirts, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQBINDINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by binding. (Check all that apply.) Pain (for example, abdominal, back, chest, breast, shoulder) (1)
Headache (2)
Breast tenderness (3)
Bad Posture (4)
Rib or spine changes (5)
Bone or joint issues (for example, popping joints, rib fractures) (6)
Fatigue and Weakness (7)
Feeling lightheaded or dizzy (8)
Numbness (9)
Chest/Breast changes (for example, muscle wasting, scarring, swelling) (10)
Digestive issues or heartburn (11)
Respiratory Issues (for example, cough, shortness of breath, respiratory infections, collapsed lung/pneumothorax) (12)
Skin Changes (for example, itch, rash, acne, infections) (13)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (14)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from binding (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “packing”? (Packing refers to placing an object in one's underwear to resemble the appearance of a penis/phallus.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQPACKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by packing. (Check all that apply.) Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from packing (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stuffing”? (Stuffing refers to changing the appearance of your chest/breasts using materials such as push-up bras, gel pads, cloth strips, cotton gauze, tape, etc.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “tucking”? (Tucking refers to concealing one's genitals by placing them between and behind one's legs, and/or by pushing them inside your groin/abdomen.) Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQTUCKINGPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by tucking. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Itching (4)
Urinary tract or bladder infection(s) (5)
Problems ejaculating (6)
Problems urinating (7)
Pain in penis (8)
Pain in testicles (9)
Numbness in the penis or testicles (10)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (11)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from tucking (0)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you injected a substance (fillers) to fill out your face or make your figure more curvy (for example, silicone)? Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSILICONEPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by the injections. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, scars, swelling etc.) (3)
Whole body infections (for example, blood bacterial infection, HIV, Hepatitis C) (4)
Breathing problems (5)
Pain in the areas of injection (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (7)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from silicone/other substance injections (0)
2023AQSILICONEWhere did you get your injections? (Check all that apply.)Injections from a licensed medical provider (1)
Injections during a group session (for example, pumping party) (2)
Individual injections from someone who is not a medical provider (3)
Another place (please describe) (4)
Another place (please describe) (TEXT)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you used “stand-to-pee” or STP device to stand up to pee?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQSTPPlease indicate below which of the following health problems you have had in the PAST 12 MONTHS, and you believe that they were caused by using a “stand-to-pee” (STP) device. (Check all that apply.)Skin rashes (1)
Skin infections (2)
Other skin changes (for example, thickening, color changes, pubic hair changes, scars, etc.) (3)
Urinary tract or bladder infections (4)
Pain/numbness in the groin area (5)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (6)
Another health problem not listed here (please describe) (TEXT)
None or no health problems from using an STP device (0)
2023AQDo you currently use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage any physical or mental health conditions?Yes, it is legal in my state and/or I have a health care providers recommendation to do so (2)
Yes, but it is not legal in my state and/or I do not have a health care providers recommendation to do so (1)
No (0)
2023AQMEDMJWhat problems or conditions do you use medical cannabis/marijuana to manage? (One problem or condition per line.)Text Entry (-)
2023AQMEDMJHow effective has medical cannabis/marijuana been in managing this/these problem(s) or condition(s)?Not at all effective (0)
Somewhat effective (1)
Moderately effective (2)
Very effective (3)
Almost completely effective (4)
2023AQMEDMJWhat forms of medical cannabis/marijuana have you used in the past month? (Check all that apply.)Smoking cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form (1)
Vaporizing cannabis/marijuana in flower/plant form or as an extract (2)
Dabbing cannabis/marijuana concentrates (e.g., wax, shatter) (3)
Eating cannabis/marijuana in capsules or food products (4)
Applying cannabis-containing balms, tinctures, or other products (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQYou have completed the Physical Health Block! This is one of 4 blocks! WOOHOO - another one done! Each block you complete helps us understand LGBTQIA people's unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQIA people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQIA people.No Answers
2023AQAs far as you know, without searching the internet or asking anyone, does the state where you currently live have a state-level law or policy that prohibits discrimination against a person because of their sexual orientation in any of the following areas? (Check all that apply.)Adoption/fostering (1)
Education (4)
Employment (5)
Health care (6)
Housing (7)
Public accommodations/public places (8)
I dont know (9)
None of these (10)
2023AQAs far as you know, without searching the internet or asking anyone, does the state where you currently live have a state-level law or policy that prohibits discrimination against a person because of their gender identity in any of the following areas? (Check all that apply.)Adoption/fostering (1)
Education (4)
Employment (5)
Health care (6)
Housing (7)
Public accommodations/public places (8)
I dont know (9)
None of these (10)
2023AQWithout searching the internet or asking anyone, please tell us about the specific types of laws or policies in your state that impact LGBTQIA people, and please tell us how these have impacted your life.Text Entry (-)
2023AQAt any time in the PAST 12 MONTHS, have you served at any time in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
2023AQMIL_YRIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you join or leave the military?Yes, I joined the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (1)
Yes, I left the military in the PAST 12 MONTHS. (2)
No, I left the military before the PAST 12 MONTHS. (3)
No, I am currently still serving in the military. (0)
2023AQWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
Space Force (13)
2023AQMIL_NOWWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
2023AQMIL_NOWWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQMIL_NOWWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2023 (2)
January 2024 (3)
January I dont know/remember (4)
February (5)
February 2023 (6)
February 2024 (7)
February I dont know/remember (8)
March (9)
March 2023 (10)
March 2024 (11)
March I dont know/remember (12)
April (13)
April 2023 (14)
April 2024 (15)
April I dont know/remember (16)
May (17)
May 2022 (18)
May 2023 (19)
May 2024 (20)
May I dont know/remember (21)
June (22)
June 2022 (23)
June 2023 (24)
June 2024 (25)
June I dont know/remember (26)
July (27)
July 2022 (28)
July 2023 (29)
July 2024 (30)
July I dont know/remember (31)
August (32)
August 2022 (33)
August 2023 (34)
August 2024 (35)
August I dont know/remember (36)
September (37)
September 2022 (38)
September 2023 (39)
September 2024 (40)
September I dont know/remember (41)
October (42)
October 2022 (43)
October 2023 (44)
October I dont know/remember (45)
November (46)
November 2022 (47)
November 2023 (48)
November I dont know/remember (49)
December (50)
December 2022 (51)
December 2023 (52)
December I dont know/remember (53)
I dont know/remember (54)
I dont know/remember 2022 (55)
I dont know/remember 2023 (56)
I dont know/remember 2024 (57)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (58)
2023AQIn the PAST 12 MONTHS, did you receive any type of health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?Yes (1)
No (0)
2023AQWe at The PRIDE Study are interested in what makes people thrive. Therefore, can you tell us a bit about what brings you joy?Text Entry (-)
2023AQIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
2023AQYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the 2023 Annual Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQIA people! If you have questions or concerns about this survey, please send an email to or call The PRIDE Study hotline at (855) 421-9991 In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQIA people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQIA center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQIA -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality: - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (a 24/7 Lifeline and an online chat function at or the LGBT National Hotline at 1-888-843-4564 ( to talk with someone. - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-656-4673 Thank you again for completing the 2023 Annual Questionnaire. We deeply appreciate for your time, your interest in The PRIDE Study, and your investment in research that will help our communities understand how the experience of being LGBTQIA is related to all aspects of health and life. TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO THE NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to Dashboard" No Answers
LHESWhat is your current gender identity? (Check all that apply.)Agender (1)
Cisgender man (2)
Cisgender woman (3)
Genderqueer (4)
Man (5)
Non-binary (6)
Questioning (7)
Transgender man (8)
Transgender woman (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Woman (11)
Another gender identity (please specify) (12)
Another gender identity (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESWhat was the sex assigned to you at birth, for example on your original birth certificate?Female (2)
Male (1)
LHESWhat is your current sexual orientation? (Check all that apply.)Asexual (1)
Bisexual (2)
Gay (3)
Lesbian (4)
Pansexual (5)
Queer (6)
Questioning (7)
Same-gender loving (8)
Straight/Heterosexual (9)
Two-spirit (10)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (11)
Another sexual orientation (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESDo you identify as intersex?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhat does being intersex mean to you?Text Entry (-)
LHESI would like to complete a survey designed for:Gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning ones gender identity, transgender, etc.) (0)
Sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning ones sexual orientation, etc.) (1)
People who identify as both a sexual AND gender minority (2)
LHESWhich categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian or Alaska Native (For example: Aztec, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Navajo Nation, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) (1)
Asian (For example: Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc.) (2)
Black, African American or African (For example: African American, Ethiopian, Haitian, Jamaican, Nigerian, Somali, etc.) (3)
Hispanic, Latino or Spanish (For example: Colombian, Cuban, Dominican, Mexican or Mexican American, Puerto Rican, Salvadoran, etc.) (4)
Middle Eastern or North African (For example: Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, Lebanese, Moroccan, Syrian, etc.) (5)
Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (For example: Chamorro, Fijian, Marshallese, Native Hawaiian, Tongan, etc.) (6)
White (For example: English, European, French, German, Irish, Italian, Polish, etc.) (7)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (8)
None of these fully describe me. (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)American Indian (1)
Alaska Native (2)
Central or South American Indian (3)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (4)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESPlease provide the name of the tribe(s) in which you are enrolled or affiliated or your tribal descent. (For example, Navajo Nation, Blackfeet Tribe, Mayan, Aztec, Native Village of Barrow Inupiat Traditional Government, Nome Eskimo Community, etc.) Please list tribes separated by commas.For example, one answer may be: "Navajo Nation, Pomo" Text Entry (-)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Asian Indian (1)
Cambodian (2)
Chinese (3)
Filipino (4)
Hmong (5)
Japanese (6)
Korean (7)
Pakistani (8)
Vietnamese (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)African American (1)
Barbadian (2)
Caribbean (3)
Ethiopian (4)
Ghanaian (5)
Haitian (6)
Jamaican (7)
Liberian (8)
Nigerian (9)
Somali (10)
South African (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (12)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Colombian (1)
Cuban (2)
Dominican (3)
Ecuadorian (4)
Honduran (5)
Mexican or Mexican American (6)
Puerto Rican (7)
Salvadoran (8)
Spanish (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply.)Afghan (1)
Algerian (2)
Egyptian (3)
Iranian (4)
Iraqi (5)
Israeli (6)
Lebanese (7)
Moroccan (8)
Syrian (9)
Tunisian (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (11)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)Chamorro (1)
Chuukese (2)
Fijian (3)
Marshallese (4)
Native Hawaiian (5)
Palauan (6)
Samoan (7)
Tahitian (8)
Tongan (9)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (10)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESWhich additional categories describe you? (Check all that apply?)English (1)
European (2)
French (3)
German (4)
Irish (5)
Italian (6)
Polish (7)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (8)
None of these fully describe me (please tell us about additional categories that describe you) (TEXT)
LHESWith which ethnic and/or cultural group(s) DO YOU IDENTIFY? (Please list all the ethnic and/or cultural groups with which you identify. Please list only one ethnic or cultural group per box.)Text Entry (-)
LHESI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of BELONGING to my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESI have a strong sense of IDENTIFICATION with my ethnic/cultural group: ${q://QID1403/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}Strongly disagree (1)
Disagree (2)
Neutral (3)
Agree (4)
Strongly agree (5)
LHESIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current gender identity? ("Cisgender" here means identifying with the sex assigned to you at birth. For example, a cisgender woman identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth.)Cisgender man (1)
Cisgender woman (2)
Non-binary (3)
Transgender man (4)
Transgender woman (5)
Another gender identity (6)
LHESIf you had to choose only one of the following terms, which best describes your current sexual orientation?Asexual/Demisexual/Gray-Ace (1)
Bisexual/Pansexual (2)
Gay/Lesbian (3)
Queer (4)
Straight/Heterosexual (5)
Another sexual orientation (6)
LHESWe would like to know more about your romantic feelings toward other people. Please select all of the people you have EVER had romantic feelings for: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Cisgender women (identify as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am romantically attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not romantically attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWe would like to know more about your sexual attractions to other people. Please select all of the people you have EVER been attracted to: (Check all that apply.)Cisgender men (identify as men and were assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Transgender men (identify as men and were assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Cisgender women (identifies as women and were assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender women (identify as women and were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (7)
I am sexually attracted to people of another gender(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
I am not sexually attracted to people of any gender (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Depression (1)
Bipolar Disorder (2)
Any anxiety disorder (3)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (4)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (5)
None of the above (6)
LHESHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Agoraphobia or Panic Disorder (1)
Social Phobia or Social Anxiety Disorder (2)
Schizophrenia or a psychotic disorder or that you had a psychotic episode or psychotic break (3)
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (4)
Chronic Tic Disorder or Tourette Syndrome (5)
None of the above (6)
LHESHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Trichotillomania (hair pulling disorder) (1)
Chronic skin picking or Excoriation Disorder (2)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD) (3)
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) (4)
Any personality disorder (such as Borderline Personality Disorder or Narcissistic Personality Disorder) (5)
None of the above (6)
LHESHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Alcoholism or Alcohol Use Disorder (1)
Drug or Substance Use Disorder (2)
Any eating disorder (such as anorexia or bulimia) (3)
Insomnia or another sleep disorder (4)
Hypochondriasis or Illness Anxiety Disorder (5)
Dissociative Identity Disorder or another dissociative disorder (6)
None of the above (7)
LHESHave you EVER thought that you had depression?I have never had this problem (0)
I have had this problem (1)
LHESHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with anxiety?I have never had this problem (0)
I have had this problem (1)
LHESHave you EVER thought that you had an eating disorder or a problem with eating?I have never had this problem (0)
I have had this problem (1)
LHESHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with alcohol use?I have never had this problem (0)
I have had this problem (1)
LHESHave you EVER thought that you had a problem with drug or substance use (other than alcohol)?I have never had this problem (0)
I have had this problem (1)
LHESWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for stress or mental health problems?I have never taken medication for these reasons (0)
I have taken medication for these reasons (1)
LHESWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for stress or mental health problems?I have never been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons (0)
I have been in psychotherapy/counseling for these reasons (1)
LHESWhich of the following best describes your use of medications for substance use problems?I have never taken medication for this reason (0)
I have taken medication for this reason (1)
LHESWhich of the following best describes your use of psychotherapy/counseling for substance use problems?I have never been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (0)
I have been in psychotherapy/counseling for this reason (1)
LHESHave you EVER tried cigarette smoking, even one or two puffs?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your ENTIRE LIFE?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER used any tobacco or nicotine products other than cigarettes? (Check all that apply.)Blunt (with another substance) (1)
Blunt (without any other substance) (2)
Bidi (3)
Chewing tobacco (chew) (4)
Other cigars with tobacco inside (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (5)
Other cigars with another substance (e.g., cigarillos, little cigars, bidis) (6)
Dip (7)
E-cigarette or vape device with nicotine (8)
E-cigarette or vape device without nicotine (9)
Nicotine replacement products (e.g., patch, gum, lozenge) (10)
Snuff (11)
Snus (12)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (13)
Other tobacco or nicotine containing product (please specify) (TEXT)
I have never used any tobacco product other than cigarettes (14)
I have never used any tobacco- or nicotine-containing products (0)
LHESOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Little interest or pleasure in doing thingsNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
LHESOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling down, depressed, or hopelessNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
LHESIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Repeated, disturbing memories, thoughts, or images of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
LHESIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling very upset when something reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
LHESIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Avoided activities or situations because they reminded you of a stressful experience from the past?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
LHESIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling distant or cut off from other people?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
LHESIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling irritable or having angry outbursts?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
LHESIn the PAST MONTH, how much have you been bothered by the following problem: Having difficulty concentrating?Not at all (1)
A little bit (2)
Moderately (3)
Quite a bit (4)
Extremely (5)
LHESSometimes things happen to people that are unusually or especially frightening, horrible, or traumatic. For example: a serious accident or fire, a physical or sexual assault or abuse, an earthquake or flood, a war, seeing someone be killed or seriously injured, having a loved one die through homicide or suicide.Have you EVER experienced this kind of event?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Feeling nervous, anxious or on edgeNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
LHESOver the LAST 2 WEEKS, how often have you been bothered by the following problem: Not being able to stop or control worryingNot at all (0)
Several days (1)
More than half the days (2)
Nearly every day (3)
LHESHow often did you have a drink containing alcohol in the PAST YEAR?Never (0)
Monthly or less (1)
2-4 times a month (2)
2-3 times a week (3)
4 or more times a week (4)
LHESHow many drinks containing alcohol did you have on a typical day when you were drinking in the past year?1 or 2 (0)
3 or 4 (1)
5 or 6 (2)
7 to 9 (3)
10 or more (4)
LHESHow often do you have six or more drinks on one occasion?Never (0)
Less than monthly (1)
Monthly (2)
Weekly (3)
Daily or almost daily (4)
LHESHave you EVER purposefully physically harmed or injured yourself (for example, cutting or burning yourself)?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESThe next question is about suicide. Like many of the questions in this survey, this question is used in other studies. This may bring up negative emotions for some people.Have you EVER thought about or attempted to kill yourself?Never (0)
It was just a brief passing thought. (1)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself but did not try to do it. (2)
I have had a plan at least once to kill myself and really wanted to die. (3)
I have attempted to kill myself, but did not want to die. (4)
I have attempted to kill myself, and really hoped to die. (5)
LHESWe at The PRIDE Study value you and your health. Suicide has taken too many of us. We sincerely urge you to get help, as we know that things can get better with help. Please consider reaching out for services in your area, and also consider calling 1-800-273-8255 (National Suicide Prevention Lifeline) or 1-888-843-4564 (LGBT National Hotline) to talk with someone. Go to the emergency room or call 911 if you are in crisis and don't know where to get help. The PRIDE Study team cares about you and the health of our community.No Answers
LHESYou have completed the Mental Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us understand LGBTQ people's diverse and vibrant lives as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive! Your answers are bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people. Thank you!No Answers
LHESHave you EVER identified as a person with a disability?Yes (1)
No (2)
LHESWhat condition(s) or problem(s) were related to your disability identity? (Check all that apply.)Arthritis/rheumatism (1)
Autism (38)
Back or neck problem (2)
Benign tumors, cysts (3)
Birth defect (4)
Cancer (5)
Circulation problems (including blood clots) (6)
Depression/anxiety/emotional problem (7)
Diabetes (8)
Epilepsy, seizures (9)
Fibromyalgia, lupus (10)
Fracture, bone/joint injury (11)
Hearing problem (12)
Heart problem (13)
Hernia (14)
Hypertension/high blood pressure (15)
Intellectual/developmental disability (16)
Kidney, bladder or renal problems (17)
Knee problems (not arthritis, not joint injury) (18)
Lung/breathing problem(for example, asthma and emphysema) (19)
Memory (20)
Migraine headaches (not just headaches) (21)
Missing limbs (fingers, toes or digits), amputee (22)
Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Muscular Dystrophy (MD) (23)
Osteoporosis, tendinitis (24)
Other developmental problem (for example cerebral palsy) (25)
Other injury (26)
Other nerve damage, including carpal tunnel syndrome (27)
Parkinsons disease, other tremors (28)
Polio(myelitis), paralysis, para/quadriplegia (29)
Stroke problem (30)
Thyroid problems, Graves disease, gout (31)
Ulcer (32)
Varicose veins, hemorrhoids (33)
Vision/problem seeing (34)
Weight problem (35)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (36)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (37)
Other impairment/problem (please specify one) (TEXT)
LHESAre you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you have difficulty dressing or bathing?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESBecause of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER been held in jail, prison, or juvenile detention?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER spent any nights sleeping in a shelter or public space including buildings, cars, stairwells, streets, parks, or other outside areas? Please do not include recreational camping.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER spent any nights living temporarily doubled up with others, where you were in a transitional or transitory setting, or you had no fixed address? Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you a parent?Yes (1)
No (2)
LHESTo how many people are you/have you been a parent?This includes people who are now adults, are deceased, or are not biologically related to you.Text Entry (-)
LHESWe are going to ask you a question about the different people that you parent/have parented. To help you remember which person we are asking a question about, please type in the person's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the following questions.Text Entry (-)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/5}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/6}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/7}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/8}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/9}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/10}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/11}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/13}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease indicate how you became a parent to ${q://QID1752/ChoiceTextEntryValue/14}. (Check all that apply.)I engaged in sexual activity with another parent of this child (1)
I carried this child through a pregnancy and WAS also the egg source for this child (this is what happens in pregnancy if you did not undergo in-vitro fertilization or if you underwent in-vitro fertilization with your own egg) (2)
I carried this child through a pregnancy but was NOT the egg source for this child (this can happen with in-vitro fertilization) (3)
I provided the egg for this child that another person carried through pregnancy (4)
I provided the sperm for this child (5)
I adopted this child (6)
I used donor (anonymous) sperm for this child (7)
I used donor (known) sperm for this child (8)
I underwent a second parent adoption of my partners biological child (9)
I worked with a surrogate to carry this child (10)
I worked with an egg donor to provide the egg source for this child (11)
I am a step parent to this child (12)
I foster parented this child (13)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (14)
I became a parent through another method (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHas a mental health professional or health care provider EVER told you that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESAt what age were you first told by a mental health professional or health care provider that you have Autism Spectrum Disorder or Asperger's Syndrome? If you are not sure, please provide your best guess.Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER experienced harassment or name calling from strangers in public?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this harassment or name calling from strangers in public due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER been physically attacked or deliberately injured?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for these physical attacks or injuries due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER experienced physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this physical violence from a romantic or sexual partner due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER been treated unfairly at work or when applying/interviewing for a job?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in employment due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER been treated unfairly while trying to rent an apartment or buy a home, or been unfairly evicted from your residence?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in housing/eviction due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER received poorer service than other people in restaurants, stores, other businesses or agencies?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for the poorer service due to your… (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER been treated unfairly while you were a student at school or in another educational setting?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment in educational settings due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER been denied or given lower quality medical care?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a medical setting due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER been denied or given lower quality mental health care?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this discrimination in a mental health setting due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER experienced unfair treatment or harassment from the police or another law enforcement officer?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this unfair treatment or harassment from a law enforcement officer due to … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHave you EVER experienced unwanted sexual contact?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you think you were targeted for this unwanted sexual contact due to your … (Check all that apply.)Ability/disability status (1)
Age (2)
Body size, weight, or shape (3)
Gender expression (4)
Gender identity (5)
Race and/or ethnicity (6)
Sexual orientation (7)
Something else (please specify) (8)
Something else (please specify) (TEXT)
None of the above (0)
LHESHow old were you when this unwanted sexual contact occurred? (Check all that apply.)Child (0-12 years) (1)
Adolescent (12-17 years) (2)
Adult (18 years) (3)
LHESWe realize that recalling past experiences with sexual violence can be difficult. If you'd like to talk with someone about these experiences, please consider reaching out to the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800-656-4673), operated by Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN; Answers
LHESOverall, how accepting of gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
LHESOverall, how accepting of sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely accepting (4)
Accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Unaccepting (1)
Extremely unaccepting (0)
LHESOverall, how safe for gender minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
LHESOverall, how safe for sexual minority people was the community in which you were raised?Extremely safe (4)
Safe (3)
Neutral (2)
Unsafe (1)
Extremely unsafe (0)
LHESHave you EVER been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with the sex assigned to you at birth? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHow old were you when you FIRST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth?Text Entry (-)
LHESHow old were you when you LAST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your gender or gender identity to be consistent with your sex assigned at birth?Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER been in therapy or been part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (This is sometimes called "conversion therapy.")Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWho provided the therapy, program, or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight? (Check all that apply.)A licensed mental health provider (1)
A religious group or leader (2)
Someone or something else (please specify) (3)
Someone or something else (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHow old were you when you FIRST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight?Text Entry (-)
LHESHow old were you when you LAST were in therapy or part of a program or group intended to change your sexual orientation to heterosexual/straight?Text Entry (-)
LHESThe following questions are about types of unwanted sexual experiences that you may have had. Your responses to these questions help us better understand the unwanted sexual experiences of LGBTQ people. We understand that responding to these questions may bring up memories of very difficult experiences. Please indicate if you would like to complete these questions, or if you would like to skip these questions and move on to the next topic.Yes, I would like to complete these questions (1)
No, I would like to skip these questions (0)
LHESHow many times has this happened to you SINCE AGE 14?Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHow many times did this happen to you BEFORE AGE 14? Someone fondled, kissed, or rubbed up against the private areas of my body (lips, breast/chest, crotch, or butt) or removed some of my clothes without my consent (but DID NOT attempt sexual penetration)0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHow many times has this happened to you SINCE AGE 14?Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHow many times did this happen to you BEFORE AGE 14?Someone had oral sex with me or made me have oral sex with them without my consent.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESNote: People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy. This is especially true among members of our national LGBTQ communities. Some participants in The PRIDE Study use the term ‘vagina'; some use the term ‘frontal genital opening'; and some prefer other terms. The PRIDE Study includes the terms ‘vagina' and ‘frontal genital opening' to incorporate the terms used by most participants. How many times has this happened to you SINCE AGE 14? Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina/frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHow many times did this happen to you BEFORE AGE 14?Someone put their penis, fingers, or objects into my butt and/or vagina/frontal genital opening without my consent. 0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHow many times has this happened SINCE AGE 14?Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina/frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHow many times did this happen to you BEFORE AGE 14?Even though it didn't happen, someone TRIED to make me have oral sex with them, or TRIED to put fingers, objects, or a penis into my butt and/or vagina/frontal genital opening.0 (0)
1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
LHESHave you EVER been sexually assaulted and/or raped?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWere you raised with spiritual or religious involvement?Yes (1)
No (2)
LHESHow accepting of gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) was the religious community in which you were raised?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESHow accepting of sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) was the religious community in which you were raised?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn which religion or spiritual tradition(s) were you raised? (Check all that apply.)Agnostic (1)
Atheist (2)
Bahai (3)
Buddhist (4)
Christian (5)
Confucianist (6)
Druid (7)
Hindu (8)
Jain (9)
Jehovahs Witness (10)
Jewish (11)
Muslim (12)
Native American Traditional Practitioner or Ceremonial (13)
Pagan (14)
Rastafarian (15)
Scientologist (16)
Secular Humanist (17)
Shinto (18)
Sikh (19)
Taoist (20)
Tenrikyo (21)
Unitarian Universalist (25)
Wiccan (22)
Spiritual, but no religious affiliation (23)
No affiliation (0)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (24)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESIn which Christian affiliation(s) were you raised? (Check all that apply.)African Methodist Episcopal (1)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion (2)
Assembly of God (3)
Baptist (4)
Catholic/Roman Catholic (5)
Church of Christ (6)
Church of God in Christ (7)
Christian Orthodox (8)
Christian Methodist Episcopal (9)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC) (10)
Episcopalian (11)
Evangelical (12)
Greek Orthodox (13)
Lutheran (14)
Mennonite (15)
Moravian (16)
Nondenominational Christian (17)
Pentecostal (18)
Presbyterian (19)
Protestant (20)
Protestant Reformed Church (21)
Quaker (22)
Reformed Church of America (RCA) (23)
Russian Orthodox (24)
Seventh Day Adventist (25)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (26)
United Methodist (27)
Unitarian Universalist (28)
United Church of Christ (29)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (30)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESIn which Jewish affiliation(s) were you raised? (Check all that apply.)Conservative (1)
Hasidic (2)
Humanist (3)
Orthodox (4)
Reconstructionist (5)
Reform (6)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (7)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESIn which Muslim affiliation(s) were you raised? (Check all that apply.)Muslim (not specifically Sunni or Shia) (1)
Sunni (for example, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, or Hanbali) (2)
Shia (for example, Ithna Ashari/Twelver or Ismaili/Sevener) (3)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (4)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESAre you currently spiritual or religious?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHow accepting of gender minority people (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning one's gender identity, transgender, etc.) is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not apply to me, I dont have a spiritual or religious community (5)
LHESHow accepting of sexual minority people (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) is your current spiritual or religious community?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
Does not apply to me, I dont have a spiritual or religious community (5)
LHESWhat is your current religious or spiritual identity? (Check all that apply.)Agnostic (1)
Atheist (2)
Bahai (3)
Buddhist (4)
Christian (5)
Confucianist (6)
Druid (7)
Hindu (8)
Jain (9)
Jehovahs Witness (10)
Jewish (11)
Muslim (12)
Native American Traditional Practitioner or Ceremonial (13)
Pagan (14)
Rastafarian (15)
Scientologist (16)
Secular Humanist (17)
Shinto (18)
Sikh (19)
Taoist (20)
Tenrikyo (21)
Unitarian Universalist (22)
Wiccan (23)
Spiritual, but no religious affiliation (24)
No affiliation (0)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (25)
A religious affiliation or spiritual identity not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease select your Christian affiliation(s). (Check all that apply.)African Methodist Episcopal (1)
African Methodist Episcopal Zion (2)
Assembly of God (3)
Baptist (4)
Catholic/Roman Catholic (5)
Church of Christ (6)
Church of God in Christ (7)
Christian Orthodox (8)
Christian Methodist Episcopal (9)
Christian Reformed Church (CRC) (10)
Episcopalian (11)
Evangelical (12)
Greek Orthodox (13)
Lutheran (14)
Mennonite (15)
Moravian (16)
Nondenominational Christian (17)
Pentecostal (18)
Presbyterian (19)
Protestant (20)
Protestant Reformed Church (21)
Quaker (22)
Reformed Church of America (RCA) (23)
Russian Orthodox (24)
Seventh Day Adventist (25)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (26)
United Methodist (27)
Unitarian Universalist (28)
United Church of Christ (29)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (30)
A Christian affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease select your Jewish affiliation(s). (Check all that apply.)Conservative (1)
Hasidic (2)
Humanist (3)
Orthodox (4)
Reconstructionist (5)
Reform (6)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (7)
A Jewish affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease select your Muslim affiliation(s). (Check all that apply.)Muslim (not specifically Sunni or Shia) (1)
Sunni (for example, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi, or Hanbali) (2)
Shia (for example, Ithna Ashari/Twelver or Ismaili/Sevener) (3)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (4)
A Muslim affiliation not listed above (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESAt about what age did you begin to feel that your gender was “different” from your assigned birth sex?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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100 (100)
LHESAt about what age did you start to think you were a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning your gender identity, transgender) even if you did not know the words for it? 1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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LHESAt about what age did you start to tell others that you were a gender minority person (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, questioning your gender identity, transgender) even if you did not use those words?I have not told others. (0)
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LHESAt about what age did you begin to feel that that you had sexual/romantic attractions that were different than or not only heterosexual/straight?1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
9 (9)
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100 (100)
LHESAt about what age did you start to think you were a sexual minority person (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning your sexual orientation, etc.) even if you did not know the words for it? 1 (1)
2 (2)
3 (3)
4 (4)
5 (5)
6 (6)
7 (7)
8 (8)
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LHESAt about what age did you start to tell others that you were a sexual minority person (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, questioning your sexual orientation, etc.) even if you did not use those words?I have not told others. (0)
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LHESWe are going to ask you questions about up to four different people who raised you (for example: parents, family members, or parental figures). To help you remember which person we are asking a question about, please type in the person's first name, initials, or nickname. We will use these names in the questions that follow.Text Entry (-)
LHESHow is ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHow is ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHow is ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHow is ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} related to you? (Check all that apply.)Mother (1)
Father (2)
Parent (3)
Stepmother (4)
Stepfather (5)
Step-parent (6)
Foster mother (7)
Foster father (8)
Foster parent (9)
Aunt (10)
Uncle (11)
Grandmother (12)
Grandfather (13)
Grandparent (14)
Cousin (15)
Sister (16)
Brother (17)
Sibling (18)
Another way (please specify) (19)
Another way (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESAt any time during your childhood (prior to age 18), did any of the following people ever identify as LGBTQ (or another sexual minority or gender minority identity)? (Check all that apply.)q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValueǗ (1)
q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValueǘ (2)
q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValueǙ (3)
q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValueǚ (4)
None of these people identified as LGBTQ (or another sexual minority or gender minority identity) (5)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} know about your gender identity? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} know about your gender identity?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out. (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person is no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} know about your gender identity? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} know about your gender identity?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out. (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person in no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} know about your gender identity? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} know about your gender identity?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out. (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person in no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} know about your gender identity? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} know about your gender identity?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} INITIALLY LEARNED about your gender identity, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your gender identity?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your gender identity?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out. (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person in no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} know about your sexual orientation? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} know about your sexual orientation?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/1}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person in no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} know about your sexual orientation? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} know about your sexual orientation?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/2}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person is no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} know about your sexual orientation? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} know about your sexual orientation?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/3}?Yes (1)
No (2)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (3)
Person in no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (4)
LHESDoes ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} know about your sexual orientation? If no longer alive, did ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} know about your sexual orientation?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhen ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} INITIALLY LEARNED about your sexual orientation, how accepting were they?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESIn your most RECENT INTERACTIONS with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} (even if no longer alive), how accepting were they of your sexual orientation?Very accepting (4)
Somewhat accepting (3)
Neutral (2)
Somewhat rejecting (1)
Very rejecting (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} change after they learned about your sexual orientation?It got a lot better. (5)
It got somewhat better. (4)
It did not change. (3)
It got somewhat worse. (2)
It got a lot worse. (1)
We stopped communicating after I came out (0)
LHESDid your communication with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4} eventually get better?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESAre you still in touch with ${q://QID2077/ChoiceTextEntryValue/4}?Yes (1)
No (0)
Person is not alive but we were in touch before their death (2)
Person in no longer alive and we were not in touch before their death (3)
LHESThink back to when you were growing up. Did you have role models, in the following groups, who were gender minority (for example: genderqueer, non-binary, transgender, etc.) people? (Check all that apply.)I had no gender minority role models (0)
Family members (1)
Members of my community (2)
Peers (3)
People in an online community (4)
People in the media (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESThink back to when you were growing up. Did you have role models, in the following groups, who were sexual minority (for example: asexual, bisexual, gay, lesbian, queer, etc.) people? (Check all that apply.)I had no sexual minority role models (0)
Family members (1)
Members of my community (2)
Peers (3)
People in an online community (4)
People in the media (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESI often notice small sounds when others do not.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESWhen I'm reading a story I find it difficult to work out the characters' intentions.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI find it easy to 'read between the lines' when someone is talking to me.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI usually concentrate more on the whole picture, rather than the small details.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI find it easy to do more than one thing at once.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI find it easy to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESIf there is an interruption, I can switch back to what I was doing very quickly.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI like to collect information about categories of things (e.g., types of cars, types of birds, types of trains, types of plants, etc.)Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESI find it difficult to work out people's intentions.Strongly agree (1)
Slightly agree (2)
Slightly disagree (3)
Strongly disagree (4)
LHESYou have completed the Social Health section! This is one of 4 sections! Phew! We know this survey is long and we thank you for the time and energy you have put into helping us advance our collective understanding of LGBTQ health. Your answers are bringing us one step closer to LGBTQ health equity!No Answers
LHESHas a doctor or health care provider EVER told you that you have the following conditions? (Check all that apply.)Although this list of conditions may seem to repeat what you may have filled out as part of "My Health," we want to make sure everything is as up-to-date as possible.Acid reflux (heartburn) (1)
Anemia (2)
Angina pectoris (angina) (3)
Anxiety (4)
Asthma (5)
Atrial fibrillation (Afib) (6)
Benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH, enlarged prostate) (7)
Bipolar disorder (8)
Cancer (9)
Cataracts (10)
Chronic kidney disease (11)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (12)
None of these (0)
LHESWith what type(s) of cancer have you been diagnosed? (Check all that apply.)Anal (1)
Breast (2)
Colon (3)
Kidney (4)
Lung (5)
Leukemia/Lymphoma (6)
Ovary (7)
Pancreas (8)
Prostate (9)
Skin (melanoma) (10)
Skin (non-melanoma) (11)
Uterus (13)
Other (please specify) (12)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with anal cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with breast cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with colon cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with kidney cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with leukemia/lymphoma?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with lung cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with melanoma?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with non-melanoma skin cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with ovarian cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with pancreatic cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with prostate cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with cancer of the uterus?Text Entry (-)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with ${q://QID2030/ChoiceTextEntryValue/12} cancer?Text Entry (-)
LHESHow about any of these? Has a doctor or other health care provider EVER told you that you have the following conditions? (Check all that apply.)Coagulation (bleeding or clotting) problem (1)
Congestive heart failure (CHF) (2)
Coronary artery disease (3)
Depression (4)
Diabetes mellitus (diabetes, sugar diabetes) (5)
Diabetes (borderline) (6)
Erectile dysfunction (7)
Glaucoma (8)
Heart attack (9)
Heart murmur (10)
High cholesterol (11)
HIV (12)
None of these (0)
LHESIn what year were you diagnosed with HIV?Text Entry (-)
LHESHere's the last set! Has a doctor or other health care provider EVER told you that you have the following conditions? (Check all that apply.)Hypertension (high blood pressure) (1)
Inflammatory bowel disease (Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis) (2)
Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) (3)
Kidney stone (nephrolithiasis) (4)
Liver disease (5)
Lupus (systemic lupus erythematous, SLE) (6)
Menopause (7)
Migraine headache (8)
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) (9)
Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) (10)
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) (11)
Psoriasis (12)
Pulmonary embolism (PE) (13)
Seizure disorder (epilepsy) (14)
Stroke (cerebrovascular accident, CVA) (15)
Thyroid problem (hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) (16)
Ulcer (stomach/peptic, duodenal) (17)
Uterine fibroids (18)
None of these (0)
LHESPlease list up to five additional medical conditions that a doctor or other health care provider told you that you have (One condition per line). If no additional conditions, please click next.Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER had the following surgeries or procedures? (Check all that apply.) (Gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries and procedures are asked about later.)Although this list of procedures may seem to repeat what you may have entered in "My Health," getting the most up-to-date information will make sure that we can customize the survey for you.Coronary stent placement (1)
Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG, bypass surgery) (2)
Heart valve replacement (3)
Pacemaker implantation (4)
Implantable cardiac defibrillator (ICD) implantation (5)
Bone marrow transplant (6)
Organ transplant (7)
Gallbladder removal (cholecystectomy) (8)
Appendix removal (appendectomy) (9)
C section (cesarean section) (10)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (11)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (12)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (13)
Hip replacement (one or both) (14)
Knee replacement (one or both) (15)
None of these (16)
LHESWhich organ(s) have you received through a transplant? (Check all that apply.)Heart (1)
Lung (2)
Liver (3)
Pancreas (4)
Kidney (5)
Small intestine (6)
Other (please specify) (7)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHave you EVER had any of the following procedures for any reason (including gender affirmation)? (Check all that apply.)Electrolysis (long-term hair removal) (1)
Fat grafting (e.g., face, hips, buttocks, breasts/chest) (2)
None of these (3)
LHESPlease list up to five additional general surgeries/procedures that you had (not including gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures, which we ask about later). Please write in one surgery/procedure per line. If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next. Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER used hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWhich hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) have you EVER taken? (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (17)
Another hormone/medication not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
I have (also) taken some other hormone(s)/medication(s), but I am not sure what it is called. (18)
None of the above (19)
LHESOf the hormones or medications for the purposes of gender affirmation (also called gender transition) that you ever took, please indicate the hormones or medications that you are CURRENTLY taking. (Check all that apply.)Cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) (1)
Dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) (2)
Depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) (3)
Depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: Depo or medroxyprogesterone acetate) (4)
Estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) (5)
Estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) (6)
Estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) (7)
Finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) (8)
Histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) (9)
Progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) (10)
Micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) (11)
Spironolactone (sometimes called: Spiro or Aldactone) (12)
Testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) (13)
Testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) (14)
Testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) (15)
Testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) (16)
q://QID2025/ChoiceTextEntryValueቭ (17)
I am not currently taking any hormones for gender affirmation (18)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called: CPA or Cyprostat) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking cyproterone acetate (sometimes called CPA or Cyprostat), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking dutasteride (sometimes called: Avodart), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo leuprolide or leuprolide acetate (sometimes called: Lupron), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking depo (injection) provera (sometimes called: "Depo" or medroxyprogesterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking depo (Injection) provera (sometimes called: “Depo” or medroxyprogesterone acetate), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estrogen (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch, pill), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol valerate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking estradiol cypionate (a specific type of estrogen), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking finasteride (sometimes called: Proscar or Propecia), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking histarelin acetate (sometimes called: Vantas or Supprelin), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking progesterone (sometimes called: progestagen or progestins), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking micronized progesterone (sometimes called: Prometrium or Provera), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking spironolactone (sometimes called: "Spiro" or Aldactone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking spironolactone (sometimes called: “Spiro” or Aldactone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone (any type in any formulation such as: gel, injection, patch), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone cypionate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone enanthate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone) for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking testosterone undecanoate (a specific type of testosterone), please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESPlease tell us when you STARTED taking ${q://QID2025/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us when you STOPPED taking ${q://QID2025/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17} for gender affirmation or gender transition. (If you do not know the precise month and year, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESBecause you indicated that you are no longer taking ${q://QID2025/ChoiceTextEntryValue/17}, please tell us why you are no longer taking it. (Check all that apply.) I no longer needed the hormones/medications. (1)
I had achieved the desired effect I wanted from the hormones/medications. (2)
I didnt like the effects of the hormones/medications. (3)
I had health or medical complications as a result of the hormones/medications. (4)
I was unable to access them (e.g., unable to get a prescription). (5)
I was unable to afford them. (6)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (7)
Another reason(s) (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESHave you had any gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures?Although this question and the ones that follow about procedures may seem to repeat what you may have entered in "My Health," getting the most up-to-date information will make sure that we can customize the survey for you.Yes (1)
No (2)
LHESHave you EVER had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your head or neck? (Check all that apply.)Brow lift (1)
Chin augmentation (genioplasty) (2)
Forehead reconstruction/contouring (3)
Jaw bone revision (mandible contouring) (4)
Lip lift (5)
Nose reconstruction (rhinoplasty) (6)
Scalp advancement (7)
Tracheal shave (reduction thyrochondroplasty) (8)
Vocal cord/voice surgery (9)
None of these (10)
LHESHave you EVER had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your chest? (Check all that apply.)Breast augmentation (1)
Breast/chest reduction (reduction mammoplasty) (2)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (scars under the chest, double incision) (3)
Top surgery/chest reconstruction/mastectomy (keyhole, through the areola, periareolar) (4)
None of these (5)
LHESHave you EVER had any of the following gender-affirming or transition-related surgeries or procedures that involve your abdomen or pelvis? (Check all that apply.)Creation of a new vagina using colon graft (vaginoplasty, colon graft) (1)
Creation of a new vagina using penile tissue (vaginoplasty, penile inversion) (2)
Creation of new labia without creation of new vagina (labiaplasty) (3)
Creation of new scrotum (scrotoplasty) (4)
Fallopian tube removal (salpingectomy) (5)
Meta/meto or clitoral release (metoidioplasty) (6)
Ovary removal (oophorectomy) (7)
Penile implant insertion (8)
Phallo/creation of a new penis (phalloplasty) (9)
Removal of penis (penectomy) (10)
Removal of testes (orchiectomy) (11)
Removal of vaginal tissue (vaginectomy) (12)
Testicular implant insertion (13)
Uterus removal with cervix retained (supracervical hysterectomy) (14)
Uterus removal with cervix removed (total hysterectomy) (15)
None of these (0)
LHESPlease list up to five additional gender-affirming surgeries/procedures that you have EVER had. (One surgery/procedure per line.) If no additional surgeries/procedures, please click next.Text Entry (-)
LHESTo understand your health and customize this survey for you, we need to know what organs you were born with. People have a wide range of language or terms for their physical anatomy (not all of which are listed here). Which of the following organs were you born with? (Check all that apply.)Cervix (you likely have/had this if you were assigned female sex at birth) (1)
Ovaries (2)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (3)
Prostate (you likely have/had this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Testicles (5)
Uterus/Womb (6)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (7)
LHESHave you EVER had breasts or breast tissue?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWhich of the following organs do you have now? (Check all that apply.)Breasts or breast tissue (1)
Cervix (you likely have this if you have a uterus or womb) (2)
Ovaries (3)
Penis/Phallus (not including a prosthetic) (4)
Prostate (you likely have this if you were assigned male sex at birth) (5)
Testicles (6)
Uterus/Womb (7)
Vagina/Frontal genital opening (8)
LHESYou have indicated that you currently have a vagina/frontal genital opening. In order to customize the rest of this questionnaire, please select the term you would like us to use to describe your vagina/frontal genital opening.Please use the term vagina. (1)
Please use the term frontal genital opening. (2)
LHESHave you EVER had a PSA test? A PSA test is a blood test to detect prostate cancer. It is also called a prostate-specific antigen test.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWho first suggested the PSA test?I did (0)
My health care provider did (1)
Someone else (2)
I dont know (88)
LHESDid a doctor or health care provider EVER talk with you about the advantages of the PSA test?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow long has it been since your last PSA test?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a mammogram? A mammogram is when breast/chest tissue is squeezed between two firm surfaces to obtain X-rays/pictures of the breast/chest tissue.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow long has it been since your last mammogram?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a mammogram where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the vagina, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a Pap smear or Pap test? (A Pap smear or Pap test is a routine test in which a health care provider places an instrument inside the frontal genital opening, examines the cervix, and takes a few cells from the cervix with a small stick or brush to look for abnormal or cancer cells.)Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow long has it been since your last Pap smear or Pap test?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
Over 5 years ago (4)
I dont know (88)
LHESWhat is the most important reason you have NEVER had a Pap test?I do not have a reason or I never thought about it (0)
I did not know I needed this type of test (1)
My health care provider told me I did not need it (2)
I have not had any problems (3)
I put it off or I did not get around to it (4)
It was too expensive or I have no insurance (5)
It was too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing (6)
I do not have a cervix or I have had a hysterectomy (7)
I do not have a provider (8)
I had an HPV vaccine (9)
I am under the age of 21 (10)
I dont know (11)
LHESWhat is the most important reason you have NOT had a Pap test in the LAST 5 YEARS?I do not have a reason or I never thought about it (0)
I did not know I needed this type of test (1)
My health care provider told me I did not need it (2)
I was told I could stop screening or I am over the age of 65 (12)
I have not had any problems (3)
I put it off or I did not get around to it (4)
It was too expensive or I have no insurance (5)
It was too painful, unpleasant, or embarrassing (6)
I do not have a cervix or I have had a hysterectomy (7)
I do not have a provider (8)
I had an HPV vaccine (9)
I dont know (10)
LHESHave you EVER had a Pap test where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWas your most recent Pap test NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER heard of HPV? HPV stands for human papillomavirus. Some types of HPV increase risk for cervical or anal cancer while others do not.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESAn HPV test is sometimes added to the Pap test for cervical cancer screening. Have you EVER had an HPV test with along with your cervical Pap test?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a HPV test where the results were positive (meaning you were positive for HPV virus)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESColon or rectal cancer tests include blood stool tests, colonoscopy, and sigmoidoscopy. A blood stool test or occult blood test, also known as the fecal immunochemical (FIT) test, determines whether you have blood in your stool or bowel movement. These tests can be done at home using a kit. You use a stick or brush to obtain a small amount of stool at home and send it back to the doctor or lab. A sigmoidoscopy and colonoscopy are exams in which a tube is inserted in the rectum to view the colon for signs of cancer or other health problems. For a sigmoidoscopy, the doctor or another health care provider checks only part of the colon and you are fully awake. For a colonoscopy, the doctor or another health care provider checks the entire colon, and you are given medication through a needle in your arm to make you sleepy, and told to have someone drive you home. Before a sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy, you are asked to take a medication that causes diarrhea. Have you EVER had any of these tests for colon or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)None of these (0)
Blood stool test (FIT test) (1)
Sigmoidoscopy (2)
Colonoscopy (3)
LHESHow long has it been since your last blood stool test (FIT test)?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a blood stool test (FIT) where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow long has it been since your last sigmoidoscopy?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a sigmoidoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow long has it been since your last colonoscopy?A year ago or less (0)
More than 1 year but not more than 2 years ago (1)
More than 2 years but not more than 3 years ago (2)
More than 3 years but not more than 5 years ago (3)
More than 5 years ago but not more than 10 years (4)
Over 10 years ago (5)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a colonoscopy where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (2)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had any of the following tests as an evaluation for anal or rectal cancer? (Check all that apply.)Digital anal rectal exam (an examination where a doctor or health care provider inserts their finger into your anus (butt) (1)
Anal HPV test (a routine test with a swab that tests for human papillomavirus, HPV) (2)
Anal Pap smear (a routine test in which a health care provider takes a few cells from the anus (butt) using a swab to look for abnormal or cancer cells) (3)
High-Resolution Anoscopy (HRA) (an exam with a microscope of the rectum and anus/butt) (4)
I dont know (5)
None of these (6)
LHESHave you EVER had a digital anal/rectal examination test where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had an anal HPV test where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had an anal Pap test where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a high-resolution anoscopy (HRA) test where the results were NOT normal?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had genetic testing to see if you have, or are more likely to develop a certain health condition, such as specific cancers or heart problems?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESAbout how long has it been since you last visited a dentist? Include all types of dentists, such as orthodontists, oral surgeons, and all other dental specialists, as well as dental hygienists.6 months or less (0)
More than 6 months, but not more than 1 year ago (1)
More than 1 year, but not more than 2 years ago (2)
More than 2 years, but not more than 3 years ago (3)
More than 3 years, but not more than 5 years ago (4)
More than 5 years ago (5)
Never have been to dentist (6)
LHESHave you EVER received an HPV shot or vaccine? HPV stands for human papillomavirus. The vaccines are sometimes called CERVARIX® or GARDASIL®. The HPV vaccine is given as a three-dose series routinely to people from age 9-45. It was released in 2006.Yes (1)
No (0)
Doctor or another health care provider refused to give it to me when I asked for it (2)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow many HPV vaccine shots did you have?One (1)
Two (2)
Three (3)
I dont know (88)
LHESThe hepatitis A vaccine is given as a two-dose series routinely to some children starting at 1 year of age, and to some adults and people who travel outside the United States. Although it can be given as a combination vaccine with hepatitis B, it is different from the hepatitis B shot, and has only been available since 1995. Have you EVER received the hepatitis A vaccine?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER received the hepatitis B vaccine? This is given in three separate doses and has been available since 1991. It is recommended for newborn infants, adolescents, and people such as health care workers, who may be exposed to the hepatitis B virus. Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a pneumonia shot? This shot is usually given only once or twice in a person's lifetime and is different from the flu shot. It is also called the pneumococcal vaccine.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER had a meningitis shot? This shot is given only once or twice in a person's lifetime if you are HIV-negative. If you are living with HIV, it is usually given every five years. It is also called the meningococcal vaccine. Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESShingles is an outbreak of a rash or blisters on the skin that may be associated with severe pain. The pain is generally on one side of the body or face. Shingles is caused by the chicken pox virus. A vaccine for shingles has been available since May 2006. Have you EVER had the Zoster or Shingles vaccine, also called Zostavax®?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER masturbated? Masturbation is touching yourself for sexual pleasure.Yes (1)
No (2)
LHESHave you EVER engaged in any kind of sexual activity with another person?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER performed digital penetration (also called "fingering")? This means putting your fingers into someone's vagina or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones vagina (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER performed digital penetration (also called "fingering")? This means putting your fingers into someone's frontal genital opening or someone's anus or butt. (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones frontal genital opening (1)
Yes, I have had contact between my finger(s) and someones anus or butt (2)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER performed oral-anal sex (also called "rimming")? This means contact between your mouth and someone's anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER used sex toys (such as dildos, butt plugs) with a sexual partner? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I inserted the sex toy into someones body (1)
Yes, I received the sex toy into my body (2)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER performed oral sex? This means putting your mouth on another person's genitals. (Check all that apply.)Yes, on a person with a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) (1)
Yes, on a person with a vagina/frontal genital opening (2)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER received oral sex? This means someone put their mouth on your genitals.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had sex where your vagina is touching another person's vagina?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had sex where your frontal genital opening is touching another person's frontal genital opening?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had insertive vaginal sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had insertive frontal genital opening sex? This means putting your penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in someone's frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had receptive vaginal sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your vagina.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had receptive frontal genital opening sex? This means a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) in your frontal genital opening.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had anal sex? (Check all that apply.)Yes, I have had contact between my penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and someones anus or butt (also known as insertive anal sex or topping) (1)
Yes, I have had contact between someones penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and my anus or butt (also known as receptive anal sex or bottoming) (2)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER had receptive anal sex? This means contact between a penis/phallus (not including a prosthetic) and your anus or butt.Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHow old were you the first time you had any kind of sex with another person including vaginal, oral, and anal? (Do not include masturbation.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow old were you the first time you had any kind of sex with another person including frontal genital opening, oral, and anal? (Do not include masturbation.)Text Entry (-)
LHESIn your LIFETIME, with how many different people have you had any kind of sex? (Please enter whole numbers only. If you are unsure, please estimate as best you can.)Text Entry (-)
LHESIn your LIFETIME, what are the gender identities of the people that you had any sexual activity with? (Check all that apply.)Cisgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned male sex at birth) (1)
Cisgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned female sex at birth) (2)
Transgender man (identifies as a man and was assigned female sex at birth) (3)
Transgender woman (identifies as a woman and was assigned male sex at birth) (4)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned female sex at birth (5)
Genderqueer/non-binary/gender non-conforming individual(s) who were assigned male sex at birth (6)
People of gender(s) not mentioned here (please specify) (7)
People of gender(s) not mentioned here (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
Decline to state (0)
LHESExcept for tests that you may have had as part of blood donations, have you EVER been tested for HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESRegardless of your current HIV status, have you EVER taken anti-HIV medications (post-exposure prophylaxis or "PEP") after potentially being exposed to HIV?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESPrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) is when HIV-negative people take anti-HIV medications (like Truvada) on a regular basis to prevent HIV infection. Regardless of your current HIV status, have you EVER been on PrEP to prevent HIV infection?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHas a doctor or other health care professional EVER told you that you had any of the following? (Check all that apply.)Chlamydia (1)
Genital herpes (2)
Genital warts (3)
Gonorrhea, sometimes called GC or the clap (4)
HPV or human papillomavirus (5)
Syphilis (6)
None of these (0)
LHESHave you EVER been treated for an infection in your fallopian tubes, uterus or ovaries, also called a pelvic infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, or PID?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHas your sperm (also known as semen, cum, nut, ejaculate) EVER resulted in a pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow many pregnancies? (If you are unsure, please estimate.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER had a menstrual period?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow old were you when your menstrual period started? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you had at least one menstrual period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? Please do not include bleedings caused by medical conditions, hormone therapy, or surgeries.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWhat is the reason(s) that you have not had a period in the PAST 12 MONTHS? (Check all that apply.)Pregnancy (1)
Breastfeeding/chestfeeding (2)
Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) (3)
Menopause/change of life (4)
Hormones, medications, or devices (like an IUD) to stop my periods (5)
Other (please specify) (6)
Other (please specify) (TEXT)
I dont know (88)
LHESAbout how old were you when you had your last menstrual period? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER been pregnant? Please include any current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESAre you pregnant now?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHow many times have you been pregnant? (Please count all your pregnancies including current pregnancy, live births, miscarriages, stillbirths, tubal pregnancies, and abortions.) (Please enter "88" if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESDid any of your pregnancies result in a delivery?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHow many of your deliveries resulted in a live birth? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery].) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow many vaginal deliveries have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow many frontal genital opening deliveries have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow many cesarean deliveries, also known as C-sections, have you had? (Please count the number of deliveries [for example, twins count as 1 delivery] and please include stillbirths and live births.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.) Text Entry (-)
LHESHow many tubal pregnancies have you had? (A tubal pregnancy also known as an 'ectopic pregnancy' is a pregnancy that occurs in the fallopian tube.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow many miscarriages have you had? (A miscarriage is a pregnancy that ends naturally during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow many abortions have you had? (An abortion is a pregnancy that is ended during the first 6 months using medications, D&C, vacuum extraction, suction, and saline injections.) (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESHow old were you when you became pregnant with your first pregnancy? (Please enter “88” if you don't know.)Text Entry (-)
LHESPlease tell us the month and year of your FIRST live birth.January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESPlease tell us the month and year of your MOST RECENT live birth.January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESHave you EVER attempted to become pregnant over a period of at least a year without becoming pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER been to a doctor or other health care provider because you have been unable to become pregnant?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESAre you personally planning to be pregnant in the next year?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESHave you EVER used any type of method for birth control (prevention of pregnancy)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESPlease select the method(s) of birth control you have EVER used for prevention of pregnancy. (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, or Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (20)
LHESHave you EVER used any birth control method(s) for ANY reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWhat are the reasons that you have EVER used birth control (OTHER THAN pregnancy prevention)? (Check all that apply.)To affirm my gender (1)
To avoid getting a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) from someone else (2)
To avoid spreading a sexually-transmitted infection (STI) that I have (3)
To avoid symptoms associated with my period like: chest tenderness, bloating, acne, pain from cramping, heavy bleeding (sometimes referred to as pre-menstrual syndrome or PMS) (4)
To stop having a period/reduce the amount of bleeding (5)
Prevent hair growth (hirsutism) (6)
To reduce chronic pelvic pain (including endometriosis) (7)
To treat another medical condition (8)
Not listed (please specify) (9)
Not listed (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
LHESPlease select the birth control method(s) you have EVER used for any reason OTHER THAN prevention of pregnancy? (Check all that apply.)Abstinence (no sex with a person who produces sperm that could result in pregnancy) (1)
Condoms (2)
Diaphragm (3)
Arm implant (4)
Injection (5)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Copper -- has no hormones (6)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Mirena, Skyla, Liletta -- has hormones (7)
Intrauterine Device (IUD) -- Im not sure what type (8)
Menopause (9)
Pill (10)
Rhythm method (11)
Spermicide (12)
Sponge (13)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization (e.g., tubal ligation, tubes tied) (14)
Surgical (permanent) sterilization of your partner (e.g., vasectomy) (15)
Patch/transdermal (16)
Vaginal ring (17)
Withdrawal (18)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (19)
Another method not listed here (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
LHESHave you EVER breast/chest fed a child?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWere the children that you breast/chest fed born as a result of…?My own pregnancy and delivery (1)
Another persons pregnancy and delivery (2)
Both, I have breast/chest fed both a child that I have delivered as well as a child that another person delivered (3)
LHESHave you EVER engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for money (sex work) or worked in the sex industry (such as erotic dancing, webcam work, or porn films)?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhat type of sex work or work in the sex industry have you EVER done? (Check all that apply.)SEXWORK1 (1)
SEXWORK10 (10)
SEXWORK11 (11)
LHESHave you EVER engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for a place to sleep?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for drugs?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER engaged in sex or sexual activity in exchange for food?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESHave you EVER used the following drugs/supplements for the purpose of enhancing appearance or performance? (Check all that apply.)Anabolic Steroids (1)
Protein supplements (such as whey protein, protein shakes, protein bars) (2)
Creatine supplements (including creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, and others (3)
Synthetic muscle enhancers (such as testosterone replacement therapy, clenbuterol, human growth hormone) (4)
Diuretics/water pills (such as furosemide (Lasix, hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, and others) (5)
I have never used these drugs or supplements. (0)
LHESI use anabolic steroids primarily forPerformance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
LHESIn the PAST 28 DAYS, I have used anabolic steroids for approximately: No days (0)
1-5 days (1)
6-12 days (2)
13-15 days (3)
16-22 days (4)
23-27 days (5)
Every day (6)
LHESI use the protein supplements (such as whey protein, protein shakes, protein bars) primarily forPerformance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
LHESIn the PAST 28 DAYS, I have used protein supplements (such as whey protein, protein shakes, protein bars) for approximately:No days (0)
1-5 days (1)
6-12 days (2)
13-15 days (3)
16-22 days (4)
23-27 days (5)
Every day (6)
LHESI use creatine supplements (including creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, and others) primarily forPerformance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
LHESIn the PAST 28 DAYS, I have used creatine supplements (including creatine monohydrate, creatine ethyl ester, and others) for approximately: No days (0)
1-5 days (1)
6-12 days (2)
13-15 days (3)
16-22 days (4)
23-27 days (5)
Every day (6)
LHESI use synthetic muscle enhancers (such as testosterone replacement therapy, clenbuterol, human growth hormone) primarily for:Performance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
LHESIn the PAST 28 DAYS, I have used synthetic muscle enhancers (such as testosterone replacement therapy, clenbuterol, human growth hormone) for approximately: No days (0)
1-5 days (1)
6-12 days (2)
13-15 days (3)
16-22 days (4)
23-27 days (5)
Every day (6)
LHESI use diuretics/water pills (such as furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, and others) primarily forPerformance (including athletic performance) (1)
Appearance (2)
Both performance and appearance (3)
Neither performance or appearance (4)
LHESIn the PAST 28 DAYS, I have used diuretics/water pills (such as furosemide (Lasix), hydrochlorothiazide, spironolactone, and others) for approximately: No days (0)
1-5 days (1)
6-12 days (2)
13-15 days (3)
16-22 days (4)
23-27 days (5)
Every day (6)
LHESYou have completed the Physical Health section! This is one of 4 sections! WOOHOO - another one done! Each section you fill out helps us understand LGBTQ people's unique lives and health experiences as we work towards helping LGBTQ people thrive. Thank you for bringing us closer to health equity for LGBTQ people.No Answers
LHESIn what ZIP code did you spend most of your childhood (until age 18)? (If you do not remember or if it was not within the United States, please leave blank.)Text Entry (-)
LHESPlease provide the city and state (and country if outside the United States) where you spent most of your childhood (until age 18).Text Entry (-)
LHESWhat is your citizenship or immigration status in the U.S.? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. You can choose to skip this question if you desire, but filling out this question will help us understand more about your health and the health of our communities. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).U.S. citizen by birth (1)
U.S. citizen by naturalization (2)
Permanent resident (Green card holder) (3)
A visa holder (such as F-1, J-1, H-1B, and U) (4)
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) (5)
Refugee status (6)
Undocumented resident (7)
Currently under a withholding of removal status (8)
Other documented status not mentioned above (9)
Id prefer not to disclose this (10)
LHESHave you EVER served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces, Reserves, or National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. You can choose to skip this question if you desire, but filling out this question will help us understand more about your health and the health of our communities. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena).Now on active duty (1)
Only on active duty for training in the Reserves or National Guard (2)
On active duty in the past but not now (3)
Never served in the military (0)
LHESAre you still serving in the military including Reserves and National Guard? As a reminder, your answers are confidential and cannot be used against you. You can choose to skip this question if you desire, but filling out this question will help us understand more about your health and the health of our communities. To protect your privacy, we have obtained a Certificate of Confidentiality from the National Institutes of Health. We can use this Certificate to legally refuse to disclose information that may identify you in any federal, state, or local civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or other proceedings (for example, if there is a court subpoena). Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESWhat is your current or most recent branch of service?Air Force (1)
Air Force Reserve (2)
Air National Guard (3)
Army (4)
Army Reserve (5)
Army National Guard (6)
Coast Guard (7)
Coast Guard Reserve (8)
Marine Corps (9)
Marine Corps Reserve (10)
Navy (11)
Navy Reserve (12)
LHESWhen did you begin your military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESWhen did you separate from military service? (If you can't recall precisely, please estimate.)January (1)
January 2020 (2)
January 2019 (3)
January 2018 (4)
January 2017 (5)
January 2016 (6)
January 2015 (7)
January 2014 (8)
January 2013 (9)
January 2012 (10)
January 2011 (11)
January 2010 (12)
January 2009 (13)
January 2008 (14)
January 2007 (15)
January 2006 (16)
January 2005 (17)
January 2004 (18)
January 2003 (19)
January 2002 (20)
January 2001 (21)
January 2000 (22)
January 1999 (23)
January 1998 (24)
January 1997 (25)
January 1996 (26)
January 1995 (27)
January 1994 (28)
January 1993 (29)
January 1992 or earlier (30)
January I dont know/remember (31)
February (32)
February 2020 (33)
February 2019 (34)
February 2018 (35)
February 2017 (36)
February 2016 (37)
February 2015 (38)
February 2014 (39)
February 2013 (40)
February 2012 (41)
February 2011 (42)
February 2010 (43)
February 2009 (44)
February 2008 (45)
February 2007 (46)
February 2006 (47)
February 2005 (48)
February 2004 (49)
February 2003 (50)
February 2002 (51)
February 2001 (52)
February 2000 (53)
February 1999 (54)
February 1998 (55)
February 1997 (56)
February 1996 (57)
February 1995 (58)
February 1994 (59)
February 1993 (60)
February 1992 or earlier (61)
February I dont know/remember (62)
March (63)
March 2020 (64)
March 2019 (65)
March 2018 (66)
March 2017 (67)
March 2016 (68)
March 2015 (69)
March 2014 (70)
March 2013 (71)
March 2012 (72)
March 2011 (73)
March 2010 (74)
March 2009 (75)
March 2008 (76)
March 2007 (77)
March 2006 (78)
March 2005 (79)
March 2004 (80)
March 2003 (81)
March 2002 (82)
March 2001 (83)
March 2000 (84)
March 1999 (85)
March 1998 (86)
March 1997 (87)
March 1996 (88)
March 1995 (89)
March 1994 (90)
March 1993 (91)
March 1992 or earlier (92)
March I dont know/remember (93)
April (94)
April 2020 (95)
April 2019 (96)
April 2018 (97)
April 2017 (98)
April 2016 (99)
April 2015 (100)
April 2014 (101)
April 2013 (102)
April 2012 (103)
April 2011 (104)
April 2010 (105)
April 2009 (106)
April 2008 (107)
April 2007 (108)
April 2006 (109)
April 2005 (110)
April 2004 (111)
April 2003 (112)
April 2002 (113)
April 2001 (114)
April 2000 (115)
April 1999 (116)
April 1998 (117)
April 1997 (118)
April 1996 (119)
April 1995 (120)
April 1994 (121)
April 1993 (122)
April 1992 or earlier (123)
April I dont know/remember (124)
May (125)
May 2020 (126)
May 2019 (127)
May 2018 (128)
May 2017 (129)
May 2016 (130)
May 2015 (131)
May 2014 (132)
May 2013 (133)
May 2012 (134)
May 2011 (135)
May 2010 (136)
May 2009 (137)
May 2008 (138)
May 2007 (139)
May 2006 (140)
May 2005 (141)
May 2004 (142)
May 2003 (143)
May 2002 (144)
May 2001 (145)
May 2000 (146)
May 1999 (147)
May 1998 (148)
May 1997 (149)
May 1996 (150)
May 1995 (151)
May 1994 (152)
May 1993 (153)
May 1992 or earlier (154)
May I dont know/remember (155)
June (156)
June 2020 (157)
June 2019 (158)
June 2018 (159)
June 2017 (160)
June 2016 (161)
June 2015 (162)
June 2014 (163)
June 2013 (164)
June 2012 (165)
June 2011 (166)
June 2010 (167)
June 2009 (168)
June 2008 (169)
June 2007 (170)
June 2006 (171)
June 2005 (172)
June 2004 (173)
June 2003 (174)
June 2002 (175)
June 2001 (176)
June 2000 (177)
June 1999 (178)
June 1998 (179)
June 1997 (180)
June 1996 (181)
June 1995 (182)
June 1994 (183)
June 1993 (184)
June 1992 or earlier (185)
June I dont know/remember (186)
July (187)
July 2020 (188)
July 2019 (189)
July 2018 (190)
July 2017 (191)
July 2016 (192)
July 2015 (193)
July 2014 (194)
July 2013 (195)
July 2012 (196)
July 2011 (197)
July 2010 (198)
July 2009 (199)
July 2008 (200)
July 2007 (201)
July 2006 (202)
July 2005 (203)
July 2004 (204)
July 2003 (205)
July 2002 (206)
July 2001 (207)
July 2000 (208)
July 1999 (209)
July 1998 (210)
July 1997 (211)
July 1996 (212)
July 1995 (213)
July 1994 (214)
July 1993 (215)
July 1992 or earlier (216)
July I dont know/remember (217)
August (218)
August 2020 (219)
August 2019 (220)
August 2018 (221)
August 2017 (222)
August 2016 (223)
August 2015 (224)
August 2014 (225)
August 2013 (226)
August 2012 (227)
August 2011 (228)
August 2010 (229)
August 2009 (230)
August 2008 (231)
August 2007 (232)
August 2006 (233)
August 2005 (234)
August 2004 (235)
August 2003 (236)
August 2002 (237)
August 2001 (238)
August 2000 (239)
August 1999 (240)
August 1998 (241)
August 1997 (242)
August 1996 (243)
August 1995 (244)
August 1994 (245)
August 1993 (246)
August 1992 or earlier (247)
August I dont know/remember (248)
September (249)
September 2020 (250)
September 2019 (251)
September 2018 (252)
September 2017 (253)
September 2016 (254)
September 2015 (255)
September 2014 (256)
September 2013 (257)
September 2012 (258)
September 2011 (259)
September 2010 (260)
September 2009 (261)
September 2008 (262)
September 2007 (263)
September 2006 (264)
September 2005 (265)
September 2004 (266)
September 2003 (267)
September 2002 (268)
September 2001 (269)
September 2000 (270)
September 1999 (271)
September 1998 (272)
September 1997 (273)
September 1996 (274)
September 1995 (275)
September 1994 (276)
September 1993 (277)
September 1992 or earlier (278)
September I dont know/remember (279)
October (280)
October 2020 (281)
October 2019 (282)
October 2018 (283)
October 2017 (284)
October 2016 (285)
October 2015 (286)
October 2014 (287)
October 2013 (288)
October 2012 (289)
October 2011 (290)
October 2010 (291)
October 2009 (292)
October 2008 (293)
October 2007 (294)
October 2006 (295)
October 2005 (296)
October 2004 (297)
October 2003 (298)
October 2002 (299)
October 2001 (300)
October 2000 (301)
October 1999 (302)
October 1998 (303)
October 1997 (304)
October 1996 (305)
October 1995 (306)
October 1994 (307)
October 1993 (308)
October 1992 or earlier (309)
October I dont know/remember (310)
November (311)
November 2020 (312)
November 2019 (313)
November 2018 (314)
November 2017 (315)
November 2016 (316)
November 2015 (317)
November 2014 (318)
November 2013 (319)
November 2012 (320)
November 2011 (321)
November 2010 (322)
November 2009 (323)
November 2008 (324)
November 2007 (325)
November 2006 (326)
November 2005 (327)
November 2004 (328)
November 2003 (329)
November 2002 (330)
November 2001 (331)
November 2000 (332)
November 1999 (333)
November 1998 (334)
November 1997 (335)
November 1996 (336)
November 1995 (337)
November 1994 (338)
November 1993 (339)
November 1992 or earlier (340)
November I dont know/remember (341)
December (342)
December 2020 (343)
December 2019 (344)
December 2018 (345)
December 2017 (346)
December 2016 (347)
December 2015 (348)
December 2014 (349)
December 2013 (350)
December 2012 (351)
December 2011 (352)
December 2010 (353)
December 2009 (354)
December 2008 (355)
December 2007 (356)
December 2006 (357)
December 2005 (358)
December 2004 (359)
December 2003 (360)
December 2002 (361)
December 2001 (362)
December 2000 (363)
December 1999 (364)
December 1998 (365)
December 1997 (366)
December 1996 (367)
December 1995 (368)
December 1994 (369)
December 1993 (370)
December 1992 or earlier (371)
December I dont know/remember (372)
I dont know/remember (373)
I dont know/remember 2020 (374)
I dont know/remember 2019 (375)
I dont know/remember 2018 (376)
I dont know/remember 2017 (377)
I dont know/remember 2016 (378)
I dont know/remember 2015 (379)
I dont know/remember 2014 (380)
I dont know/remember 2013 (381)
I dont know/remember 2012 (382)
I dont know/remember 2011 (383)
I dont know/remember 2010 (384)
I dont know/remember 2009 (385)
I dont know/remember 2008 (386)
I dont know/remember 2007 (387)
I dont know/remember 2006 (388)
I dont know/remember 2005 (389)
I dont know/remember 2004 (390)
I dont know/remember 2003 (391)
I dont know/remember 2002 (392)
I dont know/remember 2001 (393)
I dont know/remember 2000 (394)
I dont know/remember 1999 (395)
I dont know/remember 1998 (396)
I dont know/remember 1997 (397)
I dont know/remember 1996 (398)
I dont know/remember 1995 (399)
I dont know/remember 1994 (400)
I dont know/remember 1993 (401)
I dont know/remember 1992 or earlier (402)
I dont know/remember I dont know/remember (403)
LHESWhat was your character of discharge?Entry level separation (1)
Honorable (2)
General (3)
Medical (4)
Other-than-honorable (5)
Bad conduct (6)
Dishonorable (7)
None of these (please specify) (8)
None of these (please specify) (TEXT)
LHESDid you EVER get any type of health care through the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?Yes (1)
No (0)
LHESDo you own a scale that can measure your weight? It does not need to be a digital scale or a "smart" scale that is connected to the Internet.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESDo you own an automatic (digital) blood pressure cuff that goes around your upper arm (not your wrist)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESDo you own a glucometer (a device that checks your blood sugar level using a small drop of blood obtained by a fingerstick)?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a saliva (spit) sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a urine (pee) sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a hair sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a blood sample?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESWould you be willing to participate in research studies that request that you submit a cheek scraping (where you gently scrape the inside of your cheek to get cells from inside your mouth)? This is also known as a buccal swab.Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESIf you have any specific ideas or concerns that you would like to share with us about giving biological samples to The PRIDE Study, please describe them here.Text Entry (-)
LHESHave you EVER done DNA genetic testing with any of the following companies? (Check all that apply.)23andMe (1)
AncestryDNA (2)
CRI Genetics (3)
FamilyTree DNA (4)
HomeDNA (5)
Living DNA (6)
MyHeritage DNA (7)
National Geographic Genographic Project (8)
Another company (please specify) (9)
Another company (please specify) (TEXT)
None of these (0)
LHESWould you be willing to share your DNA genetic testing results with The PRIDE Study?Yes (1)
No (0)
I dont know (88)
LHESIs there anything else you would like to share with us about your health or well-being?Text Entry (-)
LHESYOU ARE ALMOST DONE WITH THIS SURVEY - PLEASE READ BELOW AND THEN CLICK NEXT This is required in order for the system to mark your survey as "Complete." Thank you for completing the Lifetime Health & Experiences Questionnaire and for advancing scientific knowledge about the health of LGBTQ people! In addition to our commitment to communicating findings from the study back to our community in the future, we also want to connect our participants with some resources that may be helpful to them now. Please find below a list of websites, organizations, and hotlines that may be helpful in promoting LGBTQ people's health, safety, and wellbeing. - Find an LGBTQ center near you with Centerlink, The Community of LGBT Centers: - Find free HIV testing in your area through the Centers for Disease Control's GetTested program: - Find an LGBTQ -friendly doctor through GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBTQ Equality (the LGBTQ Healthcare Association): - Talk with someone 24/7 if you are in crisis or thinking of suicide: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255 - Talk with someone 24/7 if you need support related to being a survivor of sexual assault: National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-4673 TO LOG YOUR SURVEY AS COMPLETE, PLEASE ADVANCE TO NEXT SCREEN and then select "Back to DashboardNo Answers